51 research outputs found

    Contribuição para a avaliação do prognóstico dos implantes dentários nos doentes com patologia peri-implantar

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    O sucesso a longo prazo dos implantes dentários depende do estabelecimento de uma condição estável. Essa estabilidade pode ser influenciada negativamente pela coexistência da doença peri-implantar, provocando a perda do tecido ósseo de suporte ao redor do implante. Em relação à etiopatogenia, duas vias distintas foram descritas: A via clássica e a via retrógrada contendo factores de origem biológica e biomecânica previamente modelados. A existência de algoritmos de risco para modelagem de doenças assume um papel importante na Medicina moderna, representando uma importante ferramenta para os clínicos no processo de diagnóstico e decisão. Atualmente não existem algoritmos de risco validados em Implantologia. Os objetivos desta investigação foram: 1. Construir um algoritmo de risco para a incidência de doença peri-implantar e estimar a fracção atribuível dos indicadores de risco; 2. Avaliar a capacidade de previsão de um algoritmo de risco para a incidência de doença peri-implantar numa amostra de validação; 3. Aferir a influência dos tempos de recall (tempo decorrido entre consultas de avaliação e manutenção) nas sub-amostras de risco da doença peri-implantar; 4. Identificar os factores associados ao prognóstico dos implantes com doença peri-implantar, construir e validar um modelo preditivo do prognóstico de implantes com doença peri-implantar. A doença peri-implantar foi definida como a presença de profundidade à sondagem ≥ 5 mm; hemorragia à sondagem e presença concomitante de perda óssea marginal / perda do nível de inserção clínico em comparação com a avaliação anterior. O primeiro estudo consistiu num estudo de caso-controlo de modo a definir uma pontuação de risco para previsão da incidência de doença peri-implantar em 1275 pacientes utilizando as variáveis: história de periodontite, o desajuste passivo ou desaperto de componentes protéticos, tipo de material utilizado na restauração, placa bacteriana, hemorragia, proximidade de outros implantes / dentes, nível ósseo, tabagismo e a interação entre a placa bacteriana e a proximidade de outros implantes / dentes. Foram estimadas a fracção atribuível (FA) para cada indicador de risco e as razões de verossimilhança positiva e negativa para a pontuação de risco. O segundo estudo consistiu num estudo de coorte retrospectivo para validação da pontuação de risco durante um seguimento de 5 anos em 353 pacientes. Foram estimados o efeito da estratificação do grupo de risco na incidência de doença periimplantar através de regressão logística e a capacidade de discriminação da pontuação de risco através da área sob a curva (AUC). O terceiro estudo compreendeu a avaliação do efeito e impacto de um recall (intervalo entre as consultas de manutenção) > 6 meses na doença peri-implantar num estudo caso-controlo aninhado na coorte do estudo 2, incluindo 170 pacientes. Foram estimados o risco relativo (RR) através de regressão logística condicional e o risco proporcional atribuível (RAP). O quarto estudo consistiu num estudo de coorte retrospectivo com 240 pacientes para derivar e validar um modelo prognóstico para implantes com doença peri-implantar, com estimativa do efeito de potenciais indicadores de prognóstico desfavorável. Foram estimados o RR para os indicadores de risco através de regressão logística e a capacidade de discriminação do modelo através da AUC em ambos os conjuntos de derivação e validação. 1. Na construção da pontuação de risco e estimativa das frações atribuíveis constatámos: Uma distribuição diferente da incidência de doença peri-implantar com 2.2%, 11.5%, 37.6% e 86.4% para pacientes de baixo risco, risco moderado, risco elevado e risco muito elevado, respectivamente. A pontuação de risco com uma capacidade de discriminação excepcional registada pela AUC com um intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) de 0.963 (0.950; 0.976) (p < 0.001). As razões de verossimilhança positiva e negativa do modelo de 9.69 e 0.13, respectivamente. Uma potencial redução significativa dos casos se a exposição aos indicadores de risco modificáveis fosse suprimida, ilustrada pela redução de 5% para a falta de ajuste passivo ou desaperto de componentes protéticos; 31% para a placa bacteriana; 31% para o nível ósseo no terço médio dos implantes; 18% para a hemorragia; 26% para a restauração de metalo-cerâmica; e 15% para a interação entre placa bacteriana e proximidade de outros implantes / dentes. 2. Na validação da pontuação de risco registámos: Uma taxa de incidência da doença peri-implantar de 24.1% (n = 85 pacientes). Um RR com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) para o efeito da estratificação do grupo de risco de 5.52 (3.64; 8.35), com uma sensibilidade de 71.8%, uma especificidade de 83.2% e uma precisão de 80.5%. Uma excelente capacidade de discriminação da pontuação de risco com uma AUC (IC95%) de 0.858 (0.820; 0.896) (p < 0.001). 3. Na avaliação do efeito e impacto do período de recall na incidência da doença peri-implantar registámos: Um RR (IC95%) de 1.13 (0.57; 2.21) para um recall > 6 meses. Um RAP de 5.89% que indica uma contribuição modesta do recall > 6 meses para o excesso de risco na doença peri-implantar. 4. Na derivação e validação do modelo de prognóstico para implantes com doença peri-implantar constatámos: Indicadores de prognóstico com efeito significativo no prognóstico desfavorável, conforme o RR (IC95%) de 3.13 (1.15; 8.55) para história de periodontite; 3.26 (1.37; 7.81) para doença peri-implantar grave; 3.52 (1.48; 8.37) para o comprimento do implante> 13 mm; e 3.99 (1.62; 9.82) para o desenvolvimento precoce da doença. Um modelo prognóstico com inclusão dos indicadores de prognóstico: idade, história de periodontite, doença peri-implantar grave, comprimento do implante> 13 mm e desenvolvimento precoce da doença. O modelo prognóstico obteve boa discriminação na amostra de derivação com uma AUC (IC95%) de 0.763 (0.679; 0.847) (p < 0.001); O modelo prognóstico obteve uma boa discriminação na amostra de validação com uma AUC (IC95%) de 0.709 (0.616; 0.803) (p < 0.001). Considerando os resultados, conclui-se que a gestão clinica da doença periimplantar beneficia da aplicação de algoritmos de risco para alcançar resultados previsíveis a longo prazo. Foi possível derivar e validar uma pontuação de risco para a incidência da doença peri-implantar com excelente discriminação. Um número significativo de casos poderia ser potencialmente evitado se a exposição a factores modificáveis fosse suprimida. O efeito e impacto de um recall > 6 meses foram baixos e não significativos. Foi possível derivar e validar um modelo prognóstico para implantes dentários com doença peri-implantar com boa discriminação. As presentes conclusões determinam a necessidade de intervenções na prevenção primária, secundária e terciária para maximizar a probabilidade de resultados de sucesso. Esta tese como um todo contribui para a avaliação do prognóstico em pacientes com implantes dentários e doença peri-implantar, preenchendo lacunas significativas no conhecimento contemporâneo. Sistematiza os principais factores associados à doença peri-implantar e a um prognóstico desfavorável por meio de uma abordagem epidemiológica que se pode considerar original na investigação actual. Este trabalho atesta a origem multifactorial da condição, simplificando cálculos matemáticos complexos e fornecendo ferramentas que podem ser usadas por qualquer clínico na gestão de pacientes com reabilitações implanto-suportadas. Pode servir como ponto de partida para estudos adicionais sobre o tema da doença peri-implantar e fornece uma base para intervenções preventivas e curativas. Destaca-se a importância de um acompanhamento clínico rigoroso com a inclusão de medidas diagnósticas precisas, profilaxia adequada e planeamento com envolvimento de uma equipa multidisciplinar

    Factores de risco para a incidência de patologia peri-implantar

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    Tese de mestrado, Epidemiologia, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2012Contexto – A patologia peri-implantar consiste numa reacção inflamatória acompanhada de perda do osso de suporte na zona dos tecidos circundantes do implante em função podendo conduzir ao insucesso do implante. É necessário produzir mais conhecimento na área dos factores de risco associados a esta patologia. Objectivo – O objectivo geral deste estudo consistiu na identificação dos possíveis factores associados ao aumento do risco para a ocorrência de patologia peri-implantar e consequente insucesso do implante. Materiais e Métodos - Este estudo caso-controlo de base hospitalar incluiu um total de 1350 participantes (270 casos e 1080 controlos) reabilitados com implantes dentários do sistema Nobel Biocare no Centro de Implantologia e Reabilitação Oral Fixa Malo Clinic- Lisboa. Os casos apresentaram diagnóstico de patologia peri-implantar efectuado a partir de 4 métodos clínicos e radiológicos complementares e os controlos sem diagnóstico de patologia periimplantar. Os casos e controlos foram emparelhados relativamente às variáveis idade (intervalo etário de 2 anos), género e tempo de seguimento do implante (intervalo de 2 meses). Foi efectuada uma análise bivariada para avaliar a diferença entre os grupos de casos e controlos em relação às variáveis independentes. As variáveis independentes identificadas individualmente como factores associados à incidência da patologia peri-implantar foram novamente testadas em modelo de regressão logística binário tendo sido calculado o seu “odds ratio” (OR) relativamente à incidência da patologia peri-implantar. Resultados – A partir do modelo de regressão logística verificou-se que as variáveis que representaram factores de risco para a incidência de patologia peri-implantar foram: Desajuste passivo (OR=39.97); História de periodontite (HP) (OR=24); Presença de bolsas periimplantares >4mm (BPI) (OR=3.57); Nível ósseo (NO) localizado no terço médio do implante (OR=9.59); Tipo de material utilizado na prótese (TMUP) (Metalo-cerâmico: OR=5.87; Acrílico: OR=2.44); Presença de placa bacteriana (PB) (OR=3.57); as interacções PB*Proximidade de peças dentárias (PROXI) (nomeadamente a presença de um dente e um implante adjacentes ao implante, possuindo placa bacteriana; OR=12.43); NO*Superfície do implante (SI) (nomeadamente implantes com superfície maquinada possuindo um Nível ósseo localizado no terço médio do implante; OR=8.19) e Comprimento do implante (CI) * Relação implante-coroa (RIC) (nomeadamente implantes com um comprimento de 8.5 mm e possuindo uma relação implante-coroa de 1:1; OR=3.21). Exerceram efeito protector na incidência de patologia peri-implantar: A variável PROXI (0.13 <OR <0.41). O modelo final possuiu uma Sensibilidade de 78.5% e uma Especificidade de 96% tendo previsto correctamente cerca de 92.5% das situações. Conclusões – Ficou provada a origem multifactorial e a interacção da componente biológica e biomecânica na etiopatogenia da patologia peri-implantar. Dos factores de risco para a incidência da patologia peri-implantar incluídos no modelo de regressão logística, existem vários que constituem factores exógenos possíveis de controlar, quer pelo paciente, quer pelo clínico: PB, BPI, DP, TMUP, CI, RIC, SI. O esclarecimento destas associações passa pela execução de estudos prospectivos que permitam obter uma estimativa mais precisa dos riscos relativos.Background - Peri-implant disease is an inflammatory reaction accompanied by loss of supporting bone in the area of tissue surrounding the implant in function can lead to failure of the implant. It is necessary to produce more knowledge in the area of risk factors associated with this pathology. Purpose - The purpose of this study was to identify possible risk factors associated with increased risk for the occurrence of peri-implant pathology and consequent failure of the implant. Materials and Methods - This case-control hospital-based study, included a total of 1350 participants (270 cases and 1080 controls), rehabilitated with dental implants from Nobel Biocare system at the Center for Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation Fixed-Malo Clinic Lisbon, with the cases presenting a diagnosis of peri-implant pathology diagnosed through four clinical and radiological methods, and the controls without a diagnosis of peri-implant pathology. The cases and controls were matched for age (2 year interval), gender and followup time of implantation (2 months interval). A bivariate analysis was conducted to evaluate the difference between the groups of cases and controls in relation to the independent variables. The independent variables individually identified as factors associated with the incidence of peri-implant pathology were re-tested in binary logistic regression model. Results - The variables that represented risk factors for the incidence of peri-implant pathology were: Passive misfit (PM) (OR = 39.97); Past history of periodontitis (PHP) (OR = 24); Presence of peri-implant pockets > 4mm (PIP) (OR = 3.57); Bone level (BL) located in the middle third of the implant (OR = :59); Type of material used in the prosthesis (TMUP) (Metal-Ceramic: OR = 5.87; Acrylic: OR = 2.44); Presence of dental plaque (DP) (OR = 3.57); the interactions DP * Proximity of dental specimens (PROXI) (in particular the presence of a tooth and an implant adjacent to the implant, having plaque, OR = 12:43); BL * implant surface (IS) (including implants with machined surface having a bone level located in the middle third of the implant; OR = 8.19) and implant length (IL) * Implant-crown ratio (ICR) (including implants with a length of 8.5 mm and having an implant-crown ratio of 1:1; OR = 3.21). Exerted a protective effect for the incidence of peri-implant pathology: The variable PROXI (0.13 <OR <0.41). The final model possessed a sensitivity of 78.5% and a specificity of 96% having correctly foreseen approximately 92.5% of situations. Conclusions - It was proven the multifactorial origin and the interaction of biological and biomechanical components in the pathogenesis of peri-implant pathology. There are several risk factors for the incidence of peri-implant pathology included in the logistic regression model that are possible to control either by the patient or the clinician: DP, PIP, PM, TMUP, IL, ICR, IS.Clarification of these associations needs implementation of prospective studies allowing a more accurate estimate of relative risks

    Necrotizing sialometaplasia and bulimia: a case report

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    Bulimia is an eating disorder with a great prevalence in young women. Due to its multifactor ethiology, bulimia has systemic consequences. In the literature, necrotising sialometaplasia is seldom associated with bulimia. Its etiopathogenesis is discussed by several authors; nevertheless, the consensus does not consider the relevance of local trauma associated with induced vomiting. A case of necrotising sialomethaplasia, presented with a single hard palatal ulcer in a bulimic woman is described in the present report. The patient did not present significant systemic laboratorial values, nor physical weight variations, which highlights the relevance of performing a complete medical clinical history when diagnosing this rare pathologyThis article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licenseinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association of herpesvirus and periodontitis: a clinical and laboratorial case-control study

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    © 2023. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Objectives: A significant influence of the Herpesviridae family in the progression of periodontal disease has been suggested. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential association of four Herpesviruses (HSV-1, HSV-2, cytomegalovirus [CMV], and Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]) with periodontal disease using a qualitative test for evaluating the presence or absence of viral DNA in crevicular fluid samples of both healthy periodontal patients and periodontal compromised patients. Materials and methods: A case-control study was conducted in 100 participants at a university clinic. A qualitative test was used for evaluating the presence/absence of viral DNA in crevicular fluid samples of both healthy periodontal patients and periodontal compromised patients, and considering the periodontitis staging (stage II, stage III, and stage IV) and grading (grade A, grade B, and grade C). Statistical analysis: The distribution of the same exposure variables to the periodontitis staging and grading was compared using Chi-square, Fisher's exact, and Gamma tests depending on the variable characteristics. The significance level was set at 5%. The association of the variables: age, sex, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, and oral hygiene was also considered. Results: The prevalence of Herpesviridae family virus DNA was 6% for the periodontal healthy group and 60% for the periodontitis group (roughly 60% on periodontitis stages II, III, and IV, p <0.001; and twofold increase in moderate and rapid progression grades compared with the slow progression grade, p <0.001). HSV1 DNA was prevalent in all periodontitis stages and grades. HSV 2, EBV, and CMV DNA had increasing prevalence rates in more severe stages (stages III and IV, p <0.001); while considering periodontitis grade, HSV2 (p = 0.001), CMV (p = 0.019) and EBV (p <0.001) DNA were prevalent only in grades B and C, with EBV DNA registering a marked prevalence in grade C. Conclusion: A significant different distribution of Herpesviridae virus DNA per each stage of disease was registered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A prognostic model for the outcome of Nobel Biocare Dental Implants with peri-Implant disease after one year

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    © 2019 by the Authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Background: This investigation, based on a 1-year retrospective cohort study, aimed to estimate and validate a prognostic model for ailing and failing implants due to peri-implant disease. Methods: A total of 240 patients (male: 97; female: 143; average age of 57.3 years) with at least one ailing or failing implant were included: 120 patients for model derivation and 120 patients for model validation. The primary outcome measure was the implant status: success, defined as the arrest of the disease, or failure defined as implant extraction, prevalence or re-incidence of peri-implant disease). Potential prognostic risk indicators were collected at the baseline evaluation. The relative risk (RR) was estimated for the predictors through logistic regression and the c-statistic (95% confidence interval) was calculated for both derivation and validation sets. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: The risk model retrieved the prognostic factors age (RR = 1.04), history of Periodontitis (RR = 3.13), severe peri-implant disease status (RR = 3.26), implant length (RR = 3.52), early disease development (RR = 3.99), with good discrimination in both the derivation set (0.763 [0.679; 0.847]) and validation set (0.709 [0.616; 0.803]). Conclusions: A prognostic risk model for estimating the outcome of implants with peri-implant disease is available, with a good performance considering the c-statistic evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 in Portugal: a retrospective review of paediatric cases, hospital and PICU admissions in the first pandemic year

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    Background COVID-19 is considered by WHO a pandemic with public health emergency repercussions. Children often develop a mild disease with good prognosis and the recognition of children at risk is essential to successfully manage paediatric COVID-19. Quality epidemiological surveillance data are required to characterise and assess the pandemic. Methods Data on all reported paediatric COVID-19 cases, in Portugal, were retrospectively assessed from a fully anonymised dataset provided by the Directorate General for Health (DGS). Paediatric hospital admission results were obtained from the DGS vaccine recommendations and paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission results from the EPICENTRE.PT group. Reported cases and PICU admissions from March 2020 to February 2021 and hospital admissions between March and December 2020 were analysed. Results 92 051 COVID-19 cases were studied, 50.5% males, average age of 10.1 years, corresponding to 5.4% of children in Portugal. The most common symptoms were cough and fever, whereas gastrointestinal symptoms were infrequent. The most common comorbidity was asthma. A high rate of missing surveillance data was noticed, on presentation of disease and comorbidity variables, which warrants a cautious interpretation of results. Hospital admission was required in 0.93% of cases and PICU on 3.48 per 10 000 cases. PICU admission for Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) was more frequent in children with no comorbidities and males, severe COVID-19 was rarer and occurred mainly in females and infants. Case fatality rate and mortality rates were low, 1.8 per 100 000 cases and 1.2 per 1 000 000 cases, respectively. Conclusions The overall reported case incidence was 5.4 per 100 children and adolescents andinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of health preconditions on COVID-19 deaths in Portugal: evidence from surveillance data of the first 20293 infection cases

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    Background: It is essential to study the effect of potential co-factors on the risk of death in patients infected by COVID-19. The identification of risk factors is important to allow more efficient public health and health services strategic interventions with a significant impact on deaths by COVID-19. This study aimed to identify factors associated with COVID-19 deaths in Portugal. Methods: A national dataset with the first 20,293 patients infected with COVID-19 between 1 January and 21 April 2020 was analyzed. The primary outcome measure was mortality by COVID-19, measured (registered and confirmed) by Medical Doctors serving as health delegates on the daily death registry. A logistic regression model using a generalized linear model was used for estimating Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for each potential risk indicator. Results: A total of 502 infected patients died of COVID-19. The risk factors for increased odds of death by COVID-19 were: sex (male: OR = 1.47, ref = female), age ((56-60) years, OR = 6.01; (61-65) years, OR = 10.5; (66-70) years, OR = 20.4; (71-75) years, OR = 34; (76-80) years, OR = 50.9; (81-85) years, OR = 70.7; (86-90) years, OR = 83.2; (91-95) years, OR = 91.8; (96-104) years, OR = 140.2, ref = (0-55)), Cardiac disease (OR = 2.86), Kidney disorder (OR = 2.95), and Neuromuscular disorder (OR = 1.58), while condition (None (absence of precondition); OR = 0.49) was associated with a reduced chance of dying after adjusting for other variables of interest. Conclusions: Besides age and sex, preconditions justify the risk difference in mortality by COVID-19.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bowel symptoms associated with coronavirus disease 19 in hospitalized patients with moderate to severe illness

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    Bowel symptoms, such as diarrhea, have higher prevalence during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The correlation between the severity of these symptoms and their prognosis has not been defined yet. Furthermore, higher prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms after recovery from COVID-19 has been reported. This study aimed to analyze the correlation of potential factors with the severity of diarrhea during COVID-19 and to assess the progression of post-COVID-19 bowel symptoms. This prospective longitudinal cohort included 109 patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms who were hospitalized from May to July 2021. Patients were interviewed to assess the presence and intensity of bowel symptoms during COVID-19 and 3–6 months after hospital discharge using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale questionnaire. Demographic and clinical data were obtained and their correlations with the intensity of bowel symptoms were examined. The presence of severe diarrhea was correlated with the need for ventilatory support and the use of anticoagulants but not with the use of antibiotics. In addition, bowel symptoms, such as loose stools and incomplete evacuation but not diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain, persisted for at least 3–6 months after hospital discharge. These results suggest that the severity of diarrhea during COVID-19 may be associated with worsening of the disease and that only loose stools and incomplete evacuation are present after COVID-19. The chronicity of these bowel symptoms should be evaluated to improve the treatment of patients with COVID-19

    Multimorbidity profile of COVID-19 deaths in Portugal during 2020

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    Background: COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection and has reached pandemic proportions. Since then, several clinical characteristics have been associated with poor outcomes. This study aimed to describe the morbidity profile of COVID-19 deaths in Portugal. Methods: A study was performed including deaths certificated in Portugal with “COVID-19” (ICD-10: U07.1 or U07.2) coded as the underlying cause of death from the National e-Death Certificates Information System between 16 March and 31 December 2020. Comorbidities were derived from ICD-10 codes using the Charlson and Elixhauser indexes. The resident Portuguese population estimates for 2020 were used. Results: The study included 6701 deaths (death rate: 65.1 deaths/100,000 inhabitants), predominantly males (72.1). The male-to-female mortality ratio was 1.1. The male-to-female mortality rate ratio was 1.2; however, within age groups, it varied 5.0–11.4-fold. COVID-19 deaths in Portugal during 2020 occurred mainly in individuals aged 80 years or older, predominantly in public healthcare institutions. Uncomplicated hypertension, uncomplicated diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, renal failure, cardiac arrhythmias, dementia, and cerebrovascular disease were observed among COVID-19 deceased patients, with prevalences higher than 10%. A high prevalence of zero morbidities was registered using both the Elixhauser and Charlson comorbidities lists (above 40.2%). Nevertheless, high multimorbidity was also identified at the time of COVID-19 death (about 36.5%). Higher multimorbidity levels were observed in men, increasing with age up to 80 years old. Zero-morbidity prevalence and high multimorbidity prevalences varied throughout the year 2020, seemingly more elevated in the mortality waves’ peaks, suggesting variation according to the degree of disease incidence at a given period. Conclusions: This study provides detailed sociodemographic and clinical information on all certificated deaths from COVID-19 in Portugal during 2020, showing complex and extreme levels of morbidity (zero-morbidity vs. high multimorbidity) dynamics during the first year of the pandemic in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio