364 research outputs found
Caribbean spiny lobster and their molluscan prey: Are top-down forces key in structuring prey assemblages in a Florida Bay seagrass system
Relative importance of predator-prey dynamics and several environmental variables in structuring gastropod and bivalve diversity and distribution was investigated in the subtropical seagrass and macroalgal community of Florida Bay, a highly productive system and primary nursery and foraging ground for finfish and invertebrate predators, including the numerically dominant Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. The molluscan assemblage, a primary food source for P. argus in particular, is speciose (75 gastropod and 25 bivalve species) and a significant component of epifaunal and infaunal invertebrate assemblages within Florida Bay. Two experimental areas, located within separate basins and each comprised of two experimental sites, were selected within Everglades National Park. Each site consisted of an array of four replicates of each of four structural treatments designed to manipulate predator abundances and composition. The predator guild associated with experimental structures was monitored at periodic intervals (July 1993 to Aug. 1995), at which time benthic suction samples were taken to evaluate diversity, abundance, and distribution of the molluscan assemblage. Experimental areas were significantly different from each other and were representative of separate subenvironments within Florida Bay. Predator abundances were successfully manipulated locally; experimental structures providing more overhead cover attracted significantly more predators. Predator densities were representative of naturally occurring fauna utilizing seagrass beds rather than abnormally high densities reported in studies utilizing artificial reefs. No significant predation impacts by lobster and finfishes on abundance and species richness of the molluscan assemblage were observed. Predation by P. argus and finfishes did not structure gastropod and bivalve mollusc assemblages in these habitats. Area differences, however, had some influence on prey abundance and diversity given the consistent significant area effects prevalent throughout the data. Moreover, lobsters at densities recorded in this study, can not be considered a keystone or even dominant predator in this system Predation in Florida Bay, as in other tropical and sub-tropical systems, is differentiated in time and space, probably due to habitat heterogeneity, spatial and temporal variability in predator and prey abundances, high diversity of prey, and other factors. The Florida Bay benthic community is likely influenced through bottom-up or physical factors and microhabitat characteristics
Frequency of sublethal injury in a deepwater ophiuroid, Ophiacantha bidentata, an important component of western Atlantic Lophelia reef communities
The occurrence and relative abundance of tissue (arm) regeneration in the ophiuroid, Ophiacantha bidentata (Retzius), was examined in individuals collected primarily among colonies of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa off the southeastern United States. Seven deep-water coral sites (384–756 m), located between Cape Lookout, NC, and Cape Canaveral, FL, were sampled in June 2004 using a manned submersible. The presence of regenerative tissue was evaluated by visual inspection of each individual ophiuroid, and the proportion of regenerating arms per individual was examined relative to size of individual, geographic location, and depth of collection. Ophiacantha bidentata, the dominant brittle star collected, commonly displayed signs of sublethal injury with over 60% of individuals displaying some evidence of regeneration. These levels of regeneration rival those reported for shallow-water ophiuroids. Larger individuals (\u3e6.5 mm disc size) had a higher incidence of regeneration than smaller individuals. Size of individual and percent of regeneration were negatively correlated with depth. Although O. bidentata was significantly less abundant in southern versus northern sites, ophiuroid abundance did not appear to be influenced by amount or density of coral substratum. Presence of dense aggregations of O. bidentata indicates that they are an important component of the invertebrate assemblage associated with deep-water coral habitat especially in the northern part of the study area. Assuming that observed frequencies of injury and subsequent regeneration represent predation events then dense ophiuroid aggregations in deepwater coral habitats represent an important renewable trophic resource within these communities
Annotated checklist of decapod crustaceans of Atlantic coastal and continental shelf waters of the United States
Volume: 116Start Page: 96End Page: 15
Gilbertaster FISHER 1906
<i>GILBERTASTER</i> FISHER, 1906 <p>Fisher, 1906: 1062; McKnight, 1973: 192; Mah, 1998: 66; H.E.S. Clark & McKnight, 2001: 49</p> <p> <i>Type species:</i> <i>Gilbertaster anacanthus</i> Fisher, 1906.</p> <p> <i>Included species:</i> <i>G. anacanthus</i> Fisher, 1906; <i>G. caribaea</i> (Verrill, 1899).</p> <p> <i>Diagnosis:</i> Arms triangular, broad to tapering, narrow (Fig. 3A, E). Disk weakly swollen (Fig. 3A, E).</p> <p>Tissue thick, pulpy covering abactinal, marginal, actinal plates. Abactinal plates low, polygonal covered by one to 12, closely articulated angular granules (Fig. 3A– C, E–G) elongate to round in length, flattened, forming smooth to rough surface texture. Fasciolar grooves shallow. Secondary plates present between abactinal plates (Fig. 3C). Abactinal plates with angular accessories (Fig. 3A–C). Pedicellariae large, bivalved with smooth valves, the length of one to two plates and abundant on abactinal surface (Fig. 3B, C).</p> <p> Marginal plates, 50–70 per inter-radius (armtip to armtip), squarish in outline with rounded edges, completely covered by angular granules similar to those on abactinal surface. Variable surfaces smooth (on <i>G. anacanthus</i>) to roughened (on <i>G. caribaea</i>). Pedicellariae large, bivalve (Fig. 3C) similar to those on abactinal surface on marginal plate surface, often bisecting the width of the plate. Spines absent from superomarginal and inferomarginal plate series (Fig. 3A, C, E). Granules, densely arranged, covering superomarginal and inferomarginal plate series complete (Fig. 3A, B, C, E). Superomarginal and inferomarginal plates quadrate at inter-radius (Fig. 3C, E). Fasciolar grooves on marginal and actinal surfaces absent. Fringe of accessories on marginal plates poorly differentiated. Superomarginal plates forming prominent dorsolateral fringe (Fig. 3A, E).</p> <p>Actinal plates covered by one to 15 flattened, polygonal, angular granules. Large bivalve pedicellariae similar to those on abactinal, marginal plate surfaces abundant on actinal plates. Actinal plates with granules, but lacking large spines or spinelets (Fig. 3D, G). Pedicellariae, bivalved, present on plate series at perpendicular angle (Fig. 3A–G), adjacent to ambulacral furrow. Pedicellariae, flat-tong shaped with serrated blades present on actinal plates (Fig. 3D, F). Pedicellariae very abundant, present on raised bases (Fig. 3A–G).</p> <p> Furrow spines two to four (usually three) blunt, thickened spines, horizontally flattened (<i>G. anacanthus</i>) to triangular/quadrate in cross-section (<i>G. caribaea</i>) (Fig. 3D, G). Subambulacral spines, one to four, blunt, flattened (Fig. 3D, G). Round to quadrate (<i>G. anacanthus</i>) to triangular in cross-section (<i>G. caribaea</i>). Pedicellariae, bivalved, enlarged on first adambulacral (similar to others) replacing subambulacral spination (Fig. 3D, G) and sometimes replacing furrow spination. Subambulacral spines smaller in size, more abundant (Fig. 3D, G). Furrow spines round in cross-section, not compressed.</p> <p>Oral plates covered by ten to 20 flattened, angular, closely articulated granules (Fig. 3D, G), sometimes with enlarged bivalve pedicellariae. Oral plate furrow spines, typically five, flattened to oval in cross-section. Oral region concave (Fig. 3D, G).</p> <p> <i>GILBERTASTER ANACANTHUS</i> FISHER, 1906</p> <p>FIGURE 3E–G</p> <p> Fisher, 1906: 1063; A.M. Clark, 1993: 223; H.E.S. Clark & McKnight, 2001: 49 (as <i>Gilbertaster anacanthus</i>)</p> <p> McKnight, 1973: 192; A.M. Clark, 1993: 223 (as <i>Gilbertaster brodiei</i>)</p> <p> <i>Occurrence:</i> Hawaiian Islands, Palau to New Zealand. 277–868 m.</p> <p> <i>Material examined:</i> HOLOTYPE: USNM 21168, Malae Point, Hawaii, 20°6′N, 155°59′W, 463–699 m, coll. USFC <i>Albatross</i>, 11.vii.1902 [1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 6.5, <i>r</i> = 2.2]; CASIZ 159079, off Kona, 19°38′N, 156°2′W, 670.0 m, coll. Sandra Brooke & Michelle Wood on R/V <i>Pisces</i> V, 14.xii.2001 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 7.3, <i>r</i> = 2.2); CASIZ 159080, Off Kona, 19°38′N, 156°2′W, 868.0 m, coll. Sandra Brooke & Michelle Wood on R/V <i>Pisces</i> V, 14.xii.2001 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 5.2, <i>r</i> = 2.2); CRECH 129, Mutremdu, Palau, 7°16′N, 134°31′W, 277.3 m (910 ft), coll. P. Colin aboard <i>Deep Worker</i> submersible, 6.iii.2001 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 9.9, <i>r</i> = 3.2).</p> <p> <i>Description:</i> Arms five. Disk broad, arms long, narrow (<i>R</i>: <i>r</i> = 2.26–3.0), distinct from disk.</p> <p>Abactinal plates tightly abutted, covered by granules, one to six, round to irregularly polygonal to oblong to elongate in outline, forming angular fringe around each (Fig. 3E, F). Carinal series distinct (Fig. 3F). Granules slightly convex to rounded but low and close to disk surface (Fig. 3E, F). Periphery of plate surrounded by four to 12 elongate to roundedpolygonal granules that sit in low concavities on each plate. Plates larger proximally but becoming smaller distally at contact with superomarginal border. Madreporite pentagonal, with well-developed sulci. Secondary plates present but few. Pedicellariae bivalve large (~1.0– 1.5 mm in length) and present in irregular cluster all across the abactinal disk surface. Apparently more common on disk but also present in less abundance on distal arm surface. Papulae present radially, absent inter-radially.</p> <p>Marginal plates quadrate in shape, 18–22 in number (superomarginals and inferomarginals identical in number and appearance), largely flat but weakly convex and covered with granules, 20–70, flush, close-set, convex granules, forming a weakly expressed border around the disk periphery. Marginal plate surface more flattened inter-radially becoming more rounded and more convex distally. Granular covering angular, crowded but other major ornamentation (i.e. spines, etc.) absent from marginal plate surface. Granules form weakly differentiated periphery around marginal plate surface. Marginal fascioles absent (Fig. 3E, F). Superomarginal plate surface with dorsol facing (Fig. 3E), especially on distal arm segment. Pedicellariae, bivalved, uncommonly present on marginal plate surface.</p> <p>Actinal plates, very tightly articulated, quadrate to rounded in shape, forming three distinct chevrons on actinal intermediate surface (Fig. 3G). Granules present, four to 16 in number, closely abutted and polygonal-oblong to irregular, rounded with low convex appearance in shape (Fig. 3G). Granular cover on actinals flush with those on adjacent inferomarginal plate series. Actinal plate series adjacent to adambulacral plate series each with one enlarged bivalved pedicellariae, decreasing in size proximally to distally, each one flanked by a granular ring, four to 12, enlarged, quadrate (Fig. 3G). Pedicellariae, bivalve, enlarged (~1.0 mm in length), present on several actinal plates, each surrounded by ring of enlarged quadrate granules.</p> <p>Adambulacral plates quadrate. First adambulacral with giant pedicellariae, bivalved, smooth on each inter-radius, flush with furrow margin, extending the whole length of the plate (Fig. 3G). Furrow spines, two or three, horizontally flattened, oval in cross-section, becoming reduced to a granule distally. Some adambulacral plates with spines, subequal and very small. These latter spines are observed in conjunction with subambulacral pedicellariae. Subambulacral armature varies. Plates covered by granules, four to six, prismatic to quadrate in crosssection in irregular rows (Fig. 3G). Small granular row present between adambulacrals and proximal actinal plate series. Other plates with large bivalve pedicellariae.</p> <p>Oral plates slightly convex with furrow spines, five to six triangular in cross-section, largest proximally. Oral plate surface covered by granules similar to others, large, polygonal, flattened, five pairs on each plate.</p> <p>Colour in life is dark orange to yellow. Fisher (1906) notes one specimen as ‘Dull yellow on dorsal surface, brightest on marginal plates, central part of dorsal area with a brownish cast. Actinal surface a pale Naples yellow with a brownish suggestion’.</p> <p> <i>Habitat description:</i> This species has been observed <i>in situ</i> by the Hawaiian Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) as solitary individuals on soft substratum among round basaltic rocks (C. Kelley, HURL pers. comm., 2009).</p> <p> <i>GILBERTASTER CARIBAEA</i> (VERRILL, 1899) <b>COMB. NOV.</b></p> <p>FIGURE 3A–D</p> <p> Verrill, 1899: 174, pl. 28; Halpern, 1970a: 190; Clark & Downey, 1992: 246 (as <i>Hippasteria caribaea</i>)</p> <p> <i>Occurrence:</i> Known from Cumberland Island, Georgia, Savannah Banks, Stetson Banks, off Jacksonville, FL, and off the coast of West End, Grand Bahama. 500–805 m.</p> <p> <i>Material examined:</i> HOLOTYPE: USNM 18425, Cumberland Island, Georgia, North Atlantic Ocean, 30°58′N, 79°38′W, 538 m, coll. USFC <i>Albatross</i>, st. 4041, 5.v.1886 (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 1.8, <i>r</i> = 1.0); USNM 1126236 Jacksonville Lithoherms, 30°31′N, 79°39′W, 553 m, coll. K.J. Sulak, JSL 4683, 10.vi.2004 (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 7.7, <i>r</i> = 3.2); USNM 1124498, Savannah Banks, 31°44′N, 79°05′W, 500 m, coll. S.W. Ross, JSL 4687 12.vi.2004 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 5.9, <i>r</i> = 2.8); USNM 1126239 Savannah Banks, 31°46′N, 79°12′W, 509 m, coll. C. Morrison, JSL 4905, 30.x.2005 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 13.3, <i>r</i> = 5.1); USNM 1126238 Stetson Banks, 31°50′N, 77°36′W, 694 m, coll. T. Casazza, JSL 4699, 18.vi.2004 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 4.3, <i>r</i> = 2.6); MCZ 3806, Florida, off Jacksonville, 796–805 m (435– 440 fathoms), coll. <i>Atlantis</i> St. 3782 (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 10.2, <i>r</i> = 3.4). NSU no #. Off coast of West End, Grand Bahama. 27°04′N, 79°19′W, 604 m. JSL II 3698, coll. C. Messing. (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 5.0, <i>r</i> = 2.3).</p> <p> <i>Description:</i> Arms five. Disk broad, arms short (<i>R</i>: <i>r</i> = 2.1–2.4) distinct from disk (Fig. 3A).</p> <p> Abactinal surface covered by coarse granules, densely packed with no plate surface visible. Granules forming continuous cover, nearly contiguous with superomarginal plate series (Fig. 3A, B). Plates, each with one (exceptionally two or more) large round, tubercular granule(s), surrounded by three to six smaller rounded coarse granules (Fig. 3C). Abactinal plates closely abutting (Fig. 3B) in adult specimens, somewhat less so in smaller individuals (when <i>R</i> = 4– 5 cm). Papulae single, distributed over most of abactinal surface but absent from narrow triangular area adjacent to contact with superomarginal plate series. Madreporite round with well-developed sulcae, surrounded by 12–15 plates. Pedicellariae large (0.8– 2.0 mm in length), bivalve equivalent to three to six granules in relative length evenly distributed over abactinal surface (Fig. 3B, C).</p> <p> Marginal plates elongate [length (L)> width (W)], largest inter-radially, becoming more equal in size and smaller distally. Marginal plates 40–50 per interradius (counted from armtip to armtip) covered by densely packed coarse granules (20–60 per plate) similar to those on abactinal surface. Granules more evenly spaced, less dense in smaller individuals (<i>R</i> = 4–5 cm). Plate surface not visible on inter-radial plates with smooth, bare patches present near arm terminus. Granule shape varies from round, hemispherical to polygonal to more oblong (Fig. 3C). Superomarginal granules prominent, strongly convex, not forming even surface with other granules (Fig. 3C). Granules on inferomarginal plates more polygonal, forming close pavement. Pedicellariae absent from marginals on paratype (smaller specimen) but present on holotype (larger specimen) where they bisect the entire width of superomarginal and inferomarginal plates. Distinct groove present around inferomarginal plate contact with actinal intermediate plate surface.</p> <p>Actinal plates forming irregular chevron-like pattern. Actinal plates adjacent to adambulacral plates all with enlarged bivalved pedicellariae equal to length of plate on which it sits. Approximately six to seven granules flank each valve of these pedicellariae. Largest centrally becoming smallest near the ends of each pedicellariae. Other actinal intermediate plate chevron series more irregular with approximately 60% of plates bearing a large bivalve pedicellariae (Fig. 3D). Holotype with nearly all plates bearing a large bivalve pedicellariae. Remaining plates covered by four to 14 (mean of nine) granules. One enlarged, convex granule, flanked by four to seven smaller polygonal granules, varying in size. Pedicellariae present closest to mouth and tube foot furrows becoming almost completely absent on plates adjacent to inferomarginal plate series.</p> <p>Furrow spines, thick, triangular to round-oblong rectangle in cross-section, two to three per adambulacral plate with fewer spines on distal plates (Fig. 3D). One large thick (3–4 ¥ thickness of furrow spines), angular, subambulacral spine, present immediately behind furrow spines. This large subambulacral spine flanked by one to two smaller spines, triangular in cross-section, roughly half the height of the large subambulacral (Fig. 3D). Several thickened, blunt granules, polygonal-triagonal in crosssection, five to nine adjacent to the subambulacral spine, similar in size to those on actinal surface. Typically, one enlarged, round granule present adjacent to subambulacrals with other granules irregularly trailing off in size. Distinct groove between adambulacral plates and first adjacent actinal intermediate plate (which bears the large bivalve pedicellariae).</p> <p>Enlarged triangular spines two, present on oral plate surface projecting into mouth, adjacent to four thick, polygonal spines on the side of each oral plate (Fig. 3D). Oral plate covered by two enlarged subambulacral spines, round to triangular in cross-section, three to four times as thick as the adjacent furrow spines. Smaller, lower polygonal granules, five to seven present on oral plate surface adjacent to enlarged pedicellariae adjacent to the mouth.</p> <p>Colour in life is yellow-orange.</p> <p> <i>Biology: Hippasteria</i> (<i>= Gilbertaster</i>) <i>caribaea</i> was measured for reflectance in a bioluminescence study presented by Johnson (2005).</p> <p> <i>Habitat description:</i> Specimens provided by M. Nizinski were observed as solitary individuals collected on soft substrata. No other organisms were observed at the collection site.</p>Published as part of <i>Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2)</i> on pages 270-274, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10114738">http://zenodo.org/record/10114738</a>
Hippasteria falklandica Fisher 1940
HIPPASTERIA FALKLANDICA FISHER, 1940 Fisher, 1940: 125; Bernasconi, 1973: 287; Clark & Downey, 1992: 247; Stampanato & Jangoux, 2004: 6; McKnight, 2006: 97 Occurrence: Falkland Islands (=Islas Malvinas), northern Argentina, Marion and Prince Edward Islands region to south of Tasmania, approx. 49°S, 150°E. 225–1148 m. Material examined: None.Published as part of Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2) on page 286, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.
Hippasteria mammifera Djakonov 1950
HIPPASTERIA MAMMIFERA DJAKONOV, 1950 Djakonov, 1950: 54 (1968: 45), 1952: 409. Occurrence: Okhotsk Sea. 97 m. Comments: This species was described by Djakonov (1950) as a separate species based on extremely swollen and hemispherical marginal and abactinal plates. This character is plesiomorphic to H. spinosa (and to a certain extent, H. phrygiana), which undermines the distinctiveness of this species and further lends support to its synonymy with H. spinosa. Material examined: None.Published as part of Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2) on page 286, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.
Figure 1. Collection locality maps. A in Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species
Figure 1. Collection locality maps. A, tropical Atlantic localities for Sthenaster and Gilbertaster caribaea; B, North-east Pacific localities for Evoplosoma spp. nov.Published as part of <i>Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2)</i> on page 268, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10114738">http://zenodo.org/record/10114738</a>
Evoplosoma forcipifera Fisher 1906
<i>EVOPLOSOMA FORCIPIFERA</i> FISHER, 1906 <p>Fisher, 1906: 1065; Clark, 1993: 253</p> <p> <i>Occurrence:</i> Hawaiian Islands, east of Kauai Island, 48°S 15′W. 929–1247 m (682–508 fms).</p> <p> <i>Comments:</i> The specimen image of <i>E. forcipifera</i> from Trego (2008) lacks abactinal spination and shows quadrate marginals abutting along the midradius, a character absent from <i>Evoplosoma</i>, indicating that the specimen described in this paper is misidentified, invalidating Trego’s (2008) range extension for this species. The holotype for this species is missing from the USNM collections (Ahearn, 1995).</p> <p> <i>EVOPLOSOMA SCORPIO</i> DOWNEY, 1981</p> <p>FIGURE 6A–E</p> <p> Downey, 1981: 561; Gage <i>et al.</i>, 1983: 280; Clark & Downey, 1992: 242; Clark, 1993: 253.</p> <p> <i>Occurrence:</i> South-west Rockall Trough to northeastern European Basin (48.5°N, 10°W) extended herein to off Delaware 38°45′N, 72°40′W. 1600– 2105 m.</p> <p> <i>Material examined:</i> USNM E50539, off Delaware, North Atlantic Ocean, 38°45′N, 72°40′W, 2105 m, coll. Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, DSRV <i>Alvin</i>, 15.vii.1981 (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 5.5, <i>r</i> = 1.8); USNM E23623, off Ireland, North Atlantic, 55°12′N, 15°50′W, 1900 m, coll. J. Gage, R/V <i>Challenger</i> (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 8.2, <i>r</i> = 2.4).</p>Published as part of <i>Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2)</i> on pages 280-281, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10114738">http://zenodo.org/record/10114738</a>
Cryptopeltaster FISHER 1905
<i>CRYPTOPELTASTER</i> FISHER, 1905 <p>Fisher, 1905: 311; 1911: 237; Spencer & Wright, 1966: U58; A.M. Clark, 1993: 251.</p> <p> Codoceo & Andrade, 1981: 379 (as <i>Criptopeltaster</i>)</p> <p> <i>Type specimen:</i> NEOTYPE: USNM E 33356, south of Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands, California, 33°55′30′N, 119°41′30′W, 486 m, coll. USFC <i>Albatross</i>, 7.ii.1889.</p> <p> <i>Included species:</i> <i>Cryptopeltaster lepidonotus</i> Fisher, 1905 (<i>Cryptopeltaster philipii</i> is now a synonym of <i>C. lepidonotus</i>).</p> <p> <i>Diagnosis, distribution, and characters:</i> As per species.</p> <p> <i>CRYPTOPELTASTER LEPIDONOTUS</i> FISHER, 1905</p> <p>FIGURE 5A–E</p> <p> Ludwig, 1905: 138 (as <i>Hippasteria pacifica</i>) Fisher, 1905: 311; 1911: 237; Lambert, 1978a: 9; Maluf,</p> <p> 1988: 34, 118; Clark, 1992: 251 (as <i>C. lepidonotus</i>) Codoceo & Andrade, 1981: 379 (as <i>C. philippii</i>) Pawson & Ahearn, 2001: 42 (as <i>Cryptopeltaster</i> cf.</p> <p> <i>lepidonotus</i>)</p> <p> <i>Occurrence:</i> Chile to Aleutian Islands (Alaska), including records from Rodriguez Seamount, Santa Cruz, California and British Columbia 188–1244 m.</p> <p> <i>Material examined:</i> CASIZ 108628, Monterey, CA off Point Sur, 914.0 m (500 fms), coll. M. Eric Anderson, 7.vi.1977 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 4.4, <i>r</i> = 1.7); CASIZ 11828, Oregon, off the coast, 47°15′N, 124°53′W, 188–216 m, coll. Roger N. Clark aboard R/V <i>Miller Freeman</i>, 22.x.1996 (1 dry spec. <i>R</i> = 13.1, <i>r</i> = 5.2); USNM 1129943, Rodriguez Seamount, 34°2′N, 121°4′W, 667.3 m, coll. D. Clague, on board ROV <i>Tiburon</i>, 29.iv.2004 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 9.6, <i>r</i> = 6.1); USNM E47396, Washington, north-west of Grays Harbor, 47°10′N, 124°57′W, 195–242 m, coll. R. N. Clark on board R/V <i>Miller Freeman</i>, 22.x.1996 (2 dry specs. <i>R</i> = 9.8, <i>r</i> = 3.8; <i>R</i> = 10.8, <i>r</i> = 4.8); USNM E51296, North of Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands, 00°21′S, 90°15′W, 599 m (1964 ft), coll. C. Baldwin & J. McCosker, <i>Johnson Sea Link II</i>, 26.vii.1998 (1 wet spec. <i>R</i> = 8.1, <i>r</i> = 3.5).</p> <p> <i>Description: R</i>: <i>r</i> = 2.3–2.6, arms triangular, disk broad.</p> <p>Abactinal surface covered by large, coarse, flat, angular granules, densely abutting around spines and pedicellariae. Abactinal plates largest proximally becoming smaller distally adjacent to contact with superomarginal plate series. Spines conical, present, large, numerous on abactinal surface with granules forming flattened, angular skirt around each spine base. Spines or pointed granules present on nearly every abactinal plate, especially those on radial regions, but are nearly absent distally on regions adjacent to superomarginal series. Pedicellariae large (length equivalent to about seven to nine granules), bivalved. Secondary plates present sometimes covered by granules, one or two, similar to others.</p> <p>Marginal plates, 40–55 per inter-radius (from terminal to terminal), each covered with granules, densely arranged polygonal, quadrate to angular in shape. Number of marginal plates increases as adult size increases. Granules number 20–30 around each marginal plate periphery forming convex contact with abactinal and actinal surfaces. Granules on central marginal plate surfaces number 20–40. Granules, smooth, angular in outline, flattened to convex and often with a pointed tip, distributed evenly throughout surface. Spines, one to three (typically one), short, conical to tubercular present at lower end of each superomarginal plate adjacent to contact with inferomarginal plates. Spines present on inferomarginals inter-radially, becoming lower and more tubercular distally along arms. Granules becoming more flush with others distally on arms.</p> <p>Actinal intermediate areas covered with similar flattened, closely abutting, angular granules, almost all with spines or tubercles. Spines, conical single and prominent, on each actinal intermediate plate number highest proximal to mouth. Spines, smaller and disappearing distally (adjacent to inferomarginal plate contact). Large bivalve pedicellariae (length about 3.0 mm each) in a distinct linear series adjacent to adambulacral plate series, each surrounded by 11–15 angular granules. Approximately five to seven chevrons of actinal plates per inter-radius.</p> <p>Adambulacral plates primarily occupied by two to three (primarily three) furrow spines per plate, but a large bivalve or trivalve pedicellariae will replace these spines on the first postoral adambulacral plate and irregularly if infrequently on the furrow spines. Furrow spines thick, club-shaped and round in cross-section. Each paired oral plate with six to eight angular granules along median axis but with four to six granules covering remaining oral plate surface. Furrow spines, three to four on each oral plate. Spine, thickened, oblong in cross-section on the surface of each oral plate facing into the mouth.</p> <p> <i>Holotype:</i> The original holotype for this species has been lost (C. G. Ahearn, pers. comm., 2007). A neotype (USNM 33356) from part of Fisher’s original voucher series, collected near to the original type locality is herein designated as its replacement. Codoceo & Andrade (1981) were the last authors to refer to the holotype of <i>C. lepidonotus</i>.</p> <p> <i>Synonymy of C. philippii:</i> A new Chilean species, <i>Cryptopeltaster philippii</i> was described by Codoceo & Andrade (1981) who distinguished <i>C. philippii</i> from <i>C. lepidonotus</i> on the basis of fewer pedicellariae on the body surface, an undivided madreporite, and fewer supero- and inferomarginal plates per interradius. <i>Cryptopeltaster</i> from the Galapagos (USNM E51296) corresponds to this description (Pawson & Ahearn, 2001).</p> <p> These characters fail to differentiate between these two species and strongly support the synonymy of <i>C. philippii</i> into <i>C. lepidonotus</i>. Based on the greater number of specimens available, it is determined that the characters vary across the range of the genus and amongst differently sized individuals. Pedicellariae number is variable across different individuals and does little to differentiate between any two specimens. The madreporite was atypically divided by a seam in the holotype (Fisher, 1911: pl. 47, fig. 1). Other specimens clearly show this to be unique to that specimen making this character individually variable and unhelpful as a diagnostic character. Finally, the number of marginal plates in <i>Cryptopeltaster</i> increases in larger specimens. The Galapagos specimen (USNM E51296) has approximately 42 marginal plates but is smaller (<i>R</i> = 8.1 cm) than specimens collected farther north. A small (<i>R</i> = 4.4 cm) specimen from off Point Sur, California, which otherwise corresponds to the description of <i>C. lepidonotus</i>, also had 42 marginal plates. <i>Hippasteria pacifica</i> Ludwig, 1905 from Mexico was synonymized with <i>C. lepidonotus</i> by Fisher (1911) and was represented by a smaller specimen (<i>R</i> = 4.8 cm) with approximately 40 marginal plates. Codoceo & Andrade (1981) did not include the size of the holotype, which is now apparently lost or unavailable (requests for material from the Museo Nacional de Historia Nautral in Santiago, Chile have gone unanswered).</p> <p> ‘ <i>Cryptopeltaster lepidonotus</i> ’ is misidentified in Imaoka <i>et al.</i> (1991). The species pictured in their monograph features the oval marginal plates characteristic of <i>H. californica</i> and other ‘ <i>Nehippasteria</i> ’ type hippasterines but absent in <i>Cryptopeltaster</i>. The polygonal granules, enlarged pedicellariae, and furrow spine replacement by pedicellariae are also absent from the specimen figured in their monograph.</p>Published as part of <i>Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, pp. 266-301 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2)</i> on pages 276-278, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00638.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10114738">http://zenodo.org/record/10114738</a>
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