171 research outputs found

    Knee function through finite element analysis and the role of Miocene hominoids in our understanding of the origin of antipronograde behaviours: the Pierolapithecus catalaunicus patella as a case study

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    Although extensive research has been carried out in recent years on the origin and evolution of human bipedalism, a full understanding of this question is far from settled. Miocene hominoids are key to a better understanding of the locomotor types observed in living apes and humans. Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, an extinct stem great ape from the middle Miocene (c. 12.0 Ma) of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula), is the first undoubted hominoid with an orthograde (erect) body plan. Its locomotor repertoire included above-branch quadrupedalism and other antipronograde behaviours. Elucidating the adaptive features present in the Pierolapithecus skeleton and its associated biomechanics helps us to better understand the origin of hominoid orthogrady. This work represents a new biomechanical perspective on Pierolapithecus locomotion, by studying its patella and comparing it with those drawn from a large sample of extant anthropoids. This is the first time that the biomechanical patellar performance in living non-human anthropoids and a stem hominid has been studied using finite element analysis (FEA). Differences in stress distribution are found depending on body plan and the presence/absence of a distal apex, probably due to dissimilar biomechanical performances. Pierolapithecus’ biomechanical response mainly resembles that of great apes, suggesting a similar knee joint use in mechanical terms. These results underpin previous studies on Pierolapithecus, favouring the idea that a relevant degree of some antipronograde behaviour may have made up part of its locomotor repertoire. Moreover, our results corroborate the presence of modern great ape-like knee biomechanical performances back in the Miocene

    HAG1 and SWI3A/B control of male germ line development in P. patens suggests conservation of epigenetic reproductive control across land plants

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    Bryophytes as models to study the male germ line: loss-of-function mutants of epigenetic regulators HAG1 and SWI3a/b demonstrate conserved function in sexual reproduction

    Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management

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    Very High Energy gamma-ray astronomy with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is evolving towards the model of a public observatory. Handling, processing and archiving the large amount of data generated by the CTA instruments and delivering scientific products are some of the challenges in designing the CTA Data Management. The participation of scientists from within CTA Consortium and from the greater worldwide scientific community necessitates a sophisticated scientific analysis system capable of providing unified and efficient user access to data, software and computing resources. Data Management is designed to respond to three main issues: (i) the treatment and flow of data from remote telescopes; (ii) "big-data" archiving and processing; (iii) and open data access. In this communication the overall technical design of the CTA Data Management, current major developments and prototypes are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Comparative 3D analyses and palaeoecology of giant early amphibians (Temnospondyli: Stereospondyli)

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    Macroevolutionary, palaeoecological and biomechanical analyses in deep time offer the possibility to decipher the structural constraints, ecomorphological patterns and evolutionary history of extinct groups. Here, 3D comparative biomechanical analyses of the extinct giant early amphibian group of stereospondyls together with living lissamphibians and crocodiles, shows that: i) stereospondyls had peculiar palaeoecological niches with proper bites and stress patterns very different than those of giant salamanders and crocodiles; ii) their extinction may be correlated with the appearance of neosuchians, which display morphofunctional innovations. Stereospondyls weathered the end-Permian mass extinction, re-radiated, acquired gigantic sizes and dominated (semi) aquatic ecosystems during the Triassic. Because these ecosystems are today occupied by crocodilians, and stereospondyls are extinct amphibians, their palaeobiology is a matter of an intensive debate: stereospondyls were a priori compared with putative living analogous such as giant salamanders and/or crocodilians and our new results try to close this debate.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cranial biomechanics in basal urodeles: the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) and its evolutionary and developmental implications

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    Developmental changes in salamander skulls, before and after metamorphosis, afect the feeding capabilities of these animals. How changes in cranial morphology and tissue properties afect the function of the skull are key to decipher the early evolutionary history of the crown-group of salamanders. Here, 3D cranial biomechanics of the adult Salamandrella keyserlingii were analyzed under diferent tissue properties and ossifcation sequences of the cranial skeleton. This helped unravel that: (a) Mechanical properties of tissues (as bone, cartilage or connective tissue) imply a consensus between the stifness required to perform a function versus the fxation (and displacement) required with the surrounding skeletal elements. (b) Changes on the ossifcation pattern, producing fontanelles as a result of bone loss or failure to ossify, represent a trend toward simplifcation potentially helping to distribute stress through the skull, but may also imply a major destabilization of the skull. (c) Bone loss may be originated due to biomechanical optimization and potential reduction of developmental costs. (d) Hynobiids are excellent models for biomechanical reconstruction of extinct early urodeles

    Intoxicaciones agudas por productos químicos: análisis de los primeros 15 años del Sistema Español de Toxicovigilancia (SETv)

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    Fundamentos: Existen pocos estudios epidemiológicos, sobre todo de tipo multicéntrico, sobre las intoxicaciones agu-das a causa de productos químicos agroindustriales y del hogar en España. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el perfil epi-demiológico y clínico de estas intoxicaciones en nuestro país, y analizar su evolución temporal. Métodos: El Sistema Español de Toxicovigilancia (SETv) es un registro prospectivo que incluye a 32 Servicios de Urgencias y Unidades de Cuidados intensivos de España. Se realizó un es-tudio descriptivo observacional de las intoxicaciones agudas por agentes químicos (excluyendo drogas y fármacos) en sus primeros 15 años de funcionamiento (1999-2014). Las comparaciones de proporciones se realizaron mediante las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado o exacta de Fisher, y entre pares de grupos independientes con la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Se consideraron significativos los valo-res de probabilidad menores de 0, 05.Resultados: Los 10.548 casos estudiados presentaban una edad media de 38, 41 (±22, 07) años, siendo significativamente su-perior en las mujeres (p=0, 0001). El 67, 7% de las intoxicaciones ocurrieron en el hogar, y las vías de entrada más frecuentes fueron la respiratoria (48, 3%), la digestiva (35, 3%) y la ocular (13, 1%). Los grupos tóxicos más frecuentes fueron los gases tóxicos (31%), los cáusticos (25, 6%) y los gases irritantes (12, 1%). Un 76, 2% de los casos requirieron tratamiento (27, 2% con antídotos). Ingresó en un centro hospitalario un 20, 6% de las personas, con una es-tancia media de 32 (±151, 94) días, con diferencias significativas para los plaguicidas y disolventes (p=0, 02). Presentaron secuelas al alta un 2, 1%. La mortalidad fue del 1, 4% (146 pacientes), con una edad media de 62, 08 años (±19, 58; p=0, 0001). Conclusiones: En las intoxicaciones por productos quími-cos, las medidas preventivas deben centrarse fundamentalmente en el ámbito doméstico, controlando las fuentes de exposición al monóxido de carbono y la manipulación de los productos de lim-pieza, fundamentalmente los líquidos cáusticos y la generación de gases irritantes al mezclarlos. OBJECTIVE: There are few epidemiological studies on acute poisonings from pesticides, industrials and household products in Spain. The objective of this work is to describe the epidemiological and clinical profile of acute poisonings by chemical products in our country, and analyze their annual evolution. METHODS: The Spanish Toxicovigilance System (SETv) is a prospective registry that includes 32 Emergency Departments and Intensive Care Units in Spain. An observational descriptive study of acute poisoning by chemical agents (excluding pharmacological products and illicit drugs) was carried out, within 1999-2014. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-square or exact Fisher''s tests. Non-parametric continuous variables were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. P-value less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: The 10, 548 cases studied had a mean age of 38.41 (±22.07) years, being significantly higher in women (p=0.0001). 67.7% of the poisonings occurred at home, and the most frequent routes of exposure were respiratory (48.3%), digestive (35.3%) and ocular (13.1%). The most frequent toxic groups were toxic gases (31%), caustics (25.6%) and irritant gases (12.1%). Of the patients that required treatment (76.2%), antidotes were used in 27.2%. 20.6% of the patients were admitted at Hospital, with a median stay of 32 (±151.94) days, with significant differences for pesticides and solvents (p=0.02). Sequelae were presented at discharge in 2.1% of patients. Mortality was 1.4% (146 patients) with a mean age of 62.08 years (±19.58) (p=0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction of chemical poisonings should be prevented in the domestic environment, taking into account the sources of exposure to carbon monoxide and the handling of household cleaning products, both caustic liquids and the generation of irritating gases when mixed. OBJETIVO: Existen pocos estudios epidemiológicos, sobre todo de tipo multicéntrico, sobre las intoxicaciones agudas a causa de productos químicos agroindustriales y del hogar en España. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el perfil epidemiológico y clínico de estas intoxicaciones en nuestro país, y analizar su evolución temporal. METODOS: El Sistema Español de Toxicovigilancia (SETv) es un registro prospectivo que incluye a 32 Servicios de Urgencias y Unidades de Cuidados intensivos de España. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional de las intoxicaciones agudas por agentes químicos (excluyendo drogas y fármacos) en sus primeros 15 años de funcionamiento (1999-2014). Las comparaciones de proporciones se realizaron mediante las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado o exacta de Fisher, y entre pares de grupos independientes con la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Se consideraron significativos los valores de probabilidad menores de 0, 05. RESULTADOS: Los 10.548 casos estudiados presentaban una edad media de 38, 41 (±22, 07) años, siendo significativamente superior en las mujeres (p=0, 0001). El 67, 7% de las intoxicaciones ocurrieron en el hogar, y las vías de entrada más frecuentes fueron la respiratoria (48, 3%), la digestiva (35, 3%) y la ocular (13, 1%). Los grupos tóxicos más frecuentes fueron los gases tóxicos (31%), los cáusticos (25, 6%) y los gases irritantes (12, 1%). Un 76, 2% de los casos requirieron tratamiento (27, 2% con antídotos). Ingresó en un centro hospitalario un 20, 6% de las personas, con una estancia media de 32 (±151, 94) días, con diferencias significativas para los plaguicidas y disolventes (p=0, 02). Presentaron secuelas al alta un 2, 1%. La mortalidad fue del 1, 4% (146 pacientes), con una edad media de 62, 08 años (±19, 58; p=0, 0001). CONCLUSIONES: En las intoxicaciones por productos químicos, las medidas preventivas deben centrarse fundamentalmente en el ámbito doméstico, controlando las fuentes de exposición al monóxido de carbono y la manipulación de los productos de limpieza, fundamentalmente los líquidos cáusticos y la generación de gases irritantes al mezclarlos

    Exploring the Ecological History of a Tropical Agroforestry Landscape Using Fossil Pollen and Charcoal Analysis from Four Sites in Western Ghats, India

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    Contrary to expectations, some human-modified landscapes are considered to sustain both human activities and biodiversity over the long-term. Agroforestry systems are among these landscapes where crops are planted under native shade trees. In this context, ancient agroforestry systems can provide insight into how farmers managed the landscape over time. Such insight can help to quantify the extent to which tropical forests (especially habitat-specialist trees) are responding to local and landscape-level management. Here, we extracted fossil pollen (indicator of past vegetation changes) and macroscopic charcoal (indicator of biomass burning) from four forest hollows’ sedimentary sequences in an ancient agroforestry system in Western Ghats, India. We used a mixed-modelling approach and a principal components analysis (PCA) to determine past trajectories of forest change and species composition dynamics for the last 900 years. In addition, we reconstructed the long-term forest canopy dynamics and examined the persistence of habitat-specialist trees over time. Our results show that the four sites diverged to a surprising degree in both taxa composition and dynamics. However, despite these differences, forest has persisted over 900 years under agricultural activities within agroforestry systems. This long-term analysis highlights the importance of different land-use legacies as a framework to increase the effectiveness of management across tropical agricultural lands