16 research outputs found

    What do boys and girls draw in elementary school age?

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou témat kreseb dětí v mladším školním věku s důrazem na vývojové a genderové aspekty. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na vývojové charakteristiky mladšího školního věku, kognitivní, emocionální a sociální vývoj a jejich promítnutí do kresby, jakož i genderové rozdíly v této oblasti. Empirická část využívá smíšený výzkumný design kombinující kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýzu. Cílem je porozumět, jaké motivy si děti ve věku první, třetí a páté třídy zvolí pro své kresby a zda existují rozdíly mezi dívkami a chlapci. Dále zkoumám faktory, které ovlivňují rozhodnutí dětí při volbě tématu kresby. Výsledky ukazují, že nejčastějšími motivy v kresbách jsou přírodní témata, motivy z filmů, seriálů a videoher a v neposlední řadě dopravní prostředky. Zjištěné rozdíly mezi preferencemi dívek a chlapců naznačují, že dívky častěji zobrazují přírodní motivy, zatímco chlapci preferují dopravní prostředky. Analýza neukázala změny preferencí témat během mladšího školního věku. Rozhovory s dětmi ukazují, že volba tématu kresby je ovlivněna fantazií, zájmy, médii, prostředím a zkušenostmi či vizuální oblíbeností.This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the themes of drawings of children at elementary school age with an emphasis on developmental and gender aspects. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the developmental characteristics of elementary school age children, cognitive, emotional and social development and their translation into drawing, as well as gender differences in this area. The empirical part uses a mixed research design combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. The aim of the work is to understand what themes children in first, third and fifth grade choose for their drawings and whether there are differences between girls and boys. Furthermore, I examine the factors that influence children's decisions when choosing a drawing theme. The results show that the most common themes in drawings are natural elements, themes from movies, TV shows and video games, and last but not least, means of transportation. The differences found between girls and boys preferences suggest that girls more often depict natural motifs, while boys prefer means of transport. The analysis also suggests stability in the development of drawing preferences during younger school age. Interviews with children show that the choice of drawing subject is influenced by imagination, interests, media,...Katedra psychologieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    What do boys and girls draw in elementary school age?

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the themes of drawings of children at elementary school age with an emphasis on developmental and gender aspects. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the developmental characteristics of elementary school age children, cognitive, emotional and social development and their translation into drawing, as well as gender differences in this area. The empirical part uses a mixed research design combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. The aim of the work is to understand what themes children in first, third and fifth grade choose for their drawings and whether there are differences between girls and boys. Furthermore, I examine the factors that influence children's decisions when choosing a drawing theme. The results show that the most common themes in drawings are natural elements, themes from movies, TV shows and video games, and last but not least, means of transportation. The differences found between girls and boys preferences suggest that girls more often depict natural motifs, while boys prefer means of transport. The analysis also suggests stability in the development of drawing preferences during younger school age. Interviews with children show that the choice of drawing subject is influenced by imagination, interests, media,..

    International Development Banks

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the international development banks, particularly the Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank. Within every bank, the thesis describes transformations in the organization since establishment to the present day. There were a lot of changes in the world economics during the operations of banks. International development banks were able to successfully respond and consolidate their position in the field of international financial institutions. They have become the most important organizations in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, in Africa and Asia, with strong assistance of developed countries. The first part of this thesis deals with the characteristics of formation, followed by objectives, institutional structure, authorised capital and other resources, offered instruments and the final part relates in general to the current projects and the plans for future

    The influence and use of dance in the education process

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    (in English): The aim of the thesis is a theoretical introduction to the influence of motion on the development of child aged from six to twelve years and the possibility of involvement of ballroom dancing to the education process. The first part of the bachelor's thesis is focused on the influence of movement in general on the child's development, especially motor, social and mental development. The second part deals with the effects of ballroom dancing and its use in teaching with practical examples of movement exercises


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    Práce se zaměřuje na regulaci over-the-counter trhu a její očekávané dopady na transakce s mimoburzovními deriváty. Nedílnou součástí je seznámení se souvislostmi vedoucími k reformě dosud minimálně regulovaném trhu. Podstata spočívá v analýze samotného regulatorního nařízení EMIR, které se postupně promítá do každodenního obchodování s deriváty. Praktické účinky zákonodárného opatření EU jsou hodnoceny z hlediska retailového obchodníka s cennými papíry. Zatímco rostoucí náklady a administrativní nároky není možné přehlédnout, požadované zvýšení transparentnosti sjednaných smluv a pokles z nich plynoucího systémového rizika lze spatřit jen stěží. Tento přístup vede k závěru, že implementace legislativního aktu je velmi zdlouhavá, chaotická a v současné podobě zdaleka nesplňuje původní cíl.The thesis focuses on the regulation of over-the-counter market and its expected impacts on the OTC derivatives transactions. An integral part is the introduction of context leading to reform of non-regulated market. The main idea is an analysis of the regulation EMIR, which gradually reflects into daily derivatives trading. The practical aspects of EU legislative act are evaluated in terms of retail securities dealer. While rising costs and administrative demands cannot be overlooked, the desired increase in the transparency of negotiated contracts and drop of the systemic risk can hardly be seen. This approach leads to the conclusion that the implementation of the act is very tedious and chaotic and currently is far from the original goal

    Clinical Course of Opportunistic Infections—Toxoplasmosis and Cytomegalovirus Infection in HIV-Infected Patients in Slovakia

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    The HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic has affected the health status of the population in many countries. Early symptomatic HIV infection includes persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL), which can be associated with opportunistic infections, e.g., toxoplasmosis and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. This study followed the occurrence of PGL, toxoplasmosis, and Cytomegalovirus infection in 32 HIV-positive patients and analyzed the clinical signs of disease in relation to the number of CD4 T lymphocytes. In monitored patients, the average number of CD4 T lymphocytes was 940.8 ± 396.7/µL of blood. Severe immunodeficiency was recorded in four persons, who also suffered from colitis and/or retinitis and pneumonitis. The number of CD4 T cells in patients with PGL was significantly lower than that in patients without lymphadenopathy. In 6 (18.8%) IgM and 11 (34.4%) IgG Toxoplasma gondii seropositive patients, the number of CD4 T lymphocytes was significantly lower than that in seronegative patients. The presence of IgM and IgG antibodies to Cytomegalovirus was recorded in all examined patients, and CMV infection clinically manifested in five persons. The occurrence of PGL, the higher viral load, and seropositivity to T. gondii were significantly related to decline in the CD4 T lymphocyte number. The clinical course of the diseases was influenced by the status of the patient’s immunodeficiency and suggests ongoing immunosuppression and possible reactivation of both infections in all patients

    Factors Influencing Persistence of Diphtheria Immunity and Immune Response to a Booster Dose in Healthy Slovak Adults

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    We assessed the long-term persistence of humoral immunity against diphtheria in adults with childhood vaccination and the immunogenicity of a booster dose considering demographic, behavioural and vaccinating factors. We conducted a trial in 200 healthy Slovak adults aged 24–65 years, immunised against diphtheria in childhood and against tetanus at regular 10–15 year intervals, and receiving a dose of a tetanus-diphtheria toxoid vaccine. The response was determined by ELISA antibody concentrations of paired sera before and at 4 weeks post-vaccination. A seroprotection rate of 21% (95% confidence interval, CI 15.6–27.3%) was found in adults up to 59 years since the last vaccination with seroprotective levels of antibodies against diphtheria ≥0.1 IU/mL and a geometric mean concentration of 0.05 IU/mL. Conversely, seropositive levels ≥0.01 IU/mL were observed in 98% of adults (95% CI 95–99.5%). Booster-induced seroprotection was achieved in 78% of adults (95% CI 71.6–83.5%) clearly depending on pre-booster antibody levels correlating with age and time since the last vaccination. Moreover, only 54.2% of smokers and 53.3% of patients on statins exhibited seroprotection. Booster vaccination against diphtheria was unable to confer seroprotection in all recipients of only childhood vaccination

    Measles outbreak in a Roma community in the Eastern region of Slovakia, May to October 2018

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    Despite the effective National Immunization Programme of Slovakia, some population groups are incompletely vaccinated or unvaccinated. We aimed to describe the measles outbreak spread in Eastern Slovakia between May and October 2018, affecting the Roma communities in relation to the existing immunity gaps

    Determination of inhibitory potency of argatroban toward thrombin by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis

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    Developing an EMMA method for enzymatic assay remains a challenge, particularly using UV detection. Indeed, it is necessary to optimize the separation conditions while allowing the enzymatic reaction to occur within the capillary respecting kinetic constraints and achieving enough sensitivity. In this work, such EMMA methodology was set up to evaluate the inhibitory potency of drugs toward thrombin, a serine protease implicated in the coagulation cascade. To achieve our goal, the separation buffer, the injection sequence, the internal standard and the chromogenic substrate were investigated. The newly developed system was then assessed determining the kinetic Km constant for the selected substrate and compared with the results obtained with a continuous spectrophotometer cell assay. Secondly, the Ki inhibitory constant of the thrombin inhibitor argatroban was determined and found in agreement with the published value