205 research outputs found

    Nastavno područje pjevanje u prvim trima razredima osnovnoŔkolske nastave glazbe

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    Tema ovoga diplomskog rada je pjevanje u prvim trima razredima osnovne Å”kole. U okviru ovoga rada, u svibnju 2017. godine, provedeno je istraživanje u prva tri razreda Osnovne Å”kole Ljudevita Gaja u Osijeku. Istraživanje se odvijalo tijekom tri tjedna, a obuhvatilo je 47 učenika od 1. do 3. razreda. Istraživanje polazi od sljedećih istraživačkih pitanja: Preferiraju li učenici mlađe Å”kolske dobi viÅ”e pjesme u durskom ili molskom tonalitetu, preferiraju li viÅ”e pjesme u polaganom, umjerenom ili brzom tempu te koju vrstu pjesama učenici viÅ”e preferiraju? Rezultati su pokazali da učenici mlađe Å”kolske dobi viÅ”e vole pjevati pjesme u durskom tonalitetu koje su vedrog i veselog karaktera za razliku od molskih koje su najčeŔće tužnog karaktera. Također je ustanovljeno da učenici vole pjevati pjesme umjerenog do brzog tempa i viÅ”e preferiraju autorske popularne pjesme za djecu od narodnih.This paper examines singing within the first three years of primary education. The research for this paper was conducted in the first three grades of Ljudevit Gaj Primary School in Osijek in May 2017. The two-week study involved forty-seven students in grades 1 to 3. The research aimed to answer three questions: do the students prefer songs in major or minor key, would they rather listen to slower, moderate or faster tempo songs, and which kind of songs they like to listen to? The results indicate students of this age group enjoy upbeat and feel-good songsin major keys that convey bright and cheerful mood, contrary to theminor key songs of a sad and melancholicnature. Moreover, students take pleasure in singing moderate to fast tempo songs and prefer popular children's songs with known authors over folk songs

    Instagram and Artistic Platforms as Revenue Streams for Artists in Serbia

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    Digitalization and development of a digital marketing strategy as a way to attract the (particularly young) audience is a prerequisite for modern artists. The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized this need even more, but even without pandemics, it is very hard for an artist to reach its public and to present its work to a wider range of audiences without utilizing digital tools. In this article, the author will present some possibilities available for artists to improve their visibility and promote their work in a new global digital art market. The importance of understanding the digital world, the audienceā€™s preferences, and digital marketing are crucial for modern artists. The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of the digital art market for artists in Serbia. The research was conducted using a questionnaire survey focused on 88 artists actively creating and participating in the art world, mostly from Belgrade, Serbia. After a contextualization of data, it is evident that the majority of artists from fail to generate income in the digital art market

    Analiza antiapoptotskog proteina bcl-2 u skvamocelularnom karcinomu usne regije

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the presence of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma and determine its potential role in the development and progression of this type of tumor. Materials and methods: The expression of bcl-2 was determined in 28 paraffin blocks of oral squamous cell carcinoma using the immunohistochemical method. The percentage of the immuno-reactive cells in positively stained tumor regions was determined using the microscopic analysis and Ozaria software. Results: Positive immunohistochemical test was observed in 19 out of 28 samples (68%) as follows: in 11 samples there was a low (+), in four a moderate (++) and in the last four a high percentage (+++) of stained cells. In the group of patients at the low stage of the disease (T2), 50% of tumor samples showed bcl-2 protein expression whereas in the higher stages (T3 and T4) of positively stained samples, this percentage was 67%. There was a trend of an increasing number of cells with positive bcl-2 staining in the tumors of higher clinical stages but not the level of bcl-2 protein expression. Conclusion: Both parameters, the presence of bcl-2 staining and the percentage of cells with bcl-2 immunoexpression, may act as additional prognostic parameters that indicate an increased proliferative tumor potential.Cilj ove studije bio je analiza prisustva antiapoptotskog proteina bcl-2 u skvamocelularnom karcinomu usne regije i procena njegove eventualne uloge u razvoju i progresiji ove vrste tumora. Materijal i metode: Na uzorku od 28 parafinskih blokova skvamocelularnog karcinoma usne regije, imunohistohemijskom metodom ispitan je ekspresioni status bcl-2 proteina. Mikroskopskom analizom i primenom softvera- Ozaria određen je procenat imunoreaktivnih ćelija u pozitivno obojenim tumorskim regijama. Rezultat: Pozitivnu imunohistohemijsku obojenost pokazalo je 19 od 28 uzoraka (68%) i to: 11 je bilo sa niskim (+), 4 sa srednjim (++) i 4 sa visokim procentom (+++) obojenih ćelija. U grupi pacijenata niskog stadijuma (T2) 50 % uzoraka tumora je pokazivalo ekspresiju bcl-2 proteina dok je u viÅ”im stadijumima (T3 i T4) pozitivnih uzoraka bilo 67%. Postojao je trend porasta broja ćelija sa pozitivnom bcl-2 obojenoŔću kod tumora u viÅ”im kliničkim stadijumima, ali ne i povećan nivo ekspresije bcl-2 proteina. Zaključak: Oba parametra, prisustvo bcl-2 obojenosti i procenat ćelija sa bcl-2 imunoekspresijom, mogu predstavljati dopunske prognostičke parametre koji ukazuju na povećan proliferativni potencijal tumora

    Lean Supply Chain: Take an Opportunity to do More with Less

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the application of lean approach in supply chain can act and influence the improvement of performances of the overall supply chain, as well as of all its participants. Some of the benefits which can be achieved by applying lean tools, methods and techniques, with minimal required investment, in supply chain are: reduced wastes, reduced costs, improved quality, faster delivery, and consequently increased supply chain profitability. In this paper, the comparison of traditional and lean supply chain is done according to different derived characteristics. The identification of comparative characteristics is done by desk research in combination with conversational research. The paper can serve as a basis for transforming existing supply chain into a lean supply chain

    Instagram u funkciji unapređenja poslovanja u oblasti umetničke delatnosti u Srbiji

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    Umetnička delatnost, kao vitalan deo kreativne ekonomije, predstavlja značajan pokretač ekonomskog rasta i razvoja. Intenzivna digitalizacija je uslovila dinamične promene u svim aspektima poslovanja umetnika, a pre svega u domenu unapređenja vidljivosti i povećanja prihoda. Savremene digitalne tehnologije pružaju brojne mogućnosti za unapređenje poslovanja među kojima se posebno ističu druÅ”tvene mreže, a pre svega Instagram. Prema izveÅ”taju Hiscok 2020, Instagram je u svetu umetnosti značajan kanal druÅ”tvenih medija i nezaobilazna platforma za kupovinu i istraživanje, a posebno su na njoj aktivni novi i milenijumski kupci. Cilj ovog rada je da analizira na koji način koriŔćenje Instagrama utiče na poslovanje, odnosno pre svega na povećanje prihoda umetnika u Srbiji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno primenom anketnog upitnika na uzorku od 30 umetnika članova Udruženja likovnih umetnika Srbije i Udruženja likovnih umetnika primenjenih umetnosti i dizajnera Srbije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je Instagram efikasan ali nedovoljno iskoriŔćen način koriŔćenja digitalnih tehnologija u cilju unapređenja poslovanja umetnika u Srbiji, a posebno u domenu unapređenja prodaje

    Electrochemically exfoliated graphene as support of platinum nanoparticles for methanol oxidation reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction

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    To enhance the utilization efficiency of platinum (Pt) in electrochemical energy conversion, the precise selection of support materials presents a highly promising strategy. We have developed an efficient and stable bifunctional catalyst for methanol oxidation (MOR) and hydrogen evolution (HER) reaction in an alkaline medium. The Pt-based electrocatalyst, denoted as Pt/e-rGO with low Pt loading was successfully synthesized using graphene sheets as the support via chemical reduction using formic acid as the reducing agent. Graphene sheets are obtained by anodic electrochemical exfoliation of graphite tape. Significant enhancement of intrinsic activity toward MOR and HER was achieved for Pt/e-rGO compared to the commercial Pt/C catalyst. Structural characterization was performed by TEM, SEM and XPS. XPS analysis shows that the graphene is highly reduced. TEM analysis unveiled that the majority of the Pt nanoparticles (NPs) exhibit a diameter in the range of 4-5 nanometers, which is significant because the efficiency of electrooxidation of methanol on supported Pt NPs shows a strong dependence on particle size distribution. Catalyst activity was studied by cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry in 0.1M KOH. Electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) was measured by CO-stripping voltammetry and estimated to be 67.93 m2 /g. Current density of 11.28 mA/cm2 ECSA at 0.82 V vs. RHE for MOR is achieved. Onset potential for MOR is 0.55 V vs. RHE. Meanwhile, for HER overporential at the current density -10 mA/cm2 ECSA was 119 mV.Twenty-First Young Researchersā€™ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 ā€“ December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    PogreŔka kompenzacije nivelira s automatskim horizontiranjem i njeno ispitivanje

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    U radu je izložena jedna metoda određivanja pogreÅ”ke kompenzacije nivelira s automatskim horizontiranjem. Posebna pažnja posvećena je računanju korekcije rezultata mjerenja. U literaturi, gdje se obrađuje ova problematika, ta korekcija ili nije uzeta u obzir, ili nije dovoljno razrađena. Prikazani su i rezultati ispitivanja pogreÅ”ke kompenzacije nekih nivelira, određeni ovom metodom


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    U razrednoj nastavi pjevanje je najčeŔća aktivnost koja se provodi u nastavi glazbe. Pri odabiru pjesama namijenjenih pjevanju učitelj treba imati u vidu primjerenost pjesme u odnosu na dob i pjevačke sposobnosti učenika. Također, na učitelju je da osluÅ”kuje želje učenika jer se učenici i njihovi interesi mijenjaju. U okviru ovoga rada, u svibnju 2017. godine, provedeno je istraživanje u prvim trima razredima jedne osnovne Å”kole u Osijeku. Istraživanje se odvijalo tijekom triju tjedana, a obuhvatilo je 47 učenika od prvog do trećeg razreda. Cilj istraživanja bio je uvidjeti utjecaj tonaliteta, tempa i vrste pjesme na učeničku preferenciju pjesama namijenjenih pjevanju. Istraživanje je polazilo od sljedećih istraživačkih pitanja: Preferiraju li učenici primarnog obrazovanja viÅ”e pjesme u durskom ili molskom tonalitetu?, Preferiraju li učenici primarnog obrazovanja viÅ”e pjesme u polaganom, umjerenom ili brzom tempu?, Koju vrstu pjesama učenici primarnog obrazovanja najviÅ”e preferiraju?, Postoje li statistički značajne razlike u preferencijama učenika prema pjesmama s obzirom na tonalitet, tempo, vrstu pjesme i razred?. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da učenici primarnog obrazovanja preferiraju pjesme u durskom tonalitetu, no rado pjevaju pjesme i u molskom tonalitetu. Å to se tiče tempa, učenici preferiraju pjesme umjerenog do brzog tempa, ali i pjesme polaganog tempa visoko su procijenjene. S obzirom na vrstu pjesme, učenici su neÅ”to skloniji autorskim popularnim pjesmama u odnosu na tradicijske pjesme. Možemo zaključiti da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u preferencijama učenika prema pjesmama s obzirom na tonalitet, tempo, vrstu pjesme i razred

    Microstructure ā€“ Properties relationship in laser-welded AZ31B magnesium alloy

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    The AZ31B magnesium alloy was laser-welded at three different (1.2, 1.6, and 2 kW) laser output powers in the present work. All the butt weld joints are almost defect-free. The size of the weld joint slightly increases with increasing laser output power. The weld metal is formed by columnar grains of the alpha phase at the weld metal/base metal interface, but a finely equiaxed grain microstructure is formed in the centres of fusion zones. The minor phases are Mg17Al12 and (Al,Mg)8Mn5. The weld metal microstructure manifests clear refinement with a decrease in laser output power. Microstructural changes are reflected in changes in mechanical properties; weld joints prepared at the lowest laser output power manifest the highest microhardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and almost 90% joint efficiency. This is related to the different extents of strengthening mechanisms that act most effectively in weld joints made at 1.2 kW laser output power. Detail analysis of fracture surfaces confirmed that lower laser output power and general microstructural refinement favours the formation of plastically deformed material, which is in excellent agreement with both the experimentally determined and the calculated values of yield strength
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