21 research outputs found
”Kolonialkriget hemma” : Bilden av Amerika inom den svenska marxist-leninistiska vänstern 1963–1977
Historical research about the so-called New Left was until the late 1990s an entirely newacademic field in Swedish academia. However, a large part of this research still deals withquestions concerning “who did what” and perhaps more notably “who was right”.This thesis is an attempt to move away from such inquiries and instead look towardshow one albeit small but very important part of this so-called New Left discussed andused the term America and things American. Formed largely around the Anti-WarMovement, the Marxist-Leninist – or “Maoist” – Left naturally opposed US worldpolicies; but perhaps more interesting a significant part of the ideas about America andthe Vietnam War seemed to stem from USA itself – such as naming your anti-war folkgroup “Freedom Singers” after the US civil rights group “The Freedom Singers”.Analyzing three Swedish Marxist-Leninist magazines the study thus complements theresearch on not only the Swedish New Left but also the study of anti-Americanisms;firstly, by examining what the Marxist-Leninist left considered particularly American;secondly, by studying in what context these particular Americanism was discussed; and,thirdly, by observing if these notions changed over time, and why. The aim is thereforenot to paint a “complete” picture of the image of America in the Swedish New Left butto analyze how things considered American was used, and why.By discussing the term narrative (berättelse) against the term image (bild) the study amongother things shows that the terms America and things conceivably American was used toexpress a number of things, such as a demonization of the Soviet Union. Moreover, a lotof motivation not only came from China – the natural utopia for European Maoist – butfrom American black-power leaders such as Malcolm X; that is, the image of America inthe Swedish New Left was not only more complex than previously thought of, butindeed took inspiration and ideas, albeit sometimes anti-American ideas, from the UnitedStates itself – or rather, “the other America” inside the United States of America
Effects of Zeolites in the Production of Biogas
Biogas är benämningen för metangas (CH4) som är producerad via anaerob (syrefri) rötning av biologiskt material. I Linköping finns en av Sveriges största biogasanläggningar. Anläggningen drivs av Svensk Biogas AB som ägs av Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB (publ.). I anläggningen rötas stora mängder proteinrikt substrat vilket leder till höga halter av ammoniak (NH3) och ammonium (NH4+) i rötkammaren. Ammoniak (NH3) är toxiskt för de metanbildare som i en välmående process står för den största delen av metangasproduktionen. Höga halter av ammoniak (NH3) och ammonium (NH4+) kan inhibera dessa metanbildare vilket leder till minskad gasproduktion. Detta examensarbete syftar främst till att genom ett kontinuerligt rötkammarexperiment utreda om zeoliter är ett lämpligt hjälpmedel för att reducera ammonium (NH4+) i en anaerob process. Vid sänkta halter ammonium (NH4+) är hypotesen att de mikroorganismer som är aktiva i den mest effektiva metanbildningsvägen återetableras. Arbetet syftar även till att experimentellt utreda vilka effekter zeoliter i sin helhet har på den anaeroba processen. Zeoliters effekt vid låga zeolitkoncentrationer utreds i en serie utrötningsexperiment i batch. Dessutom har en materialstudie kring zeoliternas kapacitet i olika miljöer genomförts. Materialstudien visade att den valda zeoliten som studerades, clinoptilolite, hade en maximal katjonbytarkapacitet på ≈ 19 mg NH4+/g zeolit. Vidare konstaterades att zeoliter med mindre diameter än 1 mm har avsevärt bättre kapacitet än zeoliter med större diameter. I det kontinuerliga rötkammarexperimentet konstaterades att clinoptilolite kan användas i en rötkammare för att reducera ammoniumhalten (NH4+). Detta utan att några allvarliga processtörningar uppstår. Cirka 175 g zeolit/l krävdes för att reducera ammoniumhalten (NH4+) från 5300 mg NH4+/l till 3200 mg NH4+/l. Det är inte realistisktatt använda så stora mängder zeoliter i en fullskalig anläggning. Mikrobiologiskt sett observerades ingen förändring av de metanbildarna som dominerar den effektivaste metanbildningsvägen. Resultaten från utrötningsförsöket i batch visade att zeolittillsatser av 5 g/l respektive 10 g/l hade en klart positiv effekt på metanbildningen jämfört utan zeolittillsats. I de batcher med 1-10 g zeolit/l startade metangasproduktionen ≈ 14 dagar tidigare än batcherna med 0 g zeolit/l. 16 dagar efter att experimentet startade hade batcherna med 5-10 g zeolit/l producerat ≈ 500 ml metangas (CH4) jämfört med serien utan zeoliter som vid samma tidpunkt producerat ≈ 75 ml metangas (CH4). Utrötningsgraden ökade i samtliga serier med zeolittillsats jämfört med serien utan zeoliter. Tillsatsen av 5 g zeolit/l ökade den specifika metangasproduktionen med ≈ 19 % jämfört med utan zeolittillsatser. Slutsatsen är att clinoptilolite i små koncentrationer, mellan 5-10 g/l, påverkar så väl kinetiken som utrötningsgraden för den anaeroba processen på ett positivt sett. Den optimala koncentrationen av clinoptilolite i en mesofil anaerob process bör ligga mellan 5-10 g zeolit/l.Methane (CH4) is formed by anaerobic (oxygen-free) digestion of biological materials. One of Sweden's largest biogas plants is placed in Linköping. The plant is operated by Svensk Biogas AB, which is owned by Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB (publ.). In their biogas plant a large amount of protein rich material is handled. High amounts of protein leads to high levels of ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) in the digestion chamber. High levels of ammonia (NH3) are toxic to the most dominant methane forming microorganism. High concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) can inhibit these methane forming microorganisms which may lead to a reduction in gas production. This aim with this master thesis was to reduce high ammonium levels by adding zeolites to a lab scale continuous digestion chamber. The hypothesis is that at reduced levels of ammonium (NH4+) the most effective methane forming microorganism will reestablish. This thesis also aims to experimentally investigate all types of effects that zeolites may have in an anaerobic digestion process. Which effect zeolites at low concentration have in a digestion chamber will be investigated by using lab scale batch digestion chambers. In addition, a material study on the capacity of the zeolites in different environments will be investigated. The material study showed that the selected zeolite, clinoptilolite, had a cat ion exchange capacity around 19 mg NH4+/g zeolite. It was also found that the zeolites with a diameter less than 1 mm had significantly better capacity than zeolites with larger diameter. In the continuous digestion experiment it was found that clinoptilolite can be used in a digestion chamber to reduce high levels of ammonium (NH4+). This without any serious disorder on the process. Around 175 g zeolite/l was needed to reduce ammonium levels (NH4+) from 5300 mg NH4+/l to 3200 mg NH4+/l. However, it is not realistic to use such large amounts of zeolites in a full-scale digestion chamber. No changes in the culture of methane forming microorganisms were found. The results of the batch experiment showed that concentrations of 5 g zeolite/l and 10 g zeolite/l had a positive effect on the methanogenesis compared to batches without additives. In the batches with 1-10 g zeolite/l the forming of methane began about 14 days earlier than in the batches without any zeolites. After 16 days, batches with 5-10 g zeolite/l had produced about 500 ml of methane (CH4), compared with series without additives, which at the same time had produced about 75 ml of methane (CH4). The methane yield increased in all series which included zeolites compared to the batches without zeolites. Addition of 5 g zeolite/l increased the specific methane production by approximately 19 % compared to no additives. The conclusion is that clinoptilolite in small concentrations; 5-10 g/l have a positive effect on as well the kinetics as on the methane yield for the anaerobic process. The best concentration of zeolites in a mesophile anaerobic digestion chamber appears to be between 5-10 g zeolite/l
Effects of Zeolites in the Production of Biogas
Biogas är benämningen för metangas (CH4) som är producerad via anaerob (syrefri) rötning av biologiskt material. I Linköping finns en av Sveriges största biogasanläggningar. Anläggningen drivs av Svensk Biogas AB som ägs av Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB (publ.). I anläggningen rötas stora mängder proteinrikt substrat vilket leder till höga halter av ammoniak (NH3) och ammonium (NH4+) i rötkammaren. Ammoniak (NH3) är toxiskt för de metanbildare som i en välmående process står för den största delen av metangasproduktionen. Höga halter av ammoniak (NH3) och ammonium (NH4+) kan inhibera dessa metanbildare vilket leder till minskad gasproduktion. Detta examensarbete syftar främst till att genom ett kontinuerligt rötkammarexperiment utreda om zeoliter är ett lämpligt hjälpmedel för att reducera ammonium (NH4+) i en anaerob process. Vid sänkta halter ammonium (NH4+) är hypotesen att de mikroorganismer som är aktiva i den mest effektiva metanbildningsvägen återetableras. Arbetet syftar även till att experimentellt utreda vilka effekter zeoliter i sin helhet har på den anaeroba processen. Zeoliters effekt vid låga zeolitkoncentrationer utreds i en serie utrötningsexperiment i batch. Dessutom har en materialstudie kring zeoliternas kapacitet i olika miljöer genomförts. Materialstudien visade att den valda zeoliten som studerades, clinoptilolite, hade en maximal katjonbytarkapacitet på ≈ 19 mg NH4+/g zeolit. Vidare konstaterades att zeoliter med mindre diameter än 1 mm har avsevärt bättre kapacitet än zeoliter med större diameter. I det kontinuerliga rötkammarexperimentet konstaterades att clinoptilolite kan användas i en rötkammare för att reducera ammoniumhalten (NH4+). Detta utan att några allvarliga processtörningar uppstår. Cirka 175 g zeolit/l krävdes för att reducera ammoniumhalten (NH4+) från 5300 mg NH4+/l till 3200 mg NH4+/l. Det är inte realistisktatt använda så stora mängder zeoliter i en fullskalig anläggning. Mikrobiologiskt sett observerades ingen förändring av de metanbildarna som dominerar den effektivaste metanbildningsvägen. Resultaten från utrötningsförsöket i batch visade att zeolittillsatser av 5 g/l respektive 10 g/l hade en klart positiv effekt på metanbildningen jämfört utan zeolittillsats. I de batcher med 1-10 g zeolit/l startade metangasproduktionen ≈ 14 dagar tidigare än batcherna med 0 g zeolit/l. 16 dagar efter att experimentet startade hade batcherna med 5-10 g zeolit/l producerat ≈ 500 ml metangas (CH4) jämfört med serien utan zeoliter som vid samma tidpunkt producerat ≈ 75 ml metangas (CH4). Utrötningsgraden ökade i samtliga serier med zeolittillsats jämfört med serien utan zeoliter. Tillsatsen av 5 g zeolit/l ökade den specifika metangasproduktionen med ≈ 19 % jämfört med utan zeolittillsatser. Slutsatsen är att clinoptilolite i små koncentrationer, mellan 5-10 g/l, påverkar så väl kinetiken som utrötningsgraden för den anaeroba processen på ett positivt sett. Den optimala koncentrationen av clinoptilolite i en mesofil anaerob process bör ligga mellan 5-10 g zeolit/l.Methane (CH4) is formed by anaerobic (oxygen-free) digestion of biological materials. One of Sweden's largest biogas plants is placed in Linköping. The plant is operated by Svensk Biogas AB, which is owned by Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB (publ.). In their biogas plant a large amount of protein rich material is handled. High amounts of protein leads to high levels of ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) in the digestion chamber. High levels of ammonia (NH3) are toxic to the most dominant methane forming microorganism. High concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) can inhibit these methane forming microorganisms which may lead to a reduction in gas production. This aim with this master thesis was to reduce high ammonium levels by adding zeolites to a lab scale continuous digestion chamber. The hypothesis is that at reduced levels of ammonium (NH4+) the most effective methane forming microorganism will reestablish. This thesis also aims to experimentally investigate all types of effects that zeolites may have in an anaerobic digestion process. Which effect zeolites at low concentration have in a digestion chamber will be investigated by using lab scale batch digestion chambers. In addition, a material study on the capacity of the zeolites in different environments will be investigated. The material study showed that the selected zeolite, clinoptilolite, had a cat ion exchange capacity around 19 mg NH4+/g zeolite. It was also found that the zeolites with a diameter less than 1 mm had significantly better capacity than zeolites with larger diameter. In the continuous digestion experiment it was found that clinoptilolite can be used in a digestion chamber to reduce high levels of ammonium (NH4+). This without any serious disorder on the process. Around 175 g zeolite/l was needed to reduce ammonium levels (NH4+) from 5300 mg NH4+/l to 3200 mg NH4+/l. However, it is not realistic to use such large amounts of zeolites in a full-scale digestion chamber. No changes in the culture of methane forming microorganisms were found. The results of the batch experiment showed that concentrations of 5 g zeolite/l and 10 g zeolite/l had a positive effect on the methanogenesis compared to batches without additives. In the batches with 1-10 g zeolite/l the forming of methane began about 14 days earlier than in the batches without any zeolites. After 16 days, batches with 5-10 g zeolite/l had produced about 500 ml of methane (CH4), compared with series without additives, which at the same time had produced about 75 ml of methane (CH4). The methane yield increased in all series which included zeolites compared to the batches without zeolites. Addition of 5 g zeolite/l increased the specific methane production by approximately 19 % compared to no additives. The conclusion is that clinoptilolite in small concentrations; 5-10 g/l have a positive effect on as well the kinetics as on the methane yield for the anaerobic process. The best concentration of zeolites in a mesophile anaerobic digestion chamber appears to be between 5-10 g zeolite/l
Reddits uppfattning av ChatGPT
This thesis examines the discussions on Reddit surrounding the launch of ChatGPTfrom late November 2022 until the end of March 2023. The objective of the study is to analyze the discussions concerning ChatGPT and how different topics have changed over time.Additionally, the thesis identifies significant events that have had an impact on the topicsand also how topics vary across different subreddits. To retrieve the data for the analysis, the PushShift API was used to gather almost half a million posts concerning ChatGPT.Topic modeling was then applied using BERTopic to identify common topics discussed onReddit and its unique subreddits. The results show several distinct topics, encompassing the technology behind ChatGPT, its societal implications, and its potential for creativeutilization. Furthermore, the thesis presents a clear correlation between significant newsconcerning ChatGPT and the frequency of posts on Reddit. Specifically, Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI and the incorporation of the GPT engine in Bing proved to have a greatinfluence on both the topics and frequency of posts. We also found some discrepancies between how subreddits discuss topics, most notably that more general topics tend to spreadout more, both over various subreddits as well as over time and being more sporadic, whilespecific topics tend to be more dictated by the occurence of significant events relevant tothe topic
Post digestion of biogas production residues at mid-range mesophilic temperature
A common way to store digestate from anaerobic digesters is in open air lagoons. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cooling of digestate before transfer to the storage prevents methane production. Furthermore, if methanogenesis is not prevented, to determine the potential maximum methane slip from an open air lagoon, supplied with heat exchanged digestate from a mesophilic co-digestion plant such as Linköping biogas plant. Results indicate that methane production is not terminated by cooling and that a high methane production can occur in open air lagoons if the conditions are advantageous. Furthermore, the results suggest that it can be worthwhile, from both an economical and an environmental point, to replace open air lagoons with closed post-digesting units. At 25 oC, the methane slip from an open air lagoon could reach as high as 2.6% of the total methane production of a biogas plant, even when the volume of the open air lagoon is only one third of the digesters volume. The combination of low additional cost of production, with significant decrease in release of green house gases to the atmosphere, makes the implementation of post-digestion units at larger biogas plants attractive
Reddits uppfattning av ChatGPT
This thesis examines the discussions on Reddit surrounding the launch of ChatGPTfrom late November 2022 until the end of March 2023. The objective of the study is to analyze the discussions concerning ChatGPT and how different topics have changed over time.Additionally, the thesis identifies significant events that have had an impact on the topicsand also how topics vary across different subreddits. To retrieve the data for the analysis, the PushShift API was used to gather almost half a million posts concerning ChatGPT.Topic modeling was then applied using BERTopic to identify common topics discussed onReddit and its unique subreddits. The results show several distinct topics, encompassing the technology behind ChatGPT, its societal implications, and its potential for creativeutilization. Furthermore, the thesis presents a clear correlation between significant newsconcerning ChatGPT and the frequency of posts on Reddit. Specifically, Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI and the incorporation of the GPT engine in Bing proved to have a greatinfluence on both the topics and frequency of posts. We also found some discrepancies between how subreddits discuss topics, most notably that more general topics tend to spreadout more, both over various subreddits as well as over time and being more sporadic, whilespecific topics tend to be more dictated by the occurence of significant events relevant tothe topic
Företagsvärdering : En fallstudie av Betsson AB
The online gambling market has during recent years experienced high growthmostly due to the popularity of online poker. Today other games such as casinoare growing in popularity and more customers are turning to the onlinegambling market instead of the regular gambling market. As with all growthmarkets more and more companies establishes on the online gambling marketeven though high external risk factors such as regulations and nationalbans. Companies such as Betsson connected to the online gambling marketsuch are experiencing high growth which has made them interesting objectsfor investing.This bachelor thesis intends to study competitive advantages, investigate possibilitiesto keep and increase market share, and use this information combinedwith a financial analysis. The purpose of the thesis is to describe andanalyze the future of Betsson AB from the perspective of an investor. This isachieved with a case study of Betsson.Qualitative and quantitative research with semi-structured interviews hasbeen chosen to collect information vital for the thesis. All six individuals fromthe interview sample work close to Betsson or the online gambling market ona daily bases. These individuals are the assistant of the CEO at Betsson, stockanalysts and a professional poker player. This sample was chosen to view theproblem from several different angles.The conclusion from this thesis describes Betsson as a company with a strongposition on the online gambling market both in terms of competitive advantageand market share. Several internal and external factors are in favour forcontinuing growth. The legal aspects are however still a major risk factor andits affects should be considered before an investment in Betsson is made.Key word: discounted cash flow model, SWOT, PESTEL, Porter, five forces, externalanalysis, internal analysis, multiples, company valuation, market share,online gambling and online gambling companies, Betsson, case study
Determination of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Formation Rate Constants for Semi-Continuously Fed Anaerobic Digesters
To optimize commercial-scale biogas production, it is important to evaluate the performance of each microbial step in the anaerobic process. Hydrolysis and methanogenesis are usually the rate-limiting steps during digestion of organic waste and by-products. By measuring biogas production and methane concentrations on-line in a semi-continuously fed reactor, gas kinetics can be evaluated. In this study, the rate constants of the fermentative hydrolysis step (kc) and the methanogenesis step (km) were determined and evaluated in a continuously stirred tank laboratory-scale reactor treating food and slaughterhouse waste and glycerin. A process additive containing Fe2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ was supplied until day 89, after which Ni2+ was omitted. The omission resulted in a rapid decline in the methanogenesis rate constant (km) to 70% of the level observed when Ni2+ was present, while kc remained unaffected. This suggests that Ni2+ mainly affects the methanogenic rather than the hydrolytic microorganisms in the system. However, no effect was initially observed when using conventional process monitoring parameters such as biogas yield and volatile fatty acid concentration. Hence, formation rate constants can reveal additional information on process performance and km can be used as a complement to conventional process monitoring tools for semi-continuously fed anaerobic digesters