81 research outputs found

    Phenotypic plasticity in the mandibular morphology of Japanese macaques: captive–wild comparison

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    Despite the accumulating evidence suggesting the importance of phenotypic plasticity in diversification and adaptation, little is known about plastic variation in primate skulls. The present study evaluated the plastic variation of the mandible in Japanese macaques by comparing wild and captive specimens. The results showed that captive individuals are square-jawed with relatively longer tooth rows than wild individuals. We also found that this shape change resembles the sexual dimorphism, indicating that the mandibles of captive individuals are to some extent masculinized. By contrast, the mandible morphology was not clearly explained by ecogeographical factors. These findings suggest the possibility that perturbations in the social environment in captivity and resulting changes of androgenic hormones may have influenced the development of mandible shape. As the high plasticity of social properties is well known in wild primates, social environment may cause the inter- and intra-population diversity of skull morphology, even in the wild. The captive–wild morphological difference detected in this study, however, can also be possibly formed by other untested sources of variation (e.g. inter-population genetic variation), and therefore this hypothesis should be validated further

    Human Herpesvirus 6-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome in a Healthy Adult

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    Virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome is a fulminant disorder associated with systemic viral infection and characterized pathologically by multiple-organ infiltration of hemophagocytic histiocytes into the lymphoreticular tissues. This is the first report of a previously healthy adult in whom Human herpesvirus 6 reactivation induced this syndrome with severe hemodynamic and respiratory distress


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    目的:救急外来を受診する子どもと家族の状況と、行われている看護について明らかにした文献検討である。方法:医学中央雑誌Web 版を用いて2009年から2019年5月の看護の原著論文から、「小児」「救急外来」をキーワードにクロス検索した。目的に沿ってスクリーニングにした16文献にハンドリサーチで得た1文献を加えた17文献を対象に目的に沿って分析した。結果:救急外来を受診する子どもは、緊急度の低いケースが中心であった。子どもの症状に応じて受診する保護者がいる一方で、不安による受診もあった。加えて、保護者の想定とは異なり入院に至るケースもあった。看護師は、子どもの身体の緊急度を判断するだけでなく、家族の状況を確認した上で、親子に必要なかかわりを行っていた。また、虐待の存在を意識しながらかかわっていた。考察:子どもの症状に応じた看護は一定の成果が整理できたが、家族を支援する体制の具現化は発展の余地がある


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    ニンチショウ コウレイシャ ノ ショクジセイ テイケツアツ ト ジリツ シンケイ カツドウ ト ノ カンレン

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    【目的】認知症高齢者の食事性低血圧(PPH)と自律神経活動の関連と,PPHの発現頻度,自律神経活動との関連を明らかにする.【方法】歩行可能な入院中の認知症高齢者を対象に,食前と食後の血圧,脈拍,指尖脈波を用いた自律神経活動測定を,座位にて5日間実施した,【結果】対象者は男性11人,女性20人,合計31人で,平均年齢85.42±6.36歳であった.病名別ではアルツハイマー型認知症(AD)23人,レビー小体型認知症(DLB)6人,ウェルニッケ・コルサコフ症候群1人,脳血管性認知症1人であった.対象者の61%にPPHの発現があった.ADの70%にPPHの発現があった.PPH発現時のLn(LF/HF)は食前0.93±0.24,食後0.81±0.17(p<0.05)で有意差があった.PPHの発現なし時のLn(LF/HF)の平均値は食前0.93±0.28,食後0.92±0.26であり,有意差はなかった.【考察】PPH発現のケースでは食前・後のLn(LF/HF)に差があり,PPH発現なしではLn(LF/HF)に差がないことから,PPHの発現ケースには心臓交感神経活動が食前と比して食後に有意に減弱しており,交感神経活動にPPHが影響していることが示唆された.Purpose : This study aims to clarify the correlation between postprandial hypotension (PPH) and autonomicnervous activity in elderly people with dementia.Method : We examined the autonomic nervous activities of ambulatory patients by measuring their blood pressure, pulse and finger plethysmogram before and after meals for five days.Results : There were 11 male and 20 female subjects with a median age of 85.42 ± 6.36. We had 23 patientswith AD, six with DLB, one with Wernicke-Korsakoff, and one with cerebrovascular dementia. 61 percent of the subjects showed symptoms of PPH. 70 percent of the patients with AD showed symptoms of PPH. The value of Ln (LF / HF)with PPH was 0.93 ± 0.24 before meal and 0.81 ± 0.17 (p<0.05) after meal, while the average value of Ln(LF / HF)without PPH was 0.93 ± 0.28 before meal and 0.92 ± 0.26 after meal. The comparison showed no significant differences.Discussion : No disparity was found in autonomic nervous activities among patients without PPH symptoms.It is suggested that PPH affects sympathetic nerve activity since we observed a significant decrease of sympathetic nerve activities after meals

    Homage to Professor Insung Jung

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    Challenges and Potential of Regional Governance on Quality of Education in East Africa

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