201 research outputs found

    Comprehensive meta-analytical summary on human papillomavirus association with head and neck cancer

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    An etiological role of high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in the development of cervical cancer has been well established. Hence, attention of researchers has been focused on the role of HPV in pathogenesis of other malignancies, such as head and neck cancers. An analysis of epidemiological data on the prevalence of HPV infection among healthy people and patients with precancerous lesions and/or cancer is an important step in understanding the role of HPV in head and neck carcinogenesis. More and more data demonstrate the impact of HPV infection on disease outcome. HPV­positive patients have been shown to have better responses to radiotherapy and better overall and disease­free survival than HPV­negative patients. This review presents data of the metaanalysis based on a large number of original studies on HPV prevalence in patients with precancerous lesions and in patients with oral, oropharyngeal and laryngeal cancers as well as findings on the impact of HPV infection on survival of these patients

    The Kharkov X-ray Generator Facility NESTOR

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    WEPWA060 - ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9International audienceThe last few years the sources of the X-rays NESTOR based on a storage ring with low beam energy and Compton scattering of intense laser beam are under design and development in NSC KIPT. The main task of the project is to develop compact intense X-ray generator on the base of relatively cheap accelerator equipment and up-to-date laser technologies. The paper is devoted to description of the last results on construction and commissioning of the facility

    Unusual Diels-Alder reaction of 7,12-ethenoquinolino[6,7-f]quinoline derivatives

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    Electrical Breakdown in Pure n- and p-Si

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    The results of calculations of the dependences of the kinetic coefficients of impact ionization and thermal recombination on an electric field in pure silicon are presented. By analogy with germanium, the dependences of the breakdown field Еbr on the material compensation ratio K are calculated. The validity of such calculation is justified in detail. The Еbr(K) curves are presented and compared with experimental data in the weak-compensation region. Matching with experimental results at which satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is observed is performed. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Novel approach to isoindolo[2,1-a]quinolines: Synthesis of 1- and 3-halo-substituted 11-oxo-5,6,6a,11-tetrahydroisoindolo[2,1-a]quinoline-10- carboxylic acids

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    A series of 1- and 3-halo-substituted isoindolo[2,1-a]quinolines were obtained by means of electrophilic cyclization of methallyl- and allyl-substituted isoindolo-7-carboxylic acids. The influence of halogen atoms on the stereochemistry of the formation of key intermediates, 3a,6-epoxyisoindoles, was studied. © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart

    Heating of Electrons in Pure Ge in a Quantum Magnetic Field Upon the Thermal Excitation of Charge Carriers

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    Abstract: The results of an experimental investigation into heating carriers by an electric field (E) in pure Ge in a quantum magnetic field (H) at (E ⊥ H) at low temperatures, T = 4.2, 1.8 K, under thermal excitation conditions are considered. It is shown that the average carrier lifetime is affected by the dependence of the thermal-ionization coefficient on E and H. These results agree qualitatively with the theory of cascade carrier capture at isolated centers in crossed electric and magnetic fields. © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Unusual Diels-Alder reaction of 7,12-ethenoquinolino[6,7-f]quinoline derivatives

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    Electrical Breakdown in Pure n- and p-Si

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    The results of calculations of the dependences of the kinetic coefficients of impact ionization and thermal recombination on an electric field in pure silicon are presented. By analogy with germanium, the dependences of the breakdown field Еbr on the material compensation ratio K are calculated. The validity of such calculation is justified in detail. The Еbr(K) curves are presented and compared with experimental data in the weak-compensation region. Matching with experimental results at which satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is observed is performed. © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Study of regioselectivity of intramolecular cyclization of N-(m-R-phenyl)- and N-(α-naphthyl)-2-allyl(methallyl)-6-carboxy-4-oxo-3-aza-10- oxatricyclo[,5]dec-8-enes

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    Regioselectivity of the intramolecular electrophilic substitution in a series of N-(m-R-phenyl)- and N-(α-naphthyl)-2-allyl(methallyl)-6-carboxy- 4-oxo-3-aza-10-oxatricyclo[,5]dec-8-enes in reactions with phosphoric acid was studied. The reactions of N-(m-R-phenyl)-substituted derivatives proceed nonregioselectively to form mixtures of 2-R- and 4-R-substituted isoindolo[2,1-a]quinolines, whereas the reactions of N-(α-naphthyl)-substituted derivatives occur regioselectively at the β position of the naphthyl fragment. © 2004 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Разогрев электронов в чистом Ge в квантовом магнитном поле при термическом возбуждении носителей заряда

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    The results of an experimental study on charge carriers heating by an electric field (E) in pure Ge in a quantum magnetic field (H) at (E⊥H) at low temperatures (T=4,2;1,8 K) under thermal excitation are considered. It is shown that the dependence of E and H thermal ionization coefficient affects the average carrier lifetime under these conditions. The obtained results are in qualitative agreement with the theory of cascade capture of carriers on isolated centers in crossed electric and magnetic fields.Рассмотрены результаты экспериментального исследования разогрева носителей заряда электрическим полем ( E) в чистом Ge в квантовом магнитном поле ( H) при ( E normal H) при низких температурах, T=4.2, 1.8 K, в условиях термовозбуждения. Показано, что в этих условиях на среднее время жизни носителей влияет зависимость от E и H коэффициента термической ионизации. Полученные результаты качественно согласуются с теорией каскадного захвата носителей на изолированные центры в скрещенных электрическом и магнитном полях. Ключевые слова: квантованность, каскадный захват, электрическое поле, постоянная Холла, магнитное поле