1,010 research outputs found

    SPA programs as a method of worksite health promotion

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    Introduction: Recent research has shown, that in the current work environment, there is an established connection between a worker`s surroundings and working conditions, and their level of concentration and awareness, as well as the strong effectiveness of detoxicating SPA treatments in reducing the intensity of stress that an employee endures. The nature of work, as well as the environment in which it is carried out are important factors which affect the health and satisfaction of the worker, carrying it out. The negative effects that these factors contribute to could be counteracted by detoxicating SPA treatments.Aim: To research the positive effects of including detoxicating SPA treatments as a preventative measure against stress and its effects on the efficiency and productivity of employees.Materials and Methods: A comparison has been made between the effectiveness and productivity of people, working primarily intellectually taxing jobs in providing services, in the absence of detoxicating SPA treatments, and the effectiveness and productivity of people working identical jobs, who were given such treatments. The methods utilized for conducting the research are a corrective test, where the experimental and control groups, both consisting of 11 people, were made to mark out specific characters in a random string of characters, and a test, where the same groups were made to draw a curve inside of boundaries, describing a smooth zig-zag pattern, without escaping the said boundaries or lifting their hand. These tests were carried out at the beginning and end of a normal workday.Results and Discussion: A trend of delayed and reduced fatigue has been noticed in the subjects who were given detoxicating SPA treatments.Conclusion: An increase in the health and productivity of employees, primarily carrying out intellectually taxing work under psycho-emotional stress and hypokinesia in the department of provision of services can be achieved by utilizing well-developed regulation of work and rest hours and the inclusion of detoxicating SPA treatments

    About the productivity of shaft air heater located along the perimeter of pithead

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    In the existing shaft air heaters that heat the air for air suppliers in the cold season heater channel is used. Part of the air from heater goes to the channel, another one is sucked through pithead by general shaft pressure drawdown formed by main ventilation installation. Wherein, mix of two air flow leads to shaft heat regime violation that could break the pressurization of intertubular sealers. Moreover, heater channel design is associated with additional expenditures. Paper describes the air heater, located in the pithead. The location of a heater in one line along pithead perimeter is the key feature. In this case there is no need to design heater channel, thus, there is no problem with mix of cold and heated air flows. Air processing it the heater located on the perimeter of pithead and mix of cold and heated air flows in the supplier from the channel was modeled in the software Soldworks flow simulation. The comparative analysis of both types of heater proved efficiency of proposed design of installation, smooth propagation of heat field along the all cross-section of air supplier, decrease of consumption of electric power for air processing and installation operation by transformation negative natural common excavation traction to positive

    Study of influence of polymer spacers on bond strength between cement and rock

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    About 25% of world oil and gas wells have fluid cross-flows between layers of different strength. Occurrence of cross-flows during performance of oil and gas wells significantly decreases efficiency of development of an entire reservoir. Usually cross-flows occur over the bond between cement and rock that in most cases caused by lack of adhesion between them due to clay cake on the well bore surface. Clay cake is characterized by fragile loose mineral structure that affects cement properties as well. It is impossible to fully remove clay cake from well bore surface by existing means such as scrapers, abrasive spacers, flow turbulization and flow change. That makes a challenge to increase cement quality by chemical influence on clay cake relevant. Proposed idea to increase well cement quality is to develop polymer spacer based on high-molecular polymers able to harden clay cake. Results of laboratory study of influence of temperature and thickness of clay cake on the quality of bond between cement and rock are presented. Results of study of polymer spacer influence on adhesion between cement and rock are shown. There was an effort made to reveal mechanism of spacer effect on clay cake. It is shown that injection of agents that harden clay cake and make system “cement–clay cake–rock” increase efficiency of layer isolation in the casing annular

    Comparative Analysis of the Lacquer Coating of Archaeological Objects of the Xiongnu and Turkish Periods from the Burial Mounds of Transbaikalya and Tuva

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    It has been archaeologically proven that the representatives of the clan nobility of Sayan-Altai tribes used lacquer products in everyday life as early as in the Scythian period. In later complexes, lacquer objects, as well as objects coated with lacquer, have been found in Tuva, South Siberia and Transbaikalia. Regardless of whether they were exquisite lacquer cups and highly artistic caskets from elite Xiongnu burials, or lacquered utility items from medieval graves, lacquer products have always had a status value. At the same time, of inter­est is not only the attitude of representatives of various cultural traditions to such objects, but also the following question: has the lacquer coating application technology and its composition changed over time? The search for an answer has resulted in a study of the lacquer’s composition in the process of restoring the lacquer coat­ing of a chariot and lacquered saddle dating back to different historical periods. In order to identify the organic components of the lacquer coating layers, the pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (THM-PY- GC/MS) method was applied, allowing to detect the presence of Urushi lacquer. The technological features of the manufacture of different objects were examined during a study of cross-sections using a polarized light microscope (PLM) and a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive sensor (SEM-EDS)

    Landscape science: a Russian geographical tradition

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    The Russian geographical tradition of landscape science (landshaftovedenie) is analyzed with particular reference to its initiator, Lev Semenovich Berg (1876-1950). The differences between prevailing Russian and Western concepts of landscape in geography are discussed, and their common origins in German geographical thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are delineated. It is argued that the principal differences are accounted for by a number of factors, of which Russia's own distinctive tradition in environmental science deriving from the work of V. V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903), the activities of certain key individuals (such as Berg and C. O. Sauer), and the very different social and political circumstances in different parts of the world appear to be the most significant. At the same time it is noted that neither in Russia nor in the West have geographers succeeded in specifying an agreed and unproblematic understanding of landscape, or more broadly in promoting a common geographical conception of human-environment relationships. In light of such uncertainties, the latter part of the article argues for closer international links between the variant landscape traditions in geography as an important contribution to the quest for sustainability

    Collective oscillations of a stored deuteron beam close to the quantum limit

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    We investigated coherent betatron oscillations of a deuteron beam in the storage ring COSY, excited by a detuned radio-frequency Wien filter. These beam oscillations were detected by conventional beam position monitors, read out with lock-in amplifiers. The response of the stored beam to the detuned Wien filter was modelled using the ring lattice and time-dependent 3D field maps of the radio-frequency Wien filter. The influence of uncertain system parameters related to manufacturing tolerances and electronics was investigated using the polynomial chaos expansion. With the currently available apparatus, we show that oscillation amplitudes down to \SI{1}{\micro \meter} can be detected. Future measurements of the electric dipole moment of protons will, however, require control of the relative position of counter-propagating beams in the sub-picometer range. Since the stored beam can be considered as a rarefied gas of uncorrelated particles, we moreover demonstrate that the amplitudes of the zero-point betatron oscillations of individual particles are within a factor of 10 of the Heisenberg uncertainty limit. As a consequence of this, we conclude that quantum mechanics does not preclude the control of the beam centroids to sub-picometer accuracy. The smallest Lorentz force exerted on a single particle that we have been able to determine is \SI{10}{aN}.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figure