1,567 research outputs found

    Nanoplastics: From tissue accumulation to cell translocation into Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes. resilience of immune cells exposed to nanoplastics and nanoplastics plus Vibrio splendidus combination

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    Plastic litter is an issue of global concern. In this work Mytilus galloprovincialis was used to study the distribution and effects of polystyrene nanoplastics (PS NPs) of different sizes (50 nm, 100 nm and 1 mu m) on immune cells. Internalization and translocation of NPs to hemolymph were carried out by in vivo experiments, while endocytic routes and effects of PS NPs on hemocytes were studied in vitro. The smallest PS NPs tested were detected in the digestive gland and muscle. A fast and size-dependent translocation of PS NPs to the hemolymph was recorded after 3 h of exposure. The internalization rate of 50 nm PS NPs was lower when caveolae and clathrin endocytosis pathways were inhibited. On the other hand, the internalization of larger particles decreased when phagocytosis was inhibited. The hemocytes exposed to NPs had changes in motility, apoptosis, ROS and phagocytic capacity. However, they showed resilience when were infected with bacteria after PS NP exposure being able to recover their phagocytic capacity although the expression of the antimicrobial peptide Myticin C was reduced. Our findings show for the first time the translocation of PS NPs into hemocytes and how their effects trigger the loss of its functional parameters

    Mobile labour: an introduction

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    Mobility has been in the academic spotlight at least since the 1980s, in the wake of globalisation studies (Salazar 2013), together with post-modern trends, which called for a theoretical breach in an academic scene dominated by perspectives on structures, territory and stasis (examples of this breach can be found in Clifford 1997; Deleuze and Guattari 1987; de Certeau 1984; Virilio 1986). In this context, ‘the nomad – whether traveller, refugee, runaway’ became ‘the symbolic identity of our age’, as suggested by Kendal, Woodward and Skrbis (2009, 85). At the turn of the millennium, the world was portrayed as revolving around movement and migration, transnationalism and hybridism, networks and cosmopolitanism, liquidity and fluidity, nomads and runaways (Salazar 2020). Metaphorized as proximity and togetherness, along with cultural exchange, hybridism, networks, connectedness and cosmopolitanism, mobility was perceived by many as positive and as reducer of inequality gaps. Just as social mobility was systematically translated to its upwards trajectory towards the erasure of social, economic, and cultural inequality, physical mobility was conceived along the same lines, having the potential to challenge the ‘old’ boundaries of nationalism, ethnicity, race and even gender. In a word, mobility was equated to the promise of a more cosmopolitan, ethical, better world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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    Tres nuevos registros de coccidos (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae) para Cuba

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    La mayoria de las especies de "guaguas" bland as presentes en Cuba han sido estudiadas por su relacion con las plantas de interes economico, sin embargo, en los sistemas naturales la fauna de estos insectos es casi desconocida. En este trabajo se dan a conocer tres nuevos registros de coccidos para Cuba, recolectados en ecosistemas naturales, los cuales corresponden a Coccus capparidis (Green, 1904), Saissetia miranda (Cockerell & Parrot, 1899) y Toumeyella liriodendri (Gmelin, 1790), y se relacionan sus plantas hospedantes con nuevos registros para estas especies.Most of the soft scales present in Cuba have been studied because of their relationship with plants of great economic interest, however, in natural systems, the fauna of these insects is almost unknown. New records of soft scales for Cuba are present in this study, collected in natural ecosystems, which correspond to Coccus capparidis (Green, 1904), Saissetia miranda (Cockerell & Parrot, 1899) y Toumeyella liriodendri (Gmelin, 1790), as well as the relationship with their host plants, including new records for these species

    Inversiones públicas en el Perú (1900-1968): una aproximación cuantitativa

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    El presente documento se propone reconstruir el patrón de comportamiento de la inversión pública peruana entre 1900 y 1968, a partir de nuevas evidencias empíricas extraídas de los Balances y Cuentas Generales de la República que han permitido elaborar series estadísticas completas del gasto fiscal a lo largo de todo el período examinado. Al proceder de esta manera hemos buscado responder, entre otras, a las siguientes interrogantes: ¿Cuál fue el monto del gasto fiscal total destinado a realizar obras públicas durante los distintos gobiernos que tuvieron bajo su administración el aparato estatal? ¿Qué tipo de obras se ejecutaron y qué orden de prioridades revelaban nuestros gobernantes en sus decisiones de inversión? Y, finalmente, ¿qué grado de autonomía relativa mostró el Estado en su política de inversiones públicas en relación a las presiones ejercidas por los grupos de poder locales

    LEDGF/p75 TATA-less promoter is driven by the transcription factor Sp1.

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    PSIP1 (PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1) encodes two splice variants: lens epithelium-derived growth factor or p75 (LEDGF/p75) and p52. PSIP1 gene products were shown to be involved in transcriptional regulation, affecting a plethora of cellular processes, including cell proliferation, cell survival, and stress response. Furthermore, LEDGF/p75 has implications for various diseases and infections, including autoimmunity, leukemia, embryo development, psoriasis, and human immunodeficiency virus integration. Here, we reported the first characterization of the PSIP1 promoter. Using 5' RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we identified novel transcription start sites in different cell types. Using a luciferase reporter system, we identified regulatory elements controlling the expression of LEDGF/p75 and p52. These include (i) minimal promoters (-112/+59 and +609/+781) that drive the basal expression of LEDGF/p75 and of the shorter splice variant p52, respectively; (ii) a sequence (+319/+397) that may control the ratio of LEDGF/p75 expression to p52 expression; and (iii) a strong enhancer (-320/-207) implicated in the modulation of LEDGF/p75 transcriptional activity. Computational, biochemical, and genetic approaches enabled us to identify the transcription factor Sp1 as a key modulator of the PSIP1 promoter, controlling LEDGF/p75 transcription through two binding sites at -72/-64 and -46/-36. Overall, our results provide initial data concerning LEDGF/p75 promoter regulation, giving new insights to further understand its biological function and opening the door for new therapeutic strategies in which LEDGF/p75 is involved

    Nuevos registros de Coccoidea (Homoptera: Sternorrhyncha) para Cuba

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    Se dan a conocer nuevos registros de Coccoidea para Cuba, en los cuales se incluye el genera Parasaissetia Takahashi (Coccidae) y las especies Saissetia neglecta DeLotto (Coccidae) y Eriococcu,s dubius Cockerell (Eriococcidae). Ademas se relacionan las plantas hospedantes, con nuevos registros para estas especies.New records of Coccoidea for Cuba are given, they include new records of the species Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner) (Coccidae), Saissetia neglecta DeLotto (Coccidae) and Eriococcus dubius (Eriococcidae). Besides the host plants with new records

    Luxaciones de rodilla: revisión de 11 casos

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    La luxación de rodilla es una entidad poco frecuente. El tratamiento incorrecto de esta lesión conlleva graves consecuencias cuando existen lesiones vasculares que amenazan la supervivencia de la extremidad afecta. Objetivo . analizar el manejo en urgencias, tratamiento definitivo, complicaciones y resultados funcionales en los pacientes diagnosticados de luxación de rodilla. Material y Métodos . Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de 11 pacientes tratados en nuestro centro con diagnostico de luxación de rodilla entre junio del 2007 y febrero del 2013. Empleamos el Lysholm Score en la evaluación clínica. Resultados . En 8 de los 11 pacientes el tratamiento fue de manera conservadora. En los 3 pacientes intervenidos se optó por una reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior mediante plastia HTH. Los pacientes intervenidos obtuvieron mejor resultado funcional en relación con los no operados (91 puntos frente a 58). Conclusiones . Es fundamental conocer los principios básicos de actuación y tratamiento debido a las complicaciones potenciales que asocia.Knee dislocation is a rare entity. Improper treatment of this injury has serious consequences when vascular lesions that threaten the survival of the affected limb occur. Objective . To analyse the handling emergencies, definitive treatment, complications and functional outcomes in patients diagnosed with knee dislocation. Materials and methods . A retrospective study of 11 patients admitted to our hospital from June 2007 to February 2013 diagnosed with knee dislocation was performed. Clinical evaluation was carried out using the Lysholm score. Results . Eight out of the 11 patients were treated conservatively. Surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament plasty with HTH technique was used in three patients. Surgically-treated patients had better functional outcome compared to the non-operated (91 points versus 58). Conclusions . It is essential to know the basic principles of actuation and treatment because of the potential complications associate

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotyping: Automation and Application in Routine Laboratory Testing

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    A large number of assays designed for genotyping human papillomaviruses (HPV) have been developed in the last years. They perform within a wide range of analytical sensitivity and specificity values for the different viral types, and are used either for diagnosis, epidemiological studies, evaluation of vaccines and implementing and monitoring of vaccination programs. Methods for specific genotyping of HPV-16 and HPV-18 are also useful for the prevention of cervical cancer in screening programs. Some commercial tests are, in addition, fully or partially automated. Automation of HPV genotyping presents advantages such as the simplicity of the testing procedure for the operator, the ability to process a large number of samples in a short time, and the reduction of human errors from manual operations, allowing a better quality assurance and a reduction of cost. The present review collects information about the current HPV genotyping tests, with special attention to practical aspects influencing their use in clinical laboratories

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las metástasis diafisarias de huesos largos en pacientes oncológicos estadio IV

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    La incidencia de enfermedad metastásica ósea se ha incrementado debido a la mayor supervivencia de los pacientes con cáncer. El esqueleto es la tercera localización mas frecuente de metástasis procedentes de tumores primarios. Se evalúan las indicaciones quirúrgicas para evitar la aparición de fracturas patológicas y los resultados obtenidos en metástasis diafisarias de huesos largos. Cincuenta lesiones han sido tratadas en 48 pacientes. En todos los casos se estabilizó con un clavo intramedular. La supervivencia media fue de 11 meses (2 días-48 meses). Al final del seguimiento la puntuación media en la escala MSTS fue 25/30 y 27/30 para miembro superior e inferior respectivamente. Debe considerarse la radioterapia postoperatoria para disminuir la progre - sión de la enfermedad. Hay múltiples factores a tener en cuenta en el tratamiento de pacientes con metástasis óseas incluyendo comorbilidades, características histológicas del tumor primario, la expectativa de vida y acti - vidad del paciente y el dolor.The incidence of metastatic bone disease is increasing as patients with cancer living longer. The skeleton is the third most common site for metastasis that originates from primary carcinomas. We evaluated the indications for surgery to prevent pathological fractures and the results obtained in metastases of the diaphyseal long bones. Fifty metastases bone lesion were treated in 48 patients. In all cases an intramedullary nail was in - serted. The chance of surviving was 11 moths average (2 days-48 moths). At follow-up, the MSTS average was 25/30 and 27/30 for superior and inferior limb respectively. To minimize disease progression postoperative ex - ternal-beam irradiation should be considered. There are multiples factors to consider in the treatment of patients with bone metastasic, including comorbidities, the histological characteristics of the primary tumor, the expected life span of the patient, the patient ?s activity level and pain