350 research outputs found

    Non-Markovian Levy diffusion in nonhomogeneous media

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    We study the diffusion equation with a position-dependent, power-law diffusion coefficient. The equation possesses the Riesz-Weyl fractional operator and includes a memory kernel. It is solved in the diffusion limit of small wave numbers. Two kernels are considered in detail: the exponential kernel, for which the problem resolves itself to the telegrapher's equation, and the power-law one. The resulting distributions have the form of the L\'evy process for any kernel. The renormalized fractional moment is introduced to compare different cases with respect to the diffusion properties of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    On the resonance eigenstates of an open quantum baker map

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    We study the resonance eigenstates of a particular quantization of the open baker map. For any admissible value of Planck's constant, the corresponding quantum map is a subunitary matrix, and the nonzero component of its spectrum is contained inside an annulus in the complex plane, zminzzmax|z_{min}|\leq |z|\leq |z_{max}|. We consider semiclassical sequences of eigenstates, such that the moduli of their eigenvalues converge to a fixed radius rr. We prove that, if the moduli converge to r=zmaxr=|z_{max}|, then the sequence of eigenstates converges to a fixed phase space measure ρmax\rho_{max}. The same holds for sequences with eigenvalue moduli converging to zmin|z_{min}|, with a different limit measure ρmin\rho_{min}. Both these limiting measures are supported on fractal sets, which are trapped sets of the classical dynamics. For a general radius zmin<r<zmax|z_{min}|< r < |z_{max}|, we identify families of eigenstates with precise self-similar properties.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral problems in open quantum chaos

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    This review article will present some recent results and methods in the study of 1-particle quantum or wave scattering systems, in the semiclassical/high frequency limit, in cases where the corresponding classical/ray dynamics is chaotic. We will focus on the distribution of quantum resonances, and the structure of the corresponding metastable states. Our study includes the toy model of open quantum maps, as well as the recent quantum monodromy operator method.Comment: Compared with the previous version, misprints and typos have been corrected, and the bibliography update

    Stability of Coalescence Hidden variable Fractal Interpolation Surfaces

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    In the present paper, the stability of Coalescence Hidden variable Fractal Interpolation Surfaces(CHFIS) is established. The estimates on error in approximation of the data generating function by CHFIS are found when there is a perturbation in independent, dependent and hidden variables. It is proved that any small perturbation in any of the variables of generalized interpolation data results in only small perturbation of CHFIS. Our results are likely to be useful in investigations of texture of surfaces arising from the simulation of surfaces of rocks, sea surfaces, clouds and similar natural objects wherein the generating function depends on more than one variable

    Hypersensitivity and chaos signatures in the quantum baker's maps

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    Classical chaotic systems are distinguished by their sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The absence of this property in quantum systems has lead to a number of proposals for perturbation-based characterizations of quantum chaos, including linear growth of entropy, exponential decay of fidelity, and hypersensitivity to perturbation. All of these accurately predict chaos in the classical limit, but it is not clear that they behave the same far from the classical realm. We investigate the dynamics of a family of quantizations of the baker's map, which range from a highly entangling unitary transformation to an essentially trivial shift map. Linear entropy growth and fidelity decay are exhibited by this entire family of maps, but hypersensitivity distinguishes between the simple dynamics of the trivial shift map and the more complicated dynamics of the other quantizations. This conclusion is supported by an analytical argument for short times and numerical evidence at later times.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure

    Probabilistic Weyl laws for quantized tori

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    For the Toeplitz quantization of complex-valued functions on a 2n2n-dimensional torus we prove that the expected number of eigenvalues of small random perturbations of a quantized observable satisfies a natural Weyl law. In numerical experiments the same Weyl law also holds for ``false'' eigenvalues created by pseudospectral effects.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures, v2 corrected listed titl

    Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives

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    The classical fields with fractional derivatives are investigated by using the fractional Lagrangian formulation.The fractional Euler-Lagrange equations were obtained and two examples were studied.Comment: 9 page

    Fractal Weyl law for Linux Kernel Architecture

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    We study the properties of spectrum and eigenstates of the Google matrix of a directed network formed by the procedure calls in the Linux Kernel. Our results obtained for various versions of the Linux Kernel show that the spectrum is characterized by the fractal Weyl law established recently for systems of quantum chaotic scattering and the Perron-Frobenius operators of dynamical maps. The fractal Weyl exponent is found to be ν0.63\nu \approx 0.63 that corresponds to the fractal dimension of the network d1.2d \approx 1.2. The eigenmodes of the Google matrix of Linux Kernel are localized on certain principal nodes. We argue that the fractal Weyl law should be generic for directed networks with the fractal dimension d<2d<2.Comment: RevTex 6 pages, 7 figs, linked to arXiv:1003.5455[cs.SE]. Research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/, Improved version, changed forma

    Rates of convergence of nonextensive statistical distributions to Levy distributions in full and half spaces

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    The Levy-type distributions are derived using the principle of maximum Tsallis nonextensive entropy both in the full and half spaces. The rates of convergence to the exact Levy stable distributions are determined by taking the N-fold convolutions of these distributions. The marked difference between the problems in the full and half spaces is elucidated analytically. It is found that the rates of convergence depend on the ranges of the Levy indices. An important result emerging from the present analysis is deduced if interpreted in terms of random walks, implying the dependence of the asymptotic long-time behaviors of the walks on the ranges of the Levy indices if N is identified with the total time of the walks.Comment: 20 page

    Convergence of random zeros on complex manifolds

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    We show that the zeros of random sequences of Gaussian systems of polynomials of increasing degree almost surely converge to the expected limit distribution under very general hypotheses. In particular, the normalized distribution of zeros of systems of m polynomials of degree N, orthonormalized on a regular compact subset K of C^m, almost surely converge to the equilibrium measure on K as the degree N goes to infinity.Comment: 16 page