14 research outputs found

    Kakvoća tjestenine bogate vlaknima, obogaćene prahom kore lubenice različitih veličina čestica

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    Research background. Watermelon rind, a by-product of watermelon juice processing, contains large amounts of dietary fibre and phenols with antioxidant capacity. The use of agro-industrial by-products would both improve economic benefits and reduce environmental emissions. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of the particle size of watermelon rind powder on the quality of high-fibre pasta. Experimental approach. The nutritional, physical and physicochemical quality of three samples of watermelon rind powder, sieved through three sieves with aperture size of 400, 210 and 149 μm, were analysed. Durum wheat semolina with watermelon rind powder mass fraction of 10 % were mixed and used to make pasta. Nutritional, textural and cooking quality, sensory acceptability, in vitro glycaemic index and antioxidant bioaccessibility of high-fibre pasta with added watermelon rind powder of different particle sizes were evaluated and compared. Results and conclusions. When the sieve aperture size was reduced from 400 to 149 µm, the soluble dietary fibre and total phenolic contents of watermelon rind powder were increased by 35 and 15 %, respectively, while its insoluble dietary fibre content was decreased by 21 %. Decrease in sieve aperture size from 410 to 149 µm reduced phenolic bioaccessibility of the fortified pasta from 63 to 57 %, but enhanced its predicted glycaemic index from 50 to 69. It also decreased the pasta hardness by 13 %, but improved its elongation rate and tensile strength by 13 and 40 %, respectively. The finer the particles of the watermelon rind powder, the longer the optimal cooking time, the higher the water absorption index, and the lower the cooking loss of the supplemented pasta. Consumers did not notice any significant differences in the overall acceptability among all pasta samples. Novelty and scientific contribution. The particle size of the watermelon rind powder had a major effect on nutritional value, texture and cooking quality of the fortified pasta. In particular, the predicted glycaemic index and antioxidant bioaccessibility of high-fibre pasta were significantly affected by the particle size of the dietary fibre material used in the recipe.Pozadina istraživanja. Kora lubenice, nusproizvod prerade soka lubenice, sadržava velike količine prehrambenih vlakana i fenola s antioksidacijskim svojstvima. Korištenjem agroindustrijskih nusproizvoda poboljšala bi se ekonomska učinkovitost procesa i smanjila emisija u okoliš. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila ispitati utjecaj veličine čestica praha kore lubenice na kakvoću tjestenine bogate vlaknima. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ispitane su nutritivna, fizikalna i fizikalno-kemijska kakvoća triju uzoraka praha kore lubenice, prosijanih kroz tri sita veličine otvora 400, 210 i 149 μm. Krupica od durum pšenice pomiješana s 10 % praha kore lubenice upotrijebljena je za izradu tjestenine. Procijenjeni su i uspoređeni sljedeći parametri: nutritivna i teksturalna kakvoća te ona nakon kuhanja, senzorska prihvatljivost, in vitro glikemijski indeks i antioksidacijska biološka raspoloživost tjestenine bogate vlaknima s dodatkom praha kore lubenice različitih veličina čestica. Rezultati i zaključci. Smanjenjem veličine otvora sita s 400 na 149 µm povećali su se udjel topljivih prehrambenih vlakana za 35 % i ukupni udjel fenola u prahu kore lubenice za 15 %, dok se udjel netopljivih prehrambenih vlakana smanjio za 21 %. Smanjenjem veličine otvora sita s 400 na 149 µm smanjila se biološka raspoloživost fenola iz obogaćene tjestenine sa 63 na 57 %, ali se njezin predviđeni glikemijski indeks povećao s 50 na 69. Također se smanjila tvrdoća tjestenine za 13 %, no poboljšala se njezina rastezljivost za 13 % i vlačna čvrstoća za 40 %. Što su čestice praha kore lubenice bile sitnije, to je dulje bilo optimalno vrijeme kuhanja, veći je bio indeks upijanja vode i manji gubitak proizvoda nastao kuhanjem. Potrošači nisu primijetili nikakve bitne razlike u ukupnoj prihvatljivosti uzoraka obogaćene tjestenine. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Veličina čestica praha kore lubenice uvelike je utjecala na nutritivnu vrijednost, teksturu i kakvoću obogaćene tjestenine nakon kuhanja. Konkretno, veličina čestica prehrambenih vlakana u materijalu korištenom u recepturi bitno je utjecala na predviđeni glikemijski indeks i antioksidacijsku biološku raspoloživost tjestenine bogate vlaknima

    Quality of cookies supplemented with various levels of turmeric by-product powder

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    Starch production from turmeric (Curcuma longa) generates residue, which contains different nutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. In this study, the by-product of turmeric starch production was dried at 50 ℃ to a moisture content of 11–12%, milled, passed through a 70-mesh sieve, and then added to cookie formulation to increase antioxidant content and activities of the fortified cookies. The ratio of turmeric by-product powder (TBP) in the cookie formulation was varied from 0 to 12%. The greater the TBP ratio in the cookie recipe was, the greater the contents of ash and dietary fiber and the antioxidant activities of the fortified cookies. At 12% TBP level, the total phenolic content, flavonoid content, 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl scavenging activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power of the fortified cookies were increased by 6.4, 5.5, 4.7, and 6.8 times, respectively, as compared to those of the cookies without TBP supplementation. The increase in TBP ratio also enhanced the product hardness and reduced its diameter, thickness, and overall acceptability. The cookies with 9% TBP ratio were rich in antioxidants and the sensory quality was acceptable. Turmeric by-product powder was a good ingredient for antioxidant fortification in cookie products

    Enzimatska obrada iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja i njihova primjena u proizvodnji čajnog peciva s velikim udjelom prehrambenih vlakana

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    Research background. By-products of food industry have been studied as sources of high fibre and antioxidant ingredients for healthy food products, because of their economic and environmental benefits. However, the soluble dietary fibre content of these materials is usually lower than the recommended value that is claimed to bring positive health effects. Enzymatic treatment could be an efficient method for modifying insoluble and soluble dietary fibre contents of these materials. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of enzymatic treatment conditions on soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre mass fractions in spent green tea leaves, and evaluate the quality of dough and cookies when different mass fractions of untreated and treated leaves were added to the recipe. Experimental approach. The mass fractions of soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre in spent tea leaf powder was evaluated after the leaves were treated with cellulase amount of 0−25 U/g for 0 to 2 h. Wheat flour was replaced by untreated and treated spent tea leaf powder at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% in cookie formulation. Textural properties of dough, proximate composition, physical properties and overall acceptability of cookies were analysed. Results and conclusions. The appropriate conditions for enzymatic treatment were enzyme loading of 20 U/g and biocatalytic time of 1.5 h, under which the mass fraction of soluble dietary fibre in spent tea leaves increased by 144.5% compared to that of the control sample. The addition of spent tea leaves led to the increase in dough hardness. Increase in the spent tea leaf amount also enhanced fibre mass fraction, antioxidant activity and hardness of cookies but reduced their overall acceptability. Moreover, the enzymatic treatment of spent tea leaves improved the soluble to total dietary fibre ratio of the cookies, which influenced their textural properties and health benefits. The cookies with added 20% untreated or treated spent tea leaves were overall accepted by the panel. Novelty and scientific contribution. For the first time, spent tea leaves have been treated with enzymes to improve their soluble to total dietary fibre ratio. The treated spent tea leaves are a new promising high-fibre antioxidant ingredient for cookie preparation.Pozadina istraživanja. Nusproizvodi prehrambene industrije ispituju se iz ekonomskih i ekoloških razloga kao izvori sastojaka s velikim udjelom prehrambenih vlakana i antioksidacijskim učinkom koji se mogu upotrijebiti u proizvodnji zdrave hrane. Međutim, udjel topljivih prehrambenih vlakana u nusproizvodima je obično manji od preporučenih vrijednosti koje mogu imati pozitivan učinak na zdravlje. Enzimatska obrada bi mogla biti učinkovita metoda modificiranja netopljivih i topljivih prehrambenih vlakana iz otpada prehrambene industrije. Svrha je ovog rada bila ispitati utjecaj različitih uvjeta enzimatske obrade na masene udjele topljivih, netopljivih i ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana u iskorištenim listićima zelenog čaja, te procijeniti kakvoću tijesta i čajnog peciva s dodatkom različitih masenih udjela obrađenih i neobrađenih listića. Eksperimentalni pristup. Maseni udjeli topljivih, netopljivih i ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana u prahu od iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja mjereni su nakon njihove obrade s 0–25 U/g celulaze tijekom 0 do 2 h. U smjesi za čajno pecivo je pšenično brašno zamijenjeno s 0, 10, 20, 30 i 40 % obrađenog ili neobrađenog praha iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja. Ispitani su tekstura tijesta te kemijski sastav, fizikalna svojstva i ukupna prihvatljivost dobivenog čajnog peciva. Rezultati i zaključci. Pri povoljnim uvjetima enzimatske obrade, a to su 20 U/g enzima i vrijeme trajanja biokatalitičkog procesa od 1,5 sata, maseni udjel topljivih prehrambenih vlakana u iskorištenim listićima zelenog čaja porastao je za 144,5 % u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom. Dodatkom iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja povećala se tvrdoća tijesta. Povećanjem količine listića čaja povećali su se i maseni udjel vlakana, antioksidacijska svojstva i tvrdoća čajnog peciva, ali se smanjila njihova prihvatljivost. Osim toga, enzimatskom se obradom iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja poboljšao omjer topljivih i ukupnih vlakana u čajnom pecivu, što je utjecalo na njegovu teksturu i pozitivan učinak na zdravlje. Panel ocjenjivača je okarakterizirao čajno pecivo s dodatkom 20 % obrađenih ili neobrađenih iskorištenih listića čaja kao prihvatljive. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Prvi put je enzimatskom obradom iskorištenih listića zelenog čaja poboljšan njihov omjer topljivih i ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana. Obrađeni iskorišteni listići zelenog čaja novi su obećavajući sastojak s antioksidacijskim svojstvima koji se može upotrijebiti u pripremi čajnog peciva

    Usporedba enzimske i ultrazvučne ekstrakcije albumina iz praha kondicioniranih sjemenki bundeve (Cucurbita pepo)

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    In this study, ultrasound- and enzyme-assisted extractions of albumin (water-soluble protein group) from defatted pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed powder were compared. Both advanced extraction techniques strongly increased the albumin yield in comparison with conventional extraction. The extraction rate was two times faster in the ultrasonic extraction than in the enzymatic extraction. However, the maximum albumin yield was 16 % higher when using enzymatic extraction. Functional properties of the pumpkin seed albumin concentrates obtained using the enzymatic, ultrasonic and conventional methods were then evaluated. Use of hydrolase for degradation of cell wall of the plant material did not change the functional properties of the albumin concentrate in comparison with the conventional extraction. The ultrasonic extraction enhanced water-holding, oil-holding and emulsifying capacities of the pumpkin seed albumin concentrate, but slightly reduced the foaming capacity, and emulsion and foam stability.U ovom su radu uspoređena dva postupka izolacije albumina, proteina topljivog u vodi, iz praha kondicioniranih sjemenki bundeve (Cucurbita pepo), i to ekstrakcijom pomoću ultrazvuka te pomoću enzima. U usporedbi s konvencionalnom ekstrakcijom, oba su postupka znatno povećala prinos albumina. Ultrazvučna je ekstrakcija bila dva puta brža od enzimske, međutim, najveći je prinos albumina od 16 % dobiven enzimskom ekstrakcijom. Ispitana su funkcionalna svojstva koncentrata albumina dobivenog iz sjemenki bundeve enzimskom, ultrazvučnom i konvencionalnom ekstrakcijom. Enzimska hidroliza nije utjecala na funkcionalna svojstva koncentrata albumina, za razliku od konvencionalne ekstrakcije. Ultrazvučnom su ekstrakcijom poboljšana svojstva zadržavanja vode i ulja te emulgiranja, a neznatno smanjena svojstva pjenjenja te stabilnost pjene i emulzije koncentrata albumina

    Influence of initial pH and sulfur dioxide content in must on wine fermentation by immobilized yeast in bacterial cellulose

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    In this study, wine fermentation was carried out by yeast immobilized in bacterial cellulose (BC). The initial pH and sulfur dioxide content in must were adjusted from 3.5 to 4.5, and from 12 ppm to 312 ppm, respectively. The results indicated that the maximum specific growth rate of the immobilized yeast was 1.17 – 1.39 times more than that of the free yeast. Besides, the sugar uptake rate and ethanol production rate of the immobilized yeast were 1.04 - 1.41 times and 1.05 – 1.35 times, respectively, more than those of the free yeast. However, the ethanol production yield of the immobilized yeast was similar or slightly lower than that of the free yeast in must with low initial pH or high sulfur dioxide content. Application of immobilized yeast to must fermentation produced wine with low pH and volatile acid content and this led to an improvement in physicochemical, microbiological and sensory quality of the final product.status: publishe

    Use of Cashew Apple Pomace Powder in Pasta Making: Effects of Powder Ratio on the Product Quality

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    The production of cashew apple juice generates fruit pomace which is rich in dietary fiber and phenolic compounds and shows high antioxidant capacity. In this research, the effects of different ratios of cashew apple pomace powder (CAPP) in the pasta formulation on the product quality were investigated. Increase in CAPP level in the pasta recipe from 0 to 20% enhanced the total dietary fiber and total phenolic content of the product by 4.1 times and 11.8 times, respectively, as well as improved the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power by 18.2 times and 28.6 times, respectively. Nevertheless, the increased level of CAPP in the pasta recipe resulted in decreased cooking quality, textural properties and overall acceptability of the pasta. Pasta sample with 10% CAPP level in the recipe was considered high-fiber food with acceptable sensory quality. Therefore, CAPP may be considered a promising source of dietary fiber and antioxidants for the development of healthy food products

    Effects of Mulberry Pomace Addition and Transglutaminase Treatment on the Quality of Pasta Enriched with Antioxidants and Dietary Fiber

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    Mulberry pomace powder, a by-product of mulberry juice processing, was added to pasta recipe to make pasta with high dietary fiber and antioxidant contents. The effects of mulberry pomace ratio on the nutritional, textural and cooking properties as well as the sensory overall acceptance of the product were investigated. A significant increment in dietary fiber and total anthocyanin contents as well as decrement in cooking quality, texture and color change were observed. The cooking loss increased with the substitution level of mulberry pomace while the optimal cooking time, swelling index and water absorption index decreased. The quality improvement of 10% mulberry pomace fortified pasta was investigated by adding a transglutaminase preparation with enzyme dosage from 0.25 to 1.00 U/g protein. The fortified pasta treated with transglutaminase at 0.50 U/g protein showed a significant improvement in chewiness, tensile strength and elongation rate but was not significantly affected in terms of the swelling index and water absorption. The use of transglutaminase also improved the overall acceptability of the fortified pasta. Mulberry pomace powder may, therefore, be considered a potential antioxidant-rich and dietary fiber-rich material for incorporation into pasta products