806 research outputs found

    Resistance training effects on pubertal children with a risk of developing pediatric dynapenia

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    Purpose: Many modern-day children are at risk of pediatric dynapenia (muscle weakness). We examined the effects of a 12-week resistance training (RT) program on neuromuscular function and body composition parameters in pubertal children with a risk of dynapenia. Methods: Twelve children (13.4 ± 0.9 y) with dynapenia performed a progressive RT program consisting of knee extension and flexion, bench press, abdominal crunch, back extension, lateral pull-down, elbow flexion, and upright row (1–2 sets of 10–15 repetitions/exercise) twice/week for 12 weeks. Outcome measures included one-repetition maximum (1-RM) strength, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque, rate of torque development (RTD), electromyographic (EMG) activity, muscle thickness (MT), muscle quality (MQ) assessed by echo intensity (MQEI) of the knee extensors and specific tension of MVIC torque to thigh fat-free mass (MQST), and total and regional body and bone composition assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Changes in the measures before and after the 12-week RT and associations among the measures were analyzed by linear mixed models. Results: Significant (p \u3c 0.05) increases in 1-RM (63.9 ± 4.5%), MVIC torque (16.3 ± 17.8%), MT (18.8 ± 5.5%) and MQ (MQEI: -25.9 ± 15.2%; MQST: 15.1 ± 18.8%;) were evident from pre- to post-training. Total fat-free mass (FFM) increased by 2.3 ± 3.2% from baseline (p = 0.01), but no changes (p \u3e 0.05) in the other measures were observed. Significant (p \u3c 0.05) associations between the changes in 1-RM and/or MVIC torque and the changes in quadriceps MT, MQEI, MQST and total body FFM were evident. Conclusions: The 12-week RT was effective for improving neuromuscular and body composition parameters, and thereby reversed the risk of pediatric dynapenia

    Piccole capitali creative

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    Nel secolo urbano che abbiamo di fronte, la citt\ue0 sar\ue0 lo scenario della competizione delle energie, delle risorse umane, delle intelligenze collettive e della creativit\ue0 per la costruzione di un\u2019evoluzione pi\uf9 compatibile con le identit\ue0 e le vocazioni e pi\uf9 sostenibile rispetto alle risorse ed alle sensibilit\ue0 del territorio. I segnali delle sue forme, delle sue relazioni e delle sue identit\ue0 sono gi\ue0 evidenti in alcune citt\ue0 del presente ed ad essi sono dedicate numerose ricerche urbanistiche, sociologiche ed economiche. Ma i segnali sono evidenti e trasmettono ispirazioni e stimoli anche a chi osserva la citt\ue0 per mestiere di progettista, di pianificatore, di stratega dello sviluppo. Il XXI secolo sar\ue0 l\u2019era indiscussa delle citt\ue0 e su di esse si misurer\ue0 lo sviluppo delle nazioni. Per la prima volta, pi\uf9 della met\ue0 della popolazione mondiale vivr\ue0 nelle citt\ue0, in Europa oggi la cifra \ue8 gi\ue0 di oltre il 75%, e nei paesi in via di sviluppo raggiunger\ue0 velocemente il 50%. Il mondo si svilupper\ue0 sia attorno a grandi megalopoli da decine di milioni di abitanti, ma anche attorno a citt\ue0 metropolitane, a conurbazioni diffuse e ad armature di micropoli: all\u2019armatura urbana delle citt\ue0 globali si annoder\ue0, soprattutto in Europa, l\u2019armatura delle citt\ue0 di secondo livello, produttrici di visioni alternative rispetto all\u2019esplosione delle megalopoli. L\u2019armatura urbana europea di secondo livello \u2013 le piccole capitali, sempre pi\uf9 citt\ue0-porta \u2013 si delinea come annodata attorno a \u201ccitt\ue0 della cultura\u201d, nel senso di citt\ue0 non solo detentrici di risorse culturali profonde lasciate dal palinsesto della storia, ma anche produttrici di nuova cultura: le culture-based competition cities saranno, infatti, quelle citt\ue0 in grado di competere nel panorama internazionale attraverso la valorizzazione e la promozione della propria identit\ue0 culturale, sia consolidata che in evoluzione

    Reliability of the squat jump force-velocity and load-velocity profiles

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    The reliability of the squat jump force-velocity and load-velocity profiles. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2021-The purpose of this study was to investigate the between-session reliability of the squat jump force-velocity (FV) and load-velocity (LV) profiles. Eighteen subjects (age = 28.1 ± 4.8 years; height = 1.7 ± 9.7; body mass = 74.7 ± 12.8) who could back squat >1.5 times body mass participated in this study. Each subject completed a familiarization session, followed by 2 experimental sessions each separated by 72 hours. Subjects performed a series of squat jumps on a force plate against external loads between 0 and 100% of their body mass in a quasi-randomized block order. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV) were used to examine the between-session reliability. Peak velocity (PV) and mean velocity (MV) at each load were highly reliable (ICC >0.80, CV% <7.41, SEM <0.13 m·s-1, smallest detectable difference [SDD] <0.31 m·s-1, ES <0.21). Force-velocity profiles created with peak force and relative peak force resulted in poor to excellent reliability (ICC = 0.34-0.92, CV% = 11.9-26.3). When mean and relative mean forces were used to create FV profiles, there was poor to good reliability (ICC = 0.03-0.85, CV% = 18.1-39.4). When the LV profile was calculated with PV (ICC = 0.60-0.90, CV% = 7.9-16.9) or MV (ICC = 0.49-0.91, CV% = 11.1-23.4), there was poor to excellent reliability. There was no time effect found between sessions for both FV and LV profiles. The squat jump FV and LV profiles established with a force plate are not reliable. Therefore, these profiles are not recommended to be used to inform programming decisions

    The Vitamin B1 Metabolism of Staphylococcus aureus Is Controlled at Enzymatic and Transcriptional Levels

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    Vitamin B1 is in its active form thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), an essential cofactor for several key enzymes in the carbohydrate metabolism. Mammals must salvage this crucial nutrient from their diet in order to complement the deficiency of de novo synthesis. In the human pathogenic bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, two operons were identified which are involved in vitamin B1 metabolism. The first operon encodes for the thiaminase type II (TenA), 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine kinase (ThiD), 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole kinase (ThiM) and thiamine phosphate synthase (ThiE). The second operon encodes a phosphatase, an epimerase and the thiamine pyrophosphokinase (TPK). The open reading frames of the individual operons were cloned, their corresponding proteins were recombinantly expressed and biochemically analysed. The kinetic properties of the enzymes as well as the binding of TPP to the in vitro transcribed RNA of the proposed operons suggest that the vitamin B1 homeostasis in S. aureus is strongly regulated at transcriptional as well as enzymatic levels