10 research outputs found

    Controlled postanaesthetic recovery with an adjustable ceiling : physiological effects of stress in Shetlandponies during the recovery period

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    HĂ€stars uppvakning efter anestesi innebĂ€r mĂ„nga risker. Detta bidrar till att mortaliteten vid hĂ€stanestesi Ă€r mycket högre jĂ€mfört med mortaliteten vid anestesi av smĂ„djur och mĂ€nniskor. HĂ€stars naturliga flyktbeteende gör ofta att de försöker resa sig innan narkoslĂ€kemedlen eliminerats. Detta kan fĂ„ följder som frakturer, ledluxationer, skall- och ögontrauma vilket vidare kan leda till beslut om avlivning. Olika metoder för att assistera hĂ€star under uppvakningen har utvecklats genom Ă„ren. Flera av metoderna Ă€r dock kostsamma, personalkrĂ€vande och kan utgöra flertalet risker för bĂ„de patient och personal. Den mest kliniskt anvĂ€nda metoden, rep-assisterad uppvakning, Ă€r enkel och relativt sĂ€ker men evidensen för denna metod Ă€r motstridiga. Ett kostnadseffektivt, sĂ€kert och vĂ€lfungerande alternativ vore önskvĂ€rt. Detta kandidatarbete inom djuromvĂ„rdnad presenterar resultat och slutsatser frĂ„n en experimentell pilotstudie som utfördes vĂ„ren 2019 pĂ„ Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). Sex friska shetlandsponnyer (tvĂ„ ston och fyra valacker i Ă„ldern 10 – 21 Ă„r) sövdes vid tvĂ„ tillfĂ€llen vardera. Vid ena tillfĂ€llet anvĂ€ndes ett justerbart (höj- och sĂ€nkbart) tak. Syftet var att undersöka om man med hjĂ€lp av detta kunde bromsa ponnyernas första, instinktiva försök till resning. Takets lĂ€tta konstruktion innebar att det inte tvingade ponnyerna att ligga kvar och det utgjorde inte heller nĂ„gon ökad skaderisk. Alla ponnyer sövdes enligt samma anestesiprotokoll och med samma tidsramar vid bĂ„da försöken. Vid bestĂ€mda tillfĂ€llen under försöken togs blodprover för att mĂ€ta blodglukos, blodlaktat och serumkortisol. HjĂ€rtfrekvensen mĂ€ttes med hjĂ€lp av ett pulsband under tiden som ponnyerna var i uppvakningsboxen. Dessa parametrar analyserades sedan för att undersöka om ponnyerna var mer stresspĂ„verkade vid uppvakning med justerbart tak Ă€n vid uppvakning utan justerbart tak. Blodglukos, blodlaktat, serumkortisol och hjĂ€rtfrekvens pĂ„verkas av stressresponsen och har tidigare anvĂ€nts i flera studier för att mĂ€ta stress hos hĂ€star. Alla anestesierna förlöpte utan komplikationer och inga ponnyer skadades under uppvakningarna. Det gick inte att pĂ„visa nĂ„gra signifikanta skillnader i blodglukos, blodlaktat, serumkortisol eller hjĂ€rtfrekvens vid uppvakning med justerbart tak jĂ€mfört med uppvakning utan justerbart tak. Det gick dĂ€remot att se en signifikant ökning i bĂ„de blodglukos och serumkortisol över tid vid bĂ„de kontrollförsök och takförsök. Baserat pĂ„ att det inte gick att se nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad i blodglukos, blodlaktat, serumkortisol och hjĂ€rtfrekvens mellan kontrollförsök och takförsök drog författarna slutsatsen att det justerbara taket inte innebar nĂ„gon ökad stress för shetlandsponnyerna under försöken. Förhöjda nivĂ„er av blodglukos och serumkortisol kunde ses över tid vid bĂ„da tillfĂ€llena, men detta var troligen en naturlig fysiologisk reaktion av anestesin och efterföljande uppvakning. Vidare studier inom omrĂ„det behövs för att skatta ett resultat som Ă€r mer applicerbart pĂ„ hela den svenska hĂ€stpopulationen. Resultaten kan ligga till grund för att utveckla en ny metod som eventuellt kan göra uppvakning efter anestesi sĂ€krare för hĂ€star i framtiden.The recovery period after equine anaesthesia involves many risks. This contributes to the mortality rate in horses undergoing anaesthesia being much higher than the mortality rate in small animals and humans. Horses' natural flight behavior often leads to premature attempts to rise while they are still affected by the anaesthetic drugs. This can result in injuries such as fractures, joint dislocations, skull and eye trauma, which in the end can lead to the decision to euthanize. Various methods to assist the horse during recovery have been developed over the years. However, several of the methods are costly, personnel-intensive and can pose many risks to both patients and staff. The method that is most frequently used in clinics today, rope-assisted recovery, is simple and relatively safe, but the evidence for this method is contradictory. A cost-effective, safe and well-functioning alternative would be desirable. This BachelorÂŽs thesis on the subject of animal care presents the results and conclusions of an experimental pilot study conducted in the spring of 2019 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Six healthy Shetland ponies (two mares and four geldings, age 10 - 21) underwent anaesthesia at two separate occasions each. During one of these occasions, a height adjustable ceiling was used during the recovery. The purpose of the ceiling was to inhibit the ponies' first, instinctive attempts to rise. Because of its lightweight construction, the ceiling did not force the ponies to stay in recumbency and it did not pose any additional risks. The same protocol for anaesthesia and the same timeframes were used for all the experimental trials. At specific points during the trials, blood samples were taken to measure changes in blood glucose, blood lactate and serum cortisol. The heart rate was measured during the time that the ponies were in the recovery room. These four parameters were then analyzed to estimate whether the ponies were more stressed when recovering with the adjustable ceiling than when recovering without the adjustable ceiling. Blood glucose, blood lactate, serum cortisol and heartrate are all affected by the stress response and have previously been used in several studies to measure stress in horses. There were no significant differences in blood glucose, blood lactate, serum cortisol or heart rate during recovery with the adjustable ceiling compared to recovery without the adjustable ceiling. However, there was a significant increase in blood glucose and serum cortisol over time in all the trails. This increase could probably be considered a normal physiological response to anaesthesia and recovering after anaesthesia. Based on the fact there were no significant differences in blood glucose, blood lactate, serum cortisol and heart rate, the authors concluded that the adjustable ceiling did not cause any increased stress in the Shetland ponies during the recoveries. Further studies in this scientific field are necessary to be able to obtain results that are more applicable to the Swedish horse population in its entirety. The results can then form the basis for a new method that can make recovery after anaesthesia safer for horses in the future

    Le Travail de Proximité auprÚs des Usagers de Drogues en Europe : Concepts, pratiques et terminologie

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    Traduction française, dĂ©posĂ©e Ă  l'OCDE, de : Outreach Worg Among Drug Users in Europe. Concepts, Practice and Terminology, EMCDDA, June 1999, Insights Series, 2Il s'agit d'un Ă©tat des lieux du dĂ©veloppement du travail de proximitĂ© dans chaque pays de l'Union EuropĂ©enne. Ce travail s'appuie sur l'analyse de la littĂ©rature et sur une enquĂȘte faite en 1998 pour l'Observatoire EuropĂ©en des Drogues et de la Toxicomanie. Sont abordĂ©s l'histoire du travail de proximitĂ©, sa dĂ©finition, les questions de terminologie, les diffĂ©rentes formes de travail et les modĂšles d'intervention rencontrĂ©s, et enfin les objectifs et les mĂ©thodes du travail de proximitĂ©. Les points communs entre les pays et les divergences dans les choix et les pratiques ressortent de l'ensemble de ce tableau qui est une premiĂšre approche de ce suje

    Comorbidity in heavy drug abuse

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    Troponin I and Creatine Kinase MB do not provide comparable information after PCI

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    Objectives. To compare cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) after PCI in cases with normal baseline levels of both biomarkers. Design. cTnI and CK-MB after PCI were stratified as multiples of the 99 three times 99%URL were classified as procedure-related infarctions. Results. After PCI, CK-MB was > 3x99%URL in 58/486 patients (12%) and cTnI > 3x99%URL in 292/487 patients (60%). cTnI was > 10x99%URL in all cases with infarction according to CK-MB but CK-MB was often normal despite elevated cTnI. There was an only minimal overlap between two infarction populations, those with cTnI in the range from 1x to 10x99%URL and those with CK-MB 1x to 10x99%URL. Conclusions. With the present quantification scales, infarction rate after PCI is > five-fold higher with cTnI than with CK-MB

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    Reactive Oxygen Species Produced by the NADPH Oxidase 2 Complex in Monocytes Protect Mice from Bacterial Infections

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    Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is an inherited disorder characterized by recurrent life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections. CGD results from defective production of reactive oxygen species by phagocytes caused by mutations in genes encoding the NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) complex subunits. Mice with a spontaneous mutation in Ncf1, which encodes the NCF1 (p47(Phox)) subunit of NOX2, have defective phagocyte NOX2 activity. These mice occasionally develop local spontaneous infections by Staphylococcus xylosus or by the common CGD pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Ncf1 mutant mice were more susceptible to systemic challenge with these bacteria than were wild-type mice. Transgenic Ncf1 mutant mice harboring the wild-type Ncf1 gene under the human CD68 promoter (MN+ mice) gained the expression of NCF1 and functional NOX2 activity specifically in monocytes/macrophages, although minimal NOX2 activity was also detected in some CD11b(+)Ly6G(+) cells defined as neutrophils. MN+ mice did not develop spontaneous infection and were more resistant to administered staphylococcal infections compared with MN- mice. Most strikingly, MN+ mice survived after being administered Burkholderia cepacia, an opportunistic pathogen in CGD patients, whereas MN- mice died. Thus, monocyte/macrophage expression of functional NCF1 protected against spontaneous and administered bacterial infections. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 188: 5003-5011