11 research outputs found

    Cooperative Learning With Metacognitive Approach To Enhance Mathematical Critical Thinking And Problem Solving Ability, And The Relation To Self-Regulated Learning.

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    Mathematical critical thinking and problem solving ability are the ability that are expected to be obtained by students after they have done the learning mathematics in schools. In fact, most students have difficulties in mastering these skills when they are faced with problems that require the ability of higher-order thinking skills. Implementation of cooperative learning model in which metacognition approach developed into one of the alternatives that should be done considering the importance of metacognition as the supporting aspects of the mastery of mathematical critical thinking and problem-solving ability. To determine the successful application of these learning models, then performed experiments in the form of research in East Jakarta to three junior high schools with the criteria are high, medium and low, as the sampled study. At each school were conducted experiments to 3 classes that were given different treatments. In Experiment class 1 model of cooperative approaches applied metacognition (KPM), in experiment class-2 was applied only cooperative model (KP), and was applied the conventional learning to the control class (KV). Samples are 309 students. During the implementation, students were given problems that require critical thinking and problem solving ability. By solving these kinds of problems the students trained to be introduced and familiarized with mathematics problem solving strategies. Based on the results of data analysis, the conclusion that mathematical critical thinking and problem solving ability and self-regulated learning differ significantly based on; early math ability of students, and the application of models of learning. Through the calculation of the value of n-gain as a function of the difference between pretest scores and postest, found that math critical thinking and problem solving ability with students studying mathematical models of KPM higher than students who studied with KP and KV model. Key words: metacognition learning, cooperative learning, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, self-regulated learnin

    Guru pembelajar modul matematika SMP: kelompok kompetensi F rancangan pembelajaran dan geometri 1

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    Modul ini memuat empat topik sebagai berikut: prinsip pembelajaran, hakikat RPP, dan prinsip penyusunan RPP; sistematika, komponen RPP, dan langkah penyusunan RPP; pemetaan muatan atau isi RPP Matematika SMP; penyusunan RPP Matematika SMP. Topik belajar tersebut akan mewarnai pembahasan dari empat kegiatan pembelajaran dalam modul ini yaitu ketentuan penyusunan RPP, pemetaan muatan atau isi RPP Matematika SMP, penyusunan RPP Matematika SMP. Kelompok profesional modul membahas geometri 1. Untuk membantu pembaca agar menguasai kemampuan tersebut, pembahasan bab ini dikemas dalam tujuh Kegiatan Pembelajaran yaitu: dasar-dasar geometri, garis dan sudut, segitiga dan segiempat, lingkaran, kekongruenan dan kesebangunan, teorema pythagoras, lukisan geometris

    The Influence of Learning Model and Student Self-Concept Toward the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability (Experimental Study on Students of Tangerang City State Junior High School)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Conventional Model and the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning Model with self-concept on mathematical problem- solving abilities of junior high school students. The design of this study was experimental and control group post-test design. The method used is the quasi-experimental method using treatment by level 2x2 design. The experimental class was given the MMP learning model treatment while the control class was treated with conventional model. The samples of this study were 48 seventh grade students. The instruments used were self-concept questionnaires and a test of mathematical problem-solving abilities.Technique of analysis used was two-ways ANOVA. The results of this study show that the MMP learning model has a syntax that is able to empower mathematical problem-solving abilities compared to conventional learning model. Students who have a positive self-concept or students who have a negative self-concept are more suitable to be treated with the MMP learning model than conventional learning model.


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      Abstract: This research aims to improve the understanding  the concept of multiplication by using the media garismatika in mathematics class III Elementary School in West Palimanan Cirebon in the academic year 2016/2017. The results showed that the study of mathematics by using garismatika media to enhance understanding of the concept of multiplication. This is indicated from the observed activities and positive response from the students' research subjects and also students overall to the learning of mathematics by using garismatika media. As well as by an increase in score of understanding the concept of multiplication on the subject of research in each indicator and the value end of the cycle test all students in grade III. The increase in value in the first cycle the number of students who were able to achieve success indicator is only 57.70% of the students, and increased in the second cycle into 84.61% of students.   Keywords: Understading The Concept, Multiplication and Media Garismatika


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    Peserta didik matrikulasi di STKIP Surya Tangerang mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari transformasi geometri. Masalah pemahaman konsep transformasi geometri yang dialami peserta didik STKIP Surya perlu diatasi karena sebagai calon guru, peserta didik di STKIP Surya dituntut untuk memahami konsep matematika dengan baik agar kelak dapat mengajarkan materi dengan baik pula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan teori instruksional lokal guna membangun pemahaman konsep peserta didik pada materi transformasi geometri dengan menggunakan pendekatan PMRI berbantuan GeoGebra. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 8 pertemuan dengan subjek penelitian 6 peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan awal berbeda berdasarkan materi prasyarat. Metodologi yang diterapkan adalah design research yang meliputi tahap preparation and design, teaching experiment, dan retrospektif analysis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu pensil dan kertas, wawancara, serta perekaman video. Instrumen penelitian dalam pengumpulan data adalah hipotesis lintasan belajar, lembar aktivitas, lembar kerja, lembar observasi, lembar wawancara dan tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep. Hasil analisis retrospektif menunjukkan bahwa penerapan PMRI berbantuan GeoGebra dengan menggunakan konteks peraturan baris-berbaris dapat menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan pemahaman konsep transformasi geometri peserta didik


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    Peserta didik di SMA Cakra Buana Depok mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep materi relasi dan fungsi. Masalah pemahaman konsep relasi dan fungsi ini perlu diatasi. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan pembelajaran relasi dan fungsi dengan menunjukkan aktivitas dan prosedur dalam membangun pemahaman relasional siswa menggunakan konteks seperti Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) dengan pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas X SMA Cakra Buana Depok. Metode yang digunakan adalah design research yang terdiri atas tiga fase yaitu preparing for the experiment, experimenting in the classroom, dan conducting retrospective analysis. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 pertemuan dengan subjek penelitian 6 siswa yang memiliki kemampuan awal yang heterogen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu pensil dan kertas, wawancara, serta perekaman video. Instrumen penelitian dalam pengumpulan data adalah hipotesis lintasan belajar, lembak aktivitas, lembar kerja, lembar observasi, lembar wawancara dan tes kemampuan pemahaman relasional. Hasil analisis retrospektif menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan penggunaan konteks yang tepat sesuai materi serta peran aktif siswa dan guru dalam pembelajaran sesuai dengan karakteristik PMRI dapat menumbuhkan dan membangun pemahaman relasional siswa pada materi relasi dan fungsi


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    ABSTRAK Kurikulum 2013 (Kurtilas) telah dicanakan dan bahkan diterapkan. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang dikembangkan di Kurtilas merupakan sesuatu yang relatif baru bagi guru, perlu pembiasaan dalam menerapkannya.  Pelatihan yang diberikan pemerintah untuk penguasaan Kurtilas sangat terbatas waktunya, untuk itu guru perlu dilatih bagaimana mengembangkan diri untuk bisa menerapkan Kurtilas dengan baik, pengetahuan mengenai pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) haruslah dikuasai siswa, sebagai alat pengembangan diri. Di samping  itu  perlunya  penguasaan  dan  bantuan  Teknologi,  Komunikasi  dan  Informasi amatlah penting dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di dalam kelas, khsusnya Geometri. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikenalkan kepada para guru beragam softesre yang dapat membantu dan memaksimalkan pembelajaran di dalam kelas.   ABSTRACTThe 2013 curriculum (Kurtilas) has been adapted and even implemented. The learning approach developed in Kurtilas is something that is relatively new for the teacher, it is necessary to habituate in applying it. The training provided by the government for the control of Kurtilas is very limited, so teachers need to be trained in how to develop themselves to apply Kurtilas well, knowledge of the implementation of Classroom Action Research (PTK) must be mastered by students, as a tool of self-development. In addition, the need for mastery and assistance of Technology, Communication and Information is very important in the implementation of learning in the classroom, especially Geometry. Therefore, it should be introduced to teachers of various softesre who can help and maximize learning in the classroom

    The Effect of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Methods on Mathematical Communication Ability Viewed Based on Student Personality

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    This study uses a quasi-experimental method with the final design control test of mathematical communication skills in terms of student personality through personality tests. The sample of this study was students of class XI-IPS in MAN 6 Kampung Dukuh and MAN 6 Cibubur East Jakarta in the odd semester 2018/2019 Academic Year as many as 88 people. The instrument used in this study is a description question and personality questionnaire. The results showed that 1) The ability of mathematical communication students who got the cooperative jigsaw method was higher than the students who received conventional learning, 2) There were interactions between learning methods and personalities on mathematical communication skills, 3) Mathematical communication skills of students with extroverted personalities given jigsaw cooperative method treatment is higher than those given conventional learning treatment, 4) Mathematical communication skills of students with introverted personalities treated with cooperative jigsaw methods are lower than those given conventional learning treatments. Thus, jigsaw cooperative learning is better applied to students with an extracurricular personality


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    Abstract: This study aims to develop a discovery-based module on "Measurement" of Mathematics subjects. This research was conducted on the fourth graders of elementary school with the number of respondents 120 students. This research uses research and development (R & D). The test results state that the module is feasible to apply. To see the effectiveness of the product followed by field test group with 120 students. The results of the Independent Samples Test analysis show that there is a significant difference between the control class and the experimental class. While the t-test shows differences in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test. Judging from the average rating, indicating that the effective module is used to improve the learning outcomes of measurement materials.   Keywords: Research and Development, Module, Guided Discovery, Elementary School.   Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul berbasis penemuan terbimbing materi Pengukuran mata pelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar dengan jumlah responden 120 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Hasil uji tersebut menyatakan bahwa modul layak diterapkan. Untuk melihat efektifitas produk dilanjutkan dengan uji field group dengan 120 siswa. Hasil analisis Independent Samples Test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Sedangkan uji-t menunjukan perbedaan hasil belajar antara pre-test dan post-test. Dilihat dari nilai rata-rata, mengindikasikan bahwa modul efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar materi pengukuran.   Keywords: Research and Development, Modul, Penemuan terbimbing, Sekolah Dasa