22 research outputs found

    High-salt diet causes osmotic gradients and hyperosmolality in skin without affecting interstitial fluid and lymph

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    The common notion is that the body Na+ is maintained within narrow limits for fluid and blood pressure homeostasis. Several studies have, however, shown that considerable amounts of Na+ can be retained or removed from the body without commensurate water loss and that the skin can serve as a major salt reservoir. Our own data from rats have suggested that the skin is hypertonic compared with plasma on salt storage and that this also applies to skin interstitial fluid. Even small electrolyte gradients between plasma and interstitial fluid would represent strong edema-generating forces. Because the water accumulation has been shown to be modest, we decided to reexamine with alternative methods in rats whether interstitial fluid is hypertonic during salt accumulation induced by high-salt diet (8% NaCl and 1% saline to drink) or deoxycorticosterone pellet implantation. These treatments resulted both in increased systemic blood pressure, skin salt, and water accumulation and in skin hyperosmolality. Interstitial fluid isolated from implanted wicks and lymph draining the skin was, however, isosmotic, and Na+ concentration in fluid isolated by centrifugation and in lymph was not different from plasma. Interestingly, by eluting layers of the skin, we could show that there was an osmolality and urea gradient from epidermis to dermis. Collectively, our data suggest that fluid leaving the skin as lymph is isosmotic to plasma but also that the skin can differentially control its own electrolyte microenvironment by creating local gradients that may be functionally important.acceptedVersio

    Effects of varying dietary energy levels on growth performance and wholebody composition in Gattan

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    Study was conducted to investigate the effects of various energy levels on growth performance, food conversion ratio (FCR) and whole body composition in Gattan, Barbus xanthopterus fingerlings (12.12±0.28 g) for 8 week. Feeding trial was conducted using 3 semipurfied diets containing 3 levels of digestible energy (DE 2.5, 3 and 3.5 kcal/g) and same protein level 35%, in a flow-through system (1L/min) at 26.2 ± 0.460C. Triplicate groups of 15 fish (12.12±0.22 g) each were stocked in 300-L circular polyethylene tanks and fish were fed to satiety thrice daily throughout the feeding trial. The best of total weight gain (146.67 g), FCR (2.21), protein efficiency ratio (1.31), apparent net protein utilization (ANPU %) (34.69) and condition factor (CF) (1.26) were observed in diet containing 3 kcal/g DE. The viscerosomatic index (VSI) and hepatosomatic index (HSI) did not show any significant difference between treatments (P>0.05). The final whole body moisture content decreased significantly with increasing energy levels in diets (P0.05), but the highest lipid and protein deposition were observed in diets containing 3.5 and 3kcal/g DE, respectively. Comparison between varying levels of dietary energy on the growth, feed utilization and whole body composition of Gattan indicated that 3 kcal/g DE could be the preferential dietary energy levels in fingerlings of this species

    Survey of different dietary energy and protein levels on the reproduction indices of Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) broodstock

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    The survey of different protein and energy levels of brooders Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) diet on reproductive indices This study, to preparation of suitable diet for brooders of Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) carried Out increasing efficiency artificial propagation and achievement to maximum working fecundity and fingerling production. 9 dietary feeding with 3 triplication were prepared that included 3 protein levels (30,35 and 40 percentage) and 3 different levels of digestable energy (250, 300 and 350 kcal/100g).The reproductive indices (working fecundity, fertilization, hatching and survival rate) were studied in this experiment in South Iran Aquaculture Research Center .12 female brooders in any triplication were transported to earthen ponds 300 m2. They were fed 2 times in days for 4 month until satiation. The artificial breeding carried out in spring for survey of reproductive indices. The amount of hypophysis injection was 3mg/kg weight of fish with two doses10% in first stage and 90% in second stage with interval 10 Hour. The male broodstock injection was first stage spantanously with second females injections with a dose of 2 mg/kg. The total of breeding stages until larvae release was registered 22.5-24.5°C. Result showed that constant protein (35%) with rising energy until specified amount (350 Kcal/100g) was increased reproductive indicies. The working fecundity is one of the reproductive indices that in treatment 5 had significant difference compare to other treatment. In this survey, Comparison between different levels of dietary protein and energy on the brooders Benni indicated that 35% protein level and 350 Kcal/100g energy for barbus grypus had best efficiency in diet of broodstock

    Preliminary study on induction of triploidy in Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) by thermal shocks

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    Barbus sharpeyi is a local fish of Khouzestan that is planned to be a target for aquaculture in recent programs of fisheries organization. Considering importance of this species in its dispersal region, the main goal of this project was evaluation of possibility for triploidy induction and its potential in response to the heat shocks, efficiency of viability and growth and finally reporting the best condition for triploidy induction in Benny. Induction of thermal shocks was executed in for cold and heat shocks (2 and 4°C for cold and 34, 36 and 38°C for heat). Time of induction and its duration varied between 2 and 5 minutes after the fertilization for 3 and 5 minutes. Each treatment was repeated for 3 times. The ploidy level was determined based on size of nucleus diameters in erythrocytes. Analysis of data was done by SPSS (ver. 16) using T-test and ANOVA method. Results showed that the maximum number of triploid individuals was obtained in treatment of 38°C, 2 min after the fertilization by duration of 3 minutes but as the condition was not suitable for the viability of the eggs, losses of the larvae was high in this group. The best efficiency of triploidization in B. sharpeyi belongs to the 34°C, 2 to 5 minutes after the fertilization for duration of 5 minutes. Nuclear dimensions showed an increase in triploids and confirmed that this characteristic can be used as a reliable factor to distinguish polyploidy. Results of this study showed that B. sharpeyi has the ability for polyploidy inductions specially heat shocks. Evaluation of growth in matured fishes, use of proper tagging systems to distinguish the treatments and designing a plan for bioconserving and genetic improvement of this species is recommended

    The survey of possibility of beluga (Huso huso) sturgeon culture in different densities in Khuzestan province

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    The influence of stocking density was investigated on growth, survival and FCR of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juvenile in north of Khuzestan province (Dezful). The study was conducted by Southern Iran Aquaculture research center. This study was done from September 2013 to July 2014 in three stage with different weight of Huso huso juveniles. In the first stage density of 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 during two month was performed. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 143±0.29 g and 316±1.1 mm. In the second stage 3, 6 and 9 kg/m2 density were introduced. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 548.58±33.26 g and 416.5±0.81 mm and duration of the stage was 84 days. In the third stage 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 density were introduced and initial weight and length were 1571.33±71.33 g and 687.5±10.96 mm. Growth and feeding index were assess in each stage. In the first stage monthly blood samples were collected from each density. In this stage bold and hormonal indices were assessed. The results showed that the average final weight in stage 1 in 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 densities were 527.27±6.82 g, 467.91±18.81 g and 431.02±24.25 g respectively. The highest average of weight was in treatment 1 and it has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 13.93±2.83, 11.44±2.65 and 9.6±2.49 respectively. In the third stage the average final weight in 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 densities were 3232.22±66.12g, 3407.39±119.73g and 2869.72±135.7g. The highest average weight was in treatment 2 and has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 20.37±3.12 g/day, 19.90±4.2 g/day and 16.36±3.64 g/day respectively

    Effects of immunization to hepatitis B vaccine in Iranian health staff: A systematic review and meta-analysis study

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    Introduction: Hepatitis B causes liver inflammation in human and is one of the major health problems worldwide. Currently, about 2 billion people are estimated to be infected with Hepatitis B worldwide. Various studies have reported different immune responses to hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) in Iranian health staff, while there is not any estimate of overall responses. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the immune response to HBV among health staff in Iran using meta-analysis method. Materials and Methods: This study was a systematic review of Iran databases related to the subject of immune response to HBV, including; Magiran, Iran medex, Iran Doc, SID, Med lib and international databases including Scopus, Pub med, Science Direct, and also Google Scholar search engine. Only those articles that have had inclusion criteria were included. To combine the results of different random effects of studies, the meta-analysis was used. Results: There were 1084 subjects included in 9 studies. The immune response to HBV in health staff was 86.7 (CI: 95, 80.9-92.6) after 1.21 years of last vaccination. This rate was estimated to be 93.5 for males (CI: 95, 89.3-97.6) and 90.7 for females (CI: 95, 84.9-96.5). The minimum and maximum vaccine responsewere reported from Tehran (70.6) and Yazd (99.2), respectively. Conclusion: The immunization to HBV in healthcare personnel was more than 80 after 1.21 years of last vaccination. Therefore, performing the complete course of hepatitis B vaccination for prevention of infection would be sufficient and booster dose would not be required. © 2016, Semnan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Hepatitis B vaccination coverage in health personnel of Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis study

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    Background and Objectives: In this regard, in addition to reducing exposure, the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B is vaccination. The coverage of hepatitis B vaccination in the Iranian Health Personnel is reportedly different in various studies and there is not an overall estimate of it. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the immune response to hepatitis B vaccine among Iranian Health Personnel using the meta-analysis method. Methods: This study was a systematic review of the Iranian databases, including Magiran, Iran Medex, IRANDOC, SID, MEDLIB and international databases, including Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect and the Google Scholar search engine without any time limit to 2015 using standard Persian and English keywords. Searches were conducted by two researchers independently. Meta-analysis was performed using STATA, version 11.1 to combine data through Random Effects Model. Results: We evaluated 6311 subjects in 21 studies. The history of injection and complete coverage of hepatitis B vaccination in the Health Personnel was 86.9 (CI: 95, 83-90.7) and 70.3 (CI: 95, 65.6-75), respectively. The minimum and maximum vaccination coverage were related to the North (52.7) and West of Iran (87.2), respectively. Conclusion: The coverage of hepatitis B vaccination in Iranian Health Personnel is less than European countries, which requires new management strategies and policies to maximize hepatitis B vaccination in high risk professional groups. © 2015, Iranian Epidemiological Association. All rights reserved

    The Study of Refractive Errors among Carpet Weaver Women in Rural Sephidehkesh of Qazvin, Qazvin, Iran

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    Background and Objectives: Carpet weaver women due to long working in inappropriate environment are at risk for certain eye disease. The aim of this study is to determine the refractive errors among carpet weavers women in rural Sephidehkesh of Qazvin.Methods: 28 Carpet weaver women were under optometric eye examinations. Light Intensity at work stations was measured, using luxmeter and eye examinations were done by using the ophthalmoscope and retinoscop. Data were analyzed using one-side T-test.Results: The result of this study showed, general and local light intensity in 13 carpet weaving workshops, respectively 160 and 154 Lux that was much less than the minimum and maximum recommended values of 200 to 300 Lux. Only one of 28 Carpet weaver women was healthy and others were visually impaired. In addition to poor eyesight, workers complained of headache, itching and burning eyes.Conclusion: The results show, due to inappropriate working condition in carpet weaving workshops, most young workers are suffering from eye impairment and is predicted the severity of myopia to increase with working experience and age

    The Study of Refractive Errors among Carpet Weaver Women in Rural Sephidehkesh of Qazvin, Qazvin, Iran

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    Background and Objectives: Carpet weaver women due to long working in inappropriate environment are at risk for certain eye disease. The aim of this study is to determine the refractive errors among carpet weavers women in rural Sephidehkesh of Qazvin. Methods: 28 Carpet weaver women were under optometric eye examinations. Light Intensity at work stations was measured, using luxmeter and eye examinations were done by using the ophthalmoscope and retinoscop. Data were analyzed using one-side T-test. Results: The result of this study showed, general and local light intensity in 13 carpet weaving workshops, respectively 160 and 154 Lux that was much less than the minimum and maximum recommended values of 200 to 300 Lux. Only one of 28 Carpet weaver women was healthy and others were visually impaired. In addition to poor eyesight, workers complained of headache, itching and burning eyes. Conclusion: The results show, due to inappropriate working condition in carpet weaving workshops, most young workers are suffering from eye impairment and is predicted the severity of myopia to increase with working experience and age