116 research outputs found

    Grammars of Urban Space: A. Perret’s Project for Place de l’Hôtel de Ville in Le Havre

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    This study proposes to recognize that ‘idea of city’ at the foundation of the A. Perret’s project for Le Havre. This experience seems to be defined as a paradigm in the relationship between building typology, urban morphology and physical geography: the aggregation of residential collective buildings defines those monumental places through which the city represents itself in front of those great forms of physical geography in which the project recognizes the identity of the locus. This foundational relationship seems however to be achieved through the establishment of an appropriate grammar of urban form, through wich the ‘internal’ space of the city defines a significant relation with the ‘external’ spaces of the nature and with the great forms of physical geography. In the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville this grammar manifests itself in the most eloquent expression. In this place the city, thanks to the extraordinary expansion of the open space, defines its relation with the cliff, which in this way is introjected in the urban form. On the other hand, the definition of those spaces more contracts, such as the courts of the residential collective building, seems to affirm the value of the circumscribed space. The research of A. Perret is therefore oriented to define the correct syntactic relationships between spaces of different signification: the analytical definition of the parts that make up the edge of the void and the typological variation of these builings makes intelligible the relations between the circumscribed spaces of residences and the dilated size of public places. In this way the urban space assumes the urbanity and the condition of finiteness of the historical city, but defines a significant relationship with the outdoor spaces of nature, thus acquiring the ‘dimension’ of the contemporary city

    La geografia come monumento. Il progetto di Auguste Perret per Le Havre

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    In the Auguste Perret’s project for Le Havre a clearly compact form, evocative of urbanity of the historical city, is defined starting from the relations established with those elements of physical geography which constitute the identity of the place where the city is located, and builds a significant relationship with the open and vast spaces of nature, thus acquiring the ‘size’ and those features of the contemporary city. In its public spaces, which refer to a culture of inhabiting that is rooted in the more general history of the French city, Le Havre represents itself and translates in the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, the steep slopes of the cliff, in the Porte Oceane the distant horizon of the ocean, in the Front-de-mer South the other bank of the mouth of the Seine, and defines these as the real 'monuments' of the city.Nel progetto di Auguste Perret per Le Havre una forma chiaramente compatta ed evocativa dell’urbanità della città storica si definisce a partire dalle relazioni stabilite con quegli elementi della geografia fisica che costituiscono l’identità del luogo nel quale questa si colloca, e costruisce una significativa relazione con gli spazi aperti e vasti della natura, acquisendo in questo modo quella ‘dimensione’ e quei caratteri propri della città contemporanea. Nei suoi spazi collettivi, che rimandano a una cultura dell’abitare che affonda le proprie radici nella più generale storia della città francese, Le Havre rappresenta sé stessa e traduce nella Place de l’Hôtel de Ville le ripide pendici della falesia, nella Porte Océane l’orizzonte lontano dell’Oceano, nel Front-de-mer Sud l’altra riva della foce della Senna, e fa di questi i veri ‘monumenti’ della città

    Pausilypon: I luoghi dell’archeologia come rinnovati ‘capisaldi’ delle città e dei paesaggi mediterranei

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    Recensione diAutore: Renato Capozzi, Gaetano Fusco, Federica Visconti (a cura di)Titolo: Pausilypon. Architettura e paesaggio archeologico.Lingua del testo: italiano.Editore: AIÓNCollana: Città e paesaggi meridianiCaratteristiche: formato 16x24 cm, 128 pagine, brossura, b/nISBN: 978-88-98262-73-1Anno: dicembre 201

    Enhancing the navigability in a social network of smart objects: a Shapley-value based approach

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) holds the promise to interconnect any possible object capable of providing useful information about the physical world for the benefit of humans' quality of life. The increasing number of heterogeneous objects that the IoT has to manage introduces crucial scalability issues that still need appropriate solutions. In this respect, one promising proposal is the Social IoT (SIoT) paradigm, whose main principle is to enable objects to autonomously establish social links with each other (adhering to rules set by their owners). "Friend" objects exchange data in a distributed manner and this avoids centralized solutions to implement major functions, such as: node discovery, information search, and trustworthiness management. However, the number and types of established friendships affect network navigability. This issue is the focus of this paper, which proposes an efficient, distributed and dynamic solution for the objects to select the right friends for the benefit of the overall network connectivity. The proposed friendship selection mechanism relies on a game theoretic model and a Shapley-value based algorithm. Two different utility functions are defined and evaluated based on either a group degree centrality and an average local clustering parameter. The comparison in terms of global navigability is measured in terms of average path length for the interconnection of any couple of nodes in the network. Results show that the group degree centrality brings to an enhanced degree of navigability thanks to the ability to create a suitable core of hubs

    Le Havre. Forms and characters of urban space in the Auguste Perret's project.

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    Oggetto del presente studio è il progetto di ricostruzione del centro urbano di Le Havre ad opera di Auguste Perret. Suo obiettivo è il riconoscimento di quell’idea di città posta a fondamento del progetto, per il quale ci si propone di indagare il senso e le grammatiche costitutive della sua forma. Quella di Le Havre costituisce una dimostrazione di come una forma urbana ancora compatta ed evocativa della città storica possa definirsi a partire dalle relazioni stabilite con gli elementi della geografia fisica. Nei suoi luoghi collettivi e monumentali, che rimandano chiaramente a una cultura dell’abitare che affonda le proprie radici nella più generale esperienza della costruzione della città francese, la città riconosce un valore formale e sceglie di rappresentare il proprio mondo civico dinanzi a quei grandi elementi della geografia fisica che costituiscono l’identità del luogo nel quale questa si colloca. Sembra infatti possibile affermare che gli spazi pubblici della città atlantica riconoscano e traducano nella forma della Place de l’Hôtel de Ville le ripide pendici della falesia del Bec-de-Caux, in quella della Porte Océane l’orizzonte lontano dell’Oceano, e nel Front-de-mer Sud l’altra riva dell’estuario della Senna. Questa relazione fondativa sembra essere conseguita anche attraverso la definizione di un’appropriata grammatica dello spazio urbano, la cui significatività è nel fondarsi sull’assunzione, allo stesso tempo, del valore dello spazio circoscritto e del valore dello spazio aperto. La riflessione sullo spazio urbano investe anche la costruzione dell’isolato, sottoposto a una necessaria rifondazione di forma e significato, allo scopo di rendere intellegibile le relazioni tra gli spazi finiti della città e quelli infiniti della natura. La definizione dell’identità dello spazio urbano, sembra fondarsi, in ultima analisi, sulle possibilità espressive delle forme della costruzione che, connotate come forme dell’architettura, definiscono il carattere dei tipi edilizi e dello spazio da questi costruito.Object of this study is the rebuilding project for the city center of Le Havre by Auguste Perret. It proposes to recognize the idea of city at the basis of the project, for which we propose to investigate the meaning and constitutive grammar of its form. The one of Le Havre is a demonstration of how a compact urban form, evocative of the historical city, could be defined starting from the relations established with the elements of physical geography. In its collective and monumental places, which evoke an inhabiting culture which has its roots in the more general experience of construction of French city, the city recognizes a formal value and chooses to represent its civic society in front of those great elements of physical geography that constitute the identity of the place where it is located. It seems possible to affirm that the public spaces of the atlantic city translate in the form of the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville the steep slopes of the cliff of Bec-de-Caux, in the Porte Océane the distant horizon of the ocean, and in the Front-de-mer Sud the other bank of the Seine estuary. The foundational relationship seems to be achieved also by establishing an appropriate grammar of urban form, whose significance is based on the assumption of the value of the enclosed space and the value of the open space. This reflection invests the construction of the block, subjected to a necessary refoundation of form and meaning, in order to make intelligible the relationships between the finite spaces of city and the infinite ones of nature. The definition of the identity of urban space seems to be based, ultimately, on the expressive possibilities of forms of construction, which, connoted as forms of architecture, define the character of building types and urban space

    A subjective model for trustworthiness evaluation in the social Internet of Things

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    The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the so called Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, according to which the objects are capable of establishing social relationships in an autonomous way with respect to their owners. The benefits are those of improving scalability in information/service discovery when the SIoT is made of huge numbers of heterogeneous nodes, similarly to what happens with social networks among humans. In this paper we focus on the problem of understanding how the information provided by the other members of the SIoT has to be processed so as to build a reliable system on the basis of the behavior of the objects. We define a subjective model for the management of trustworthiness which builds upon the solutions proposed for P2P networks. Each node computes the trustworthiness of its friends on the basis of its own experience and on the opinion of the common friends with the potential service providers. We employ a feedback system and we combine the credibility and centrality of the nodes to evaluate the trust level. Preliminary simulations show the benefits of the proposed model towards the isolation of almost any malicious node in the network

    MIFaaS: A Mobile-IoT-Federation-as-a-Service Model for dynamic cooperation of IoT Cloud Providers

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) arena, a constant evolution is observed towards the deployment of integrated environments, wherein heterogeneous devices pool their capacities to match wide-ranging user requirements. Solutions for efficient and synergistic cooperation among objects are, therefore, required. This paper suggests a novel paradigm to support dynamic cooperation among private/public local clouds of IoT devices. Differently from . device-oriented approaches typical of Mobile Cloud Computing, the proposed paradigm envisages an . IoT Cloud Provider (ICP)-oriented cooperation, which allows all devices belonging to the same private/public owner to participate in the federation process. Expected result from dynamic federations among ICPs is a remarkable increase in the amount of service requests being satisfied. Different from the Fog Computing vision, the network edge provides only management support and supervision to the proposed Mobile-IoT-Federation-as-a-Service (MIFaaS), thus reducing the deployment cost of peripheral micro data centers. The paper proposes a coalition formation game to account for the interest of rational cooperative ICPs in their own payoff. A proof-of-concept performance evaluation confirms that obtained coalition structures not only guarantee the satisfaction of the players' requirements according to their utility function, but also these introduce significant benefits for the cooperating ICPs in terms of number of tasks being successfully assigned

    Circulating Cell-Free DNA in Dogs with Mammary Tumors: Short and Long Fragments and Integrity Index

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    Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has been considered an interesting diagnostic/prognostic plasma biomarker in tumor-bearing subjects. In cancer patients, cfDNA can hypothetically derive from tumor necrosis/apoptosis, lysed circulating cells, and some yet unrevealed mechanisms of active release. This study aimed to preliminarily analyze cfDNA in dogs with canine mammary tumors (CMTs). Forty-four neoplastic, 17 non-neoplastic disease-bearing, and 15 healthy dogs were recruited. Necrosis and apoptosis were also assessed as potential source of cfDNA on 78 CMTs diagnosed from the 44 dogs. The cfDNA fragments and integrity index significantly differentiated neoplastic versus non-neoplastic dogs (P<0.05), and allowed the distinction between benign and malignant lesions (P<0.05). Even if without statistical significance, the amount of cfDNA was also affected by tumor necrosis and correlated with tumor size and apoptotic markers expression. A significant (P<0.01) increase of Bcl-2 in malignant tumors was observed, and in metastatic CMTs the evasion of apoptosis was also suggested. This study, therefore, provides evidence that cfDNA could be a diagnostic marker in dogs carrying mammary nodules suggesting that its potential application in early diagnostic procedures should be further investigated

    Social Internet of Things and New Generation Computing -- A Survey

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    Social Internet of Things (SIoT) tries to overcome the challenges of Internet of Things (IoT) such as scalability, trust and discovery of resources, by inspiration from social computing. This survey aims to investigate the research done on SIoT from two perspectives including application domain and the integration to the new computing models. For this, a two-dimensional framework is proposed and the projects are investigated, accordingly. The first dimension considers and classifies available research from the application domain perspective and the second dimension performs the same from the integration to new computing models standpoint. The aim is to technically describe SIoT, to classify related research, to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art, and to discuss open research directions in this field.Comment: IoT, Social computing, Surve

    Commissioning Plan of the IFMIF-DONES Accelerator

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    IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility- DEMO-Oriented Neutron Early Source) - a powerful neutron irradiation facility for studies and certification of materials to be used in fusion reactors - is planned as part of the European roadmap to fusion electricity. Its main goal will be to characterize and to qualify materials under irradiation in a neutron field similar to the one faced in a fusion reactor. The intense neutron source is produced by impinging deuterons, from high-power linear deuteron accelerator, on a liquid lithium curtain. The facility has accomplished the preliminary design phase and is currently in its detailed design phase. At the present stage, it is important to have a clear understanding of how the commissioning of the facility will be performed, especially the commissioning of a 5 MW CW deuteron beam, together with the lithium curtain and the beam optimization for the neutron irradiation. In this contribution, the present plans for the hardware and beam commissioning of the accelerator will be given, focusing on the most critical aspects of the tiered approach and on the integration of the procedure with the lithium and tests systems
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