26 research outputs found

    Estimation of User's Orientation via Wearable UWB

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    User's orientation in indoor environments is an important part of her context. Orientation can be useful to understand what the user is looking at, and thus to improve the interaction between her and the surrounding environment. In this paper, we present a method based on wearable UWB-enabled devices. The position of the devices in space is used to estimate the user's orientation. We experimentally evaluated the impact of some operational parameters, such as the distance between worn devices, or some environmental conditions, such as the position of the user in the room. Results show that the accuracy of the method suits the needs of a wide range of practical purposes

    Platooning-as-a-Service in a Multi-operator ETSI MEC Environment

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is expected to support platooning of vehicles, by running the control logic that computes the acceleration values of the vehicles based on their position and speed. Connectivity between vehicles and the MEC system is likely to be realized through the mobile network. However, pla-toons will be composed of vehicles that are customers of different co-located mobile operators, hence – in all likelihood – will also be customers of different MEC systems. In this paper, we devise and evaluate an architectural framework that realizes Platooning-as-a-Service (PlaaS) in a multi-operator MEC environ-ment, compliant with the ETSI MEC standard: we describe the entities involved and their interactions, we release an open-source proof-of-concept implementation for the popular Simu5G simulator, and we eval-uate the effect of our framework – and especially its latencies – on platoon stability

    Attraversamento di luoghi simbolici. Petrarca, il bosco e la poesia

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    Adelia Noferi (1922-2014) \ue8 stata tra i pi\uf9 grandi studiosi di Petrarca, Bruno, D’Annunzio, poesia del Novecento, e tra i pi\uf9 raffinati teorici del XX secolo e delle sue poetiche. Questo libro riunisce testi mai prima raccolti, alcuni dei quali risultato di corsi universitari, che riflettono con ricchezza di dottrina e di suggestioni sulla poesia e sulla critica attraverso letture petrarchesche e un avventuroso percorso tra i topoi del bosco in letteratura. Dal locus amoenus al labirinto l’indagine si svolge a livello strutturale, formale, simbolico, culturale e ripercorre forme e snodi dell’immaginario attraverso testi esemplari (da Dante a Bigongiari, a Zanzotto). La seconda sezione, arricchita da un apparato iconografico, contiene profili e testimonianze a molteplici voci, una biografia tra generazioni, la bibliografia completa

    Multiscale modelling of Potts shunt as a potential palliative treatment for suprasystemic idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension: a paediatric case study

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    Potts shunt (PS) was suggested as palliation for patients with suprasystemic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and right ventricular (RV) failure. PS, however, can result in poorly understood mortality. Here, a patient-specific geometrical multiscale model of PAH physiology and PS is developed for a paediatric PAH patient with stent-based PS. In the model, 7.6mm-diameter PS produces near-equalisation of the aortic and PA pressures and [Formula: see text] (oxygenated vs deoxygenated blood flow) ratio of 0.72 associated with a 16% decrease of left ventricular (LV) output and 18% increase of RV output. The flow from LV to aortic arch branches increases by 16%, while LV contribution to the lower body flow decreases by 29%. Total flow in the descending aorta (DAo) increases by 18% due to RV contribution through the PS with flow into the distal PA branches decreasing. PS induces 18% increase of RV work due to its larger stroke volume pumped against lower afterload. Nonetheless, larger RV work does not lead to increased RV end-diastolic volume. Three-dimensional flow assessment demonstrates the PS jet impinging with a high velocity and wall shear stress on the opposite DAo wall with the most of the shunt flow being diverted to the DAo. Increasing the PS diameter from 5mm up to 10mm results in a nearly linear increase in post-operative shunt flow and a nearly linear decrease in shunt pressure-drop. In conclusion, this model reasonably represents patient-specific haemodynamics pre- and post-creation of the PS, providing insights into physiology of this complex condition, and presents a predictive tool that could be useful for clinical decision-making regarding suitability for PS in PAH patients with drug-resistant suprasystemic PAH