8 research outputs found

    Финансовые риски в деятельности организации (на примере ООО «Зубная аптека»)

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    Объектом исследования является деятельность ООО "Зубная аптека" (г. Томск) Предметом исследования являются финансовые риски в деятельности организации. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка рекомендаций по снижению финансовых рисков в деятельности организации на примере ООО "Зубная аптека". В результате исследования: рассмотрена сущность финансового риска, методики оценки финансовых рисков, рассмотрены механизмы нейтрализации финансовых рисков; изучена характеристика деятельности ООО "Зубная аптека", проведен анализ и оценка финансовых рисков, разработаны общие рекомендации по снижению финансовых рисков в деятельности организации.The object of the study is the activity of LLC "Dental Pharmacy" (Zubnaya Apteka LLC (Tomsk). The subject of the study is the financial risks in the organization's activities. The purpose of the final qualification work is to develop recommendations for reducing financial risks in the organization's activities on the example of LLC "Dental Pharmacy". As a result of the study: the essence of financial risk, methods of assessing financial risks, mechanisms for neutralizing financial risks are considered; the characteristics of the activities of LLC "Dental Pharmacy" are studied, the analysis and assessment of financial risks are carried out, general recommendations for reducing financial risks in the organization's activities are developed

    The mutual influence of strain fields and point defect distributions in krypton implanted polycrystalline titanium

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 155-182).Stress migration of point and open-volume defects in materials is an important problem in a wide variety of applications, such as degradation of metallic interconnects in semiconductor devices, metal fatigue, and radiation damage profiles in ion implantation and surface modification. From a fundamental research view point, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the basic processes underlying the effect of stress assisted diffusion of foreign interstitial atoms under stress fields, using the Rutherford backscattering to obtain depth profiles, and synchroton radiation diffraction for the determination of stress fields. This has been achieved by creating a well designed model system of krypton implanted polycrystalline titanium

    Formation and characterization of pulsed laser ablated magnetoresistive material

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this investigation the formation of thin film manganites and their electrical characteristics is studied. In order to see the effect of oxidation states on magneto-resistivity, 80% of Mn is replaced by Fe. Pulsed laser deposition (3 J/cm2), carried out in oxygen partial pressures ranging from 0.01 mbar to 1.00 mbar was used to fabricate the thin films from two target compositions, namely La2CaMn2.94Feo.0609 and La2CaMno.6Fe2.409. Films were deposited on Si, MgO, SrTi03 and LaAl03 single crystal substrates. Samples were characterized by RBS, AFM, SEM, and XRD. Electrical measurements were also carried out. One of the main characterization techniques in this investigation is Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS). It has been shown that RBS is a very powerful characterization technique when used in conjunction with the RUMP simulation program. The effect of various parameters can be determined beforehand by RUMP simulation of the thin film structures to be investigated. Simulation shows that RBS is an excellent characterization tool for determining film thickness and stoichiometry. The role of oxygen uptake in La2CaMn3_xFexOg was investigated as the oxidation states of elements in manganite materials have a large effect on their magnetoresistive properties. The height of the La signal can be used as a measure of the oxygen content. RBS spectra of films deposited on single crystal silicon substrates at different ambient pressures show that the fit between simulated and measured RBS spectra improves with higher oxygen pressures, thereby indicating better quality manganite material. The RBS spectra also show that the films have good stoichiometry. Atomic force microscopy was used to determine the roughness of the thin films. The annealed film (average roughness 4.5 nm) shows a surface smoother than the non-annealed film (average roughness 5.3 nm). SEM measurements show that in the case of samples having a high Fe content, the crystallite size varies between about 0.04 11m and 0.10 11m, while for samples with high manganese content, the crystallinity varies between 0.03 jJ,m and 0.06jLm. Manganites were analyzed using Bragg-Brentano (28) X-ray diffraction. Measurements show that manganite films cannot be grown epitaxially on Si and MgO single crystals due to a large lattice mismatch. In the case of SrTi03 and LaAl03 several reflections and sharp peaks from the film can be seen, indicating reasonable epitaxial growth. SEM measurements of the samples however show polycrystallinity. Complete epitaxy has thus not occurred, but many grains have an epitaxial orientation. Resistance versus temperature (the room temperature to about 100 K) in zero magnetic field was measured for a La2CaMno.06Fe2.409 thin film and maximum resistance corresponding to about 108 K was found. At higher temperatures the resistance decreases as temperature increases. The manganite thin film therefore shows semiconductor behaviour. Resistance measurements carried out at different magnetic fields (0 - 1 T) show a small positive magnetoresistance of 0.83 %. Usually the magnetoresistance phenomenon is measured at higher magnetic fields and this could be the reason for our low value as well as the fact that the iron content could be too high.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie ondersoek is die formasie en karakterisering van dunlagie manganiete ondersoek. Om die effek van oksidasie-toestand op magnetoresistiwiteit te bepaal, is 80% van die Mn verplaas deur Fe. Pulseerde laser deposissie(3 J/cm2), is uitgevoer by 'n parsiële suurstof druk tussen 0.10 en 1.00 mbar deur gebruik te maak van La2Ca Mn2.94Feo.o609 en La2CaMno.6Fe2.409 teiken skywe. Dunlagies was gedeponeer op Si, MgO, SrTi03 en LaAl03 enkelkristal substrate. Die dunlagies is daarna ge-karakteriseer met behulp van Rutherford terugverstrooing (RBS), atoom krag mikroskopie(AFM), skandeer elektronmikroskopie (SEM) en xstraal diffraksie(XRD). Elektriese metings is ook uitgevoer. Een van die hoof tegnieke wat gebruik is in hierdie ondersoek is Rutherford terugverstrooing (RBS) van 2 Mev alfa-deeltjies. In hierdie navorsing is aangetoon dat RBS saam met spektra simulasie(RUMP), 'n besondere kragtige metode is om die stoichiometrie en dikte van manganiet lagies te bepaal. Die rol van die opname van suurstof in die dunlagies was ondersoek, aangesien die oksidasie toestand van manganiet lagies 'n groot effek het op hulle magnetoresistiwiteit. Die hoogte van die La sein is gebruik as 'n maatstaf van suurstof inhoud. RBS spektra van dunlagies gevorm op enkelkristal silikon substrate by verskillende parsiële suurstof drukke wys dat die passing tussen gemete en gesimuleerde spektra verbeter by hoër suurstof drukke, wat beter kwaliteit manganiet materiaal aandui. Die RBS spektra het ook aangetoon dat die stoichiometrie van die lagies uitstekend is. Atoom krag mikroskopie(AFM) is gebruik om die grofheid van die oppervlaktes van die dunlagies te bepaal. Lagies wat by 750 grade celsius uitgegloei is ( gemiddelde gladheid van 4.5 nm) was gladder as films wat nie na ablasie uitgegloei is nie (gemiddelde gladheid van 5.3 nm). SEM metings toon ook dat dunlagies met 'n hoë Fe inhoud 'n kristalliet deursnit het van 0.04 tot 0.10 mikrometer en die met 'n hoë mangaan inhoud 'n poli-kristalliniteit het van tussen 0.03 en 0.06 mikrometer het. Bragg-Brentano(twee-theta) X-straal diffraksie meting wys dat manganiet films nie epitaksieël op Si en MgO enkelkristal substrate gevorm kan word nie, weens 'n groot verskil in die kristal-rooster parameters. SEM metings van die monsters wys polikristalliniteit. Algehele epitaksie het dus nie plaasgevind nie, maar verskeie kristalliete het 'n epitaksiële orientasie. Weerstand metings is gemaak by temperature so laag as 100 Kelvin vir La2CaMno.o6Fe2.409dunlagies en 'n maksimum weerstand is by 108 Kelvin gevind. By hoër temperature het die weerstand afgeneem soos die temperatuur toeneem, wat halfgeleier gedrag aandui. Weerstand metings by verskillende magneetvelde (0 tot I Tesla) wys 'n klein magnetoresistiwiteits effek van 0.83%. Gewoonlik word magnetoresistiwiteit gemeet by hoë magneet velde (ongeveer 6 Tesla). Dit, sowel as die hoë Fe samestelling van die monsters kan die rede wees vir die lae magnetoresistiwiteit wat waargeneem word

    Solution of near-field thermal radiation in one-dimensional layered media using dyadic Green's functions and the scattering matrix method

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.A general algorithm is introduced for the analysis of near-field radiative heat transfer in one-dimensional multi-layered structures. The method is based on the solution of dyadic Green's functions, where the amplitude of the fields in each layer is calculated via a scattering matrix approach. Several tests are presented where cubic boron nitride is used in the simulations. It is shown that a film emitter thicker than 1 μm provides the same spectral distribution of near-field radiative flux as obtained from a bulk emitter. Further simulations have pointed out that the presence of a body in close proximity to an emitter can alter the near-field spectrum emitted. This algorithm can be employed to study thermal one-dimensional layered media and photonic crystals in the near-field in order to design radiators optimizing the performances of nanoscale-gap thermophotovoltaic power generators.US Department of Energy ; Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundatio