6 research outputs found
Gender Discourse – Representation of Ideas about the Distribution of Gender Roles
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the insufficient level of investigation of gender discourse, in particular, in translation studies, understanding the feminine and masculine aspects when analysing the content of the text through the use of linguistic tools and techniques. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of two translations at the level of phonetic, morphological, grammatical, syntactic, and stylistic means, analysis of translation strategy in such aspects as the accuracy (adequacy) of reproduction of folk realia, the use of emotional and evaluative vocabulary, metaphorical and aphoristic thinking, the use of techniques of foreignization and domestication of language resources. The main method is a theoretical approach to understanding the concepts of gender, gender stereotypes, cultural turn, postcolonial development of literature and feminist discourse, and a comparative linguistic analysis of the linguistic tools used in both translations. This paper focuses on the intralingual and extralingual means of gender identity, reveals the main aspects of the study of masculine and feminine discourse through the use of various mechanisms at the language level to convey national realia, and examines the key aspects of the communication strategy of male and female translators. The materials presented in this paper would facilitate further research of gender issues in the context of the modern reading of literary texts, analysis of world influences on cultural space and language adaptation of translation with the selection of full and incomplete correspondences, and understanding the possibilities of a particular national language to reproduce the content and form of a literary work made in the original
Assessment of Innovation and Investment Attractiveness of the Western Ukrainian Regional Market of Tourist Services
Methodological approaches to assessing the level of innovation and investment attractiveness of the Western Ukrainian market of tourist services (WUMTS) substantiated the dependence of WUMTS on investment factors analyzed the level of competitiveness of WUMTS. In order to determine the level of dependence (independence) of WUMTS on investment and innovation factors, a paired linear regression was built for each of the regions (regions) included in the WUMTS, Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Zakarpattia, I. Frankivsk, Chernivtsi). In order to eliminate the disproportionate impact of the size of the impact of tourist services (the so-called effect of scale), the studied absolute indicators were converted into relative (growth rate). To assess the innovation and investment attractiveness of WUMTS, it was decided to apply methodological approaches to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of state and regional policy with further improvement in several groups of indicators, monitoring and evaluation of innovation, investment, and social development of the studied areas. Data, information of central executive bodies, regional state administrations, etc. The assessment of WUMTS development indicators was carried out by calculating the rating for each area and the overall rating for all areas. The rating assessment was performed by comparing the deviations of the values of indicators for each specific region under the conditions of the best values for the relevant (reporting) period and the corresponding ranking of regions from 1st to 8th position. As a result of calculations, the integrated rating was determined as the arithmetic means of the sum of ratings in all areas using the formula. The competitiveness of regional tourism markets should be assessed comprehensively, where two groups of indicators should be used to determine the competitiveness of an individual region: indicators of the tourism market and indicators of development of the region as a whole
Efektywność funkcjonowania rynku energii elektrycznej zachodniego regionu Ukrainy
Scientists are focusing on the introduction of various types of renewable energy sources and the liberalization of energy markets in the regions of the country. The problems of preventing the achievement of goals and various strategies to achieve maximum energy conservation and overcoming the current economic and environmental crisis in Ukraine also remain unresolved. We can observe the experience of the leading countries in the electricity sector, which proves that reforming the electricity sector in Ukraine is inevitable. This, in turn, is a critical factor in stimulating economic and social growth and improving the competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine. Given the above, the necessity for the study of the level of efficiency (competitiveness) and the functioning of the regional energy markets of Ukraine is obvious. This study shows that the efficiency of electricity in the western region is relatively low due to the lack of competition, the presence of an ineffective system of subsidizing the population with cheap resources, the non-transparency of trade operations, excessive regulation of state generation, the lack of a “balanced” system of market functioning, etc.Naukowcy koncentrują się na wprowadzaniu różnego rodzaju odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz liberalizacji rynków energii poszczególnych regionach. Nierozwiązane pozostają również problemy zapobiegania realizacji celów i różnych strategii osiągnięcia maksymalnej oszczędności energii oraz przezwyciężenia obecnego kryzysu gospodarczego i ekologicznego na Ukrainie. Obserwujemy doświadczenia wiodących krajów w sektorze elektroenergetycznym, które dowodzą, że reforma sektora elektroenergetycznego na Ukrainie jest nieunikniona. To z kolei jest kluczowym czynnikiem stymulującym wzrost gospodarczy i społeczny oraz poprawę konkurencyjności wśród regionów Ukrainy. Wobec powyższego oczywista jest konieczność badania poziomu efektywności (konkurencyjności) oraz funkcjonowania regionalnych rynków energii Ukrainy. Niniejsze opracowanie pokazuje, że wydajność energii elektrycznej w regionie zachodnim jest stosunkowo niska ze względu na brak konkurencji, istnienie nieefektywnego systemu subsydiowania ludności tanimi surowcami, nieprzejrzystość operacji handlowych, nadmierną regulację wytwarzania przez państwo, brak „zrównoważonego” systemu funkcjonowania rynku itp
Strategic Priorities for Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine in Comparison with the Republic of Poland
Pavlova, O. Strategic Priorities for Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine in Comparison with the Republic of Poland / O. Pavlova, K. Pavlov, O. Novosad, I. Irtyshcheva, N. Popadynets, I. Hryhoruk, N. Gelich, A. Suriak, O. Makara, O. Zhuk, Y. Boiko, I. Kramarenko // International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications. – Springer, Cham. – 2020. – P. 308–314.The article deals with the general social and economic features of the formation of the state of Ukraine comparing with similar indicators characterizing the Republic of Poland. The indicators of the dynamics of a gross domestic product; generalized indicators of economic efficiency; and the geographical structure of indicators of foreign trade relations of Ukraine and Poland have been analyzed. Studying the issues of intensification of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation, as well as the study of different socio-economic indicators of these countries in all dimensions, is one of the most pressing scientific problems from establishing effective mechanisms for bringing Ukraine closer to the European Union, as well as forming the appropriate basis and tools for mutual relations