86 research outputs found

    An Ontology And Constraint-based Approach For Dynamic Personalised Planning In Healthcare

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    Para doktor atau pakar kesihatan semestinya mengambil berat berkenaan pengemaskinian rekod atau profil pesakit mereka Healthcare service providers are undoubtedly concerned about updating their patients’ health records or profile


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    Seramai 6,259 orang anak angkat telah didaftarkan di seluruh Malaysia sejak tahun2010. Ia semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Kajian telah membuktikan pasangan Melayuyang beragama Islam adalah golongan yang paling ramai mengambil anak angkat.Persoalannya bagaimanakah keluarga angkat yang beragama Islam ini mampu menjaga batasbatas pergaulan mereka dengan anak tersebut terutamanya apabila anak tersebut meningkatbalig? Perkara ini telah menjadi barah dalam kehidupan masyarakat Islam hari ini. Justru itu,kajian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian kepada permasalahan tersebutberdasarkan kepada pengamalan ibu susuan yang pernah dilakukan pada zaman Rasul SAW.Di samping itu kajian ini juga memuatkan syarat-syarat pengambilan anak angkat di Malaysiadan syarat-syarat untuk menjadi ibu susuan menurut Islam. Dengan cara ini pasangan yangtidak mempunyai anak akan mendapat anak angkat dan pada masa yang sama tuntutan syariatjuga dapat dipelihara. Metode kajian ini ialah keperpustakaan dan keseluruhan fakta adalahberteraskan kepada kitab fiqh, sirah, tafsir dan hadis. Hasilnya, ternyata pengamalan ibu susuandalam pelbagai cara yang dibenarkan oleh syarak dan berteraskan kepada apa yang pernahdilakukan oleh Rasul SAW mampu menyelamatkan masyarakat daripada melakukan dosa dirumah sendiri dan menjaga keutuhan masyarakat muslim dengan batas-batas pergaulan yangtelah digariskan dalam Islam

    An Ontology And Constraint-Based Approach For Dynamic Personalised Planning In Healthcare[QA75].

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    Para doktor atau pakar kesihatan semestinya mengambil berat berkenaan pengemaskinian rekod atau profil pesakit mereka, dan perancangan rawatan yang sesuai untuk pesakit mereka, untuk mendapatkan hasil perkhidmatan kesihatan yang berkesan. Healthcare service providers are undoubtedly concerned about updating their patients’ health records or profiles, and the planning of their patients’ treatments to support the effective delivery of healthcare services

    Penggunaan tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam pengubatan tradisional etnik Murut Tahol di Sabah: penelitian terhadap unsur kearifan tempatan

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    Etnik Murut Tahol yang tinggal di pedalaman Sabah memiliki kaedah pengubatan tradisional mereka yang tersendiri. Kaedah pengubatan etnik ini disebarkan secara lisan dalam kalangan anggota masyarakatnya. Kajian ini berasaskan kerja lapangan di beberapa buah kampung di sekitar Daerah Kecil Kemabong, Tenom. Dalam kajian ini, tumpuan pengkaji adalah terhadap penggunaan tumbuh-tumbuhan bagi mengubati beberapa jenis penyakit fizikal, yang diamalkan oleh etnik Murut Tahol. Seterusnya, unsur-unsur kearifan tempatan yang berkait dengan pengubatan tradisional etnik Murut Tahol turut dibincang. Dalam kajian ini, sebanyak 32 jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berguna sebagai ubat-ubatan oleh etnik Murut Tahol telah berjaya didokumentasikan. Seterusnya, tumbuh-tumbuhan tersebut dikategorikan mengikut bahagian-bahagian tertentu seperti daun, batang, pucuk, kulit, buah dan akar yang berguna sebagai ubat-ubatan. Selain itu, kajian ini mendapati bahawa etnik Murut Tahol turut memiliki beberapa unsur kearifan tempatan berhubung pengubatan tradisional seperti memiliki pengetahuan tentang kaedah mengenal pasti tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berguna sebagai ubat-ubatan; kaedah penyediaan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang mudah serta mempunyai pengetahuan tersendiri dalam memahami dan menafsir maksud mimpi dan sasampui (mantera). Kebijaksanaan etnik Murut Tahol dalam mengenal pasti jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sesuai dijadikan ubat beserta kaedah penyediaan ubat-ubatan yang ringkas telah menonjolkan kearifan yang ada pada etnik Murut Tahol sejak turun-temurun

    Pembangunan Modul Interatif (I_Modul) Berdasarkan Rekabentuk Instruksi Bagi Kursus BaikpulihDan Senggaraan Komputer Di Kolej Komuniti Jasin

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    Kajian ini adalah tentang penghasilan modul pembelajaran elektronik iaitu Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) bagi Kursus Baik Pulih dan Senggaraan Komputer untuk kegunaan pembelajaran kendiri pelajar Semester 2 Program Sijil Sistem Komputer dan Sokongan di Kolej Komuniti Jasin, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan perisian Macromedia Flash MX. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk merekabentuk papan cerita, membangunkan dan menentusahkan tahap kebolehgunaan Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) yang telah dihasilkan daripada gabungan elemen multimedia. oleh pakar kurikulum dan rekabentuk serta mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada pelajar. Responden ini terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar Semester 2 Program Sijil Komputer dan Sokongan yang mengikuti Kursus Baik Pulih dan Senggaraan Komputer, 5 orang pakar multimedia dan 5 orang pakar kurikulum. Data dikumpul dan dianalisis menggunakan Microsoft Excell 2010 untuk mendapatkan nilai skor min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap kebolehgunaan Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) dari segi isi kandungan, rekabentuk dan mesra pengguna (interaktif) adalah tinggi. Hasil dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan elemen-elemen multimedia yang digunakan dalam membangunkan Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) adalah sangat sesuai dan Modul Interaktif (I_Modul) ini juga sesuai digunakan untuk pembelajaran kendiri

    Effects of the Anti-Androgen Flutamide on the Descent of the Testis

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    Exposure of male Albino Swiss rats to the non-steroidal anti-androgen flutamide during the period from gestational day 10 to birth resulted in feminization of the external genitalia and the suppression of growth of the male reproductive tract. In adulthood, testes were found to be located in diverse positions. True cryptorchidism occurred in 12% of cases, while 44% of testes descended to the scrotum and 44% were located in a suprainguinal ectopic region. Varying degrees of tubule abnormality were seen in the testes of flutamide-treated animals, ranging from completely normal tubules with full spermatogenesis (and the expected frequency of the stages of spermatogenesis) to severely abnormal tubules lined with Sella cells only. For each individual testis, the overall severity of tubule damage was strongly correlated with its adult location, with intra-abdominal testes worst affected and scrotally-located testes least; only the latter contained normal tubules. Similarly, intra-abdominal testes were the smallest in weight and contained the least testosterone. By contrast, postnatal treatment of male rats with flutamide from birth to postnatal day 14 did not impair development of the external genitalia, the process of testicular descent or adult spermatogenesis. These findings confirm that androgen blockade during embryonic development interferes with testicular descent but also demonstrate that i) prenatal flutamide treatment per se has a detrimental effect on adult testis morphology but ii) the degree of abnormality of the testes is strongly influenced by location, and iii) the varying degrees of seminiferous tubule damage are probably due to the stage-specific effects of reduced testicular testosterone on spermatogenesis. The findings of this study also demonstrate that outgrowth of the gubernacular cone is not affected by flutamide; however, the regression phase (which occurs postnatally) was delayed. Furthermore, shortening of the gubernacular cord was inhibited in males treated prenatally with flutamide. Exposure of males rats to anti-androgen flutamide resulted in the persistence of the cranial suspensory ligament. This persistence however, was irrespective of the position of the testes in the adult. Nor was there any difference in the structure of the cranial suspensory ligaments from these varying testis locations. This suggests that retention of the cranial suspensory ligament is not an important factor in testicular maldescent. Prenatal flutamide treatment to rats also interfered with Wolffian duct development since most of the offspring of flutamide-treated mothers exhibited varying degrees of inhibition/absence of Wolffian duct derivatives. Moreover, impaired development of the epididymis and vas deferens was not necessarily associated with testicular maldescent since (despite partial to complete absence of epididymis and vas deferens) 44% of testes descended normally into the scrotum in males treated prenatally with flutamide. In contrast to the rat, prenatal flutamide treatment to hamsters did not interfere with testicular descent although there was clear evidence of flutamide action during development including inhibition of development of the Wolffian duct and retention of cranial suspensory ligament

    Genistein-induced fluid accumulation in ovariectomised rats' uteri is associated with increased cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator expression

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    OBJECTIVE: High genistein doses have been reported to induce fluid accumulation in the uteri of ovariectomised rats, although the mechanism underlying this effect remains unknown. Because genistein binds to the oestrogen receptor and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator mediates uterine fluid secretion, we hypothesised that this genistein effect involves both the oestrogen receptor and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator. METHODS: Ovariectomised adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day genistein for three consecutive days with and without the ER antagonist ICI 182780. One day after the final drug injection, the animals were humanely sacrificed, and the uteri were removed for histology and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator mRNA and protein expression analysis using real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein distribution was analysed visually by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The histological analysis revealed an increase in the circumference of the uterine lumen with increasing doses of genistein, which was suggestive of fluid accumulation. Moreover, genistein stimulated a dose-dependent increase in the expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein and mRNA, and high-intensity cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator immunostaining was observed at the apical membrane of the luminal epithelium following 50 and 100 mg/kg/day genistein treatment. The genistein-induced increase in uterine luminal circumference and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator expression was antagonised by treatment with ICI 182780. CONCLUSION: Genistein-induced luminal fluid accumulation in ovariectomised rats' uteri involves the oestrogen receptor and up-regulation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator expression, and these findings reveal the mechanism underlying the effect of this compound on changes in fluid volume in the uterus after menopause

    Prevention of corruption practices in Malaysia: "suitability of deterrent sentence" / Mohd Shahrullah Khan Nawab Zadah Khan, Noorselizabte Mat Ghani, Normadiah Mohamad

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    Almost every country globally has made corruption as a criminal offence. This act has become more serious especially in today's state of high division of labour. Corruption can be generally defined as a dishonest act of giving and taking of a sum of money or other favours in return of help to the other party1. Morally, it is a good attitude to give others gifts. Hence, there must be a grave reason why it is made an offence. This is best viewed with an example. A custom officer has duty to prohibit any illegal items from entering the state. If a drug smuggler was caught and later bribed the officer, the drugs will be in the circulation of the society. One of the consequences is that the quality of social institution will be downgraded. According to the Parliamentary debate on draft of Anti-Corruption Act on 28th of July 1997, it stated that corruption retards the development of nation and will destroy the structure of the society and a law governing. Should this act be sanctioned with deterrent type of punishment? If the consequence of the act is so destructive, the best solution is to deter the society but if it is not, deterrent punishment will deprive them of their rights. China for example takes the approach of punishing with death penalty while Vietnam punishes offender with life imprisonment and other parts of the world punishes offender with either imprisonment or fine or both2. Different act should be punished differently according to the degree of seriousness it caused. receive gifts because of the respect, love and services that they have rendered to the people, then of course it cannot be regarded as bribery. The Holy Prophet himself used to accept gifts of various forms from the head of the states in his time and also used to give similar gifts to others. This is surely not bribery because it is customary3. If we accept this perspective, the important test is would you get the gifts if you are not holding that position. So, if someone receives a reasonable gift like a hamper of goods during feast, this should not be made an offence, as it is customary to do so

    [Understanding of Academic Members Kuala Terengganu Ipta The Concept of Breastfeeding Milk According The Islamic Perspective] Kefahaman Ahli Akademik Ipta Kuala Terengganu Terhadap Konsep Penyusuan Susu Ibu Menurut Perspektif Islam

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    An understanding of breastfeeding according to the Islamic perspective is very important in ensuring the success of breastfeeding, especially among working mothers. The absence of a study related to the understanding of the concept of breastfeeding according to the Islamic perspective among IPTA academics while they are the educated group that should be used as a guide among other women is the main problem of this study. Therefore, this study was built to study the understanding of academics at IPTA Kuala Terengganu about breastfeeding according to the Islamic perspective. This study was conducted in the field (field studies) and using quantitative methods. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with experts in the field of Islamic family Fiqh. A total of 140 out of 180 respondents were selected from selected locations are UiTM Kuala Terengganu, UMT and UniSZA. The results show that the respondents have a good understanding regarding breastfeeding according to the Islamic perspective with an average mean value between 2.67-3.92. These findings show that the knowledge of Islam is an important foundation in ensuring the successful implementation of breastfeeding.   Kefahaman terhadap  penyusuan susu ibu menurut perspektif Islam sangat penting dalam memastikan kejayaan penyusuan susu ibu terutamanya dalam kalangan ibu yang bekerjaya. Ketiadaan kajian berkaitan kefahaman terhadap konsep penyusuan susu ibu menurut perspektif Islam dalam kalangan ahli akademik IPTA sedangkan mereka adalah golongan terpelajar yang perlu dijadikan panduan dalam kalangan wanita lain merupakan permasalahan utama kajian ini. Justeru itu, kajian ini dibina untuk mengkaji kefahaman ahli akademik di IPTA Kuala Terengganu tentang penyusuan menurut perspektif Islam. Kajian ini dilakukan secara lapangan (field studies) dan menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen soal selidik dan temu bual bersama pakar pakar dalam bidang Fiqh kekeluargaan Islam.Seramai 140 daripada 180 orang responden telah dipilih dari lokasi yang terpilih ialah UiTM Kuala Terengganu, UMT dan UniSZA. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan para responden mempunyai kefahaman yang baik berkenaan dengan penyusuan susu ibu menurut perspektif Islam dengan purata nilai min antara 2.67-3.92. Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa ilmu pengetahuan tentang Islam merupakan asas yang penting dalam memastikan kejayaan pelaksanaan penyusuan susu ibu ini.   Kata kunci: Ahli Akademik, Kuala Terengganu, Penyusuan Susu Ib