330 research outputs found
Laws Relating to the Investment of Trust Funds, 1930–1937
Bostadsmarknaden är en av de största tillgångsmarknaderna i ett land varpå förändringar i bostadspriserna får långt gångna konsekvenser för det enskilda hushållet, det finansiella systemet och samhällsekonomin i stort. Flertalet tidigare studier har analyserat den svenska bostadsmarknaden utifrån ett storstadsperspektiv alternativt jämfört Sveriges bostadsmarknad mot andra länder. Vi har identifierat att studiet kring vad som bestämmer prisnivån på regionala bostadsmarknader i Sverige är tämligen oexploaterat varför avsikten med den här studien är att analysera bestämningsfaktorer till de svenska bostadspriserna på länsnivå. Sålunda är ett bidragande mål med denna studie att tillföra en bättre förståelse för dynamiken på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. I studien använder vi multipel regression där vi bearbetar paneldata med en Fixed Effect Model. Ett flertal förtester har gjorts för att få fram den mest tillförlitliga modellen i vilken vi skattat bostadspriserna utifrån teoretiskt belagda förklaringsvariabler. De slutsatser vi har dragit är att disponibel inkomst, befolkningstäthet och sysselsättningsgrad kan förklara bostadspriserna på länsnivå med en procents signifikansnivå. Skillnaden i bostadspriserna mellan länen har relativt sett ökat över tidsperioden för studien. Avslutningsvis diskuteras uppvisade avvikelser mellan de verkliga bostadspriserna och de skattade bostadspriserna vilka kan förklaras av att bostadsmarknaden är känslostyrd med inslag av spekulationer. The housing market is one of the greatest assets markets in a given country. Therefore, changes in housing prices have a big impact on the single household, the financial system and the economic system as a whole. Due to the housing markets vital role in the society, many scientific studies have been done with the purpose of enlighten and discover the dynamics of the Swedish housing market. The focuses in these earlier studies have more than often taken a metropolitan perspective or compared the Swedish housing market with other countries. However, this study divides the Swedish housing market into regional county level with the purpose of analyzing determinants of housing prices due to county specific variables. By analyzing the housing prices due to county specific factors a contributing goal with this study is to deepen the understanding about the dynamics in the Swedish housing market. In this study we have used multiple regressions in order to work with panel data. The Fixed Effect Model fitted our purpose well which is why that kind of model was used in order to estimate the housing prices for every single Swedish county. The conclusions drawn in this study are that disposable income, people density and employment rate are all statistically significant on one percent level in order to explain the housing price at state level. We have also discovered that, during the observed period, the relative differences in housing prices between the different states have increased. Finally, the differences found between the real housing prices and the estimated housing prices, can be explained by the assumption that the housing market is driven by emotions and speculations.
Virkets formförändring och dess betydelse vid postning
The purpose of this thesis was to create a saw pattern program for the sawmill industry. I have chosen to focus on the module that describes the shrinking on the wood. There are several theories about how the wood deforms by shrinking. Several hypotheses were simulated in the program and after testing them I decided to use only one of them (hypothesis C).
The program is written in Visual Basic .NET and I choused that program language because it
is easy to do changes in the layout. Another great advantage in Visual .Net is that you can mix different languages in the same program. For example you can use one language for
calculating a motion and another one for the design.
With the program you can simulate the shrinking of a plank when it's drying. The result is a picture of the plank with its new width and thickness.
The program has one disadvantage, which occurs when a plank is placed in the middle of the
log, the forces in the plank are then different and the hypothesis doesn't work for those cases.
The final part of the work was to make a sketch of how a saw pattern model should look like with the shrinking module.Syftet med examensarbetet var att skapa en postningsmodell för sågverk, denna skulle kunna
utvecklas till ett färdigt program för kommersiellt bruk. Tyngdpunkten har lagts på att
konstruera den modul som beskriver träets krympning. Programutvecklingen försvårades av
att det finns flera teorier om hur träet krymper. För att hitta rätt teori provades olika hypoteser
innan den slutgiltiga hypotesen valdes. Jag valde programmeringsspråket Visual Basic.NET
eftersom utseendet på mitt program skulle vara lätt att ändra under dess utveckling. Visual
Basic .NET är lätt att ändra eftersom knappar och menyer ritas i en editor istället för att
skrivas i text.
Det utvecklade programmet kan köras i Pc-miljö och simulerar träets krympning vid torkning
och visar hur den valda brädan förändrar utseende.
Programmet har en svaghet, vid simulering av märgbitar ger den inte ett korrekt resultat på
grund av plasticiteten i träet. En utveckling av programmet skulle vara att implementera en
metod som kallas Finita Element Metoden. Arbetet har avslutats med att ta fram en fullständig
modell av ett postningsprogram där krympningsmodellen ingår
A five-year observational prospective mono-center study of the efficacy of alemtuzumab in a real-world cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis
BackgroundAlemtuzumab (ALZ) is a pulsed immune reconstitution therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS).ObjectiveTo assess basic characteristics, therapeutic effects, and prognostic biomarkers on clinical and imaging parameters of disease activity for relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS) patients selected for ALZ, in a real-world long-term setting.MethodsFifty-one RRMS patients [female = 31; mean age 36 (standard deviation 7.1) years; median expanded disability status scale (EDSS) 2 (interquartile range (IQR) 1.5)] initiating ALZ treatment, were consecutively included. Patients were assessed at baseline and thereafter annually for 5 years with clinical measures, symbol digit modality test (SDMT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Concentrations of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), reflecting astrogliosis, and neurofilament light (NfL), reflecting axonal damage, were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples collected at baseline and after 2 years in CSF, and annually in serum. Control subjects were symptomatic controls (SCs, n = 27), who were examined at baseline and after 5 years without evidence of neurological disease.ResultsWhile the mean annualized relapse rate was significantly reduced from baseline at each year of follow-up, disability was essentially maintained at a median EDSS of 1.5 and IQR between 1.13 and 2.25. New MRI activity was recorded in 26 patients (53%) over 5 years. The proportion of patients who achieved no evidence of disease activity (NEDA-3), 6-months confirmed disability worsening (CDW), and 6-months confirmed disability improvement (CDI) at 5 years were 33, 31, and 31%, respectively. The SDMT score was reduced for patients (p < 0.001), but unchanged for SCs. ALZ treatment did not change GFAP levels, whereas there was a significant decrease for RRMS patients in median CSF and serum NfL levels at follow-up [CSF month 24: 456 pg./mL (IQR 285.4) (p = 0.05); serum month 24: 6.7 pg/mL (IQR 4.7) (p < 0.01); serum month 60: 7.2 pg/mL (IQR 4.7) (p < 0.01)], compared to baseline [CSF: 1014 pg/mL (IQR 2832.5); serum 8.6 pg/mL (IQR 17.4)].ConclusionIn this real-world mono-center population, we observed a progression-free survival of 69%, cumulative NEDA-3 of 33%, and reduced NfL levels, over a five-year follow-up. This confirms ALZ as an effective pulsed immune reconstitution therapy that significantly reduces neuro axonal loss, and therefore has the potential to reduce long-term neurological disability. ALZ did not appear to affect astrogliosis
Pre-treatment levels of inflammatory markers and chemotherapy completion rates in patients with early-stage breast cancer
Author's accepted manuscriptBackground Chemotherapy efficacy is largely dependent on treatment adherence, defned by the relative dose intensity (RDI). Identifcation of new modifable risk factors associated with low RDI might improve chemotherapy delivery. Here, we evaluated the association between low RDI and pre-chemotherapy factors, including patient- and treatment-related characteristics and markers of infammation. Methods This exploratory analysis assessed data from 267 patients with early-stage breast cancer scheduled to undergo (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy included in the Physical training and Cancer (Phys-Can) trial. The association between low RDI, defned as<85%, patient-related (age, body mass index, co-morbid condition, body surface area) and treatment-related factors (cancer stage, receptor status, chemotherapy duration, chemotherapy dose, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) was investigated. Analyses further included the association between RDI and pre-chemotherapy levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, C-reactive protein (CRP) and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) in 172 patients with available blood samples. Results An RDI of<85% occurred in 31 patients (12%). Univariable analysis revealed a signifcant association with a chemotherapy duration above 20 weeks (p<0.001), chemotherapy dose (p=0.006), pre-chemotherapy IL-8 (OR 1.61; 95% CI (1.01; 2.58); p=0.040) and TNF-α (OR 2.2 (1.17; 4.53); p=0.019). In multivariable analyses, infammatory cytokines were signifcant association with low RDI for IL-8 (OR: 1.65 [0.99; 2.69]; p=0.044) and TNF-α (OR 2.95 [1.41; 7.19]; p=0.007). Conclusions This exploratory analysis highlights the association of pre-chemotherapy IL-8 and TNF-α with low RDI of chemotherapy for breast cancer. IL-8 and TNF-α may therefore potentially help to identify patients at risk for experiencing dose reductions.acceptedVersio
Kulturudvikling gennem strategisk kompetenceudvikling - KUSK: samskabelse mellem ledelse og lærere om udvikling af pædagogisk og didaktisk praksis
Kulturudvikling gennem strategisk kompetenceudvikling, forkortet KUSK, samles her i et koncept, der skal give ledere og lærere på erhvervsskolerne inspiration og ideer til at samarbejde og samskabe om pædagogisk og didaktisk udvikling.Kultur er det, vi gør i organisationen - på godt og ondt. Kultur er måden, vi samarbejder på, måden vi taler sammen, sproget vi anvender og hvordan vi forstår alt det, der rammesætter en organisation – det være sig organisering, strategi, handleplaner, målinger, evalueringer, budgetter og regnskaber, med mere. Grundlaget for at forstå kulturudvikling i sammenhæng med uddannelsesudvikling er, at det er noget, som skabes i samspil mellem de aktører, der er involveret.Tilgangen til kulturudvikling i dette koncept handler om at skabe en kultur i fællesskab ved at have forestillinger om, hvordan en praksis fremadrettet skal tage sig ud - og for hvem - og så få forestillingen om en fremtidig praksis til at blive til virkelighed. Vi benævner det ”kulturudvikling gennem samskabelse ”, altså, at man skaber en praksis sammen gennem fremadrettet handling og løbende refleksion over handlinger.Kulturudvikling er i denne forståelse forbundet med uddannelsesudvikling, hvilket betyder, at det er måden, vi udvikler praksis på og anvender vores kompetencer i den sammenhæng, som er genstand for denne tilgang. Formålet er at skabe veje til kulturforandringer på skoler, gennem en eksperimenterende tilgang samt fornyelse af den måde ledere og lærere samarbejder om udvikling af nye pædagogiske og didaktiske initiativer i forbindelse til undervisningen.Bæredygtig kulturudvikling bygger på nedenstående antagelser:At dilemmaer har et stort læringspotentialeAt samarbejde mellem ledere og lærere om udvikling forstærker muligheden for kulturforandringerAt formel kompetenceudvikling skal kobles til skole- og praksisudviklingAt udviklingsarbejde skal skabe meget mere værdi for den eksisterende praksi
Fine tuning of phosphorothioate inclusion in 2'-O-methyl oligonucleotides contributes to specific cell targeting for splice-switching modulation
Splice-switching antisense oligonucleotide- (SSO-) mediated correction of framedisrupting mutation-containing premessenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts using exon skipping is a highly promising treatment method for muscular diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Phosphorothioate (PS) chemistry, a commonly used oligonucleotide modification, has been shown to increase the stability of and improve the pharmacokinetics of SSOs. However, the effect of PS inclusion in 2'-O-methyl SSOs (2OMe) on cellular uptake and splice switching is less well-understood. At present, we demonstrate that the modification of PS facilitates the uptake of 2OMe in H2k-mdx myoblasts. Furthermore, we found a dependency of SSO nuclear accumulation and high splice-switching activity on PS inclusion in 2OMe (2OMePS), as tested in various reporter cell lines carrying pLuc/705. Increased exon-inclusion activity was observed in muscle, neuronal, liver, and bone cell lineages via both the gymnotic uptake and lipofection of 2OMePS. Using the photoactivatable ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and a subsequent proteomic approach, we identified several 2OMePS-binding proteins, which are likely to play a role in the trafficking of 2OMePS to the nucleus. Ablation of one of them, Ncl by small-interfering RNA (siRNA) enhanced 2OMePS uptake in C2C12 myoblasts and upregulated luciferase RNA splicing in the HeLa Luc/705 reporter cell line. Overall, we demonstrate that PS inclusion increases nuclear delivery and splice switching in muscle, neuronal, liver, and bone cell lineages and that the modulation of 2OMePS-binding partners may improve SSO delivery
Relative and absolute cancer risks among Nordic kidney transplant recipients-a population-based study
Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) have an increased cancer risk compared to the general population, but absolute risks that better reflect the clinical impact of cancer are seldom estimated. All KTRs in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, with a first transplantation between 1995 and 2011, were identified through national registries. Post-transplantation cancer occurrence was assessed through linkage with cancer registries. We estimated standardized incidence ratios (SIR), absolute excess risks (AER), and cumulative incidence of cancer in the presence of competing risks. Overall, 12 984 KTRs developed 2215 cancers. The incidence rate of cancer overall was threefold increased (SIR 3.3, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.2-3.4). The AER of any cancer was 1560 cases (95% CI: 1468-1656) per 100 000 person-years. The highest AERs were observed for nonmelanoma skin cancer (838, 95% CI: 778-901), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (145, 95% CI: 119-174), lung cancer (126, 95% CI: 98.2-149), and kidney cancer (122, 95% CI: 98.0-149). The five- and ten-year cumulative incidence of any cancer was 8.1% (95% CI: 7.6-8.6%) and 16.8% (95% CI: 16.0-17.6%), respectively. Excess cancer risks were observed among Nordic KTRs for a wide range of cancers. Overall, 1 in 6 patients developed cancer within ten years, supporting extensive post-transplantation cancer vigilance.Peer reviewe
Heterogeneity and interplay of the extracellular vesicle small RNA transcriptome and proteome
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate cell-to-cell communication by delivering or displaying macromolecules to their recipient cells. While certain broad-spectrum EV effects reflect their protein cargo composition, others have been attributed to individual EV-loaded molecules such as specific miRNAs. In this work, we have investigated the contents of vesicular cargo using small RNA sequencing of cells and EVs from HEK293T, RD4, C2C12, Neuro2a and C17.2. The majority of RNA content in EVs (49-96%) corresponded to rRNA-, coding-and tRNA fragments, corroborating with our proteomic analysis of HEK293T and C2C12 EVs which showed an enrichment of ribosome and translation-related proteins. On the other hand, the overall proportion of vesicular small RNA was relatively low and variable (2-39%) and mostly comprised of miRNAs and sequences mapping to piRNA loci. Importantly, this is one of the few studies, which systematically links vesicular RNA and protein cargo of vesicles. Our data is particularly useful for future work in unravelling the biological mechanisms underlying vesicular RNA and protein sorting and serves as an important guide in developing EVs as carriers for RNA therapeutics.Peer reviewe
Impact of different infliximab dose regimens on treatment response and drug survival in 462 patients with psoriatic arthritis: results from the nationwide registries DANBIO and ICEBIO.
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This article is open access.The aim of this study was to describe dose regimens, dose escalation and clinical outcomes in TNF-α inhibitor (TNFi)-naive patients with PsA treated with infliximab in routine rheumatology care.We conducted an observational cohort study based on the nationwide Danish Rheumatologic Database (DANBIO) and Center for Rheumatology Research (ICEBIO) registries. Stratified by country, characteristics of patients treated with ≤3 mg infliximab/kg body weight, 3-5 mg/kg or ≥5 mg/kg every 8 weeks were described. Outcomes were evaluated by ACR 20%, 50% and 70% (ACR20/50/70) responses and European League Against Rheumatism good response after 6 months, disease activity after 12 months, Kaplan-Meier plots and regression analyses.Four hundred and sixty-two patients (376 Danish, 86 Icelandic) received treatment with infliximab. In Danish patients, the starting dose was ≤3 mg/kg in 110 patients (29%), 3-5 mg/kg in 157 (42%), ≥5 mg/kg in 38 (10%) and unregistered in 71 (19%). In Icelandic patients, corresponding numbers were 64 (74%), 17 (27%), 0 (0%) and 5 (6%). Patients with a higher body weight received lower doses per kilogram. Danish patients received higher doses than Icelandic patients at baseline [median 3.1 (interquartile range 3.0-3.8) vs 2.3 (2.1-2.9) mg/kg, P 70% of Icelandic and Danish PsA patients treated with infliximab received sustained doses below the 5 mg/kg every 8 weeks recommended in international guidelines. Lower starting doses did not affect drug survival or response
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