3 research outputs found
Spatial and temporal trends of nitrate, chloride, and bromide concentration in an alluvial aquifer, North-Central Texas, USA
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Moving Mountains: Community and Resistance in the Isle of Harris, Scotland, and Cape Breton, Canada
- Author
- Adkin L
- Barron J
- Battiste M
- Bramwell A
- Braun B
- Burawoy M
- Butler J
- Castree N
- Cohen A P
- Consedine R L
- Dalby S
- Department of the Environment
- Devine T M
- Dreyfus H L
- Dubinsky L
- Escobar A
- Escobar A
- Espeland W N
- Flax J
- Foucault M
- Foucault M
- Geddes A
- Giddens A
- Gismondi M
- Guha R
- Hall C
- Haraway D
- Henderson J (S) Youngblood
- Herney S S E
- Hornborg A
- Howitt R
- Hunter J
- Hunter J
- Hunter J
- Jedrej C
- Link Quarry Group
- MacAskill J
- Mackenzie A F D
- Mackenzie A F D
- Mackenzie A F D
- Mackenzie J A
- Mackenzie J A
- MacLeod D
- Magnusson W
- Maltz A
- McCrone D
- McIntosh A
- McIntosh A
- Meek D E
- Melucci A
- Neumann R
- Nolan Davis and Associates
- Nolan Davis and Associates
- Nora P
- Peet R
- Royal Commission on Aboriginal People
- Royle S A
- Said E
- Samuel R
- Schroeder R
- Scott J
- Scottish Office
- Shucksmith M
- Slater D
- Sparke M
- White K
- Withers C W J
- Withers C W J
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management of the patient following coronary thrombolysis
- Author
- Ahnve
- AIMS Trial Study Group
- AIMS Trial Study Group
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anticoagulants in acute myocardial infarction
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Armstrong
- Arnott
- Arvan
- Asinger
- Baim
- Bassand
- Bastian
- Bates
- Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Bigger
- Blanke
- Bode
- Bonnet
- Bosch
- Bourdillon
- Breddin
- Breithardt
- Caims
- Caims
- Califf
- CASS Principal Investigators and Their Associates
- Chalmers
- Chamberlain
- Chesebro
- Chesebro
- Collen
- Collen
- Coller
- Coronary Drug Project (CDP) Research Group
- Dalen
- Davis
- DeBusk
- deFeyter
- Denniss
- Dodge
- Drapkin
- Eaton
- Eigler
- Ellis
- Emerson
- Epstein
- Erbel
- Erbel
- Erlebacher
- European Cooperative Surgery Study Group
- Falk
- Fitzgerald
- Force
- Forman
- Fox
- Frishman
- Fung
- Fung
- Furberg
- Fuster
- Gang
- Ganz
- Gibson
- Gold
- Gold
- Goldman
- Goldman
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Grace
- Greenland
- Grines
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Streptochinasi nell Infarcto Miocardio (GISSI)
- Guerci
- Gueret
- Hale
- Hamer
- Hamm
- Handley
- Harrison
- Held
- Henrikkson
- Herlitz
- Higginson
- Hjalmarson
- Hochman
- Hochman
- Hutchins
- ISIS (International Study of Infarct Survival) Pilot Study Investigators
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-2 (2nd International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Study Group
- Jennings
- Jeremy
- Johannessen
- Johannessen
- Johns
- Jugdutt
- Kannel
- Kaplan
- Kasper
- Kay
- Keating
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kereiakes
- Kersschot
- Klein
- Knabb
- Krone
- Langfrom
- Lavallee
- Lee
- Lewis
- Lipid Research Clinics Program
- Lo
- Lo
- Loscalzo
- MacMahon
- MacMahon
- Malacoff
- Martin
- Massel
- McComb
- McCord
- McKay
- Meizlich
- Melin
- Meyer
- MIAMI Trial Research Group
- Miller
- Mueller
- Mukharji
- Muller
- Muller
- Myears
- National Cholesterol Education Program
- National Heart Foundation of Australia Collaborative Thrombolysis Group
- Nolan
- Nordrehaug
- Norris
- O'Connor
- O'Neill
- O'Rourke
- Oldridge
- Olsson
- Olsson
- Ong
- Pederson TR for the Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- Petrovich
- Petrovich
- Pfeffer
- Pfeffer
- Rado
- Rao
- Reimer
- Report of the 60+ Reinfarction Study Research Group
- Report of the collaborative study in coronary artery surgery (CASS)
- Resnekov
- Richards
- Rogers
- Roldan
- Roy
- Ryden
- Sager
- Saunamaki
- Schmidt
- Schroder
- Schroder
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Second Report of the Working Party on Anticoagulant Therapy in Coronary Thrombosis to the Medical Research Council
- Serneri
- Serruys
- Serruys
- Sharma
- Sharpe
- Sheehan
- Sheehan
- Shen
- Sherry
- Simoons
- Simoons
- Simoons
- Sirnes
- Smith
- Spann
- Stack
- Stratton
- Swan
- Takaro
- Terres
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators
- The Coronary Drug Project Research Group
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The I. S. A. M. Study Group
- The Israeli Sprint Study Group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- The Multicenter Postinfarction Research Group
- The Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- The SCATI (Studio sulla Calciparina nell‘ Angina e nella Thrombosi Ventricolare nell’ Infarto) Group
- The Sprint Study Group
- The TIMI Research Group
- The TIMI Study Group
- The Veterans Administration Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Cooperative Study Group
- Theroux
- Theroux
- Theroux
- TIMI Operations Committee
- Timmis
- Timmis
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Turpie
- Tzivoni
- United States Veterans Administration
- Van de Werf
- Van de Werf
- Vaughan
- Verstraete
- Verstraete
- Verstraete
- Vlay
- Volpi
- Warlow
- Warren
- Waters
- Weinrich
- Weisman
- Weld
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Wilcox
- Wilcox
- Wilhelmsen
- Wray
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study