4 research outputs found

    The origin of large varioles in flow-banded pillow lava from the Hooggenoeg Complex, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa

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    Exceptionally well-preserved pillowed and massive phenocryst-free metabasaltic lava flows in the uppermost part of the Palaeoarchaean Hooggenoeg Complex of the Barberton Greenstone Belt exhibit both flow banding and large leucocratic varioles. The flow banding is defined by blebs and bands of pale and dark green metabasalt and was the result of mingling of two types of basalt (Robins et al. in Bull Volcanol 72:579–592, 2010a). Varioles occur exclusively in the dark chlorite-, MgO- and FeO-rich metabasalt. Varioles are absent in the outermost rinds of pillows and increase in both abundance and size towards the centres of pillows. In the central parts of some pillows, they impinge to form homogeneous pale patches, bands or almost homogenous cores. Individual varioles consist essentially of radially orientated or outwardly branching dendritic crystals of albite. Many varioles exhibit concentric zones and finer-grained rims. Some varioles seem to have grown around tiny vesicles and vesicles appear to have been trapped in others between a core and a finer-grained rim. The matrix surrounding the ocelli contains acicular pseudomorphs of actinolite and chlorite after chain-like, skeletal Ca-rich pyroxenes that are partly overgrown by the margins of varioles. Varioles are enriched in the chemical constituents of feldspar but contain concentrations of immobile TiO2, Cr, Zr and REE that are similar to the host metabasalts. The shape, distribution, texture and composition of the varioles exclude liquid immiscibility and support an origin by spherulitic crystallisation of plagioclase from severely undercooled basalt melt and glass. Nucleation of plagioclase was strongly inhibited and took place on vesicles, on the bases of drainage cavities and along early fractures. Eruption in deep water and retention of relatively high concentrations of volatiles in the melt may be the principal cause of spherulitic crystallisation in the interiors of pillows rather than only in their margins as in younger submarine flows

    Upper cretaceous-paleogene stratigraphy and development of the Mímir High, Vøring transform margin, Norwegian Sea

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    Transform margins represent strike-slip type of plate boundaries that form during continental breakup and initial ocean opening. They are often characterized by margin-parallel highs with exposed pre- and syn-rift sequences. The Vøring Transform Margin, offshore mid-Norway, initiated in the earliest Eocene during the opening of the NE Atlantic. Here, 2D seismic reflection data reveal a transform margin high, the Mímir High. The western flank of this undrilled structure is a kilometer-high escarpment where seismic reflections of pre-breakup age are truncated at the seafloor. The aim of this study was to recover seabed rock samples from the outcropping or shallowly buried sedimentary sequences to provide a geological tie to the regional seismic framework, thereby constraining the basin history and tectono-stratigraphic development. Seabed samples were successfully collected from 14 gravity core and Selcore stations and 10 ROV (remotely operated vehicle) sites along a 750 m high sampling profile, recovering clay, shales, sandstones and glacial dropstones. Biostratigraphy results revealed that the ages of the sedimentary rocks follow the stratigraphic order predicted by the initial seismic interpretation, with Upper Cretaceous sediments at the base and lower Eocene sediments at the top. The integrated interpretation shows that the Mímir High area, including parts of the outer Vøring and Møre basins and the proto-Jan Mayen Microplate Complex, were characterized by the deposition of late Campanian to early Maastrichtian, near coastal and shale-dominated sequences with poor source rock qualities. The early Paleocene samples indicate deep marine conditions that abruptly ended by rapid uplift of the Mímir High in the earliest Eocene. Finally, a reworked Pliensbachian palynomorph assemblage in potential early Eocene strata indicate the presence of exposed Mesozoic sequences in the vicinity of the Mímir High. We argue that some of the lower Eocene sediments where deposited within a hypothetical drainage system sourced from Greenland (Traill Ø or Jameson Land) and/or from the Jan Mayen Ridge prior to continental separation, and not the result of recent ice-rafting.acceptedVersio

    Upper cretaceous-paleogene stratigraphy and development of the Mímir High, Vøring transform margin, Norwegian Sea

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    Transform margins represent strike-slip type of plate boundaries that form during continental breakup and initial ocean opening. They are often characterized by margin-parallel highs with exposed pre- and syn-rift sequences. The Vøring Transform Margin, offshore mid-Norway, initiated in the earliest Eocene during the opening of the NE Atlantic. Here, 2D seismic reflection data reveal a transform margin high, the Mímir High. The western flank of this undrilled structure is a kilometer-high escarpment where seismic reflections of pre-breakup age are truncated at the seafloor. The aim of this study was to recover seabed rock samples from the outcropping or shallowly buried sedimentary sequences to provide a geological tie to the regional seismic framework, thereby constraining the basin history and tectono-stratigraphic development. Seabed samples were successfully collected from 14 gravity core and Selcore stations and 10 ROV (remotely operated vehicle) sites along a 750 m high sampling profile, recovering clay, shales, sandstones and glacial dropstones. Biostratigraphy results revealed that the ages of the sedimentary rocks follow the stratigraphic order predicted by the initial seismic interpretation, with Upper Cretaceous sediments at the base and lower Eocene sediments at the top. The integrated interpretation shows that the Mímir High area, including parts of the outer Vøring and Møre basins and the proto-Jan Mayen Microplate Complex, were characterized by the deposition of late Campanian to early Maastrichtian, near coastal and shale-dominated sequences with poor source rock qualities. The early Paleocene samples indicate deep marine conditions that abruptly ended by rapid uplift of the Mímir High in the earliest Eocene. Finally, a reworked Pliensbachian palynomorph assemblage in potential early Eocene strata indicate the presence of exposed Mesozoic sequences in the vicinity of the Mímir High. We argue that some of the lower Eocene sediments where deposited within a hypothetical drainage system sourced from Greenland (Traill Ø or Jameson Land) and/or from the Jan Mayen Ridge prior to continental separation, and not the result of recent ice-rafting