13,742 research outputs found

    The role of singletons in S7S^7 compactifications

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    We derive the isometry irrep content of squashed seven-sphere compactifications of eleven-dimensional supergravity, i.e., the left-squashed (LS7LS^7) with N=1{\mathcal N}=1 and right-squashed (RS7RS^7) with N=0{\mathcal N}=0 supersymmetry, in a manner completely independent of the round sphere. Then we compare this result with the spectrum obtained by Higgsing the round sphere spectrum. This way we discover features of the spectra which makes it possible to argue that the only way the round spectrum can be related by a Higgs mechanism to the one of LS7LS^7 is if the singletons are included in the round sphere spectrum. For this to work also in the RS7RS^7 case it seems that the gravitino of the LS7LS^7 spectrum must be replaced by a fermionic singleton present in the RS7RS^7 spectrum.Comment: 24 pages including appendix with 12 figure, v2 minor typos correcte

    The field inside a random distribution of parallel dipoles

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    We determine the probability distribution for the field inside a random uniform distribution of electric or magnetic dipoles. For parallel dipoles, simulations and an analytical derivation show that although the average contribution from any spherical shell around the probe position vanishes, the Levy stable distribution of the field is symmetric around a non-vanishing field amplitude. In addition we show how omission of contributions from a small volume around the probe leads to a field distribution with a vanishing mean, which, in the limit of vanishing excluded volume, converges to the shifted distribution.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Low-level Spectrum of the W3W_3 String

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    We investigate the spectrum of physical states in the W3W_3 string theory, up to level 2 for a multi-scalar string, and up to level 4 for the two-scalar string. The (open) W3W_3 string has a photon as its only massless state. By using screening charges to study the null physical states in the two-scalar W3W_3 string, we are able to learn about the gauge symmetries of the states in the multi-scalar W3W_3 string.Comment: 31 pages, Plain Tex, CTP TAMU-70/92, Goteborg ITP 92-43, Imperial/TP/91-92/22, KCL-TH-92-

    Role of low-ll component in deformed wave functions near the continuum threshold

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    The structure of deformed single-particle wave functions in the vicinity of zero energy limit is studied using a schematic model with a quadrupole deformed finite square-well potential. For this purpose, we expand the single-particle wave functions in multipoles and seek for the bound state and the Gamow resonance solutions. We find that, for the Kπ=0+K^{\pi}=0^{+} states, where KK is the zz-component of the orbital angular momentum, the probability of each multipole components in the deformed wave function is connected between the negative energy and the positive energy regions asymptotically, although it has a discontinuity around the threshold. This implies that the Kπ=0+K^{\pi}=0^{+} resonant level exists physically unless the l=0l=0 component is inherently large when extrapolated to the well bound region. The dependence of the multipole components on deformation is also discussed

    Canadian Chicken Industry: Consumer Preferences, Industry Structure and Producer Benefits from Investment in Research and Advertising

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    The Canadian chicken industry has operated under supply management since the mid-1970s. Canadian consumer preferences for chicken have grown dramatically since then possibly in response to concerns about health and the levels of fat and cholesterol in red meats. However Canadian consumers are also looking for convenience with their food purchases. Canadians are buying their chicken in frozen further processed forms, fresh by cut without skin and bone and in a variety of other different ways reflecting their unique willingness to pay for various attributes. There is also an increasing trend for retailers and processors to brand the fresh chicken product sold through grocery stores (for example, Maple Leaf Prime). The preferences Canadian consumer have for various chicken products, the prices they are comfortable paying and the strategies followed by processors/retailers can directly affect the outcomes of industry wide strategies such as investment in generic advertising and research or the impact of international market changes such as border closures. This research is an initial attempt to quantify Canadian consumer preferences – for fresh product by type – for product by level of processing – for chicken product by cut - for fresh chicken by brand - to examine the impact of substitutability on a variety of market shocks. The various different disaggregations of Canadian chicken consumption are used in a number of simulation models to illustrate how important preferences are to producer returns when there are market shocks. If Canadians found all chicken products available in the grocery store to be perfectly substitutable then previous policy analysis assuming chicken is one homogeneous product would be sufficient for industry policy analysis purposes. If Canadians view all the different chicken products as imperfectly substitutable and given that various chicken products are produced in relatively fixed proportions (white and dark meat, for example) further understanding of how consumers make their purchase decisions could enhance the industries ability to predict outcomes. For example, border closing to Canadian exports ( as a result of an Avian influenza outbreak, for example) would result in a significant increase in the dark meat products available for sale through Canadian grocery stores. The results presented in this research could provide a clue as to how much dark meat prices might decline while white meat prices might remain unaffected. The results reported suggest that at the consumer level, chicken fresh and frozen products are not perceived to be perfect substitutes, within a narrow category such as fresh chicken breasts, they are not perceived as even close substitutes, within the fresh category branded products such as those developed by Lilydale and Maple Leaf are not perceived as perfect substitutes. As well, an initial look at the demand for individual chicken products by household suggests that there is far from a common buying pattern across Canadian households, even within a single province. The results also suggest that health and convenience attributes are driving Canadian consumer preferences. Simulation results highlight the fact that pricing strategies followed by major processors/retailers within Canada can influence the returns to generic advertising and research. Further research could provide additional robust estimates of the chicken product substitutability existing in the Canadian market and an increased understanding of the market characteristics currently operating. The results presented here suggest that further work in this area is important for the chicken industry to pursue.consumer behaviour, chicken consumption, differentiated products, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing, D12, Q11, Q18,

    Quantum memory for non-stationary light fields based on controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening

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    We propose a new method for efficient storage and recall of non-stationary light fields, e.g. single photon time-bin qubits, in optically dense atomic ensembles. Our approach to quantum memory is based on controlled, reversible, inhomogeneous broadening. We briefly discuss experimental realizations of our proposal.Comment: 4 page

    Light-cone analysis of ungauged and topologically gauged BLG theories

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    We consider three-dimensional maximally superconformal Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory and its topologically gauged version (constructed recently in arXiv:0809.4478 [hep-th]) in the light-cone gauge. After eliminating the entire Chern-Simons gauge field, the ungauged BLG theory looks more conventional and, apart from the order of the interaction terms, resembles N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. The light-cone superspace version of the BLG theory is given to quadratic and quartic order and some problems with constructing the sixth order interaction terms are discussed. In the topologically gauged case, we analyze the field equations related to the three Chern-Simons type terms of N=8 conformal supergravity and discuss some of the special features of this theory and its couplings to BLG.Comment: 22 pages; v2 some typos correcte

    Holomorphic factorization of correlation functions in (4k+2)-dimensional (2k)-form gauge theory

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    We consider a free (2 k)-form gauge-field on a Euclidean (4 k + 2)-manifold. The parameters needed to specify the action and the gauge-invariant observables take their values in spaces with natural complex structures. We show that the correlation functions can be written as a finite sum of terms, each of which is a product of a holomorphic and an anti-holomorphic factor. The holomorphic factors are naturally interpreted as correlation functions for a chiral (2 k)-form, i.e. a (2 k)-form with a self-dual (2 k + 1)-form field strength, after Wick rotation to a Minkowski signature
