2,119 research outputs found

    How Unsplittable-Flow-Covering helps Scheduling with Job-Dependent Cost Functions

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    Generalizing many well-known and natural scheduling problems, scheduling with job-specific cost functions has gained a lot of attention recently. In this setting, each job incurs a cost depending on its completion time, given by a private cost function, and one seeks to schedule the jobs to minimize the total sum of these costs. The framework captures many important scheduling objectives such as weighted flow time or weighted tardiness. Still, the general case as well as the mentioned special cases are far from being very well understood yet, even for only one machine. Aiming for better general understanding of this problem, in this paper we focus on the case of uniform job release dates on one machine for which the state of the art is a 4-approximation algorithm. This is true even for a special case that is equivalent to the covering version of the well-studied and prominent unsplittable flow on a path problem, which is interesting in its own right. For that covering problem, we present a quasi-polynomial time (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm that yields an (e+ϵ)(e+\epsilon)-approximation for the above scheduling problem. Moreover, for the latter we devise the best possible resource augmentation result regarding speed: a polynomial time algorithm which computes a solution with \emph{optimal }cost at 1+ϵ1+\epsilon speedup. Finally, we present an elegant QPTAS for the special case where the cost functions of the jobs fall into at most logn\log n many classes. This algorithm allows the jobs even to have up to logn\log n many distinct release dates.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    SPEDEN: Reconstructing single particles from their diffraction patterns

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    Speden is a computer program that reconstructs the electron density of single particles from their x-ray diffraction patterns, using a single-particle adaptation of the Holographic Method in crystallography. (Szoke, A., Szoke, H., and Somoza, J.R., 1997. Acta Cryst. A53, 291-313.) The method, like its parent, is unique that it does not rely on ``back'' transformation from the diffraction pattern into real space and on interpolation within measured data. It is designed to deal successfully with sparse, irregular, incomplete and noisy data. It is also designed to use prior information for ensuring sensible results and for reliable convergence. This article describes the theoretical basis for the reconstruction algorithm, its implementation and quantitative results of tests on synthetic and experimentally obtained data. The program could be used for determining the structure of radiation tolerant samples and, eventually, of large biological molecular structures without the need for crystallization.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Progress in Three-Dimensional Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging

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    The Fourier inversion of phased coherent diffraction patterns offers images without the resolution and depth-of-focus limitations of lens-based tomographic systems. We report on our recent experimental images inverted using recent developments in phase retrieval algorithms, and summarize efforts that led to these accomplishments. These include ab-initio reconstruction of a two-dimensional test pattern, infinite depth of focus image of a thick object, and its high-resolution (~10 nm resolution) three-dimensional image. Developments on the structural imaging of low density aerogel samples are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, X-Ray Microscopy 2005, Himeji, Japa

    Elastic and Raman scattering of 9.0 and 11.4 MeV photons from Au, Dy and In

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    Monoenergetic photons between 8.8 and 11.4 MeV were scattered elastically and in elastically (Raman) from natural targets of Au, Dy and In.15 new cross sections were measured. Evidence is presented for a slight deformation in the 197Au nucleus, generally believed to be spherical. It is predicted, on the basis of these measurements, that the Giant Dipole Resonance of Dy is very similar to that of 160Gd. A narrow isolated resonance at 9.0 MeV is observed in In.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    The devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials ontology (DEB): a tool for mapping, annotation, and analysis of biomaterials' data

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    The size and complexity of the biomaterials literature makes systematic data analysis an excruciating manual task. A practical solution is creating databases and information resources. Implant design and biomaterials research can greatly benefit from an open database for systematic data retrieval. Ontologies are pivotal to knowledge base creation, serving to represent and organize domain knowledge. To name but two examples, GO, the gene ontology, and CheBI, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology and their associated databases are central resources to their respective research communities. The creation of the devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials ontology (DEB), an open resource for organizing information about biomaterials, their design, manufacture, and biological testing, is described. It is developed using text analysis for identifying ontology terms from a biomaterials gold standard corpus, systematically curated to represent the domain's lexicon. Topics covered are validated by members of the biomaterials research community. The ontology may be used for searching terms, performing annotations for machine learning applications, standardized meta-data indexing, and other cross-disciplinary data exploitation. The input of the biomaterials community to this effort to create data-driven open-access research tools is encouraged and welcomed.Preprin

    Facilitating the analysis of COVID-19 literature through a knowledge graph

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    At the end of 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) of the outbreak of a new strain of the coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, which struck humanity by an unprecedented disaster a few months later. In response to this pandemic, a publicly available dataset was released on Kaggle which contained information of over 63,000 papers. In order to facilitate the analysis of this large mass of literature, we have created a knowledge graph based on this dataset. Within this knowledge graph, all information of the original dataset is linked together, which makes it easier to search for relevant information. The knowledge graph is also enriched with additional links to appropriate, already existing external resources. In this paper, we elaborate on the different steps performed to construct such a knowledge graph from structured documents. Moreover, we discuss, on a conceptual level, several possible applications and analyses that can be built on top of this knowledge graph. As such, we aim to provide a resource that allows people to more easily build applications that give more insights into the COVID-19 pandemic

    Theoretical Spectra and Atmospheres of Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    We present a comprehensive theory of the spectra and atmospheres of irradiated extrasolar giant planets. We explore the dependences on stellar type, orbital distance, cloud characteristics, planet mass, and surface gravity. Phase-averaged spectra for specific known extrasolar giant planets that span a wide range of the relevant parameters are calculated, plotted, and discussed. The connection between atmospheric composition and emergent spectrum is explored in detail. Furthermore, we calculate the effect of stellar insolation on brown dwarfs. We review a variety of representative observational techniques and programs for their potential for direct detection, in light of our theoretical expectations, and we calculate planet-to-star flux ratios as a function of wavelength. Our results suggest which spectral features are most diagnostic of giant planet atmospheres and reveal the best bands in which to image planets of whatever physical or orbital characteristics.Comment: 47 pages, plus 36 postscript figures; with minor revisions, accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, May 10, 2003 issu

    On the Relationship Between Complex Potentials and Strings of Projection Operators

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    It is of interest in a variety of contexts, and in particular in the arrival time problem, to consider the quantum state obtained through unitary evolution of an initial state regularly interspersed with periodic projections onto the positive xx-axis (pulsed measurements). Echanobe, del Campo and Muga have given a compelling but heuristic argument that the state thus obtained is approximately equivalent to the state obtained by evolving in the presence of a certain complex potential of step-function form. In this paper, with the help of the path decomposition expansion of the associated propagators, we give a detailed derivation of this approximate equivalence. The propagator for the complex potential is known so the bulk of the derivation consists of an approximate evaluation of the propagator for the free particle interspersed with periodic position projections. This approximate equivalence may be used to show that to produce significant reflection, the projections must act at time spacing less than 1/E, where E is the energy scale of the initial state.Comment: 29 pages, LaTex, 4 figures. Substantial revision