19 research outputs found

    Cohort profile: Improved Pregnancy Outcomes via Early Detection (IMPROvED), an International Multicentre Prospective Cohort.

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    BackgroundImproved Pregnancy Outcomes via Early Detection (IMPROvED) is a multi-centre, European phase IIa clinical study. The primary aim of IMPROvED is to enable the assessment and refinement of innovative prototype preeclampsia risk assessment tests based on emerging biomarker technologies. Here we describe IMPROvED's profile and invite researchers to collaborate.MethodsA total of 4,038 low-risk nulliparous singleton pregnancies were recruited from maternity units in Ireland (N=1,501), United Kingdom (N=1,108), The Netherlands (N=810), and Sweden (N=619) between November 2013 to August 2017. Participants were interviewed by a research midwife at ~11 weeks (optional visit), ~15 weeks, ~20 weeks, ~34 weeks' gestation (optional visit), and postpartum (within 72-hours following delivery).Findings to dateClinical data included information on maternal sociodemographic, medical history, and lifestyle factors collected at ~15 weeks' gestation, and maternal measurements, collected at each study visit. Biobank samples included blood, urine, and hair collected at each study visit throughout pregnancy in all units plus umbilical cord/blood samples collected at birth in Ireland and Sweden. A total of 74.0% (N=2,922) had an uncomplicated pregnancy, 3.1% (N=122) developed preeclampsia, 3.6% (N=143) had a spontaneous preterm birth, and 10.5% (N=416) had a small for gestational age baby. We evaluated a panel of metabolite biomarkers and a panel of protein biomarkers at 15 weeks and 20 weeks' gestation for preeclampsia risk assessment. Their translation into tests with clinical application, as conducted by commercial entities, was hampered by technical issues and changes in test requirements. Work on the panel of proteins was abandoned, while work on the use of metabolite biomarkers for preeclampsia risk assessment is ongoing.Future plansIn accordance with the original goals of the IMPROvED study, the data and biobank are now available for international collaboration to conduct high quality research into the cause and prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Cohort profile: Improved Pregnancy Outcomes via Early Detection (IMPROvED), an International Multicentre Prospective Cohort [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Improved Pregnancy Outcomes via Early Detection (IMPROvED) is a multi-centre, European phase IIa clinical study. The primary aim of IMPROvED is to enable the assessment and refinement of innovative prototype preeclampsia risk assessment tests based on emerging biomarker technologies. Here we describe IMPROvED’s profile and invite researchers to collaborate. Methods A total of 4,038 low-risk nulliparous singleton pregnancies were recruited from maternity units in Ireland (N=1,501), United Kingdom (N=1,108), The Netherlands (N=810), and Sweden (N=619) between November 2013 to August 2017. Participants were interviewed by a research midwife at ~11 weeks (optional visit), ~15 weeks, ~20 weeks, ~34 weeks’ gestation (optional visit), and postpartum (within 72-hours following delivery). Findings to date Clinical data included information on maternal sociodemographic, medical history, and lifestyle factors collected at ~15 weeks’ gestation, and maternal measurements, collected at each study visit. Biobank samples included blood, urine, and hair collected at each study visit throughout pregnancy in all units plus umbilical cord/blood samples collected at birth in Ireland and Sweden. A total of 74.0% (N=2,922) had an uncomplicated pregnancy, 3.1% (N=122) developed preeclampsia, 3.6% (N=143) had a spontaneous preterm birth, and 10.5% (N=416) had a small for gestational age baby. We evaluated a panel of metabolite biomarkers and a panel of protein biomarkers at 15 weeks and 20 weeks’ gestation for preeclampsia risk assessment. Their translation into tests with clinical application, as conducted by commercial entities, was hampered by technical issues and changes in test requirements. Work on the panel of proteins was abandoned, while work on the use of metabolite biomarkers for preeclampsia risk assessment is ongoing. Future plans In accordance with the original goals of the IMPROvED study, the data and biobank are now available for international collaboration to conduct high quality research into the cause and prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes


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    Bakgrund: Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig tumörsjukdom och incidensen varierar kraftigt. I Sverige diagnostiseras ca 130 nya fall Ă„rligen. Peniscancer Ă€r vanligast hos Ă€ldre mĂ€n, men kan Ă€ven drabba yngre mĂ€n. Det Ă€r viktigt att vara uppmĂ€rksam pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar pĂ„ könsorganet och att söka vĂ„rd i tid. Peniscancer Ă€r skambelagt och inget mĂ€nnen gĂ€rna pratar om. Det Ă€r viktigt att sjuksköterskan Ă€r kunnig och har kunskap om tecken pĂ„ cancer. Det Ă€r lĂ€ttare för patienten att acceptera sin situation om patienten Ă€r vĂ€linformerad och psykiskt förberedd. Eftersom det Ă€r en ovanlig sjukdom behöver sjuksköterskan ha kunskap om hur det Ă€r att leva efter en stympande operation. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva mĂ€ns upplevelser efter behandling av peniscancer. Metod: Arbetet Ă€r en litteraturstudie som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ fyra kvalitativa och sju kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Peniscancerbehandlingen pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens sexuella funktioner, dagligt liv och maskulinitet pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Graden av pĂ„verkan beror pĂ„ vilken behandling mannen genomgĂ„tt och mannens Ă„lder. Detta kan leda till erektionsproblem, miktionsproblem, förĂ€ndrad sexuell lust, förĂ€ndrad samlagsaktivitet och förĂ€ndrad tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Konsekvenserna av behandlingen kan i sin tur pĂ„verka relationen till fru/partner, familj och vĂ€nner. Slutsats: Behandling av peniscancer kommer alltid att pĂ„verka mĂ€nnens vardag i olika utstrĂ€ckning. I denna litteraturstudie var det sexualiteten som pĂ„verkades mest. Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig cancersort och fĂ„ mĂ€nniskor kĂ€nner till den. DĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att sprida information om peniscancer, för att fĂ„ mĂ€n att söka vĂ„rd tidigare och kan fĂ„ en skonsammare behandling, eftersom konsekvenserna pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens grundlĂ€ggande behov.Background: Penile cancer is a rare malignancy and the incidence varies widely. In Sweden is 130 new cases diagnosed annually. Penile cancer occurs most commonly in older men but can also affect younger men. It is important to be aware of changes in their genitals and to seek treatment in time. Penile cancer is shame coated and no men like to talk about it. It is important that the nurse is knowledgeable and has knowledge of the signs of cancer. It is easier for the patient to accept their situation if the patient is well informed and psychologically prepared. Because it is a rare disease it requires the nurse to have knowledge of how it is to live after a mutilating surgery. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe men’s experience after treatment of penile cancer. Method: This work is a literature review that is based on four qualitative and seven quantitative research articles. Results: Penile cancer treatment affect men's sexual functions, daily life and masculinity in different ways. How much, depends on which treatment the man has undergone and the man's age. It can lead to erectile dysfunction, micturition disturbances, changes in libido, changes in sexual activity and changes in satisfaction. The effects of the treatment can in turn have impact on the relationship with wife / partner, family and friends. Conclusion: Treatment of penile cancer will always affect men’s life in different extent. In this study, it was sexuality that was most affected. Penile cancer is a rare cancer type and few people know about it. Therefore it is important to spread information about penile cancer, to get men to seek treatment earlier and could have a gentler treatment, because the consequences affecting men's basic needs


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    Bakgrund: Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig tumörsjukdom och incidensen varierar kraftigt. I Sverige diagnostiseras ca 130 nya fall Ă„rligen. Peniscancer Ă€r vanligast hos Ă€ldre mĂ€n, men kan Ă€ven drabba yngre mĂ€n. Det Ă€r viktigt att vara uppmĂ€rksam pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar pĂ„ könsorganet och att söka vĂ„rd i tid. Peniscancer Ă€r skambelagt och inget mĂ€nnen gĂ€rna pratar om. Det Ă€r viktigt att sjuksköterskan Ă€r kunnig och har kunskap om tecken pĂ„ cancer. Det Ă€r lĂ€ttare för patienten att acceptera sin situation om patienten Ă€r vĂ€linformerad och psykiskt förberedd. Eftersom det Ă€r en ovanlig sjukdom behöver sjuksköterskan ha kunskap om hur det Ă€r att leva efter en stympande operation. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva mĂ€ns upplevelser efter behandling av peniscancer. Metod: Arbetet Ă€r en litteraturstudie som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ fyra kvalitativa och sju kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Peniscancerbehandlingen pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens sexuella funktioner, dagligt liv och maskulinitet pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Graden av pĂ„verkan beror pĂ„ vilken behandling mannen genomgĂ„tt och mannens Ă„lder. Detta kan leda till erektionsproblem, miktionsproblem, förĂ€ndrad sexuell lust, förĂ€ndrad samlagsaktivitet och förĂ€ndrad tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Konsekvenserna av behandlingen kan i sin tur pĂ„verka relationen till fru/partner, familj och vĂ€nner. Slutsats: Behandling av peniscancer kommer alltid att pĂ„verka mĂ€nnens vardag i olika utstrĂ€ckning. I denna litteraturstudie var det sexualiteten som pĂ„verkades mest. Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig cancersort och fĂ„ mĂ€nniskor kĂ€nner till den. DĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att sprida information om peniscancer, för att fĂ„ mĂ€n att söka vĂ„rd tidigare och kan fĂ„ en skonsammare behandling, eftersom konsekvenserna pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens grundlĂ€ggande behov.Background: Penile cancer is a rare malignancy and the incidence varies widely. In Sweden is 130 new cases diagnosed annually. Penile cancer occurs most commonly in older men but can also affect younger men. It is important to be aware of changes in their genitals and to seek treatment in time. Penile cancer is shame coated and no men like to talk about it. It is important that the nurse is knowledgeable and has knowledge of the signs of cancer. It is easier for the patient to accept their situation if the patient is well informed and psychologically prepared. Because it is a rare disease it requires the nurse to have knowledge of how it is to live after a mutilating surgery. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe men’s experience after treatment of penile cancer. Method: This work is a literature review that is based on four qualitative and seven quantitative research articles. Results: Penile cancer treatment affect men's sexual functions, daily life and masculinity in different ways. How much, depends on which treatment the man has undergone and the man's age. It can lead to erectile dysfunction, micturition disturbances, changes in libido, changes in sexual activity and changes in satisfaction. The effects of the treatment can in turn have impact on the relationship with wife / partner, family and friends. Conclusion: Treatment of penile cancer will always affect men’s life in different extent. In this study, it was sexuality that was most affected. Penile cancer is a rare cancer type and few people know about it. Therefore it is important to spread information about penile cancer, to get men to seek treatment earlier and could have a gentler treatment, because the consequences affecting men's basic needs

    En vandring genom Gotlands tekniklandskap : Pedagogiskt verktyg för förskollÀrare

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    ”Jag vill mer Ă€n vad jag kan” : ekonomi och Ă„terhĂ€mtning för personer med psykiskt funktionshinder

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    1 juli 2008 trÀdde en förÀndrad sjukförsÀkring i kraft dÀr syftet Àr att effektivisera sjukskrivningsprocessen och dÀrmed öka möjligheterna för sjukskrivna att ÄtergÄ i arbete. Kritik har riktats mot lagen och dess kommande konsekvenser angÄende individers arbetsförmÄga. Individer som bedöms ha viss arbetsförmÄga men inte tillrÀcklig för att fÄ ett arbete kan komma att hÀnvisas till kommunernas försörjningsstöd. De flesta individer som rÄkar i ekonomiska svÄrigheter kan fÄ psykiska problem bland annat i form av ökad stress. Individer som redan har psykiska problem och dessutom fÄr ekonomiska svÄrigheter rÄkar dÄ dubbelt illa ut. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att beskriva hur personer med psykiskt funktionshinder pÄverkas av en förÀndrad ekonomisk situation. I uppsatsen fÄr lÀsaren möta Sara, Per och Paula som samtliga pÄ ett eller annat sÀtt pÄverkats eller kommer att pÄverkas av de nya bestÀmmelserna. Sara och Paula lever under ett hot om att deras sjuk- respektive aktivitetsersÀttning kan komma att dras in. Per har redan upplevt konsekvenserna av en indragen aktivitetsersÀttning. FrÄgorna vi stÀller oss i uppsatsen Àr om hot om en förÀndrad ekonomi fÄr följder för individens ÄterhÀmtningsprocess, hur den förÀndrade lagen pÄverkar individens ekonomi samt vilka copingstrategier individen anvÀnder sig av för att hantera sin situation. Vi har anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med individer samt verksamhetsföretrÀdare inom psykiatrin. I tolkningen av vÄrt material har vi anvÀnt oss av ett copingperspektiv samt begreppen ÄterhÀmtning och ekonomiska konsekvenser. Vi har anvÀnt oss av en hermeneutisk tolkning som innebÀr att tolka materialets delar och helhet parallellt. Uppsatsens resultat Àr att personer med psykiskt funktionshinder kan komma att drabbas hÄrt av en förÀndrad sjukförsÀkring. DÄ en indragen sjuk- eller aktivitetsersÀttning innebÀr att individen mÄste söka sig ett arbete. Om individen inte kan arbeta men ÀndÄ inte bedöms av FörsÀkringskassan ha tillrÀckligt nedsatt arbetsförmÄga sÄ fÄr individen ansöka om försörjningsstöd frÄn kommunen. De ekonomiska konsekvenser som detta innebÀr pÄverkar i sin tur individens ÄterhÀmtningsprocess


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    Bakgrund: Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig tumörsjukdom och incidensen varierar kraftigt. I Sverige diagnostiseras ca 130 nya fall Ă„rligen. Peniscancer Ă€r vanligast hos Ă€ldre mĂ€n, men kan Ă€ven drabba yngre mĂ€n. Det Ă€r viktigt att vara uppmĂ€rksam pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar pĂ„ könsorganet och att söka vĂ„rd i tid. Peniscancer Ă€r skambelagt och inget mĂ€nnen gĂ€rna pratar om. Det Ă€r viktigt att sjuksköterskan Ă€r kunnig och har kunskap om tecken pĂ„ cancer. Det Ă€r lĂ€ttare för patienten att acceptera sin situation om patienten Ă€r vĂ€linformerad och psykiskt förberedd. Eftersom det Ă€r en ovanlig sjukdom behöver sjuksköterskan ha kunskap om hur det Ă€r att leva efter en stympande operation. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva mĂ€ns upplevelser efter behandling av peniscancer. Metod: Arbetet Ă€r en litteraturstudie som Ă€r baserad pĂ„ fyra kvalitativa och sju kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Peniscancerbehandlingen pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens sexuella funktioner, dagligt liv och maskulinitet pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Graden av pĂ„verkan beror pĂ„ vilken behandling mannen genomgĂ„tt och mannens Ă„lder. Detta kan leda till erektionsproblem, miktionsproblem, förĂ€ndrad sexuell lust, förĂ€ndrad samlagsaktivitet och förĂ€ndrad tillfredsstĂ€llelse. Konsekvenserna av behandlingen kan i sin tur pĂ„verka relationen till fru/partner, familj och vĂ€nner. Slutsats: Behandling av peniscancer kommer alltid att pĂ„verka mĂ€nnens vardag i olika utstrĂ€ckning. I denna litteraturstudie var det sexualiteten som pĂ„verkades mest. Peniscancer Ă€r en ovanlig cancersort och fĂ„ mĂ€nniskor kĂ€nner till den. DĂ€rför Ă€r det viktigt att sprida information om peniscancer, för att fĂ„ mĂ€n att söka vĂ„rd tidigare och kan fĂ„ en skonsammare behandling, eftersom konsekvenserna pĂ„verkar mĂ€nnens grundlĂ€ggande behov.Background: Penile cancer is a rare malignancy and the incidence varies widely. In Sweden is 130 new cases diagnosed annually. Penile cancer occurs most commonly in older men but can also affect younger men. It is important to be aware of changes in their genitals and to seek treatment in time. Penile cancer is shame coated and no men like to talk about it. It is important that the nurse is knowledgeable and has knowledge of the signs of cancer. It is easier for the patient to accept their situation if the patient is well informed and psychologically prepared. Because it is a rare disease it requires the nurse to have knowledge of how it is to live after a mutilating surgery. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe men’s experience after treatment of penile cancer. Method: This work is a literature review that is based on four qualitative and seven quantitative research articles. Results: Penile cancer treatment affect men's sexual functions, daily life and masculinity in different ways. How much, depends on which treatment the man has undergone and the man's age. It can lead to erectile dysfunction, micturition disturbances, changes in libido, changes in sexual activity and changes in satisfaction. The effects of the treatment can in turn have impact on the relationship with wife / partner, family and friends. Conclusion: Treatment of penile cancer will always affect men’s life in different extent. In this study, it was sexuality that was most affected. Penile cancer is a rare cancer type and few people know about it. Therefore it is important to spread information about penile cancer, to get men to seek treatment earlier and could have a gentler treatment, because the consequences affecting men's basic needs

    The daily life after stroke : Experiences from adults younger than 65 years

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    Background: Every year the number of young and middle-aged persons who receive stroke are increasing. Stroke is often considered as a disease of old people. A stroke often leads to changes in life. The consequences can be cognitive impairments and movement disabilities. These consequences can have a high impact of the person's life. Aim: The aim was to describe experiences of daily life after a stroke from the perspective of adults younger than 65 years old. Method: To analyze data, Friberg's (2012) method aimed to contribute to evidence-based care based on analyzing qualitative research, was used. Ten scientific articles were chosen and analyzed. Results: The result showed that adults younger than 65 who suffered from a stroke experiences a lot of difficulties in life afterwards. The analyze process generated four categories and nine subcategories. The four categories are "an altered work situation", "lack in rehabilitation", "to loose myself", "difficulties in social meetings". Conclusion: The study showed that rehabilitation is very important for adults younger than 65 who suffered from a stroke. Their experiences showed a lack in rehabilitation when it comes to their age category. To go back to work, live family life and participate in other social events is important. It's different to suffer from a stroke at younger age when it comes to their needs. Health staff should be aware of these needs