6 research outputs found

    Religion Commoditization in Advertisement : Semiotic Analysis of Zoya Veil Advertisement in Instagram

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    This research starts from phenomenon of Zoya, the company uploaded advertising about halal certified veil in their official Instagram account on February 2016. The purpose of this study is to reveal the myth of halal symbols in the Zoya veil ads which certified halal. This study used a qualitative approach with a version of Roland Barthes semiotic analysis through the analysis stage denotation and connotation. Through these stages at the level of denotation, sign was analyzed both verbally and non-verbally, then at the level of connotative, sign was classified in the linguistic message, which was encoded iconic message, and the message was not encoded iconic. The results of this study indicate that the halal symbol in this ad contains a mythical value of goodness and blessing that consumers will get more than the usual veil or headscarf from other brands who did not use the halal label. Halal symbol in this ad can be said contain commoditization, assuming the manufacturer has changed used value into exchange economic value. The purpose of manufacturers uses halal symbol on its products leads to consumerism, the manufacturer wants to earn the trust of Muslim consumers that are attached to the halal symbol, and ends on the consumer\u27s decision to purchase the product Zoya

    Interpretasi Khalayak terhadap Acara Reality Show “Tolong” di SCTV

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    Televisi dianggap mampu memberikan income atau pengaruh yang besar terhadap para audiencenya. Karena semakin banyak munculnya stasiun di televisi saat ini, maka semakin banyak pula acara-acara yang ditawarkan kepada masyarakat, salah satunya adalah acara reality show. Reality show adalah suatu acara yang menampilkan realties kehidupan seseorang yang bukan selebriti (orang awam), lalu disiarkan melalui jaringan TV, sehingga bisa dilihat masyarakat. Reality show tak sekedar mengekspose kehidupan orang, tetapi juga ajang kompetisi, bahkan menjahili orang. Reality show secara istilah berarti pertunjukan yang asli (real), tidak direkayasa, dan tidak dibuat-buat. Kejadiannya diambil dari keseharian, kehidupan masyarakat apa adanya, yaitu realita dari masyarakat. Beberapa acara TV di Indonesia menggunakan judul reality show tapi keseluruhan isinya merupakan rekayasa yang apabila di tinjau lebih jauh mengandung unsur kepentingan pihak modal dan ironisnya yang dijadikan objek adalah orang-orang miskin. Alih-alih memberi pertolongan dan mengatasi kemiskinan adalah jurus jitu yang dijadikan landasan. Sehingga tidak heran sebagian masyarakat percaya bahwa program reality show tersebut membantu orang-orang miskin bangkit dari keterpuruka

    Hubungan Fungsi Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Karyawan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang

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    Communications committed to leadership and motivation of subordinates who provided the leadership to the subordinate is essential in the achievement of the objectives of the institution or organization, so as to increase the job satisfaction of subordinates, who were later promoted to the discipline and their work. This also applies at Regional psychiatric hospital Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Note that never happened because the employee demo leadership there is no transparency regarding the recruitment of manpower from BLUD demo several times occurred in 2008, 2010, and 2011. Then the leader should always attempt to direct, motivate them and behave as well as possible, so that their efforts can increase the individual satisfaction of his subordinates. The theory used in this research there are three, namely (1) transformational leadership theory , (2) Theory of hierarchy, and (3) a theory of Justice (Equity Theory). This research is a explanatory research that will explain the relationships between variables. The sample of this research is the mental hospital employee Area of Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang, with the number of respondents i.e. 100 people that is divided into two, the nurse (medical) employees and non-medical employees. The analysis of the data used is cross-table test, test the correlation of spearman rho, and test the R Square. Hypothesis test results found that the leadership function variables have a strong link between employee job satisfaction, variable with the value of the coefficient of correlation with the level correlation 0.48 strong relationships. When both variables are functions of leadership and employee job satisfaction variables controlled with variable motivations of employees found that the original function of the leadership has strong relationships with employee job satisfaction, the relationship becomes weak. This means that functions that do the leadership is very high but employee motivation is weak, this making the job satisfaction of employees owned employees become weak. Overall job satisfaction not only can be measured from effectively functions done leadership but employee motivation can give impact on the level of job satisfaction of employees. That generates the view that to improve employee job satisfaction not only of effectively functions done leadership but also need to see from employee motivation, since employee motivation also has a large role towards increasing employee satisfaction

    Information Seeking Pattern Relating to Football (a Case Study of Information Seeking of Football News as a Result of Unpublished Soccer Tabloid)

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    Soccer Tabloid is a football media that stopped its publishing in October, 2014. Based on the data of Kominfo and APJII, the unpublished Soccer Tabloid was concured with the increasing consumption of online media in Indonesia. Soccer Tabloid stopped its production due to the declining of selling circulation per year. As a result of the failed production of Soccer Tabloid, the readers are forced to seek the information from other media The purpose of this study is to describe the orientation of information seeking pattern perpetrated by the Soccer Tabloid readers after failing in production since 2014. This research uses Descriptive Case Study Approach along with Post-Positivist Paradigm. It also applies Information Seeking Theory and Uses and Gratification Theory. The technique of data analysis in this study requires the analytic technique of pattern-matching by Robert K. Yin. This study acknowledges the result that matches with the predicted pattern in which the information seeking pattern alteration is solely addressed to certain age categories. It can be seen from the research subjects with age category of 18 to 25 and age category of 26 to 35, they switch to use online media in fulfilling their information needs, contrasting with age category of 36 to 45 who still uses mass media In conclusion, information understanding recognized by each informant relating to football news from the media they consume results in activity, namely media preference in fulfilling information needs about football. The motives of each informant are various as well in consuming Socccer Tabloid due to their own needs. After Soccer Tabloid bankruptcy, informants apply the broad and narrow strategy selections in media preference to fulfill the needs of football information