61 research outputs found


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    In the modern world, all the museums, especially science and technology centers, seek transforming from storages of valuable historical objects to the knowledge exchange and construction places. This study aims to research official sites and social media channels of twenty European science and technology museums in order to understand how the virtual museum self-presentation is done. Using thematic analysis five common facets of the science and technology museum official site were coded: i) site interoperability; ii) home page; iii) first ten news; iv) science and education activities; v) information “about us”. All the data were anonymized. The study showed two contradicted science and technology museum virtual self-presentation behavior styles: orientation “Museum as a storage” and orientation “Visitor as a creator”. Researching how science and technology museums experimented with interactive image and text in their official web pages, museum social media site follower responses and museum ratings in social media, we expanded The Museum Visitor Experience Model with insights how the virtual self-presentation could help attracting museum visitors

    The effect of abiotic and landscape features on abundance of Anopheles larvae

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    Mosquitoes are medically the most important group of insects, transmitting a number of deadly diseases, including malaria. Female mosquitoes transmit them while feeding on human blood, which is required to mature eggs. It is important to understand vector population dynamics in order to effectively control them. Sampling larval populations is one of the methods to estimate mosquito requirements for site selection for oviposition and survival. Our survey took place from 10th of June to 1st July in the area of village Chano, located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region in Southern Ethiopia. Mosquito larvae were collected using standard dipping method once a week in three different land cover categories. Water physical parameters were recorded on site and the chemical analysis was performed at the laboratory of The Institute of Health and Nutrition in Addis Ababa. We found Anopheles arabiensis to be the only anopheline species present at the end of the rainy season in the surveyed area. There was no significant association detected between presence of Anopheles mosquito larvae and abiotic and landscape characteristics. However, we found that the density of early instar stages was increasing with increasing conductivity (p=0.01) and dissolved oxygen (p=0.02) and when habitats contained aquatic vegetation. Such habitats were associated with pastures. Late larval instars were positively associated with turbidity (p=0.003) and such habitats were more numerous in the settlement. We conclude that Anopheles arabiensis females were ovipositing more intensively in habitats that were more stable, but the survival in such habitats was lower. We suggest that water quality may be not the main factor influencing site selection for oviposition when the climatic conditions are not favorable for the survival of the adult and immature stages. This knowledge could be applied in the development of vector control strategies, aiming at the mosquito populations when they are mostly vulnerable

    Comparative assessment of subsipopulations of tumor-associated macrophages in breast cancer depending on the response to chemotherapy

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    The key cells of the immune system that determine the relationship between tumor cells and the microenvironment, beginning with early stages of tumor growth, including regulation of neoangiogenesis and the terminal stage of malignant process, are tumor-associated macrophages (TAM). In the present study, identification of TAM markers in breast tumors in patients with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and a comparative assessment of the differences in the macrophages subpopulation in tumors with different response to chemotherapy were carried out. The data we obtained indicate the functional differences between TAM subpopulations that have various phenotypes, that are confirmed at the level of associative links with the effectiveness of chemotherapy

    Aphids-induced plant volatiles affect diel foraging behavior of a ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata

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    The ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata (L.) is an important biocontrol agent of pests such as various aphid species. Despite being one of the most studied coccinellid species, many aspects of its foraging behavior are still not completely understood. This study focuses on the diel foraging behavior of C. septempunctata, investigating their olfactory orientation toward aphid-infested plants, walking activity on plants and on the soil, and feeding rates. In the scotophase the ladybird beetles were significantly more attracted to the odor of aphid-infested plants, on which they also showed considerably higher walking activity then on uninfested controls. Females were more prone to utilize olfactory cues when searching for prey and fed at higher rates than males; this shows that they are better adapted to nocturnal activity, as they require higher food intake. Coccinella septempunctata have the same feeding rate during the scotophase as in the photophase. Our study shows that C. septempunctata has the potential to forage in the scotophase if prey is abundant. The results support the hypothesis that volatiles of aphid-infested plants can attract or arrest foraging adult ladybird beetles, even in the darkness, which makes a considerable contribution to efficient prey search and enhances feeding capacity

    Организация продажи продуктов питания через интернет

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    Рассмотрение экономических, управленческих и технических аспектов создания стартапа. Проведение исследования потребительских предпочтений на основе технологии Customer Development. Осуществление подготовки проекта стартапа. Объектом исследования является проект "S-Market" - приложение и веб-страница по продажи продуктов on-line в г. Томск. Предметом исследования является процесс создания старт-ап проекта при выведении нового продукта на рынок. Цель работы – разработка старт-ап плана по выведению нового продукта (приложения и веб-страницу) проекта "S-Market" на томский рынок онлайн-продаж продуктов питания.Consideration of economic, managerial and technical aspects creating a startup. Conducting research consumer preferences based Technology Customer Development. Training startup project. The object of the study is the S-Market project - an application and a web page for selling on-line products in Tomsk. The subject of the study is the process of creating a start-up project when introducing a new product to the market. The purpose of the work is to develop a start-up plan for introducing a new product (application and web page) of the S-Market project to the Tomsk market for online food sales

    Antiinflammatory Therapy with Canakinumab for Atherosclerotic Disease

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    Background: Experimental and clinical data suggest that reducing inflammation without affecting lipid levels may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Yet, the inflammatory hypothesis of atherothrombosis has remained unproved. Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blind trial of canakinumab, a therapeutic monoclonal antibody targeting interleukin-1β, involving 10,061 patients with previous myocardial infarction and a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level of 2 mg or more per liter. The trial compared three doses of canakinumab (50 mg, 150 mg, and 300 mg, administered subcutaneously every 3 months) with placebo. The primary efficacy end point was nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or cardiovascular death. RESULTS: At 48 months, the median reduction from baseline in the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level was 26 percentage points greater in the group that received the 50-mg dose of canakinumab, 37 percentage points greater in the 150-mg group, and 41 percentage points greater in the 300-mg group than in the placebo group. Canakinumab did not reduce lipid levels from baseline. At a median follow-up of 3.7 years, the incidence rate for the primary end point was 4.50 events per 100 person-years in the placebo group, 4.11 events per 100 person-years in the 50-mg group, 3.86 events per 100 person-years in the 150-mg group, and 3.90 events per 100 person-years in the 300-mg group. The hazard ratios as compared with placebo were as follows: in the 50-mg group, 0.93 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.80 to 1.07; P = 0.30); in the 150-mg group, 0.85 (95% CI, 0.74 to 0.98; P = 0.021); and in the 300-mg group, 0.86 (95% CI, 0.75 to 0.99; P = 0.031). The 150-mg dose, but not the other doses, met the prespecified multiplicity-adjusted threshold for statistical significance for the primary end point and the secondary end point that additionally included hospitalization for unstable angina that led to urgent revascularization (hazard ratio vs. placebo, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73 to 0.95; P = 0.005). Canakinumab was associated with a higher incidence of fatal infection than was placebo. There was no significant difference in all-cause mortality (hazard ratio for all canakinumab doses vs. placebo, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.83 to 1.06; P = 0.31). Conclusions: Antiinflammatory therapy targeting the interleukin-1β innate immunity pathway with canakinumab at a dose of 150 mg every 3 months led to a significantly lower rate of recurrent cardiovascular events than placebo, independent of lipid-level lowering. (Funded by Novartis; CANTOS ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01327846.

    Can the sectoral New Keynesian Phillips curve explain inflation dynamics in the Euro Area?

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    There is no a priori reason to suppose that price-setting behaviour is homogeneous across sectors and countries. Aggregate data are, however, commonly used to estimate the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC), which may very well yield erroneous results if price-setting behaviour is heterogeneous. In this paper, we therefore estimate the hybrid NKPC for the Euro Area using a novel sectoral data set containing quarterly observations from 1999Q1 to 2012Q1. We show that a positive relationship between inflation and real marginal cost cannot be established empirically for a majority of countries and sectors. We also perform a meta-analysis by combining the results of individual significance tests in order to assess the validity of the NKPC in each country across all sectors and in each sector across all countries. We find no empirical evidence for the NKPC in the Euro Area when this meta-analysis is used. Our results therefore raise doubts about the appropriateness of the NKPC for the analysis of inflation dynamics and monetary policy in the Euro Area