6,064 research outputs found

    Expendable or valuable? Photojournalism in five Swedish newspapers affected by organizational changes

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    This study explores the impact of organizational changes on newspaper photo departments, an area of newsrooms that have arguably been particularly affected by structural changes in the field of journalism Through qualitative interviews with editors responsible for photojournalism at five Swedish newspapers that have experienced recent changes to photo staffing and routines for the sourcing of images, the study explores the following questions: Which routines do the newspapers have for sourcing images, in terms of in-house staff and external sources? How do notions of visual quality and external factors, such as audiences and competition, contribute to shaping the newspapers’ visual strategies? Findings indicate that newspapers rely on staff photojournalists for unique and in-depth coverage, but less for routine and breaking news. A certain expansion of photojournalism was found in some newsrooms where it is seen as a competitive edge; which, in part, challenges a “discourse of doom.” Uncertainty about the support for visual strategies in newsrooms lacking visual leadership was also found

    Beliefs and experiences in the English classroom: Perspectives of Swedish primary school learners

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    This study investigates how Swedish learners make sense of and perceive English instruction and the process of foreign language learning in a target language-only primary school classroom. In small group discussions, 26 learners aged 9-10 were audio recorded while discussing questions related to their language learner beliefs and their classroom experiences. Learners expressed a strong consensus about the importance of both the teacher’s extensive target language input and the learners’ oral engagement, in alignment with the beliefs of the teacher. However, the analysis identified three mismatches among high anxiety learners in this context, related to incomprehensible teacher talk, social fear of making mistakes and classroom organization. As their voiced beliefs were at odds with their emotionally guided behavior of refraining from asking questions or volunteering to speak, their sense of agency was reduced. In this context, the target language-only approach appeared to have a negative impact on the emotional, organizational and instructional dimensions of foreign language instruction for many of the young learners. The findings illustrate the interrelated dynamics of beliefs, emotions and classroom context, and contribute to our understanding of learners’ foreign language anxiety and sense of agency in the primary foreign language classroom

    Visualizing the experience of flight: photojournalistic portraits and refugee migration

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    This paper explores how photojournalism addresses refugee migration in Sweden, a country currently receiving a large influx of asylum seekers, in particular during a surge in global migration in 2015. Theoretically informed by literature calling for a compassionate visual storytelling focusing on the experience of refugees, the specific focus is on entries in the Swedish Picture of the Year contest. Images of children were particularly prominent among contest entries focusing on forced migration in the examined years, presenting an opportunity to further explore visual representation while also considering portraiture as a photojournalistic genre and visual strategy. A close reading drawing on semiotics and compositional analysis was conducted on images and written contest jury motivations. Findings showed a humanitarian aesthetic, formality as a storytelling tool, and an unresolved tension between showing and shielding young victims of trauma.Este artigo explora como o fotojornalismo trata a migração de refugiados na SuĂ©cia, um paĂ­s que atualmente recebe um grande afluxo de solicitantes de asilo, em particular durante um aumento na migração global em 2015. Teoricamente informado pela literatura demandando uma narrativa visual compassiva com foco na experiĂȘncia de refugiados, o foco especĂ­fico estĂĄ nas inscriçÔes no concurso de fotografia sueca do ano. Imagens de crianças foram particularmente proeminentes entre os participantes do concurso, enfatizando a migração forçada nos anos examinados, apresentando uma oportunidade para explorar ainda mais a representação visual, alĂ©m de considerar o retrato como um gĂȘnero fotojornalĂ­stico e estratĂ©gia visual. Um desenho de leitura atenta sobre semiĂłtica e anĂĄlise composicional foi realizado em imagens e motivaçÔes do jĂșri por escrito. Os resultados mostraram uma estĂ©tica humanitĂĄria, formalidade como ferramenta de contar histĂłrias e tensĂŁo nĂŁo resolvida entre mostrar e proteger jovens vĂ­timas de trauma

    Integration, heterochrony, and adaptation in pedal digits of syndactylous marsupials

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    Background. Marsupial syndactyly is a curious morphology of the foot found in all species of diprotodontian and peramelemorph marsupials. It is traditionally defined as a condition in which digits II and III of the foot are bound by skin and are reduced. Past treatments of marsupial syndactyly have not considered the implications of this unique morphology for broader issues of digit development and evolution, and the ongoing debate regarding its phylogenetic meaning lacks a broad empirical basis. This study undertakes the first interdisciplinary characterisation of syndactyly, using variance/covariance matrix comparisons of morphometric measurements, locomotor indices, ossification sequences, and re-assessment of the largely anecdotal data on the phylogenetic distribution of tarsal/metatarsal articulations and "incipient syndactyly". Results. Syndactylous digits have virtually identical variance/covariance matrices and display heterochronic ossification timing with respect to digits IV/V. However, this does not impact on overall locomotor adaptation patterns in the syndactylous foot as determined by analysis of locomotor predictor ratios. Reports of incipient syndactyly in some marsupial clades could not be confirmed; contrary to previous claims, syndactyly does not appear to impact on tarsal bone arrangement. Conclusion. The results suggest that marsupial syndactyly originates from a constraint that is rooted in early digit ontogeny and results in evolution of the syndactylous digits as a highly integrated unit. Although convergent evolution appears likely, syndactyly in Diprotodontia and Peramelemorpha may occur through homologous developmental processes. We argue that the term "syndactyly" is a misnomer because the marsupial condition only superficially resembles its name-giving human soft-tissue syndactyly

    Supply chains – a study of collaborations for eco-labeling

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    Some companies have chosen to differentiate their products by labeling them environmentally friendly, or “green”. Green products sends the message to the market that a particular company is caring for the environment, however the processes involved in making the product can be the reasons for a product being labeled green. The production processes of the final stage company in a supply chain may not be the reason for a green label, but rather its suppliers’ processes. As such, by looking into the integration, collaboration and development in supply chains of green labeled products, one can identify where in the production processes the products or components gain the green label. This research focuses on the collaboration aspects of eco-labeling in the hotel and restaurant industry. The problem formulation and research questions are built on a pilot study, as is the theoretical framework. Using the theories and mindsets of established researchers such as HĂ„kansson, Snehota, Ford, Hines, Usherwood and Lammings, the researchers investigates the eco-labeling processes of the hotels- and restaurant industry in the south of Sweden

    Expansion of CORE-SINEs in the genome of the Tasmanian devil

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    Background: The genome of the carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii, Order: Dasyuromorphia), was sequenced in the hopes of finding a cure for or gaining a better understanding of the contagious devil facial tumor disease that is threatening the species’ survival. To better understand the Tasmanian devil genome, we screened it for transposable elements and investigated the dynamics of short interspersed element (SINE) retroposons. Results: The temporal history of Tasmanian devil SINEs, elucidated using a transposition in transposition analysis, indicates that WSINE1, a CORE-SINE present in around 200,000 copies, is the most recently active element. Moreover, we discovered a new subtype of WSINE1 (WSINE1b) that comprises at least 90% of all Tasmanian devil WSINE1s. The frequencies of WSINE1 subtypes differ in the genomes of two of the other Australian marsupial orders. A co-segregation analysis indicated that at least 66 subfamilies of WSINE1 evolved during the evolution of Dasyuromorphia. Using a substitution rate derived from WSINE1 insertions, the ages of the subfamilies were estimated and correlated with a newly established phylogeny of Dasyuromorphia. Phylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimates of mitochondrial genome data indicate a rapid radiation of the Tasmanian devil and the closest relative the quolls (Dasyurus) around 14 million years ago. Conclusions: The radiation and abundance of CORE-SINEs in marsupial genomes indicates that they may be a major player in the evolution of marsupials. It is evident that the early phases of evolution of the carnivorous marsupial order Dasyuromorphia was characterized by a burst of SINE activity. A correlation between a speciation event and a major burst of retroposon activity is for the first time shown in a marsupial genome

    Natural Resources Policy Under the Bush Administration: Not What it Says, But What it has Done in Court

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    Bioassays relying on magnetic read-out using probe-tagged magnetic nanobeads are potential platforms for low-cost biodiagnostic devices for pathogen detection. For optimal assay performance it is crucial to apply an easy, efficient and robust bead-probe conjugation protocol. In this paper, sensitive (1.5 pM) singleplex detection of bacterial DNA sequences is demonstrated in a portable AC susceptometer by a magnetic nanobead-based bioassay principle; the volume-amplified magnetic nanobead detection assay (VAM-NDA). Two bead sizes, 100 and 250 nm, are investigated along with a highly efficient, rapid, robust, and stable conjugation chemistry relying on the avidin-biotin interaction for bead-probe attachment. Avidin-biotin conjugation gives easy control of the number of detection probes per bead; thus allowing for systematic investigation of the impact of varying the detection probe surface coverage upon bead immobilization in rolling circle amplified DNA-coils. The existence of an optimal surface coverage is discussed. Biplex VAM-NDA detection is for the first time demonstrated in the susceptometer: Semi-quantitative results are obtained and it is concluded that the concentration of DNA-coils in the incubation volume is of crucial importance for target quantification. The present findings bring the development of commercial biodiagnostic devices relying on the VAM-NDA further towards implementation in point-of-care and outpatient settings

    Obstacles for agricultural cooperatives in Russia: The competencies of experts

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    The Russian government wants to stimulate the development of cooperatives among private farmers. This study evaluates the competencies of the experts who are to guide potential members. The research team conducted a survey among these experts, measuring three theoretically derived dimensions of competencies: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The results reveal that the experts’ competencies were poor. The respondents overestimated their competencies. Other factors as well indicate that the prospects for agricultural cooperatives are poor in Russia. The large agribusiness firms have a strong market position and much political power. The legal framework for cooperatives is dysfunctional
