22 research outputs found

    Determinação da sobrecarga anaeróbia em exercício intermitente a partir do modelo de potência crítica

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    This study aimed to estimate the anaerobic workload during intermittent exercise, using critical power (CP) model and manipulating the work and rest periods (30s:30s e 60s:60s), while the work:rest ratio was unchanged. Participants (n=7) cycled exhaustively during four different sessions in order to estimate de CP and the anaerobic work capacity (AWC). The following two sessions, they performed 10 bouts using 30s:30s and five bouts using 60s:60s, with intensity 70% greater than CP. Thereafter, they performed another continuous bout until exhaustion the intensity with known duration to determine recovered and remaining AWC. Blood lactate concentration was also measured throughout intermittent exercise. The 60s:60s protocol induced greater anaerobic workload compared with 30s:30s one, due to there were lower exercise duration (59%), recovered AWC (84%) and remaining AWC (57%) on the former protocol. In addition, blood lactate (66%) and net AWC (38%) during 60s:60s protocol were greater than during the 30s:30s one.O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a sobrecarga anaeróbia em exercício intermitente, por meio do modelo de potência crítica (PC), manipulando as durações absolutas de esforços e pausas (30s:30s e 60s:60s), porém com a razão esforço:pausa (E:P) invariável. Sete indivíduos realizaram 4 testes retangulares exaustivos em cicloergômetro para determinação da PC e capacidade de trabalho anaeróbio (CTA). Em outras duas sessões, os participantes realizaram dez esforços com E:P de 30s:30s e cinco esforços de 60s:60s com intensidade 70% superior à PC, seguido por um esforço até a exaustão com duração conhecida para determinar a CTA reposta e remanescente. Também foram determinadas concentrações de lactato sangüíneo nos protocolos intermitentes. Houve maior sobrecarga anaeróbia no protocolo intermitente de 60s:60s devido à menor duração do exercício (59%), CTA reposta (84%) e CTA remanescente (57%) do que no protocolo de 30s:30s, além do lactato sangüíneo (66%) e CTA líquido (38%) serem maiores no protocolo 60s:60s

    Exercícios físicos em pacientes hospitalizados por Covid-19: perfil dos atendimentos e recomendações práticas

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as características dos atendimentos realizados por Profissionais de Educação Física durante o internamento hospitalar por COVID-19, assim como, elaborar uma recomendação para a prática clínica nesse tipo de atendimento. Os dados de caracterização dos sujeitos e de intervenção foram coletados através de prontuário eletrônico, e correspondeu a 2286 atendimentos de 756 pacientes no período entre janeiro a setembro de 2021. Foi verificado uma média de 5,1 ± 1,3 exercícios realizados por sessão de exercício físico. Na categoria exercício aeróbio, nota-se prevalência do cicloergômetro pedal (14,4%) e cicloergômetro manual (8,1%). Quanto ao fortalecimento dos membros superiores, os exercícios de flexão de ombro ou elevação frontal (64,6%), remada fechada (54,8%) e abdução de ombro ou elevação lateral (40,2%) foram os mais prevalentes. Para membros inferiores, observa-se prevalência dos exercícios de extensão de joelho (63,4%) e flexão de quadril (57,5%). Além disso, nas escalas de monitoramento da sessão, foi observado que o percentual da frequência cardíaca máxima foi de 64,2 ± 10,7%, a mínima saturação periférica de oxigênio foi de 87,3 ± 4,4%, também foi observado o valor médio de 4,1 ± 1,7 pontos na percepção subjetiva de esforço e o valor de 0,2 ± 1,2 na escala visual de dor, demonstrando que as sessões foram realizadas na transição do domínio de intensidade moderado/pesado. Do total de atendimentos, apenas 38 foram interrompidos, os quais, por dessaturação (1,3%) ou outros motivos (0,9%). Os resultados indicam que a intervenção realizada se mostrou viável, segura e bem tolerada em pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19.The aim of this study was identify the characteristics of care from Physical Education Professionals during length of stay in hospital by COVID-19, as well as to elaborate a clinical practice recommendation about this care. The data were collected by medical record and were 2286 cares from 756 patients between January to September, 2021. It was observed a mean of 5.1 ± 1.3 exercises performed by session. In aerobic training, the most prevalent were portable bicycle for legs (14.4%) and portable bicycle for hands (8.1%). In strength training for uppers limbs, the most prevalent were shoulder flexion (64.6%), rowing (54.8%), and shoulder abduction (40.2%). For lower limps the most prevalent were knee extension (63.4%), and hip flexion (57.5%). Moreover, in physiological monitoring scales, it was observed that the maximal heart rate percentage was 64.2 ± 10.7% and the minimal peripheral oxygen saturation was 87.3 ± 4.4%. In perceptive scales, it was observed that the rating of perceived exertion was 4.1 ± 1.7 points and in pain perception was 0.2 ± 1.2 points, therefore the sessions were performed between a transition from moderate to heavy intensity domain. Among the total of cares, only 38 were interrupted due desaturation (1.3%) or other reasons (0.9%). The results indicate that the intervention performed were feasible, safe and well-tolerated in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

    Repeated sprint ability: effect of strength training with and without vibration platform e postactivation potentiation

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    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a ocorrência da potencialização pós-ativação (PPA) e o efeito do treinamento de força (TF) sem e com a plataforma vibratória na capacidade de sprints repetidos (CSR). O estudo foi divido em duas partes: a primeira analisou o efeito do TF associado à plataforma vibratória na CSR; e a segunda verificou a ocorrência da PPA na CSR. No primeiro estudo participaram 29 sujeitos, os quais foram divididos em 3 grupos: TF, TF+vibração a 30 Hz e amplitude de 2-4 mm (TF+V30) e TF+vibração a 50 Hz e amplitude de 4-6 mm (TF+V50). Os sujeitos realizaram inicialmente análise da área de secção transversa do quadríceps (ASTQ), teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) no exercício agachamento e o teste de CSR. Após isso, os sujeitos foram submetidos a 10 semanas de treinamento de força, de acordo com o seu respectivo grupo e, ao final da intervenção, realizaram as mesmas avaliações aplicadas antes das sessões de treinamento. No segundo estudo, 12 jogadores de handebol realizaram teste de 1RM, e em sequência, de maneira aleatória o teste de CSR sem e com a atividade condicionante. A atividade condicionante foi realizada no exercício agachamento e consistiu de cinco séries de uma repetição a 90% de 1RM. O treinamento de força sem e com a vibração aumentou na mesma magnitude a força muscular e a ASTQ. Para o grupo TF+V30, o tempo do melhor sprint (CSRmelhor) melhorou significantemente após as 10 semanas de treinamento, no entanto, sem diferença em relação aos outros grupos. O tempo médio dos sprints (CSRmédio) diminuiu significantemente em todos os grupos. Contudo, para o percentual de decréscimo nos sprints (CSR%dec) apenas foi verificado melhoria no grupo TF em relação à situação pré-treinamento e ao grupo TF+V30 na mesma situação experimental. No segundo estudo foi verificado que o protocolo de PPA melhorou significantemente o CSRmelhor e o CSRmédio, sem alterar o CSR%dec. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o treinamento de força sem e com a plataforma vibratória aumenta a força muscular, a ASTQ e o desempenho na CSR. No entanto, o treinamento de força com a plataforma vibratória não aumentou o desempenho em maior magnitude quando comparado a situação sem este tipo de equipamento. Além disso, o protocolo de PPA melhorou também o desempenho de CSR (CSRmelhor e CSRmédio) em jogadores de handebol. Assim, estratégias para melhorar a força muscular de maneira aguda (PPA) e crônica (TF) aumentam também o desempenho no teste de CSR.The purpose of this study was to verify the occurrence postactivation potentiation (PAP) and the effect of strength training (ST) with and without vibration platform on repeated sprint ability (RSA). The study was divided in two parts: in the first part, it was analyzed the effect of ST with vibration platform on RSA; and in the second part, it was verified the occurrence of PAP on RSA. Twenty nine subjects participated in the first study, which were divided into 3 groups: ST, ST+vibration at 30 Hz and amplitude of 2-4 mm (ST+V30) and ST+vibration at 50 Hz and amplitude of 4-6 mm (ST+V50). Initially, the quadriceps cross sectional area measurement (QCSA), one repetition maximum (1RM) test on squat exercise and the RSA test were performed. After this, the subjects performed 10 weeks of strength training according to their groups and, at the end of intervention, they were undertook the same evaluations applied before training sessions. In the second study, 12 handball players performed the 1RM test and subsequently they were submitted at random, to the RSA test with and without conditioning activity. The conditioning activity was performed in squat exercise with five sets of one repetition at 90% of 1RM. The strength training with and without vibration platform increased in the same magnitude the muscular strength and QCSA. For ST+V30 group, the best sprint time (RSAbest) was significantly improved after 10 weeks of training, but without difference when compared with other groups. Mean sprint time (RSAmean) was significantly reduced in all groups. However, the percentage of sprint decrement (RSA%dec) only decreased in ST group when compared with the situation before training and the ST+V30 group in the same experimental situation. In the second study, the PAP protocol significantly improved the RSAbest and RSAmean, without change the RSA%dec. From the results, we conclude that the strength training with and without vibration platform improves the strength, QCSA and performance on RSA. However, the strength training with vibration platform did not increase the performance in higher magnitude when compared to the situation without this equipment. Furthermore, PAP protocol improved the RSA performance (RSAbest e RSAmean) in handball players. Thus, strategies to improve muscle strength in acute (PAP) and chronic manner (ST) also increase the performance on RSA tes

    <b> Correlation between critical force and critical velocity and their respective stroke rates </b>

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    <p> The critical power model has been utilized to estimate the anaerobic and aerobic capacities in swimming. There are studies which evidence the applicability of swimming velocity, force during tethered swimming and stroke rate data to the critical power model. However, the relationship among these estimates derived from freestyle and tethered swimming needs to be established. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between critical force (FCRIT) obtained from tethered swimming and critical velocity (VCRIT) during freestyle swimming (VCRIT), and their respective critical stroke rates (FBrCRIT). Eleven swimmers of both sexes (16.6 ± 1.3 years, 60 ± 10 kg, 172 ± 8 cm) underwent maximal tests to exhaustion in the tethered system and to as fast as possible trials during 200 and 400 m freestyle swimming. There were estimates of: 1) FCRIT and CIAnaer fi tting the three known equations derived from the critical power model (hyperbolic forcetime F-t, linear force-1/time F-1/t, linear impulse-time I-t); 2) VCRIT and CNAnaer during the freestyle tests using the linear distance-time relationship (d-t) and; 3) FBrCRIT and CBrAnaer during both kinds of tests (tethered and freestyle). The tethered performance data presented a good fi tting to the critical power model: FCRIT (R2 of 0.98, 0.97 and 0.99) and FBrCRIT-TETHERED (R2 of 0.96, 0.90 and 0.99). There was a high correlation between VCRIT and FCRIT (r= 0.89-0.91). Nevertheless, there was no signifi cant correlation among the estimates of FBrCRIT-TETHERED and FBrCRIT-FREESTYLE, neither among the anaerobic variables. These results indicate that FCRIT can be considered a reliable aerobic capacity index. However, the FBrCRIT-TETHERED did not approach this capacity, despite the good fi tting to the critical power model. <p> <b> RESUMO </b> O modelo da potência crítica tem sido utilizado para estimar a capacidade anaeróbia e aeróbia na natação. Há estudos demonstrando que a velocidade de nado livre, força no nado atado e freqüência de braçadas aderem ao modelo da potência crítica. Entretanto, a relação entre essas estimativas no nado livre e atado necessita ser elucidada. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a força crítica (FCRIT) no nado atado e a velocidade crítica (VCRIT) em nado livre e as respectivas freqüências críticas de braçada (FBrCRIT). Onze nadadores de ambos os sexos (16,6 ± 1,3 anos, 60 ± 10 kg, 172 ± 8 cm) foram submetidos à natação atada até a exaustão e esforços máximos livres em 200 e 400 m. Foram estimados: 1) FCRIT e CIAnaer através três equações do modelo de potência crítica (hiperbólica força-tempo F-t, linear força-1/tempo F-1/t, linear impulso-tempo I-t); 2) VCRIT e CNAnaer na natação livre através da relação distância-tempo (d – t) e; 3) FBrCRIT e CBrAnaer nos dois testes (atado e livre). No nado atado houve elevado grau de ajuste dos dados ao modelo da potência crítica: FCRIT (R2 de 0,98, 0,97 e 0,99) e FBrCRIT-ATADO (R2 de 0,96, 0,90 e 0,99). Houve correlação signifi cativa entre a VCRIT e FCRIT (r = 0,89-0,91). Entretanto, não houve correlação signifi cativa entre as FBrCRIT-ATADO e a FBrCRIT-LIVRE, nem entre as variáveis anaeróbias. Esses resultados indicam que a FCRIT pode ser apontada como um indicador de capacidade aeróbia. Porém, a FBrCRIT-ATADO, apesar de se ajustar ao modelo de potência crítica, não se mostrou um bom indicador desta capacidade

    Métodos de quantificação de carga de treinamento em exercício realizado no máximo estado estável de lactato. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5016/1980-6574.2010v16n2p311

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    The aim of the present study was to compare and correlate training impulse (TRIMP) estimates proposed by Banister (TRIMPBanister), Stagno (TRIMPStagno) and Manzi (TRIMPManzi). The subjects were submitted to an incremental test on cycle ergometer with heart rate and blood lactate concentration measurements. In the second occasion, they performed 30 min. of exercise at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state, and TRIMPBanister, TRIMPStagno and TRIMPManzi were calculated. The mean values of TRIMPBanister (56.5 ± 8.2 u.a.) and TRIMPStagno (51.2 ± 12.4 u.a.) were not different (P > 0.05) and were highly correlated (r = 0.90). Besides this, they presented a good agreement level, which means low bias and relatively narrow limits of agreement. On the other hand, despite highly correlated (r = 0.93), TRIMPStagno and TRIMPManzi (73.4 ± 17.6 u.a.) were different (P 0,05) e foram altamente correlacionados (r = 0,90), com boa concordância, ou seja, viés reduzido e limites de concordância relativamente estreitos. O TRIMPStagno e TRIMPManzi (73,4 ± 17,6 u.a.) apresentarem alta correlação (r = 0,93), mas com diferença significantes entre eles; ainda, se mostraram pouco concordantes. As estimativas de TRIMPBanister e TRIMPManzi não foram diferentes (P = 0,06) e apresentaram alta correlação (r = 0,82), com baixa concordância. Assim, conclui-se que os métodos de TRIMP não são equivalentes. Na prática, parece ser prudente monitorar o processo de treinamento assumindo apenas uma das estimativas

    Methods of quantification of training load in exercise performed at maximal lactate steady state

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    The aim of the present study was to compare and correlate training impulse (TRIMP) estimates proposed by Banister (TRIMP(Banister)), Stagno (TRIMP(Stagno)) and Manzi (TRIMP(Manzi)). The subjects were submitted to an incremental test on cycle ergometer with heart rate and blood lactate concentration measurements. In the second occasion, they performed 30 min. of exercise at the intensity corresponding to maximal lactate steady state, and TRIMP(Banister), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) were calculated. The mean values of TRIMP(Banister) (56.5 +/- 8.2 u.a.) and TRIMP(Stagno) (51.2 +/- 12.4 u.a.) were not different (P > 0.05) and were highly correlated (r = 0.90). Besides this, they presented a good agreement level, which means low bias and relatively narrow limits of agreement. On the other hand, despite highly correlated (r = 0.93), TRIMP(Stagno) and TRIMP(Manzi) (73.4 +/- 17.6 u.a.) were different (P < 0.05), with low agreement level. The TRIMP(Banister) e TRIMP(Manzi) estimates were not different (P = 0.06) and were highly correlated (r = 0.82), but showed low agreement level. Thus, we concluded that the investigated TRIMP methods are not equivalent. In practical terms, it seems prudent monitor the training process assuming only one of the estimates

    Efeito da familiarização na estabilização dos valores de 1RM para homens e mulheres Effect of familiarization on the stabilization of 1RM values for men and women

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o número de sessões de familiarização necessárias para estabilização da carga do teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) no exercício agachamento em homens e mulheres. Oito homens (25 ± 4 anos) e oito mulheres (20 ± 1anos) foram submetidos a cinco sessões experimentais. ANOVA e plotagem de Bland-Altman foram utilizadas para comparar a carga de 1RM entre as sessões (pThe purpose of this study was to determine the number of familiarization sessions for stabilizing the load of one repetition maximum (1RM) tests on the squat exercise in men and women. Eight men (25 ± 4 years) and eight women (20 ± 1 years) underwent five experimental sessions. ANOVA and Bland-Altman plotting were used to compare the 1RM load between the sessions (p<0.05). The stabilization of load occurred at the fourth session for men and at the third session for women, with significantly increased in relative and absolute strength from the first to the fourth (17kg and 19%) and from the first to the third (9kg and 14%) session, respectively. However, relative strength did not differ significantly between genders. According to our results, individuals not experienced with strength training can reach high reliability in the 1RM test in the squat exercise, after performing three or four familiarizations sessions

    Team statistical determinants of victory in Brazilian basketball

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    Aim: The present study aimed to identify the team variables that better determine victory in Brazilian basketball in a variety of game dynamics (close, even and disparate games). Methods: Team statistics including: accuracy of free-throws, 2-point shots and 3-points shots, offensive and defensive rebounds, assists, steals and lost balls, violations and committed and received fouls during 182 games of the Brazilian National Basketball League were analyzed by Discriminant Analysis. Results: Variables that determined overall victory were: defensive rebounds, assists, steals, committed and received fouls and 2-point, 3-point and free-throw accuracy. For disparate games, victory was determined by: defensive rebounds, assists, steals, 2-point, 3-points and free-throw accuracy. For even games, victory was determined by defensive rebounds, received fouls, assists, 2-points and 3-point accuracy. In contrast, no variables were able to identify victory for the close games. Conclusion: The current results have identified the most important team variables for victory in a range of games

    Oxygen uptake kinetics during supra-maximal exercise: Mathematical modelling

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2008v10n1p43 Precise estimation of oxygen uptake kinetics parameters is essential to understand its control and/or limit uptake mechanisms. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the oxygen uptake kinetics responses during supramaximal cycle ergometer exercise using two modeling techniques. Eleven male subjects (age = 25.4 ± 4.9 years, height = 177.0 ± 4.0 cm, mass = 77.1 ± 11.3 kg, VO2max = 40.3 ± 6.3 mL.kg-1.min-1) performed a series of square- have exercise transitions to exhaustion at intensities equivalent to 100, 113, 133 and 153% of VO2max. The time constant of the primary component was estimated with an exponential and semi-logarithmic model, comparisons were made using repeated measures ANOVA and the Tukey post hoc tests, with statistical signifi cance accepted when p<0.05. In order to calculate the time constant by the semi-logarithmic model it is necessary to estimate oxygen demand, which was performed by means of a regression procedure. The exponential model resulted in lower values for the time constant (35.1 ± 8.0s; 32.5 ± 7.4s; 29.6 ± 11.3s; 25.3 ± 7.5s) compared to the semi-logarithmic model (107.9 ± 27.1s; 104.5 ± 24.3s; 114.1 ± 30.4s; 125.3 ± 24.9s) at all intensities. The observation of this confl icting oxygen uptake kinetics behavior depending upon which mathematical model is applied suggests that physiological inferences on the basis of parameters obtained during supra-maximal exercise should be made with caution