1,632 research outputs found

    ALICE Diffractive Detector Control System for RUN-II in the ALICE Experiment

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    This paper describes general characteristics of the deployment and commissioned of the Detector Control System (DCS) AD0 for the second phase of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The AD0 detector is installed in the ALICE experiment to provide a better selection of diffractive events.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, To be published in Journal of Physics Conference Series (IOP). Joint Proceedings of the XV Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields & the XXX Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Societ


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    Gizi baik merupakan fondasi bagi pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan penanda keberhasilan pembangunan serta terpenuhinya hak azasi manusia terhadap pangan dan kesehatan. Berdasarkan hasil survey pendahuluan pada balita di Desa Karampi Kecamatan Langgudu Kabupaten Bima bahwa masih terdapat 3,36%  balita mengalami gizi kurang. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemberian bantuan sosial dan pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Eksklusif terhadap status gizi balita. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik.  Populasi penelitian meliputi ibu dan balita di desa Karampi, Kecamatan Langgudu, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sample dalam penelitian menggunakan 52 responden yang terdiri atas ibu dan balita. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square untuk melihat hubungan antara bantuan sosial dan pemberian ASI ekslusif terhadap status gizi balita. Hasil analisis univariat pemberian bantuan sosial sebesar 57.7% dan tidak menerima bantuan sosial sebesar 42.3%. Sedangkan yang memberian ASI Eksklusif sebesar 90.4% dan tidak memberikan ASI Ekslusif sebesar 9.6%. Hasil analisis bivariat antara hubungan penerimaan bantuan dengan status gizi balita menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 15.4% balita dengan gizi buruk dan 84.6% balita dengan gizi baik. Namun, tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikansi 0.708 (P-value ? 0.05) antara bantuan sosial dengan status gizi anak. Sedangkan hubungan antara pemberian asi eksklusif dengan status gizi berpengaruh secara signifikan dimana p-value (0.000?0.05)

    Trends and Issues of Ethnoscience Research from 2008 to 2023: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This paper aims to analyze research trends on ethnoscience using bibliometric analysis from 2008-2023. The research sample consisted of 153 documents obtained from the Scopus database. The results of the study show that the distribution of publication frequency reaches its peak in 2021 with 32 articles identified. The distribution of research themes consists of 4 primary clusters and 35 secondary clusters. The ethnoscience research area is dominated by social science research (30.2%). The country with the best documents shows that Indonesia is ranked first as the most productive country in publishing on ethnoscience with 74 identified documents. The United States released second place with 28 documents, third Brazil with 10 documents, fourth Canada with 9 documents, and fifth France, Germany, Italy and the Russian Federation with 5 documents each. Institutions that contributed the most came from Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Semarang 22 papers 33.66%, University of Alberta 9 papers 13.77%, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 7 papers 10.71, Universitas Negeri Padang 7 papers 7.65%. The best author with the highest number of citations is Dahdouh. Meanwhile, if we look at the number of documents published by the author, Sudarmin has 10 documents with a contribution of 15.3%.    &nbsp

    Design Build VoIP Technology Implementation on Network Applications IP Phone Via a Different Intranet Network.

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    Computer network technology and the internet today has become one of the important needs in life activities. Every day continues to grow, the development of a busy discussed and discussed today is the technology that lead to Next Generation Network (NGN) which will most likely be the technology platform on Internet Protocol (IP), one of the technology into use is a softswitch or known by the name Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP Technology able to communicate using voice infrastructure like the Internet using regular phone at no cost to regular phone. In addition, VoIP technology uses voice compression technology to provide efficiency and utilization bandwitdth, so that data communication is not disrupted

    Genetics of hemolytic uremic syndrome

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    Development of Biology Learning Media Assisted by Construct2 to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

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    The construct2 software is an HTML5 based Game Builder Tool. Construct2 can be used in the development of biology learning media assisted by construct2 or HTML5 to improve critical thinking skills. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development) which is accommodated from Sugiyono (2008) which was developed according to the conditions and situations. The research data instruments consist of assessment instruments by validators (material, language, and media), and media-based questionnaires based on teacher and student responses. The research data is in the form of media data validation from a team of experts, the results of the virtual laboratory media feasibility test, and the results of the learning media effectiveness test. The research population consisted of 5 SMA 1 BELO classes consisting of IPA 1, IPA 2, IPA 3, IPA 4 with a total of 130 students. The research subjects consisted of 67 students from Senior High School Negeri 1 Belo, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The result of the research is an application-based virtual laboratory application that can be programmed using Construct2 or HTML5 software. The results of the validity test according to experts ranged from 97%, while the exact location was 87%. The implications of this research are expected to be able to contribute to researchers, practitioners, to be able to optimize construction in making 3-dimensional virtual laboratory mediaPerangkat lunak construct2 adalah Alat Pembuat Game berbasis HTML5. Construct2 dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran biologi berbantuan construct2 atau HTML5 untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) yang diakomodasi dari Sugiyono (2008) yang dikembangkan sesuai dengan kondisi dan situasi. Instrumen data penelitian terdiri dari instrumen penilaian oleh validator (materi, bahasa, dan media), dan angket berbasis media berdasarkan respon guru dan siswa. Data penelitian berupa validasi data media dari tim ahli, hasil uji kelayakan media laboratorium virtual, dan hasil uji keefektifan media pembelajaran. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 kelas SMA 1 BELO yang terdiri dari IPA 1, IPA 2, IPA 3, IPA 4 dengan jumlah 130 siswa. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 67 siswa SMA Negeri 1 Belo, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Hasil penelitian berupa aplikasi laboratorium virtual berbasis aplikasi yang dapat diprogram menggunakan software Construct2 atau HTML5. Hasil uji validitas menurut ahli berkisar 97%, sedangkan lokasi tepatnya 87%. Implikasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi peneliti, praktisi, untuk dapat mengoptimalkan konstruksi dalam pembuatan media laboratorium virtual 3 dimensi

    Investigating Gaze of Children with ASD in Naturalistic Settings.

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    BACKGROUND: Visual behavior is known to be atypical in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Monitor-based eye-tracking studies have measured several of these atypicalities in individuals with Autism. While atypical behaviors are known to be accentuated during natural interactions, few studies have been made on gaze behavior in natural interactions. In this study we focused on i) whether the findings done in laboratory settings are also visible in a naturalistic interaction; ii) whether new atypical elements appear when studying visual behavior across the whole field of view. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ten children with ASD and ten typically developing children participated in a dyadic interaction with an experimenter administering items from the Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS). The children wore a novel head-mounted eye-tracker, measuring gaze direction and presence of faces across the child's field of view. The analysis of gaze episodes to faces revealed that children with ASD looked significantly less and for shorter lapses of time at the experimenter. The analysis of gaze patterns across the child's field of view revealed that children with ASD looked downwards and made more extensive use of their lateral field of view when exploring the environment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data gathered in naturalistic settings confirm findings previously obtained only in monitor-based studies. Moreover, the study allowed to observe a generalized strategy of lateral gaze in children with ASD when they were looking at the objects in their environment

    Positive Least Energy Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrodinger Equations with Critical Exponent: Higher Dimensional Case

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    We study the following nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger system which is related to Bose-Einstein condensate: {displaymath} {cases}-\Delta u +\la_1 u = \mu_1 u^{2^\ast-1}+\beta u^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}-1}v^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}}, \quad x\in \Omega, -\Delta v +\la_2 v =\mu_2 v^{2^\ast-1}+\beta v^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}-1} u^{\frac{2^\ast}{2}}, \quad x\in \om, u\ge 0, v\ge 0 \,\,\hbox{in \om},\quad u=v=0 \,\,\hbox{on \partial\om}.{cases}{displaymath} Here \om\subset \R^N is a smooth bounded domain, 2:=2NN22^\ast:=\frac{2N}{N-2} is the Sobolev critical exponent, -\la_1(\om)0 and β0\beta\neq 0, where \lambda_1(\om) is the first eigenvalue of Δ-\Delta with the Dirichlet boundary condition. When \bb=0, this is just the well-known Brezis-Nirenberg problem. The special case N=4 was studied by the authors in (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 205: 515-551, 2012). In this paper we consider {\it the higher dimensional case N5N\ge 5}. It is interesting that we can prove the existence of a positive least energy solution (u_\bb, v_\bb) {\it for any β0\beta\neq 0} (which can not hold in the special case N=4). We also study the limit behavior of (u_\bb, v_\bb) as β\beta\to -\infty and phase separation is expected. In particular, u_\bb-v_\bb will converge to {\it sign-changing solutions} of the Brezis-Nirenberg problem, provided N6N\ge 6. In case \la_1=\la_2, the classification of the least energy solutions is also studied. It turns out that some quite different phenomena appear comparing to the special case N=4.Comment: 48 pages. This is a revised version of arXiv:1209.2522v1 [math.AP