19 research outputs found

    Quantitative Estimation of the Parameters for Self-Motion Driven by Difference in Surface Tension

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    Quantitative information on the parameters associated with self-propelled objects would enhance the potential of this research field; for example, finding a realistic way to develop a functional self-propelled object and quantitative understanding of the mechanism of self-motion. We therefore estimated five main parameters, including the driving force, of a camphor boat as a simple self-propelled object that spontaneously moves on water due to difference in surface tension. The experimental results and mathematical model indicated that the camphor boat generated a driving force of 4.2 μN, which corresponds to a difference in surface tension of 1.1 mN m<sup>–1</sup>. The methods used in this study are not restricted to evaluate the parameters of self-motion of a camphor boat, but can be applied to other self-propelled objects driven by difference in surface tension. Thus, our investigation provides a novel method to quantitatively estimate the parameters for self-propelled objects driven by the interfacial tension difference

    Oscillation of Speed of a Self-Propelled Belousov–Zhabotinsky Droplet

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    Self-propelled objects can become potential biomimetic micromachines, but a versatile strategy is required to add the desired functions. Introducing a characteristic chemical reaction is a simple answer; however, the problem is how the chemical reaction is coupled to the self-propelled motion. We propose a strategy to select the chemical reaction so that its product or intermediate affects the driving force of a self-propelled object. To demonstrate this strategy, we put an aqueous droplet of nonlinear chemical reaction, the Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, into an oil phase including a surfactant, where an aqueous droplet was driven by an interfacial reaction of the surfactant and bromine. The results exhibited oscillation of speed, and it was synchronized with the redox oscillation of the BZ reaction in the droplet. Bromine is one of the intermediates of the BZ reaction, and thus the droplet motion well-reflected the characteristics of the BZ reaction

    Spatiotemporal plot and growth profiles for the BPM rings by pattern dependent expansion.

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    <p>A: Schematic of the modeling. B: Spatiotemporal plot for peak doubling by insertion. The value of reactant is represented by the gray scale. Each panel shows the first (C), second (D), third (E), and fourth (F) insertion. Each point indicate the middle point of segmented cell, then the color of points indicate the value of reactant <i>u</i>. Solid arrowheads indicate the points of peak insertion, and empty arrowheads are points of side branch generation.</p

    Morphogenesis of <i>Rorippa aquatica</i> leaves.

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    <p>A, B: Mature leaf morphology of the simple leaf that was developed at 30°C (A) and the highly branched compound leaf that was developed at 20°C (B). Scale bar: 1 cm. C: Dissected shoot apex of a plant grown at 20°C, showing the nested group of leaf primordia with indented blade. D–F: Dissected primordial of a plant grown at 20°C for about 2 months. Each primodium has the 32th (D), 35th (E), and 39th (F) leaf primordium from the oldest (i.e. outermost) leaf of a plant. The larger leaf position numbers indicate younger leaves. Scale bar: 1 mm (C) and 200 µm (D–F). G: Comparison of the total number of leaflet primordial between experimentally observed and the theoretically estimated value.</p

    Suppression and Regeneration of Camphor-Driven Marangoni Flow with the Addition of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate

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    We investigated the Marangoni flow around a camphor disk on water with the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The flow velocity decreased with an increase in the concentration of SDS in the aqueous phase, and flow was hardly observed around the critical micelle concentration (cmc), because SDS reduced the driving force of Marangoni flow. However, the flow velocity increased with a further increase in the concentration of SDS. Thus, the Marangoni flow is maximally inhibited around the cmc of SDS. In this paper, we concluded that the regeneration of Marangoni flow originates from an increase in the dissolution rate of camphor into the SDS aqueous solution

    Spatiotemporal plot and growth profiles for the BPM rings by Expansion inhibition.

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    <p>A: Spatiotemporal plot for peak doubling by splitting. The value of reactant is represented by the gray scale. Each panel shows the first (B), second (C), third (D), and fourth (E) splitting. Each point indicate the middle point of segmented cell, then the color of points indicate the value of reactant <i>u</i>. Solid arrowheads indicate the points of peak splitting, and empty arrowheads are points of side branch generation.</p

    Simulations of leaf primordia and branches.

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    <p>Each panel shows the simulated whole leaves (A–C) and primary leaflets (D–H). The simulated branches were crossover. Each branch was independently formed nested regular branches. The inserted number shows the time of iterative calculations (), and the arrowheads indicate each leaflet; filled, flamed, and dotted arrow heads represent the first, second, and third primary leaflet respectively.</p

    The numbers of leaflet primordia of each primary leaflet.

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    <p>A: Schematic of the branched structure of one half of a <i>R</i>. <i>aquatica</i> compound leaf. Circled numbers indicate the positions of primary leaflet (the horizontal axis in B), and theoretically derived recurrence formulas of each primary leaflet are shown by . The red numbers represent the numbers of leaflets formed on the 4<sup>th</sup> primary leaflet (the vertical axis in B). B: A comparison between the experimentally observed data in actual plants and theoretically estimated numbers derived from mathematical formulae of leaflet on each primary leaflet. The magenta dots show the data from mature leaves. The number of leaflets at each stage was plotted as aligned at the center. The theoretical estimations are represented on a yellow planar graph, and the actual data in developing leaves as blue dots with columns.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Emergence of a Euglena bioconvection spot controlled by non-uniform light.PDF

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    Microorganisms possess taxes, which are the behavioral response to stimuli. The interaction between taxis and fluid dynamic instability leads to a macroscopic flow called bioconvection. In this study, we demonstrated that an isolated, single, three-dimensional bioconvection cell can exist within Euglena suspension. The isolated convection cell was named a “bioconvection spot.” To reveal the formation of this bioconvection spot in a cylindrical container, position-control experiments were designed in a non-uniform light environment. Upon exposure of Euglena suspensions to varying light conditions with white and red regions, Euglena was determined to aggregate into the red (darker) region. This was attributed to its phototactic response of Euglena, causing its movement toward a darker environment and away from a strong light. Thus, the bioconvection spot was created by manipulating the local cell density of the suspension and the light environments. Using our experimental setup, we observed the structure of the spot and established that it radiated pulses of local cell densities of Euglena.</p

    Video_2_Emergence of a Euglena bioconvection spot controlled by non-uniform light.MP4

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    Microorganisms possess taxes, which are the behavioral response to stimuli. The interaction between taxis and fluid dynamic instability leads to a macroscopic flow called bioconvection. In this study, we demonstrated that an isolated, single, three-dimensional bioconvection cell can exist within Euglena suspension. The isolated convection cell was named a “bioconvection spot.” To reveal the formation of this bioconvection spot in a cylindrical container, position-control experiments were designed in a non-uniform light environment. Upon exposure of Euglena suspensions to varying light conditions with white and red regions, Euglena was determined to aggregate into the red (darker) region. This was attributed to its phototactic response of Euglena, causing its movement toward a darker environment and away from a strong light. Thus, the bioconvection spot was created by manipulating the local cell density of the suspension and the light environments. Using our experimental setup, we observed the structure of the spot and established that it radiated pulses of local cell densities of Euglena.</p