71 research outputs found

    Azimuth Estimations From a Small Aperture Infrasonic Array: Test Observations at Stromboli Volcano, Italy

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    AbstractWe tested the performance of an infrasonic array consisting of three microphones with a 20‐m aperture at Stromboli volcano, Italy. There were four active vents separated by ∼10∘. We employed multiple signal classification (MUSIC) to estimate direction of arrival (DOA) of the detected signals. Using test signals of which the source vents were identified by visual observation, the resolution of DOA estimation of MUSIC is compared with those of Capon beamforming, grid search, and semblance. We confirmed that MUSIC and grid search gave better resolution of DOA than the other two methods. Also, MUSIC provided the best resolutions in time and frequency. It was shown that the DOA switched between different vents or fluctuated in short time scales and can vary with frequency, which indicate multiple active sources. Possible DOA estimation errors were evaluated. A small aperture infrasonic array combined with MUSIC will become a powerful tool for studying and monitoring active volcanoes

    The effects of herring-roe lyophilized powder on lipid metabolism

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    AbstractHerring-roe, which contains large amounts of docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, has anti-dyslipidemia effects. Here, we evaluated the effects of herring-roe on lipid metabolism in 33 adult subjects in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. We divided the subjects into a test group that ingested herring-roe lyophilized powder (herring-roe powder) and a placebo group that ingested non-herring-roe powder, with each member of each group ingesting 15 g daily for 8 weeks. Hematological tests and body composition measurements were performed before and after 4, 6, and 8 weeks of the study period. Although no significant differences in low density lipoprotein were observed, high density lipoprotein was found to be increased in subjects who ingested herring-roe powder. In addition, the level of free fatty acid was significantly improved in the herring-roe powder group. These results suggest that ingestion of herring-roe could influence lipid metabolism

    Alteration of intestinal flora by the intake of enzymatic degradation products of adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) with improvement of skin condition

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    AbstractAdlay has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine and nutrient for its beneficial effects on bowel movements and skin care. This study examined the effect of enzymatic degradation product of adlay, “Super Hatomugi” (SPH) on human skin and the intestinal flora in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. The subjects were divided into three groups: 500mg SPH, 1000mg SPH, and placebo, taken daily for 4weeks. Hematological and skin condition examinations as well as an analysis of intestinal flora were performed 2weeks before and 10weeks after the start of the SPH intake. Skin condition was improved by SPH intake as revealed by a reduction in the number of nucleated epidermal cells. In addition, an increase in the fecal population of Bacteroidetes followed the SPH intake. These results show the possibility that SPH improves the skin condition and changes the proportions of intestinal flora

    Near-field scattering by dielectric spheroidal particles with sizes on the order of the illuminating wavelength

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    We present a theoretical study of electric field scattering by wavelength-sized spheroids. The incident, internal, and scattered fields are computed analytically by a spheroidal coordinate separation-of-variables solution, assuming axially incident monochromatic illumination. The main sources of possible numerical errors are identified and an additional point-matching procedure is implemented to provide a built-in test of the validity of the results. Numerical results were obtained for prolate and oblate particles with particular aspect ratios and sizes, and a refractive index of 1.33 relative to the surrounding medium. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the near-field in close proximity to the spheroids. It is shown that particles with sizes close to the incident wavelength can produce high field enhancements whose spatial location and extension can be controlled by the particle geometry

    ワビ ノ テガミ ブン ニオケル ジョウホウ ノ テンカイ コウゾウチュウキュウ ニホンゴ ボゴ ワシャ ノ タイショウ ブンセキ

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    中級日本語学習者の書いた文章が持つ不自然さ、日本語母語話者との違いを文章の展開構造に着目し分析した。用いたデータは、学習者 58 名、母語話者 51 名によって書かれた日本語の詫びの手紙文の本文部分である。予めデータ提供者には課題として、東京在住の先生に長い間本を借りたままで近々上京の予定があるのでその折に返すという内容の手紙を書くように具体的に指示した。分析の結果次の 3 点が明らかとなった。1.学習者は設定課題で示された内容をその通りに日本語に置き換える傾向にあったが、母語話者は状況を自分なりに解釈し、情報の提示順序を入れ替えて文章を構成する場合が見られた。結果として母語話者には豊富なバリエーションが見られた。2. 新しい情報を導入する際の表示標識(例えば 「さて」 など)の使用実態を見ると、学習者は画一的であるが、母語話者は様々で複合した型も見られた。3.本未返却の理由を書くに際して、両データにはその書き方に異なりが見られた。これらの原因としては学習者に、1) 状況を解釈し適切に構成していこうとする姿勢の不足、2) 情報の深刻さや内容の変わり目を察知し、各状況にあった表示標識を用いるための構文及び文化的な知識の不足、3) 日本語において詫びたり、理由を述べたりするための社会言語学的な知識の不足、4) 母語である英語からの影響、が示唆された。This paper contrasts the way intermediate-level Japanese language student (JS hereafter) and Japanse native writers (JN hereafter) construct letters of apology. The data,based on 58 of JS and 51 of JN, were analysed in terms of discourse development structure. The greeting parts were excluded. Each writer was given the following situation. A book, borrowed from a teacher in Tokyo, has not been promptly returned by the writer; it will now be returned in person since the writer plans to visit Tokyo. The following three differences between the data were found.1) JS translate the situation in a way which mimics the original presentation whereas JN shuffle the order of the information they receive in constructing their letters. As a result, there are more variations among JN.2) Various usages of coherence markers (e.g.,sate) were observed in JN, but not in JS, when the new information comes up in the letter.3) In apologizing for not returning the book promptly, JS gave simple explanations whereas JN gave detailed excuses. The excuse comes after an apology in JS,and it comes before an apology in JN.Various interpretations of these results are given. Firstly, JS do not try to interpret the situation, but JN do and inject their own interpretation into the letter\u27s construction. Secondly, the absence of markers in JS may be due to insufficient awareness of coherence or grammar or cultural custom. A further point is that JS may lack the sociolinguistic knowledge to apologize and excuse themselves in Japanese. Finally, JS may derive an influence from their mother tongue, English

    Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanomaterials for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Imaging Applications

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    Nanotechnology offers outstanding potential for future biomedical applications. In particular, due to their unique characteristics, hybrid nanomaterials have recently been investigated as promising platforms for imaging and therapeutic applications. This class of nanoparticles can not only retain valuable features of both inorganic and organic moieties, but also provides the ability to systematically modify the properties of the hybrid material through the combination of functional elements. Moreover, the conjugation of targeting moieties on the surface of these nanomaterials gives them specific targeted imaging and therapeutic properties. In this review, we summarize the recent reports in the synthesis of hybrid nanomaterials and their applications in biomedical areas. Their applications as imaging and therapeutic agents in vivo will be highlighted

    Daily Ingestion of Eggplant Powder Improves Blood Pressure and Psychological State in Stressed Individuals: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study

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    Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a globally popular vegetable and its significant health effect has not been reported in randomized controlled trials. Recently, we reported that eggplant was rich in choline esters, including acetylcholine (ACh), and had an antihypertensive effect in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Here, we evaluated the effects of a continuous intake of eggplant powder on blood pressure (BP), stress, and psychological state (PS) in 100 stressed participants with normal-high BP or grade 1 hypertension in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group comparative study. The participants were randomly assigned to the eggplant or placebo group. Participants in the eggplant group ingested capsules containing eggplant powder (1.2 g/day; 2.3 mg of ACh/day) for 12 weeks, whereas participants in the placebo group ingested placebo capsules. The primary outcome assessed was hospital BP. Secondary outcomes were stress and PS. Eggplant powder intake significantly decreased the hospital diastolic blood pressure (DBP) at week 8 overall and in the normal-high BP group, and the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and DBP at week 12 overall and in the grade 1 hypertension group, compared to those of the placebo group. It also improved negative PSs at week 8 or 12 in the normal-high BP group. This is the first evidence of the BP- and PS-improving effects of eggplant intake in humans. The functional substance responsible for the effects was estimated to be eggplant-derived choline ester, namely ACh

    Effects of feeding condition on the myocardial and hepatic accumulation of radioiodine-labeled BMIPP in mice

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    Objective I-123-15-(p-iodophenyl)-3(R,S)-methylpentadecanoic acid ([I-123]BMIPP), a fatty acid analog, is widely used for the diagnosis of cardiac diseases. Feeding condition is one of the important factors in the myocardial fatty acid uptake, which may also affect myocardial accumulation of [I-123]BMIPP and image quality of [I-123]BMIPP scintigraphy. However, the relationship between the myocardial accumulation of [I-123]BMIPP and the feeding condition is not entirely clear. Therefore, we determined the myocardial accumulation of [I-125]BMIPP in mice at various metabolic statuses induced by fasting in comparison with the hepatic accumulation. Methods Fed or fasted (6-, 12-, and 24-h fasted) mice were intravenously injected with [I-125]BMIPP (35.2-75.0 kBq, 4 nmol). Radioactivities in the heart and liver were measured at 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, and 120 min after the injection (n = 5-15/time point for each group), and then, the heart-to-liver (H/L) ratios were calculated. Results The myocardial accumulation level of [I-125]BMIPP in the fed group was almost the same as that in the 6-h-fasted group at each time point, although it was decreased by 12- and 24-h fasting. The H/L ratios of [I-125]BMIPP accumulation level were significantly decreased by fasting (1.92 +/- 0.22, 1.45 +/- 0.13, 1.12 +/- 0.13, and 0.91 +/- 0.15 at 10 min, and 3.30 +/- 0.62, 2.09 +/- 0.35, 1.79 +/- 0.34, and 1.27 +/- 0.06 at 30 min after the injection, respectively, for the fed group and the 6-, 12-, and 24-h-fasted groups;p < 0.0001), largely owing to the increase in the hepatic accumulation level in the fasting groups. Conclusion Although short-period (6 h) fasting did not affect the myocardial accumulation level of [I-125]BMIPP, the hepatic accumulation level was increased. The present results indicate that the fed condition may provide higher-contrast images in myocardial [I-123]BMIPP scintigraphy