30 research outputs found

    Hypothesis and conceptual framework development of cross cultural training and perceived success of expatriates

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    Rising trends of globalization in economic, managerial and social arenas have resulted in interpersonal contacts across the cultures. Multinational companies are increasingly focusing on trainings of their employees for improvement of performance. This research is based on the practical idea and literature review about the success of employees who are deputed for overseas assignments.Various factors related to the success or failures of expatriates have been explored in this study and one of the important aspects "cross cultural training" has been focused to find its impact on success of expatriates. This study encompasses the definition of cross cultural training ranging to its importance and effects. Substantial investment pertaining to foreign subsidiaries fashions the management to expect for the high returns, on the other hand, failure of expatriates adds significantly in failure of companies in deed.Proper cross cultural training of employees help them to shun the cultural shock and difficulties in adjustment abroad. For completion of this research, a very comprehensive questionnaire was designed basing on theoretical framework and a case study of expatriates of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan was carried out. Study found that there are multi-faceted uses of cross cultural training and it is one of the major sources to reduce cultural shock and pre-mature return of the employees.The research is not only useful for NADRA and Government Sector of Pakistan rather through conceptual work it is universally constructive for developing a general idea about cross cultural training and its impact on success of expatriates. This research specifically covered all related areas of expatriates of studied organization and findings have been discussed in order to grasp the relevant sides of topic by controlling rest of variables for getting potentially reliable results

    Impact of comic factor in TV ads on buying behavior of university students

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    This study was carried out to find out the impacts of comic factor in TV advertisement on buying behavior of college and university students. Questionnaire was designed and used to gauge the effects of comedy in advertisements. Sample size was 120 and it was comprised of university business students (Preston University Islamabad, International Islamic University Islamabad and Qauid-e-Azam University Islamabad). Data Analysis provided coefficient of determination R square value as 0.576. With significant Alpha figure of all variables, F value was 26.907 at 0.01 level. Outcomes revealed that comedy in TV advertisement convinces the consumer’s attention, interest, desire and action (AIDA) to buy the product. Objective of the study was achieved as it was found out that comic factor in TV ads affect the attention, interest, desire and action and hence buying behavior of students. Results also revealed that buying behavior of students due to comic factor in TV ads is gender free

    Intermolecular Bonding Study of Bituminous Material using Compositional Analysis

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    Bitumen is amorphous, black-coloured visco-elastic material, composed principally of hydrocarbons having high molecular weight characterized by “asphaltenes, resins and oils”. Investigation on the composition of Bitumen having same grade taken from different Refineries i.e., NRL, ARL as Virgin Binder (VB) and RAP (extracted from the pavement). Also the careful examination of the Intermolecular Bonding of the Bitumen Microstructure by a review of studies and correlation with its composition. In research methodology, firstly SARA analysis was performed by Column chromatography on each type of bitumen. Secondly, microstructure intermolecular bonding was investigated theoretically from the literature of methods Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), ESEM etc. and its critical analysis was conducted. From the research results, it has been found out that there are solid and liquid phases having different percentage compositions of the bitumen that are Saturate, Aromatic, Resin, and Asphaltenes (SARA) according to their polarizability and polarity of each type of bitumen. Asphaltene is a solid phase while the other three are in liquid phases that are basically taken from Maltene. Then Compared SARA Results of VB with RAP. Data obtained from compositional analysis of asphalt help us to handle the problems related the stability of bitumen structure. While microstructure intermolecular bonding study theoretically from the literature using techniques like SEM, ESEM etc. helped to understand the internal nature of the bitumen when it is aged, unaged and modified by many modifiers like CNF, SBS, SBR latex fibre etc

    HPLC-PDA-ESI-MSn profiling of polyphenolics in different parts of Capparis spinosa and Capparis decidua as function of harvesting seasons

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    HPLC-PDA-ESI-MSn analysis of different parts such as stem bark, shoot, flower, fruit and root of Capparis spinosa (C. spinosa) and Capparis decidua (C. decidua), collected in rainy and dry seasons from the Cholistan desert of Pakistan, depicted the occurrence of a wide array of phenolics with quercetin, apigenin and kaempferol derivatives along with dicaffeoylquinic acid, caffeoylquinic acid and feruloylquinic acid as the main compounds. Kaempferol-3-glucoside (28.02-167.21 μg g-1dw) was found to be the principal component in all tested parts of both species while dicaffeoylquinic acid was detected only in the flowers and roots. The roots exhibited maximum contents of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. The harvesting period significantly (p<0.05) affected the concentration of phenolics wherein the samples collected in rainy season offered greater levels of phenolics than their counterpart. The roots and fruits of both species were found to be rich sources of phenolics. The findings of this research suggest the harvesting of the selected wild Capparis species in rainy season to maximize their antioxidant and nutraceutical benefits

    Effect of exogenous application of nicotinic acid on morpho-physiological characteristics of Hordeum vulgare L. under water stress

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    Abiotic stresses, such as high temperature and drought conditions, greatly influence the development of plants and the quality and quantity of products. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop production is largely impacted by drought, affecting growth, yield, and ultimately the productivity of the crop in hot arid/semi-arid conditions. The current pot experiment was directed to observe the outcome of nicotinic acid (NA) treatments on barley’s physiological, biochemical, and production attributes at two capacity levels, i.e., 100% normal range and withholding water stress. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used during the experimentation with the two-factor factorial arrangement. NA was applied exogenously by two different methods, i.e., foliar and soil application (fertigation). NA solution contained various application levels, such as T1 = control, foliar applications (T2 = 0.7368 gL−1, T3 = 1.477 gL−1, T4 = 2.2159 gL−1), and soil applications (T5 = 0.4924 gL−1, T6 = 0.9848 gL−1, and T7 = 1.4773 gL−1). Results depicted that, overall, foliar treatments showed better effects than control and soil treatments. Plant growth was preeminent under T4 treatment, such as plant height (71.07 cm), relative water content (84.0%), leaf water potential (39.73-MPa), leaf area index (36.53 cm2), biological yield (15.10 kgha−1), grain yield (14.40 kgha−1), harvest index (57.70%), catalase (1.54 mmolg−1FW−1), peroxidase (1.90 g−1FWmin−1), and superoxide dismutase (52.60 µgFW−1) were superior under T4 treatment. Soil plant analysis development (54.13 µgcm−2) value was also higher under T4 treatment and lowest under T7 treatment. In conclusion, NA-treated plants were more successful in maintaining growth attributes than non-treated plants; therefore, the NA foliar treatment at the rate of 2.2159 gL−1 is suggested to find economical crop yield under drought conditions. The present study would contribute significantly to improving the drought tolerance potential of barley through exogenous NA supply in water deficit areas

    Exogenous application of gibberellic acid improves the maize crop productivity under scarce and sufficient soil moisture condition

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    Drought stress creates imbalance or deficiency of some growth regulators in plants, which leads toward reduced crop yield. Gibberellic acid is one of the most important growth regulators in plants, which improve drought tolerance in plants under optimum concentration. A field experiment was conducted under exogenous application of gibberellic acid under normal or drought condition and with or without gibberellic acid application. Crop growth and yield parameters were assesses during the experimentation. Study revealed that crop reduced growth in term of leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), crop growth rate (CGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and total dry matter (TDM) under drought condition, while these parameters were improved with gibberellic acid application. Similary, improved growth rate resulted in better performance of yield attributes (cob length, cob diameter, grains per cob, grain weight and yield). Gibberellic acid application improved the crop performance at optimum irrigation, as well as under reduced irrigation. Although highest crop yield was recorded with gibberellic acid application under optimum irrigation level, while its application under drought stress improved crop tolerance and resulted in better crop yield, similar to optimum irrigation level. Exogenous application of gibberellic acid not only improved the drought tolerance in maize, but also increased the crop yield under normal condition


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    Voriconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug. It belongs to triazole group, and is available in market as oral as well as intravenous (IV) forms. It is highly effective against a number of clinically important fungi causing invasive infections. Its pharmacokinetic profile is non-linear with extensive inter-individual and intra-individual variability. Various factors contribute towards this variability including age, race, gender, genotype, hepatic functions, administration with or without food, and concomitant administration of other drugs causing drug interactions. Variability in plasma concentrations of the drug, arising from these factors, may result in variations in efficacy of the drug or may contribute towards potential toxicity. Voriconazole therapeutic drug monitoring is mandatory considering bad prognosis of patients suffering from invasive fungal infections, especially ones who are immunosuppressed, and prolonged period of treatment needed, in order to optimize antifungal treatment and to prevent the adverse events.&nbsp

    The Role of Lipsticks and Blush Sticks in Genetic Profiling for Human Identification

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    The core objectives of the current study are to generate human DNA profiles from used lipsticks and blush sticks of various brands available in Pakistan. A total of 12 international and local brands of lipsticks and blush sticks were selected. The lipsticks and blush sticks were applied by twenty different healthy female volunteers of 21-30 years of age. The heads of used lipsticks and blush sticks were swabbed with dry sterile cotton swabs. The qualitative and quantitative analysis was done by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using a Quantifiler® Duo DNA Quantification Kit on Real Time PCR ABI™ 7500. Samples were amplified for 16 STR loci using an AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® PCR amplification kit on Thermocycler ABI 9700. The amplified product was run on Applied Biosystems 3130™ Genetic Analyzer. The genetic profiles were analyzed on GeneMapper® ID-X software version 1.0. The quantification results showed that the yield of DNA obtained from lipstick samples was greater than that of DNA obtained from blush stick samples. The real-time PCR results showed that only 16% of cosmetic samples had shown inhibition. The DNA profiles obtained from all blush stick samples were of good quality compared to those from lipstick samples. No profile was obtained from one blush stick sample (DNA 0.001 ng/μL) and four lipstick samples (DNA 0.001-0.003 ng/μL) because the amount of DNA in each of these samples was less than the amount required for successful amplification. DNA profiles were successfully generated from most of the samples of various available brands of lipsticks and blush sticks. This is the first study proving that DNA profiles can be generated from various lip and face cosmetics

    Hypothesis and conceptual framework Development of Cross Cultural Training and Perceived Success of Expatriates

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    ABSTRACT Rising trends of globalization in economic, managerial and social arenas have resulted in interpersonal contacts across the cultures. Multinational companies are increasingly focusing on trainings of their employees for improvement of performance. This research is based on the practical idea and literature review about the success of employees who are deputed for overseas assignments. Various factors related to the success or failures of expatriates have been explored in this study and one of the important aspects &quot;cross cultural training&quot; has been focused to find its impact on success of expatriates. This study encompasses the definition of cross cultural training ranging to its importance and effects. Substantial investment pertaining to foreign subsidiaries fashions the management to expect for the high returns, on the other hand, failure of expatriates adds significantly in failure of companies in deed. Proper cross cultural training of employees help them to shun the cultural shock and difficulties in adjustment abroad. For completion of this research, a very comprehensive questionnaire was designed basing on theoretical framework and a case study of expatriates of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan was carried out. Study found that there are multi-faceted uses of cross cultural training and it is one of the major sources to reduce cultural shock and premature return of the employees. The research is not only useful for NADRA and Government Sector of Pakistan rather through conceptual work it is universally constructive for developing a general idea about cross cultural training and its impact on success of expatriates. This research specifically covered all related areas of expatriates of studied organization and findings have been discussed in order to grasp the relevant sides of topic by controlling rest of variables for getting potentially reliable results

    Hypothesis and Conceptual Framework Development of Cross Cultural Training and Perceived Success of Expatriates

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    Rising trends of globalization in economic, managerial and social arenas have resulted in interpersonal contacts across the cultures. Multinational companies are increasingly focusing on trainings of their employees for improvement of performance. This research is based on the practical idea and literature review about the success of employees who are deputed for overseas assignments.Various factors related to the success or failures of expatriates have been explored in this study and one of the important aspects "cross cultural training" has been focused to find its impact on success of expatriates. This study encompasses the definition of cross cultural training ranging to its importance and effects. Substantial investment pertaining to foreign subsidiaries fashions the management to expect for the high returns, on the other hand, failure of expatriates adds significantly in failure of companies in deed.Proper cross cultural training of employees help them to shun the cultural shock and difficulties in adjustment abroad. For completion of this research, a very comprehensive questionnaire was designed basing on theoretical framework and a case study of expatriates of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan was carried out. Study found that there are multi-faceted uses of cross cultural training and it is one of the major sources to reduce cultural shock and pre-mature return of the employees.The research is not only useful for NADRA and Government Sector of Pakistan rather through conceptual work it is universally constructive for developing a general idea about cross cultural training and its impact on success of expatriates. This research specifically covered all related areas of expatriates of studied organization and findings have been discussed in order to grasp the relevant sides of topic by controlling rest of variables for getting potentially reliable results