149 research outputs found

    Investigation of the generalization capability of a generative adversarial network for large eddy simulation of turbulent premixed reacting flows

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    In the past decades, Deep Learning (DL) frameworks have demonstrated excellent performance in modeling nonlinear interactions and are a promising technique to move beyond physics-based models. In this context, super-resolution techniques may present an accurate approach as subfilter-scale (SFS) closure model for Large Eddy Simulations (LES) in premixed combustion. However, DL models need to perform accurately in a variety of physical regimes and generalize well beyond their training conditions. In this work, a super-resolution Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is proposed as closure model for the unresolved subfilter-stress and scalar-flux tensors of the filtered reactive Navier-Stokes equations solved in LES. The model trained on a premixed methane/air jet flame is evaluated a-priori on similar configurations at different Reynolds and Karlovitz numbers. The GAN generalizes well at both lower and higher Reynolds numbers and outperforms existing algebraic models when the ratio between the filter size and the Kolmogorov scale is preserved. Moreover, extrapolation at a higher Karlovitz number is investigated indicating that the ratio between the filter size and the thermal flame thickness may not need to be conserved in order to achieve high correlation in terms of SFS field. Generalization studies obtained on substantially different flame conditions indicate that successful predictive abilities are demonstrated if the generalization criterion is matched. Finally, the reconstruction of a scalar quantity, different from that used during the training, is evaluated, revealing that the model is able to reconstruct scalar fields with large gradients that have not been explicitly used in the training. The a-priori investigations carried out assess whether out-of-sample predictions are even feasible in the first place, providing insights into the quantities that need to be conserved for the model to perform well between different regimes, and represent a crucial step toward future embedding into LES numerical solvers

    Rosetta Philae SD2 Drill System and Its Operation on 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    Rosetta Lander Philae approached and landed on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on the 12th of November 2014. Among the specific Subsystems and instruments carried on board, the Drill, Sample and Distribution System (SD2) which was in charge to drill the surface of the comet, take comet’s soil sample(s) and distribute the collected sample to different instruments. Rosetta has been launched in 2004 and, after very complex orbital trajectories and specific commissioning events, met and carried out a rendezvous with the comet; after ten years cruise and three subsequent touch down, Philae eventually landed on the comet surface. On the 14th of November 2014 SD2 was decided to be operated on the comet. This paper provides an overview of the achievements during the operational phase on the comet and will summarize the basic characteristics and peculiarities of SD2 drill system

    TaqMan probe assays on different biological samples for the identification of three ambrosia beetle species, Xylosandrus compactus (Eichoff), X. crassiusculus (Motschulsky) and X. germanus (Blandford) (Coleoptera Curculionidae Scolytinae)

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    Molecular assays based on qPCR TaqMan Probes were developed to identify three species of the genus Xylosandrus, X. compactus, X. crassiusculus and X. germanus (Coleoptera Curculionidae Scolytinae). These ambrosia beetles are xylophagous species alien to Europe, causing damages to many ornamental and fruiting trees as well as shrubs. DNA extraction was carried out from adults, larvae and biological samples derived from insect damages on infested plants. For X. compactus, segments of galleries in thin infested twigs were cut and processed; in the case of X. crassiusculus, raw frass extruded from exit holes was used, while DNA of X. germanus was extracted from small wood chips removed around insect exit holes. The assays were inclusive for the target species and exclusive for all the non-target species tested. The LoD was 3.2 pg/μL for the frass of X. crassiusculus and 0.016 ng/μL for the woody matrices of the other two species. Both repeatability and reproducibility were estimated on adults and woody samples, showing very low values ranging between 0.00 and 4.11. Thus, the proposed diagnostic assays resulted to be very efficient also on the woody matrices used for DNA extraction, demonstrating the applicability of the protocol in the absence of dead specimens or living stages

    [feelings And Behaviors Of Parents Of Children With Epilepsy].

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    To assess the efficacy of support groups in identifying parents feelings and behaviors facing the diagnosis of epilepsy in their children. Protocols were applied to 18 parents before and after the sessions. Each protocol consisted of questions concerning feelings and beliefs toward epilepsy as well as children-parent interactions. The following feelings were observed: disappointment (94.4%), fear (72.2%), frightening (27.8%), sadness (33.3%), anxiety (27.8%) and rejection (38.9%). These feelings were associated with overprotection (83.3%) and a lack of limits (38.9%). Parents reported feeling of safety after seizure control and 77.8% associate major of difficulties to the lack of information and the inadequate beliefs involved. After support sessions, 94.4% of the parents reported less anxiety. Support groups dispel misconception, clarify child parent relationships and prevent behavioral difficulties.5639-4

    Feelings and behaviors of parents of children with epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of support groups in identifying parents feelings and behaviors facing the diagnosis of epilepsy in their children. METHODS: Protocols were applied to 18 parents before and after the sessions. Each protocol consisted of questions concerning feelings and beliefs toward epilepsy as well as children-parent interactions. RESULTS: The following feelings were observed: disappointment (94.4%), fear (72.2%), frightening (27.8%), sadness (33.3%), anxiety (27.8%) and rejection (38.9%). These feelings were associated with overprotection (83.3%) and a lack of limits (38.9%). Parents reported feeling of safety after seizure control and 77.8% associate major of difficulties to the lack of information and the inadequated beliefs involved. After support sessions, 94.4% of the parents reported less anxiety. CONCLUSION: Support groups dispel misconception, clarify child parent relationships and prevent behavioral difficulties.OBJETIVOS: Identificar as crenças e os sentimentos dos pais frente à epilepsia e relacioná-los com os comportamentos de seus filhos. Avaliar a eficácia dos grupos de pais na diminuição da ansiedade, esclarecimento sobre a doença e comportamentos. MÉTODO: Foram aplicados 18 protocolos que avaliaram sentimentos, crenças e comportamento dos pais e filhos, respondidos antes e depois das sessões de grupos de apoio. RESULTADOS: Diante do diagnóstico foram observados mágoa (94,4%), medo (72,2%), susto (27,8%), tristeza (33,3%) e rejeição (38,9%). Estes sentimentos foram associados a superproteção (83,3%) e falta de limites (38,9%). Segurança foi associada a percepção do controle de crise. Depois do grupo, 94,4% dos pais relatam menos ansiedade e 77,8% associam muitas das dificuldades a falta de informação e a presença de crenças irracionais. CONCLUSÃO: Grupos de apoio desmistificam crenças, ajudam na identificação das relações parentais e previnem dificuldades comportamentais.394

    Humoral predictors of malignancy in IPMN: A review of the literature

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    Pancreatic cystic lesions are increasingly detected in cross-sectional imaging. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) is a mucin-producing subtype of the pancreatic cyst lesions arising from the pancreatic duct system. IPMN is a potential precursor of pancreatic cancer. The transformation of IPMN in pancreatic cancer is progressive and requires the occurrence of low-grade dysplasia, high-grade dysplasia, and ultimately invasive cancer. Jaundice, enhancing mural nodule >5 mm, main pancreatic duct diameter >10 mm, and positive cytology for high-grade dysplasia are considered high-risk stigmata of malignancy. While increased levels of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) (>37 U/mL), main pancreatic duct diameter 5–9.9 mm, cyst diameter >40 mm, enhancing mural nodules <5 mm, IPMN-induced acute pancreatitis, new onset of diabetes, cyst grow-rate >5 mm/year are considered worrisome features of malignancy. However, cross-sectional imaging is often inadequate in the prediction of high-grade dysplasia and invasive cancer. Several studies evaluated the role of humoral and intra-cystic biomarkers in the prediction of malignancy in IPMN. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, intra-cystic CEA, intra-cystic glucose, and cystic fluid cytology are widely used in clinical practice to distinguish between mucinous and non-mucinous cysts and to predict the presence of invasive cancer. Other biomarkers such as cystic fluid DNA sequencing, microRNA (mi-RNA), circulating microvesicles, and liquid biopsy are the new options for the mini-invasive diagnosis of degenerated IPMN. The aim of this study is to review the literature to assess the role of humoral and intracystic biomarkers in the prediction of advanced IPMN with high-grade dysplasia or invasive carcinoma

    Flexible highly conductive films based on expanded graphite /polymer nanocomposites

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    Highly electrically and thermally conducting films of expanded graphite/polymer nanocomposites were fabricated using an approach based on solution mixing methods. The use of Hydroxyethylcellulose and benzylic alcohol based solutions provides efficient dispersion and better exfoliation of multilayer graphene (nanographite) flakes that are further aligned in extended 2D layers forming continuous conductive pathways during lamination (hot calendering) process. Very high electrical conductivity (190 S/cm) was obtained for fabricated layered films. In contrast, for films produced by a conventional mixing and deposition method with acrylic copolymer and the same nanographitic material, with flakes randomly distributed within the composite, much lower conductivities (2.4 S/cm) were obtained

    Population Genomics: Whole-Genome Analysis of Polymorphism and Divergence in Drosophila simulans

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    The population genetic perspective is that the processes shaping genomic variation can be revealed only through simultaneous investigation of sequence polymorphism and divergence within and between closely related species. Here we present a population genetic analysis of Drosophila simulans based on whole-genome shotgun sequencing of multiple inbred lines and comparison of the resulting data to genome assemblies of the closely related species, D. melanogaster and D. yakuba. We discovered previously unknown, large-scale fluctuations of polymorphism and divergence along chromosome arms, and significantly less polymorphism and faster divergence on the X chromosome. We generated a comprehensive list of functional elements in the D. simulans genome influenced by adaptive evolution. Finally, we characterized genomic patterns of base composition for coding and noncoding sequence. These results suggest several new hypotheses regarding the genetic and biological mechanisms controlling polymorphism and divergence across the Drosophila genome, and provide a rich resource for the investigation of adaptive evolution and functional variation in D. simulans

    Interleukin-2 gene transfer into human transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder

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    Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder is one of the human cancers most responsive to immunotherapy, and local interleukin-2 (IL-2) production appears to be an important requirement for immunotherapy to be effective. In this study, we engineered two human bladder cancer cell lines (RT112 and EJ) to constitutively release human IL-2 by retroviral vector-mediated gene transfer. Following infection and selection, stable and consistent production of biologically active IL-2 was demonstrated at both the mRNA and the protein level. Morphology, in vitro growth rate and proliferation, as well as other cytokine gene mRNA or membrane adhesion receptor expression, were not altered in IL-2 transduced cells as compared to their parental or control vector-infected counterparts. Moreover, IL-2 engineered cells lost their tumorigenicity into nu/nu mice and the mechanism of rejection appeared to involve multiple host effector cell populations, among which a prominent role was played by neutrophils and radiosensitive cells. These findings may offer support to the development of an IL-2-based gene therapy approach to human bladder cancer. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig