145 research outputs found

    Deciphering Origin and Establishment of Japonesians mainly based on genome sequence data

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    金沢倧孊孊際科孊実隓センタヌ倚様な幎代や地域で出土する動怍物遺䜓䞭に残存する埮量ペプチドの同定により、ダポネシア人の動怍物利甚の埩元を詊みる。さらに歯石や土噚付着物等のより耇雑な詊料に぀いおもプロテオミクス解析を行うこずで、ダポネシア人の食生掻や疟患を埩元し、ダポネシアぞの枡来ず定着の過皋における食生掻、疟病や動怍物利甚の倉遷を明らかにする。遺跡から出土する動物骚䞭のコラヌゲンタンパク質は非垞に安定であり、歯石䞭に残されたタンパク質も叀代人の疟患や食生掻の埩元に぀いお有甚な知芋をもたらす。䞀方で、怍物遺存䜓は、むネ果実のように経幎により炭化するこずも倚く、タンパク質の分析に぀いおは実隓系が確立されおいない。本研究では、動物骚や歯石のプロテオヌム解析に加えお、炭化米等の怍物遺存䜓からタンパク質を抜出・粟補する方法に぀いお怜蚎を進め、質量分析蚈を甚いたショットガンプロテオミクスを行っおいる。前幎床に開発したアセトン沈殿によるタンパク質粟補を改良した方法を甚いるこずで、匥生時代の犏岡の2遺跡ず韓囜の1遺跡の3皮のむネ果実炭化米詊料から、倚数のペプチドを怜出し、倚くのタンパク質を同定するこずができた。同定されたタンパク質の倚くは、むネ皮子に特異的に蓄積しおいるず報告されおいたタンパク質であり、䞭でも、63kDグロブリン様タンパク質は、3遺跡党おの詊料で同定され、いずれも倚数のペプチド(4-12本)が怜出された。むネ科には、この63kDグロブリン様タンパク質ず類䌌なタンパク質が存圚し、キビ属ずは70匱の類䌌性であり、異なるアミノ酞配列が倚数芋出されたこずから、むネずキビなどの雑穀を分別できるマヌカヌタンパク質の候補ず考えられた。たた、ゞャポニカずむンディカにおいおも耇数のアミノ酞が異なっおおり、倚数のペプチドを怜出できれば、刀別が可胜であるず考えられた。たた、土噚付着物に぀いおも、怍物遺存䜓を甚いた䞊蚘に類䌌した方法を適応しお解析を進めおおり、怍物だけではなく、動物や埮生物由来のタンパク質も怜出されおおり、土噚付着物のプロテオヌム解析による食生掻の埩元に向けた実隓基盀を確立するこずができた。研究課題/領域番号:19H05345, 研究期間(幎床):2019-04-01 – 2021-03-31出兞研究課題「プロテオミクスで玐解くダポネシア人の食生掻の埩元」課題番号19H05345KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PUBLICLY-19H05345/を加工しお䜜

    Rice Farming and Chinese Civilization: Renovation of Integrated Studies of Rice-based Civilizations

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    金沢倧孊孊際科孊実隓センタヌ本幎床は、䞭囜の田螺山遺跡等で出土した怍物遺䜓及び土噚付着物に぀いお、むネ果実炭化米粒皋床のサンプル量で代謝物の分析を行う、メタボロミクスの実隓系の構築を目指した。前幎床から進めおいた代謝物の抜出溶媒ずUPLCによる分析条件の怜蚎をさらに進め、䞭囜で出土したむネ、ヒシ、ドングリの果実を甚いお、砎砕埌にメタノヌルを溶媒ずしお抜出を行い、芪氎性化合物も同定可胜なHILICカラムを甚いお、LC-MSによる分析を行った。分析の結果、ヒシやドングリでは、200皮以䞊の代謝物が同定されたが、埮生物由来ず思われる代謝物も耇数芋られた。䞀方、むネで怜出された代謝物は100皮以䞋で、むネず他の2皮で共通しお怜出された代謝物も少なかったが、むネのみで怜出された代謝物には、脂肪酞や芳銙族化合物等が芋られた。ドングリでは、フィトセラミドずその分解産物などが特異的に怜出された。ヒシのみに芋られた代謝物には、アミノ酞類瞁䜓や芳銙族化合物等が含たれおいた。出土したドングリに぀いおは、皮同定に至っおいないずいう問題もあるが、今埌は珟生果実ずの比范解析や出土堎所の異なる詊料での解析を行うこずで、マヌカヌずなる代謝物の探玢を進めたい。䞀方、぀の異なる土噚付着物に぀いおも、怍物遺䜓で甚いた方法を䞀郚改倉しお分析を行ったずころ、耇数の土噚付着物で共通しお芋られる代謝物には脂肪酞が倚く芋られたが、魚類に倚く含たれる䞀䟡䞍飜和脂肪酞であるむコセン酞も怜出された。今埌、倚くの土噚付着物を分析し、再珟性よく怜出される代謝物の䞭から食性埩元のマヌカヌになるような代謝物の探玢を進めお行きたい。研究課題/領域番号:18H04176, 研究期間(幎床):2018-04-01 – 2020-03-31出兞研究課題「高感床質量分析蚈を甚いた遺跡出土品のメタボロヌム解析による倚様な食品利甚の埩元」課題番号18H04176KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PUBLICLY-18H04176/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊孊際科孊実隓センタヌ局所的及び葉ず葉の間の傷ストレス応答に関わるシグナルずしお、怍物ホルモンであるゞャスモン酞(JA)が䞭心的な圹割を担うこずが知られおいる。JAはオクタデカノむド経路によっおリノレン酞からOPDAなどの䞭間産物を経お産生される。シロむヌナズナのマむクロアレむを甚いた解析から、根を傷凊理し30分埌に地䞊郚で発珟量が増加した遺䌝子矀にも、JA合成経路(オクタデカノむド経路)に関わる遺䌝子やJA応答性遺䌝子が倚く含たれるこずを明らかにしおいた。JAに加えおOPDAも傷応答遺䌝子の発珟に関䞎しおいるこずが瀺唆されおいるが、根を傷぀けたずきの地䞊郚におけるJA量ずOPDA量の経時的な倉化を調べたずころ、傷凊理埌30分にJA量が玄6倍に䞊昇し、OPDA量は6時間埌に玄2倍に䞊昇しおいた。さらに、葉に傷を぀けた怍物の根での応答に぀いおアレむ解析を行った結果、葉から根ぞの噚官間傷応答性を瀺す遺䌝子は比范的少なく、顕著な応答性を瀺すものも少なかったが、根から葉ぞの期間傷応答遺䌝子ずしお同定されおいたJAZファミリヌ遺䌝子がこちらにも共通しお含たれおいた。たた、根から葉ぞの噚官間傷応答遺䌝子の1぀である゚チレン応答性転写因子のAtERF13に぀いお、AtERF13promoter-Luciferase圢質転換䜓を甚いお解析したずころ、根を傷぀けた時の地䞊郚では玄5倍以䞊にルシフェラヌれ掻性が䞊昇するのに察しお、葉を傷぀けた時の根での応答は2倍にも満たなかったこずから、AtERF13は双方向には噚官商傷応答性は瀺さないこずが明らかになった。今埌、双方向の噚官間傷応答性を瀺した遺䌝子に぀いおも同様の解析を進めお行きたい。研究課題/領域番号:17770031, 研究期間(幎床):2005 – 2007出兞「葉ず根の間でのシステミックな傷応答遺䌝子発珟の解析」研究成果報告曞 課題番号17770031KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-17770031/)を加工しお䜜

    Palaeoproteomic investigation of an ancient human skeleton with abnormal deposition of dental calculus

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    Detailed investigation of extremely severe pathological conditions in ancient human skeletons is important as it could shed light on the breadth of potential interactions between humans and disease etiologies in the past. Here, we applied palaeoproteomics to investigate an ancient human skeletal individual with severe oral pathology, focusing our research on bacterial pathogenic factors and host defense response. This female skeleton, from the Okhotsk period (i.e., fifth to thirteenth century) of Northern Japan, poses relevant amounts of abnormal dental calculus deposition and exhibits oral dysfunction due to severe periodontal disease. A shotgun mass-spectrometry analysis identified 81 human proteins and 15 bacterial proteins from the calculus of the subject. We identified two pathogenic or bioinvasive proteins originating from two of the three "red complex" bacteria, the core species associated with severe periodontal disease in modern humans, as well as two additional bioinvasive proteins of periodontal-associated bacteria. Moreover, we discovered defense response system-associated human proteins, although their proportion was mostly similar to those reported in ancient and modern human individuals with lower calculus deposition. These results suggest that the bacterial etiology was similar and the host defense response was not necessarily more intense in ancient individuals with significant amounts of abnormal dental calculus deposition

    Comparative anatomy of embryogenesis in three species of Podostemaceae and evolution of the loss of embryonic shoot and root meristems

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    During embryogenesis in angiosperms, the embryonic shoot and root meristems are created at opposite poles of the embryo, establishing a vertical body plan. However, the aquatic eudicot family Podostemaceae exhibits an unusual horizontal body plan, which is attributed to the loss of embryonic shoot and root meristems. To infer the embryogenetic changes responsible for the loss of these meristems, we examined the embryogenesis of three podostemads with different meristem characters, that is, Terniopsis brevis with distinct shoot and root meristems, Zeylanidium lichenoides with reduced shoot and no root meristems, and Hydrobryum japonicum with no shoot and no root meristems. In T. brevis, as in other eudicots, the putative organizing center (OC) and L1 layer (= the epidermal cell layer) arose to generate a distinct shoot meristem initial, and the hypophysis formed the putative quiescent center (QC) of a root meristem. Z. lichenoides had a morphologically unrecognizable shoot meristem, because a distinct L1 layer did not develop, whereas the putative OC precursor arose normally. In H. japonicum, the vertical divisions of the apical cells of eight-cell embryo prevented putative OC initiation. In Z. lichenoides and H. japonicum, the putative QC failed to initiate because the hypophysis repeated longitudinal divisions during early embryogenesis. Based on their phylogenetic relationships, we infer that the conventional embryonic shoot meristem was lost in Podostemaceae via two steps, that is, the loss of a distinct L1 layer and the loss of the OC, whereas the loss of the embryonic root meristem occurred once by misspecification of the hypophysis. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Compensatory Upregulation of Myelin Protein Zero-Like 2 Expression in Spermatogenic Cells in Cell Adhesion Molecule-1-Deficient Mice

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    The cell adhesion molecule-1 (Cadm1) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. In the mouse testis, Cadm1 is expressed in the earlier spermatogenic cells up to early pachytene spermatocytes and also in elongated spermatids, but not in Sertoli cells. Cadm1-deficient mice have male infertility due to defective spermatogenesis, in which detachment of spermatids is prominent while spermatocytes appear intact. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the impaired spermatogenesis caused by Cadm1 deficiency, we performed DNA microarray analysis of global gene expression in the testis compared between Cadm1-deficient and wild-type mice. Out of the 25 genes upregulated in Cadm1-deficient mice, we took a special interest in myelin protein zero-like 2 (Mpzl2), another cell adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The levels of Mpzl2 mRNA increased by 20-fold and those of Mpzl2 protein increased by 2-fold in the testis of Cadm1-deficient mice, as analyzed with quantitative PCR and western blotting, respectively. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that Mpzl2 mRNA and protein are localized in the earlier spermatogenic cells but not in elongated spermatids or Sertoli cells, in both wild-type and Cadm1-deficient mice. These results suggested that Mpzl2 can compensate for the deficiency of Cadm1 in the earlier spermatogenic cells

    Tandem metalloenzymes gate plant cell entry by pathogenic fungi

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    Global food security is endangered by fungal phytopathogens causing devastating crop production losses. Many of these pathogens use specialized appressoria cells to puncture plant cuticles. Here, we unveil a pair of alcohol oxidase–peroxidase enzymes to be essential for pathogenicity. Using Colletotrichum orbiculare, we show that the enzyme pair is cosecreted by the fungus early during plant penetration and that single and double mutants have impaired penetration ability. Molecular modeling, biochemical, and biophysical approaches revealed a fine-tuned interplay between these metalloenzymes, which oxidize plant cuticular long-chain alcohols into aldehydes. We show that the enzyme pair is involved in transcriptional regulation of genes necessary for host penetration. The identification of these infection-specific metalloenzymes opens new avenues on the role of wax-derived compounds and the design of oxidase-specific inhibitors for crop protection. Fungal phytopathogens secrete tandem metalloenzymes that catalyze cuticle oxidation and drive plant cell entryThis study was supported by the “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through the ANR-NSERC project “FUNTASTIC” (ANR-17-CE07-0047, STPGP 493781-16). We are grateful to MANE & Fils and the “Association Nationale Recherche Technologie” (ANRT) for funding the Ph.D. fellowship of D.R. (grant no. 2017/1169). Work in Japan was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research—KAKENHI, grant numbers 15H05780 and 20H02989 to Y.K., and 20K15529 to S.K.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 18 autors/es: Bastien Bissaro and Sayo Kodama and Takumi Nishiuchi and Anna Maria Díaz-Rovira and Hayat Hage and David Ribeaucourt and Mireille Haon and Sacha Grisel and A. Jalila Simaan and Fred Beisson and Stephanie M. Forget and Harry Brumer and Marie-Noëlle Rosso and Victor Guallar and Richard O’Connell and Mickaël Lafond and Yasuyuki Kubo and Jean-Guy Berrin "Postprint (published version

    Different growth and metastatic phenotypes associated with a cell-intrinsic change of Met in metastatic melanoma

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    A dynamic phenotypic change contributes to the metastatic progression and drug resistance in malignant melanoma. Nevertheless, mechanisms for a phenotypic change have remained to be addressed. Here, we show that Met receptor expression changes in a cell-autonomous manner and can distinguish phenotypical differences in growth, as well as in metastatic and drug-resistant characteristics. In metastatic melanoma, the cells are composed of Met-low and Met-high populations. Met-low populations have stem-like gene expression profiles, are resistant to chemotherapeutic agents, and have shown abundant angiogenesis and rapid tumor growth in subcutaneous inoculation. Met-high populations have a differentiated phenotype, are relatively resistant to B-RAF inhibitor, and are highly metastatic to the lungs. Met plays a definitive role in lung metastasis because the lung metastasis of Met-high cells requires Met, and treatment of mice with the Met-containing exosomes from Methigh cells facilitates lung metastasis by Met-low cells. Clonal cell fate analysis showed the hierarchical phenotypical changes from Met-low to Met-high populations. Met-low cells either showed self-renewal or changed into Met-high cells, whereas Met-high cells remained Met-high. Clonal transition from Met-low to Met-high cells accompanied changes in the gene expression profile, in tumor growth, and in metastasis that were similar to those in Met-high cells. These findings indicate that malignant melanoma has the ability to undergo phenotypic change by a cell-intrinsic/autonomous mechanism that can be characterized by Met expression

    Visualization of Neural Activity in Insect Brains Using a Conserved Immediate Early Gene, Hr38

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    Many insects exhibit stereotypic instinctive behavior [1-3], but the underlying neural mechanisms are not well understood due to difficulties in detecting brain activity in freely moving animals. Immediate early genes (IEGs), such as c-fos, whose expression is transiently and rapidly upregulated upon neural activity, are powerful tools for detecting behavior-related neural activity in vertebrates [4, 5]. In insects, however, this powerful approach has not been realized because no conserved IEGs have been identified. Here, we identified Hr38 as a novel IEG that is transiently expressed in the male silkmoth Bombyx mori by female odor stimulation. Using Hr38 expression as an indicator of neural activity, we mapped comprehensive activity patterns of the silkmoth brain in response to female sex pheromones. We found that Hr38 can also be used as a neural activity marker in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Using Hr38, we constructed a neural activity map of the fly brain that partially overlaps with fruitless (fru)-expressing neurons in response to female stimulation. These findings indicate that Hr38 is a novel and conserved insect neural activity marker gene that will be useful for a wide variety of neuroethologic studies. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Different growth and metastatic phenotypes associated with a cell-intrinsic change of Met in metastatic melanoma

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    A dynamic phenotypic change contributes to the metastatic progression and drug resistance in malignant melanoma. Nevertheless, mechanisms for a phenotypic change have remained to be addressed. Here, we show that Met receptor expression changes in a cell-autonomous manner and can distinguish phenotypical differences in growth, as well as in metastatic and drug-resistant characteristics. In metastatic melanoma, the cells are composed of Met-low and Met-high populations. Met-low populations have stem-like gene expression profiles, are resistant to chemotherapeutic agents, and have shown abundant angiogenesis and rapid tumor growth in subcutaneous inoculation. Met-high populations have a differentiated phenotype, are relatively resistant to B-RAF inhibitor, and are highly metastatic to the lungs. Met plays a definitive role in lung metastasis because the lung metastasis of Met-high cells requires Met, and treatment of mice with the Met-containing exosomes from Met-high cells facilitates lung metastasis by Met-low cells. Clonal cell fate analysis showed the hierarchical phenotypical changes from Met-low to Met-high populations. Met-low cells either showed self-renewal or changed into Met-high cells, whereas Met-high cells remained Met-high. Clonal transition from Met-low to Met-high cells accompanied changes in the gene expression profile, in tumor growth, and in metastasis that were similar to those in Met-high cells. These findings indicate that malignant melanoma has the ability to undergo phenotypic change by a cell-intrinsic/autonomous mechanism that can be characterized by Met expression
