39 research outputs found

    Novel Method for Recording High Frequency Human Skin Temperature Oscillations

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    Circuitry solution has been developed to create a prototype of the system for the registration of the high frequency human skin temperature oscillations. As they connected with blood circulation, such method allowing in the future to provide the registration of the pulse wave signal, for measuring heart rate in portable devices like smart watches and fitness bracelets. The miniature semiconductor chip diodes sensor has been used. The electronic system for the calibration of the device has been designed. For providing operation of the system in a full voltage range using the automatic set has been used for the maintenance of the operating point and of the necessary slope of the conversion factor (Volts / °C). The structural and circuit diagram has been developed. They consisted of two parts: the remoted preamplifier with the temperature sensor and the main block including all the other digital and analog parts. The developed system has following technical characteristics: the temperature resolution to be 0.01 °C and the thermal time constant of the sensor 0.05 s. The registration system testing has been performed in two ways: in a thermostat and on the human skin surface. Device contains plethysmo- and ECG-channels for obtaining data on the phases of cardiac cycles and synchronous analysis of physiological processes. The cross correlation coefficient between the temperature oscillations and the pulse wave signals laid in the diapason from 0.53 to 0.65

    High Precision Human Skin Temperature Fluctuations Measuring Instrument

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    This paper describes the experimental results of testing a prototype of a high precision human skin rapid temperature fluctuations measuring instrument. Based on the author’s work, an original circuit solution on a miniature semiconductor diode sensor has been designed. The proposed circuitry provides operation in the full voltage range with automatic setting and holding the operating point, as well as the necessary slope of the conversion coefficient (up to 2300 mV/°C), which makes it possible to register fast temperature oscillations from the surface of the human body and other biological objects. Simulation results in the Microcap 12 software and laboratory tests have confirmed all declared design specifications: temperature resolution of 0.01 °C, transducer thermal time constant of 0.05 s. An original thermostat and an experimental setup for the simultaneous registration of the electrocardiogram, pulse wave signals from the Biopac polygraph MP36 and a signal of temperature oscillations from the prototype thermometer have been designed for further investigations. The preliminary test results indicates that using the designed measuring instrument gives a possibility to provide an in-depth study of the relationship between micro- and macro-blood circulations manifested in skin temperature fluctuations

    Apparatus to study crystal channeling and volume reflection phenomena at the SPS H8 beamline

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    A high performance apparatus has been designed and built by the H8-RD22 collaboration for the study of channeling and volume reflection phenomena in the interaction of 400 GeV/c protons with bent silicon crystals, during the 2006 data taking in the external beamline H8 of the CERN SPS. High-quality silicon short crystals were bent by either anticlastic or quasimosaic effects. Alignment with the highly parallel (8 mu rad divergence) proton beam was guaranteed through a submicroradian goniometric system equipped with both rotational and translational stages. Particle tracking was possible by a series of silicon microstrip detectors with high-resolution and a parallel plate gas chamber, triggered by various scintillating detectors located along the beamline. Experimental observation of volume reflection with 400 GeV/c protons proved true with a deflection angle of (10.4 +/- 0.5) mu rad with respect to the unperturbed beam, with a silicon crystal whose (111) planes were parallel to the beam