12 research outputs found

    Vibration of string lattice

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    A two-dimensional system oscillation with massive bodies located in lattice nodes is investigated in this paper. The results of theoretical analysis and of the performed experiments are given. Certain modes of the oscillation of lattices of different dimensions are described


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    Based on experimental data the workflow dynamics in the dryer shaft was analysed. It was confirmed that it is a stochastic dynamic system. The curves of kinetics of the process were built. Authors have assessed the uneven drying in the lower horizontal section of the dryer. It was discovered that near the outlet chamber’s wall the grain was heated more due to uneven distribution of gas. The interplay between changes of grain humidity and temperature confirmed the correlation coefficients. Fluctuations in humidity and temperature of grain lead to low quality of drying. In order to improve the quality and intensity of drying authors have offered the enhanced gas distribution system and the improved workflow regulation system

    Observation of robust polarization squeezing via the Kerr nonlinearity in an optical fibre

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    Squeezed light is one of the resources of photonic quantum technology. Among the various nonlinear interactions capable of generating squeezing, the optical Kerr effect is particularly easy-to-use. A popular venue is to generate polarization squeezing, which is a special self-referencing variant of two-mode squeezing. To date, polarization squeezing generation setups have been very sensitive to fluctuations of external factors and have required careful tuning. In this work, we report on a development of a new all-fibre setup for polarization squeezing generation. The setup consists of passive elements only and is simple, robust, and stable. We obtained more than 5 dB of directly measured squeezing over long periods of time without any need for adjustments. Thus, the new scheme provides a robust and easy to set up way of obtaining squeezed light applicable to different applications. We investigate the impact of pulse duration and pulse power on the degree of squeezing

    Quantum-enhanced interferometer using Kerr squeezing

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    ©2023 the author(s). Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003443) (Megagrant No. 075-15-2021-633); Russian Foundation for Basic Research (dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002261) (19-29-11032); Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics “BASIS” (dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100012708), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación https://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004837) (Grant No. PID2021-127781NB-I00).One of the prime applications of squeezed light is enhancing the sensitivity of an interferometer below the quantum shot-noise limit, but so far, no such experimental demonstration was reported when using the optical Kerr effect. In prior setups involving Kerr-squeezed light, the role of the interferometer was merely to characterize the noise pattern. The lack of such a demonstration was largely due to the cumbersome tilting of the squeezed ellipse in phase space. Here, we present the first experimental observation of phase-sensitivity enhancement in an interferometer using Kerr squeezing.Depto. de ÓpticaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)pu

    Optimization and Dispersion Tailoring of Chalcogenide M-Type Fibers Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm

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    M-type optical fibers in which a core is surrounded by a thin ring layer with a higher refractive index have attracted increasing attention in recent years. One of their advantageous features is the ability to operate a non-fundamental LP02 mode possessing unusual dispersion properties, namely, a zero-dispersion wavelength (ZDW) shifted to the short wavelength region relative to the material ZDW. The LP02 mode can be selectively excited since it is predominantly localized near the core, while the fundamental LP01 and other higher modes are localized near the ring (for proper fiber parameters). In this paper, we present a comprehensive theoretical analysis of effective dispersion tailoring for the HE12 mode of highly nonlinear chalcogenide glass fibers (for which the LP mode approximation fails due to large refractive index contrasts). We demonstrate fiber designs for which ZDWs can be shifted to the spectral region 12 mode with one, two, three, and four ZDWs in the wavelength range of 1.5–5.5 μm. We used a modified genetic algorithm (MGA) to design fibers with desired dispersion parameters. In particular, by applying an MGA, we optimized four fiber parameters and constructed a fiber for which HE12 mode dispersion is anomalous in the 1.735–5.155 μm range

    Towards Quantum Noise Squeezing for 2-Micron Light with Tellurite and Chalcogenide Fibers with Large Kerr Nonlinearity

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    Squeezed light—nonclassical multiphoton states with fluctuations in one of the quadrature field components below the vacuum level—has found applications in quantum light spectroscopy, quantum telecommunications, quantum computing, precision quantum metrology, detecting gravitational waves, and biological measurements. At present, quantum noise squeezing with optical fiber systems operating in the range near 1.5 μm has been mastered relatively well, but there are no fiber sources of nonclassical squeezed light beyond this range. Silica fibers are not suitable for strong noise suppression for 2 µm continuous-wave (CW) light since their losses dramatically deteriorate the squeezed state of required lengths longer than 100 m. We propose the generation multiphoton states of 2-micron 10-W class CW light with squeezed quantum fluctuations stronger than −15 dB in chalcogenide and tellurite soft glass fibers with large Kerr nonlinearities. Using a realistic theoretical model, we numerically study squeezing for 2-micron light in step-index soft glass fibers by taking into account Kerr nonlinearity, distributed losses, and inelastic light scattering processes. Quantum noise squeezing stronger than −20 dB is numerically attained for a customized As2Se3 fibers with realistic parameters for the optimal fiber lengths shorter than 1 m. For commercial As2S3 and customized tellurite glass fibers, the expected squeezing in the −20–−15 dB range can be reached for fiber lengths of the order of 1 m

    Physics of the charmonium-like state X

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    We construct spectra of decays of the resonance X(3872) with good analytical and unitary properties which allows to define the branching ratio of the X(3872) → D*0D̄0 + c.c. decay studying only one more decay, for example, the X(3872) → π+π−J/ψ(1S) decay, and show that our spectra are effective means of selection of models for the resonance X(3872). Then we discuss the scenario where the X(3872) resonance is the cc̄ = χc1(2P) charmonium which “sits on” the D*0D̄0 threshold. We explain the shift of the mass of the X(3872) resonance with respect to the prediction of a potential model for the mass of the χc1(2P) charmonium by the contribution of the virtual D*D̄ + c.c. intermediate states into the self energy of the X(3872) resonance. This allows us to estimate the coupling constant of the X(7872) resonance with the D*0D̄0 channel, the branching ratio of the X(3872) → D*0D̄0 + c.c. decay, and the branching ratio of the X(3872) decay into all non-D*0D̄0 + c.c. states. We predict a significant number of unknown decays of X(3872) via two gluons: X(3872) → gluon gluon → hadrons

    Quantum-enhanced interferometer using Kerr squeezing

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    One of the prime applications of squeezed light is enhancing the sensitivity of an interferometer below the quantum shot-noise limit, but so far, no such experimental demonstration was reported when using the optical Kerr effect. In prior setups involving Kerr-squeezed light, the role of the interferometer was merely to characterize the noise pattern. The lack of such a demonstration was largely due to the cumbersome tilting of the squeezed ellipse in phase space. Here, we present the first experimental observation of phase-sensitivity enhancement in an interferometer using Kerr squeezing