7 research outputs found

    Immediate and Delayed Mortality of Four Stored-Product Pests on Concrete Surfaces Treated with Chlorantraniliprole

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    Chlorantraniliprole is an effective pesticide against a plethora of pests, but its efficacy against stored-product pests is very poorly explored. In this study we treated concrete surfaces with four different doses of chlorantraniliprole (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 mg a.i./cm2) against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) adults and larvae, the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) adults, the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults, and the flour mite, Acarus siro L. (Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) adults and nymphs, to examine the immediate mortalities after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days of exposure. Additionally, the delayed mortality of the individuals that survived the 5-day exposure was also evaluated after a further 7 days on untreated concrete surfaces. We documented high mortality rates for all tested species and their developmental stages. After 5 days of exposure to 0.5 mg a.i./cm2, T. castaneum larvae and A. siro adults exhibited the highest immediate mortality levels, reaching 96.7% and 92.2%, respectively. Delayed mortality was also very high for all tested species and their developmental stages. Nymphs of A. siro displayed a 96.3% delayed mortality followed by the adults of R. dominica (98.6%) after exposure to 0.5 mg a.i./cm2. All other tested species and their developmental stages reached complete (100.0%) delayed mortality, where even 0.01 mg a.i./cm2 caused ≥86.6% delayed mortality in all species and their developmental stages. Taking into consideration the effectiveness of chlorantraniliprole on this wide range of noxious arthropods, coupled with its low toxicity towards beneficial arthropods and mammals, this pesticide could provide an effective management tool for stored-product pests in storage facilities

    Phenology and Potential Fecundity of Neoleucopis kartliana in Greece

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    Neoleucopis kartliana Tanasijtshuk (Diptera, Chamaemyiidae) is the most abundant predator of the giant pine scale (GPS), Marchalina hellenica (Hemiptera, Margarodidae) in Greece. GPS is native to Greece and Turkey, where it is not considered a pest of Pinus spp., but a valuable resource for pine honey production. However, its introduction to new areas leads to high population densities of the scale, linked to declines in tree health and insect biodiversity. To assess the potential use of N. kartliana for a classical biological control program in Australia, we studied selected life-history traits of the silver fly, namely its phenology in northern Greece, feeding preferences of adult flies on artificial food sources, and potential fecundity of female flies. The silver fly was present in every site in northern Greece studied and was found to have at least three generations per year in this area. The fly’s overall sex ratio was 1:1, and adult females emerged with no or few mature eggs in their ovaries, but egg production was exponential until at least the eighth day after emergence. These findings increase our knowledge about the biology of N. kartliana and aided in the evaluation of the silver fly as a classical biological control agent against invasive GPS in Australia

    Sublethal Effects of Chlorantraniliprole on the Mobility Patterns of <i>Sitophilus</i> spp.: Implications for Pest Management

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    Chlorantraniliprole, an anthranilic diamide insecticide, has emerged as a promising solution for controlling agricultural pests because of its low mammalian toxicity and selectivity towards non-target organisms. This study investigated the sublethal effects of chlorantraniliprole on the mobility behavior of two significant stored-product pests, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Contact toxicity assays revealed varying susceptibility levels between the two species, with S. zeamais showing higher sensitivity. Subsequent analysis of mobility behavior, both in the presence and absence of food, indicated significant differences between chlorantraniliprole-exposed and control groups. While S. oryzae exhibited altered locomotion patterns and a decreased number of food approaches at sublethal concentrations, S. zeamais displayed increased walking time and reduced immobility periods. These findings highlight the importance of considering sublethal effects in understanding the overall impact of chlorantraniliprole on stored-product pests. Further research into the long-term consequences of sublethal exposure is warranted to inform more effective pest management strategies in storage

    The Potential of Two Entomopathogenic Fungi and Enhanced Diatomaceous Earth Mixed with Abamectin: A Comprehensive Study on Mortality, Progeny Production, Application Method, and Surface Application against <i>Tribolium castaneum</i>

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    This study determined the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Bals. -Criv.) Vuill., Metarhizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin, and diatomaceous earth mixed with abamectin (DEA) alone and in their combinations for the integrated management of larvae and adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) from three field populations of Pakistan (Multan, Rawalpindi, and Rahim Yar Khan) and one laboratory population (Faisalabad). Treatments were applied on three surfaces, namely, viz. steel, concrete, and jute bags, implementing two application methods, dusting and spraying. The combined treatments were more effective in comparison with single treatments for both larvae and adults. Overall, the highest mortality rates were recorded in the Faisalabad population, followed by the Rehaim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, and Multan populations. Progeny production was suspended 21 days after exposure to the combined treatment of DEA and both fungi in all populations except Rawalpindi. Larvae were found to be more susceptible than adults in all treatments and intervals. Dusting was more efficient than spraying for both larvae and adults and for all the populations studied. The present study provides a wholistic understanding of the impact of different factors on the success of the combined treatments using DEA and entomopathogenic fungi, supporting their use as surface treatments

    Evaluating the Compatibility of Spinosad and Alpha-Cypermethrin for Controlling Six Insect Pests Infesting Stored Wheat

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    The deterioration of stored wheat due to pest infestations is a significant concern, with pests like Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Sitophilus oryzae, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, and Trogoderma granarium being major contributors. This study examined the efficacy of spinosad and alpha-cypermethrin, individually and in combination, against these pests under laboratory conditions. Spinosad was tested at two concentrations (0.05 and 0.1 mg/kg), while alpha-cypermethrin was applied at 0.05 mg/kg. The combined application of both insecticides led to significantly higher pest mortality compared to single treatments. Importantly, all treatments caused substantial pest mortality and exhibited the ability to suppress pest progeny production over time, as observed in both laboratory and persistence trials. Among the various treatment combinations, the joint application of 0.1 mg/kg spinosad and 0.05 mg/kg alpha-cypermethrin emerged as the most effective, resulting in elevated mortality and a marked reduction in pest progeny. Rhyzopertha dominica exhibited the highest susceptibility among the pests, followed by S. oryzae, T. castaneum, C. ferrugineus, O. surinamensis, and T. granarium. The remarkable performance of the joint action of alpha-cypermethrin and spinosad at low doses highlights this combination as an efficacious approach for safeguarding stored grain against these destructive insect pests, warranting further exploration

    Exploring the Efficacy of Four Apiaceae Essential Oils against Nine Stored-Product Pests in Wheat Protection

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    The Apiaceae family, known for aromatic plants producing bioactive essential oils (EOs), holds significance across sectors, including agrochemicals. This study evaluated the insecticidal potential of four Apiaceae EOs from Crithmum maritimum L., Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill, Smyrnium olusatrum L., and Elwendia persica (Boiss.) Pimenov and Kljuykov against various significant storage pests (Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Trogoderma granarium Everts, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), T. confusum Jacquelin du Val, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.), Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer), Acarus siro L., and Tenebrio molitor L.) on wheat. Insect mortality rates were monitored at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days. Smyrnium olusatrum EO exhibited the highest efficacy, followed by T. ammi, C. maritimum, and E. persica EOs, although efficacy varied by species, developmental stage, and concentration. Notably, complete mortality occurred for several pests at 1000 ppm of S. olusatrum and T. ammi EOs. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis revealed key compounds in these EOs, including myrcene, germacrone, and curzerene in S. olusatrum EO, and thymol, γ-terpinene, and p-cymene in T. ammi EO. These findings emphasize their potential as botanical insecticides. Smyrnium olusatrum and T. ammi EOs emerge as promising eco-friendly pest management options due to their efficacy, highlighted compound composition, and availability of biomass from both wild and cultivated sources