20 research outputs found

    La profesionalización pedagógica como dimensión del proceso formativo del instructor de arte

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    The following article reveals a problem that is conceived as insufficiencies in the professional performance of the art instructor, which limit their way of artistic-pedagogical professional performance. In this sense, approach the pedagogical professionalization of the art instructor offering theoretical elements that dynamize and integrate this training. Within the framework of university education, the professional training of the art instructor must be carried out under a pedagogical concept supported scientifically on theoretical platforms that integrate the pedagogical aspects with the artistic ones. Therefore, it is unavoidable to undertake and carry out a professionalized educational-educational process, which is favorable for the professional education of his personality, and involves the development of a harmonious system of educational influences and actions aimed at his professional performance.El siguiente artículo revela una problemática que se concibe como insuficiencias en el desempeño profesional del instructor de arte, que limitan su modo de actuación profesional artístico-pedagógico. En este sentido, abordar la profesionalización pedagógica del instructor de arte ofreciendo elementos teóricos que dinamicen e integren dicha formación. En el marco de la educación universitaria, la formación profesional del instructor de arte debe efectuarse bajo una concepción pedagógica sustentada científicamente sobre plataformas teóricas que integren los aspectos pedagógicos con los artísticos. Por tanto, se hace ineludible emprender y llevar a cabo un proceso docente-educativo profesionalizado, lo que resulta favorable para la educación profesional de su personalidad, e implica el desarrollo de un sistema armónico de influencias y acciones educativas orientadas a su desempeño profesional

    La contextualización de los contenidos ópticos en la formación de profesores para el desarrollo de la cultura científica (Revisión).

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    This paper deals with the formation of the scientific culture in students of the major Mathematics and Physics. It oustands the potentials of the contents of the subject General Physics, steming from the universal and the contextual. It takes into account the essential elements of the general culture and of learning to attain the development of knowledge. skills and capacities as well as living habits and patterns of behavor. In such a way that the article intends to socialize these elements to energize the reference contents. It presentes a teaching-learning process with higher quality and better prepared students.La investigación tiene como objetivo la  formación  de  la  cultura  científica en los estudiantes de la carrera Matemática Física, como  parte  de  la  cultura  general,  donde se aprovechan las potencialidades de los contenidos físicos a partir de lo universal y lo contextual de los contenidos de la Física General durante su contextualización, al tener en cuenta los elementos esenciales de la cultura y del aprendizaje, desde el conocimiento, las habilidades  y  capacidades hasta  los rasgos esenciales de la convivencia y modos de  actuación  de  los  alumnos  y ,en  lo  particular,  aspectos relacionados  con  la  aplicación en la ciencia  y  la  técnica. De manera tal que con el artículo se pretenden socializar estos elementos para dinamizar los contenidos de referencia. Al respecto se logra un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje con mayor calidad, incidiendo en la formación de la personalidad de los estudiantes a partir de que sepan operar con los contenidos físicos que reciben en su carrera

    Enfoque socio-profesional formativo de los estudiantes universitarios ecuatorianos en el proceso de Vinculación Social. (Revisión)

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    The professional training of the student of the Engineering in Accounting and Auditing career in Ecuadorian universities must be carried out taking into account pedagogical postulates from the theory, which facilitate the formative dynamics of social bonding; Therefore, it is unavoidable to support a professionalized educational process that favors their socio-professional training, in which students, teachers and social actors are involved in total interaction for the development of actions that guide and re-signify the training of students in their social bond. This pedagogical perspective is taken into account for its formation. The problem is conceived as the need to solve shortcomings that arise in the process of social bonding of the students of the Engineering in Accounting and Auditing career that limit their socio-professional training, in this sense it is proposed to address it by offering budgets that guarantee its resolution.La formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera de Ingeniería en Contabilidad y Auditoría en las universidades ecuatorianas debe realizarse teniendo en cuenta postulados pedagógicos desde la teoría, que faciliten la dinámica formativa de la vinculación social; por lo que se hace ineludible sustentar un proceso educativo profesionalizado que favorezca su formación socio-profesional, en el que se impliquen estudiantes, docentes y actores sociales en total interacción para el desarrollo de acciones que se orienten y resignifiquen la formación de los estudiantes en su vínculo social. Esta perspectiva pedagógica se tiene en cuenta para su conformación. La problemática se concibe como la necesidad de resolver insuficiencias que se presentan en el proceso de vinculación social de los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería en Contabilidad y Auditoría que limitan su formación socio-profesional, en este sentido se propone abordarla ofreciendo presupuestos que garanticen su resolución


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    The article presents a theoretical proposal for the pedagogic professional reorientation in the career Degree in Education, Instructor specialty of Art, in the semipresent modality in the University of Granma, to secure the professional in its acting. The categories pedagogic professional reorientation, pedagogic professional conceptualization, pedagogic professional systematizing and appropriation of the pedagogic professional culture are approached. The objective is the socialization of a subsystem of the pedagogic pattern that intends for the pedagogic professional reaffirmation in this career, of the first author's doctoral thesis, the one that you can generalize to others. One kept in mind a population of 30 students the first years. It is considered a novel proposition in the field of the pedagogic theory, when expressing the logic of the relationships of integration of the artistic and pedagogic contents that to favor the process of pedagogic professional reaffirmation and they generate the pedagogic professional establishment, as essential quality, in the content of the career Degree in Education, Instructor specialty of Art.El artículo presenta una propuesta teórica para la reorientación profesional pedagógica en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, especialidad Instructor de Arte, en la modalidad semipresencial en la Universidad de Granma, para afianzar al profesional en su desempeño. Se abordan las categorías reorientación profesional pedagógica, conceptualización profesional pedagógica, sistematización profesional pedagógica y apropiación de la cultura profesional pedagógica. Tiene como objetivo la socialización de un subsistema del modelo pedagógico que se propone para la reafirmación profesional pedagógica en esta carrera, de la tesis doctoral del primer autor, la cual se puede generalizar. Se tuvo en cuenta una población de 30 estudiantes del primer año. Se considera una proposición novedosa en el campo de la teoría pedagógica, al expresar la lógica de las relaciones de integración de los contenidos artísticos y pedagógicos que favorecen el proceso de reafirmación profesional pedagógica y generan el afianzamiento profesional pedagógico, como cualidad esencial, en el contenido de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, especialidad Instructor de Arte


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    This paper approaches a particular procedure when formulating mathematical problems: the formulation from the expected answer on; activity considered as very important because of its contribution to the students´ personality. Due to their potentialities to cover any type of mathematical content, both the formulation and problem – solving, alongside of a logical – linguistic training, these two guiding lines get integrated and linked with the rest of them. Although this technique can be applied to any type of mathematical problems, it is limited to those whose texts are related to the practice, since that is the kind of exercise which more commonly appears when teaching Mathematics.  If novel professors and students of Mathematics – Physics career put into practice the actions and operations of this procedure by means of simple exercises, they will find an understandable way of introducing it in their educational practice easily. Nowadays, within the group of primary objectives concerned with the teaching – learning process of Mathematics in Cuba, it is the proper formulation of problems. That´s why the development of its constituent abilities must be planned not only in the students´ transit from elemental to universitary education, but to the very professors´ formation as well.Se aborda un procedimiento particular de formulación de problemas matemáticos: la formulación a partir de la respuesta esperada. Esta actividad se considera importante por su contribución a la educación de la personalidad de los estudiantes. La formulación y la resolución de problemas y el adiestramiento lógico lingüístico, por sus potencialidades para abarcar cualquier tipo de contenido, son dos líneas directrices de la enseñanza de la Matemática que se integran en esta actividad y se vinculan con el resto de las líneas. Si bien esta técnica puede aplicarse a la formulación de cualquier tipo de problema, se limita a aquellos que se relacionan con la práctica por tratarse del tipo de ejercicio que más comúnmente aparece en la enseñanza de la Matemática. Al poner en claro sus acciones y operaciones mediante ejemplos sencillos, el mismo se pone al alcance de los profesores noveles y estudiantes de la carrera Matemática-Física, lo que facilita su introducción en la práctica educativa. La formulación de problemas matemáticos por los estudiantes constituye en la actualidad un objetivo de la enseñanza de la Matemática en Cuba, el desarrollo de sus habilidades constituyentes debe planificarse en el tránsito de los alumnos por las educaciones primaria, secundaria básica y preuniversitaria, trascendiendo a la formación de profesores.&nbsp

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Dolutegravir twice-daily dosing in children with HIV-associated tuberculosis: a pharmacokinetic and safety study within the open-label, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority ODYSSEY trial

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    Background: Children with HIV-associated tuberculosis (TB) have few antiretroviral therapy (ART) options. We aimed to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of dolutegravir twice-daily dosing in children receiving rifampicin for HIV-associated TB. Methods: We nested a two-period, fixed-order pharmacokinetic substudy within the open-label, multicentre, randomised, controlled, non-inferiority ODYSSEY trial at research centres in South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Children (aged 4 weeks to <18 years) with HIV-associated TB who were receiving rifampicin and twice-daily dolutegravir were eligible for inclusion. We did a 12-h pharmacokinetic profile on rifampicin and twice-daily dolutegravir and a 24-h profile on once-daily dolutegravir. Geometric mean ratios for trough plasma concentration (Ctrough), area under the plasma concentration time curve from 0 h to 24 h after dosing (AUC0–24 h), and maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) were used to compare dolutegravir concentrations between substudy days. We assessed rifampicin Cmax on the first substudy day. All children within ODYSSEY with HIV-associated TB who received rifampicin and twice-daily dolutegravir were included in the safety analysis. We described adverse events reported from starting twice-daily dolutegravir to 30 days after returning to once-daily dolutegravir. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02259127), EudraCT (2014–002632-14), and the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN91737921). Findings: Between Sept 20, 2016, and June 28, 2021, 37 children with HIV-associated TB (median age 11·9 years [range 0·4–17·6], 19 [51%] were female and 18 [49%] were male, 36 [97%] in Africa and one [3%] in Thailand) received rifampicin with twice-daily dolutegravir and were included in the safety analysis. 20 (54%) of 37 children enrolled in the pharmacokinetic substudy, 14 of whom contributed at least one evaluable pharmacokinetic curve for dolutegravir, including 12 who had within-participant comparisons. Geometric mean ratios for rifampicin and twice-daily dolutegravir versus once-daily dolutegravir were 1·51 (90% CI 1·08–2·11) for Ctrough, 1·23 (0·99–1·53) for AUC0–24 h, and 0·94 (0·76–1·16) for Cmax. Individual dolutegravir Ctrough concentrations were higher than the 90% effective concentration (ie, 0·32 mg/L) in all children receiving rifampicin and twice-daily dolutegravir. Of 18 children with evaluable rifampicin concentrations, 15 (83%) had a Cmax of less than the optimal target concentration of 8 mg/L. Rifampicin geometric mean Cmax was 5·1 mg/L (coefficient of variation 71%). During a median follow-up of 31 weeks (IQR 30–40), 15 grade 3 or higher adverse events occurred among 11 (30%) of 37 children, ten serious adverse events occurred among eight (22%) children, including two deaths (one tuberculosis-related death, one death due to traumatic injury); no adverse events, including deaths, were considered related to dolutegravir. Interpretation: Twice-daily dolutegravir was shown to be safe and sufficient to overcome the rifampicin enzyme-inducing effect in children, and could provide a practical ART option for children with HIV-associated TB

    Neuropsychiatric manifestations and sleep disturbances with dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy versus standard of care in children and adolescents: a secondary analysis of the ODYSSEY trial

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    BACKGROUND: Cohort studies in adults with HIV showed that dolutegravir was associated with neuropsychiatric adverse events and sleep problems, yet data are scarce in children and adolescents. We aimed to evaluate neuropsychiatric manifestations in children and adolescents treated with dolutegravir-based treatment versus alternative antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of ODYSSEY, an open-label, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial, in which adolescents and children initiating first-line or second-line antiretroviral therapy were randomly assigned 1:1 to dolutegravir-based treatment or standard-of-care treatment. We assessed neuropsychiatric adverse events (reported by clinicians) and responses to the mood and sleep questionnaires (reported by the participant or their carer) in both groups. We compared the proportions of patients with neuropsychiatric adverse events (neurological, psychiatric, and total), time to first neuropsychiatric adverse event, and participant-reported responses to questionnaires capturing issues with mood, suicidal thoughts, and sleep problems. FINDINGS: Between Sept 20, 2016, and June 22, 2018, 707 participants were enrolled, of whom 345 (49%) were female and 362 (51%) were male, and 623 (88%) were Black-African. Of 707 participants, 350 (50%) were randomly assigned to dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy and 357 (50%) to non-dolutegravir-based standard-of-care. 311 (44%) of 707 participants started first-line antiretroviral therapy (ODYSSEY-A; 145 [92%] of 157 participants had efavirenz-based therapy in the standard-of-care group), and 396 (56%) of 707 started second-line therapy (ODYSSEY-B; 195 [98%] of 200 had protease inhibitor-based therapy in the standard-of-care group). During follow-up (median 142 weeks, IQR 124–159), 23 participants had 31 neuropsychiatric adverse events (15 in the dolutegravir group and eight in the standard-of-care group; difference in proportion of participants with ≥1 event p=0·13). 11 participants had one or more neurological events (six and five; p=0·74) and 14 participants had one or more psychiatric events (ten and four; p=0·097). Among 14 participants with psychiatric events, eight participants in the dolutegravir group and four in standard-of-care group had suicidal ideation or behaviour. More participants in the dolutegravir group than the standard-of-care group reported symptoms of self-harm (eight vs one; p=0·025), life not worth living (17 vs five; p=0·0091), or suicidal thoughts (13 vs none; p=0·0006) at one or more follow-up visits. Most reports were transient. There were no differences by treatment group in low mood or feeling sad, problems concentrating, feeling worried or feeling angry or aggressive, sleep problems, or sleep quality. INTERPRETATION: The numbers of neuropsychiatric adverse events and reported neuropsychiatric symptoms were low. However, numerically more participants had psychiatric events and reported suicidality ideation in the dolutegravir group than the standard-of-care group. These differences should be interpreted with caution in an open-label trial. Clinicians and policy makers should consider including suicidality screening of children or adolescents receiving dolutegravir

    Modelo didáctico de dinámica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Física en la educación preuniversitaria. (Original)

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    In spite of the continuous improvement of the National System of Education and the progressive advances of the pedagogical sciences in the teaching of the Physics, it is observed that inadequacies still exist in the learning of this subject in the students of the Preuniversitary Education related with the appropriation of content and its application to the solution of problems with graphical approach. The article proposes a didactic model of dynamics of the teaching-learning process of the Physics in the referred education trough a configurational holistic approach, of those that the semiotic equivalence of the content emerges as a resulting quality. In consequence, the didactic pattern offers an explanation of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of the Physics to the professors of this level.   A pesar del continuo perfeccionamiento del Sistema Nacional de Educación y los progresivos avances de las ciencias pedagógicas en la enseñanza de la Física, se observa que aún existen insuficiencias en el aprendizaje de esta asignatura en los estudiantes de la Educación Preuniversitaria relacionadas con la apropiación del contenido y su aplicación a la solución de problemas con enfoque gráfico. El artículo propone un modelo didáctico de dinámica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Física en la referida educación desde un enfoque holístico configuracional, donde se precisan configuraciones, dimensiones y cualidades dinamizadas por el método de solución de problemas con enfoque gráfico, de las que emerge como cualidad resultante la equivalencia semiótica del contenido. En consecuencia, el modelo didáctico ofrece una explicación de la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Física a los profesores de este nivel

    Actualidad de la formación de la cultura estética en las carreras estudios y gestión sociocultural para el desarrollo

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    The work presented aims to show how the formation of the aesthetic culture manifests itself through the cultural practices of the young people who study careers in Sociocultural Studies and Management for development at the University of Granma. It is conceived through the quantitative and qualitative methodological confluence, privileging in it, the hermeneutic method and the anthropological approach. The results are specified in a characterization that demonstrates the incongruence existing between the current matrices of sensitivity of the students of the aforementioned careers and the general purposes of their training process. This study will pay tribute to the improvement of the process of integral, human and cultural formation of the professionals of this context in which the formation of the   aesthetic culture is placed, significantly.El trabajo que se presenta propone mostrar cómo se manifiesta la formación de la  cultura estética a través de las prácticas culturales de los jóvenes que cursan las carreras en Estudios Socioculturales y Gestión Sociocultural para el Desarrollo, en la Universidad de Granma.  Se concibe a través de la confluencia metodológica cuantitativa y cualitativa, privilegiando en ello, el método hermenéutico y el enfoque antropológico.  Los resultados se concretan en una caracterización que demuestra la incongruencia existente entre las matrices actuales de sensibilidad de los estudiantes de las referidas carreras y los propósitos generales de su proceso de formación. Este estudio tributará al  perfeccionamiento del proceso de formación integral, humana y cultural de los profesionales de este contexto en el que se coloca, significativamente, la formación de la cultura estética