326 research outputs found

    Immersive Visualization Environments for Teaching/Learning

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    Comparative Study of Brain Activities in Immersive Visualization Environments: An Innovative Pedagogical Technique Abstract The primary objective of this work-in-progress is to investigate advanced and innovative pedagogical techniques in teaching and learning STEM concepts by utilizing Immersive Visualization Environments (IVE). Specifically, a comparative study of brain activities was performed to determine effectiveness of different Immersive Visualization Environments in pedagogy. Twelve randomly selected college students participated in this investigation using an electroencephalography (EEG) device for measuring brain waves of the subjects. The preliminary collected data supported the assertion that dome-shaped IVE elicited a more relaxed state than its counterpart, head-mounted IVE, yielding a higher performance. Audience: College/University Professors Conference Track: R1 - Work-in-progress Format of Presentation: Poster Session Participants\u27 Engagement: N/A Participants\u27 Gain: Exposure and Knowledge of Immersive Visualization Environment for Teaching/Learning in STEM fields. Alignment: Objectives of this poster session is directly aligned with the objectives of the conference

    A Comparative Review of Information Technology Project Management in Private and Public Sector Organization

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    Both private and public sector organizations tend to recognize the prominence of information technology within project management techniques and practices. The primary objective of this paper is to present a comparative review of information technology within project management in private and public sectors. Moreover, this research provides an extensive review of related topics such as the evolution of information technology, factors contributing to project abandonment, and the tools and techniques of management that effect project success. In conclusion, the authors present a variety of practical and effective guidelines and recommend approaches for the successful deployment of information technology within project management for both private and public sectors

    Hardware Components in Cybersecurity Education

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    Hardware components have been designated as required academic content for colleges to be recognized as a center of academic excellence in cyber operations by the National Security Agency (NSA). To meet the hardware requirement, computer science and information technology programs must cover hardware concepts and design skills, topics which are less emphasized in existing programs. This paper describes a new pedagogical model for hardware based on network intrusion detection taught at college and graduate levels in a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Program (CAE/IAE). The curriculum focuses on the fundamental concepts of network intrusion detection mechanisms, network traffic analysis, rule-based detection logic, system configuration, and basic hardware design and experiments. This new course enriches students with the latest developments

    DRIP - Data Rich, Information Poor: A Concise Synopsis of Data Mining

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    As production of data is exponentially growing with a drastically lower cost, the importance of data mining required to extract and discover valuable information is becoming more paramount. To be functional in any business or industry, data must be capable of supporting sound decision-making and plausible prediction. The purpose of this paper is concisely but broadly to provide a synopsis of the technology and theory of data mining, providing an enhanced comprehension of the methods by which massive data can be transferred into meaningful information

    Ransomware: Evolution, Mitigation and Prevention

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    Ransomware is a rapidly growing threat to the data files of individuals and businesses. It encrypts files on an infected computer and holds the key to decrypt the files until the victim pays a ransom. This malware is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of losses annually. Due to the large amounts of money to be made, new versions appear frequently. This allows bypassing antivirus software and other intrusion detection methods. In this paper, we present a brief history of ransomware, the arguments for and against paying the ransom, best practices to prevent an infection, and to recover from an infection should one happen

    Business Intelligence Technology, Applications, and Trends

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    Enterprises are considering substantial investment in Business Intelligence (BI) theories and technologies to maintain their competitive advantages. BI allows massive diverse data collected from virus sources to be transformed into useful information, allowing more effective and efficient production. This paper briefly and broadly explores the business intelligence technology, applications and trends while provides a few stimulating and innovate theories and practices. The authors also explore several contemporary studies related to the future of BI and surrounding fields

    Internet Industry: A Perspective Review through Internet of Things and Internet of Everything

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    The objective of this article is to concisely explore the Internet industry through a new perspective and concept of Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE). Within this article, a brief description and development of Internet industry are presented; following with competitive strategy within the Internet industry; then value chain and the use of applications in the Internet industry. Followed by effects and benefits; and challenges, legal and ethical issues of IoT and IoE. Finally, a Concise Concluding Statement for Thoughts is stated

    Babbling, Braining, and Brooding Mr. Bones: An Exploration of the Metapoetic in 77 Dream Songs

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    John Berryman’s Pulitzer Prize winning book of poems, 77 Dream Songs, is about a character named Henry, who is “at odds wif de world and its god” (5.1. Line 3). Henry is an estranged character, a lonely American man, who sometimes speaks in an offensive vernacular derived from the minstrel show tradition, and who is incessantly preoccupied with death. His reflections on the world are sometimes misanthropic, oftentimes inebriated, and yet a strange pathos is evoked by his inability to attain an emotional stasis. More importantly, like John Berryman, Henry is a literary figure, who persistently frames his experiences through acts of creative self-expression such as song, the written word, or even prayer. It is in this sense that 77 Dream Songs functions as a work of meta poetry, which comments heavily on the act of artistic creation. Henry is compelled to express himself through poetic language, which is presented as both a source of comfort and torment for his character. Furthermore, throughout The Dream Songs he is portrayed as being physically mutilated. In the very first Dream Song for instance, we learn that he is “pried / open for all the world to see” (1.2. 11-12). Several more circumstances occur in which Henry is unraveled, both physically and mentally. What his character expresses then, is the compulsive relationship that the poet feels towards his art, while also suggesting the necessary disfigurement and fragmentation of personal experience in relation to the poetics of the 77 Dream Songs

    Patterns of the business education curricula of the member institutions of business teacher-training institutions

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    The growth of American colleges and universities has been marked by a lack of unity. Each college and university has manifested its individualism in organization, administration and curricula. Concerning the growth of the American teachers college, or the normal school, as it was first called, Pangburn makes the following comment: The American Normal school grew up in response to a gradually increasing recognition on the part of the public that some means of preparing teachers was needed in order to insure the fulfillment of the purpose for which the schools were created. As an outgrowth of public education, the normal school and its successor, the teachers college, have been subject to the same conditions that have operated to produce the school system of to-day. Underlying and conditioning the development of the teacher-training institution and the schools which it served is the decentralization of control of education that is characteristic of the American system of government.
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