19 research outputs found

    Älä ole paha firma, ole hyvä firma : Varustelekan työntekijöiden tulkinnat yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuutavoitteista

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    Yritysten yhteiskuntavastuu herättää paljon niin akateemista kuin yhteiskunnallistakin keskustelua. Vaikka keskustelu ja tutkimus on jatkunut viimeiset 50 vuotta vieläkään ei ole saavutettu yhteisymmärrystä siitä, mitä yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuulla tarkoitetaan. Suomalaisessa liike-elämässä aihetta pidetään tärkeänä yritysten jatkuvuuden turvaamisessa, mutta käsitykset siitä, miten sitä pitäisi toteuttaa ovat niin epämääräisinä, että sen huomioimiseen ollaan vasta heräämässä. Vaikka yhteiskuntavastuu usein määritellään ”hyvän” tekemiseksi muun yhteiskunnan hyväksi, keskustelu siitä leimahtaa käyntiin usein, kun yritykset ovat toimillaan aiheuttaneet haittaa sidosryhmilleen. Yritysten toiminnan seurauksien lisäksi pitäisi myös huomioida, pidetäänkö yhteiskuntavastuuta rehellisenä ja pyyteettömänä. Sidosryhmien käsitykset yhteiskuntavastuun aitoudesta ovat loppujen lopuksi kiinni niiden havainnoista ja tulkinnoista, eikä objektiivisesti mitattavista mittareista. Työntekijöiden ja yrityksen organisaatiokulttuurin huomioiminen on yhteiskuntavastuun kannalta avainasemassa, joka usein jätetään niin yritysstrategioissa kuin tutkimuksessakin huomiotta. Yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuun kirjallisuudessa työntekijät ovat olleet vähäisen tutkimuksen kohteena. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tuoda selkeyttä yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuuseen ilmiönä ja tuottaa sovellusehdotuksia organisaatioiden johtamiseen, joiden avulla työntekijät osataan ottaa huomioon yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuustrategian suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkielman näkökulma on sosiaalipsykologinen, sillä työntekijöitä tutkitaan organisaation jäsenininä. Hyödyntäen sosiaalisen identiteetin teoriaa tutkielmassa pohditaan yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuun suhdetta työntekijöiden organisaatiosamaistumiseen. Tutkielmassa esitellään grounded theory -tutkimus, jossa aineistona on 12 Varusteleka Oy:n työntekijän kanssa syksyllä 2018 tuotettua haastattelua. Tutkimuksen päätutkimuskysymys on, miten työntekijät tulkitsevat työpaikkansa yritysstrategian yhteiskuntavastuutavoitteita ja, millaista merkitystä tavoitteilla on työntekijöille. Tutkimuksen pohjalta tehdään neljä (4) havaintoa. Ensimmäiseksi työntekijöiden tulkinnat yhteiskuntavastuutavoitteiden toteutumista riippuu, miten he ovat tavoitteen alun perin tulkinneet. Toiseksi työntekijöiden tulkinnat tavoitteiden toteutumisesta riippuvat työntekijöiden saamasta informaatiosta. Kolmanneksi työntekijöiden tulkinnat tavoitteiden taustalla olevista yrityksen motiiveista voivat olla keskenään ristiriitaisia. Neljäs havainto on, että työntekijät tulkitsevat yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuutavoitteiden toteutumista ja niiden merkitystä heille omien arvojensa kautta. Tutkimuksen havaintojen ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella ehdotetaan, että työntekijöiden samaistuminen organisaatioon on vastavuoroisessa suhteessa heidän havaitsemaan yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuun kanssa. Yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuun aitouden kannalta on tärkeää, että se perustuu yrityksen perustavanlaatuisiin arvoihin. Organisaation kulttuuri määrittelee, millaisia yrityksen arvot ovat ja millaisilla normeilla niitä toteutetaan. Organisaation jäseninä työntekijät ovat toiminnallaan toteuttamassa organisaatiokulttuuria. Siten heidän osallistamisensa yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuustrategian muodostuksessa on oleellista. Työntekijät voivat osallistua strategian toteutukseen tarkoituksenmukaisesti vain, jos he ymmärtävät, mitä yhteiskuntavastuutavoitteet tarkoittavat ja, miten niiden taustalla olevia arvoja kuuluu toteuttaa päivittäisessä työssä

    An Online Guided ACT Intervention for Enhancing the Psychological Well-being of Female Soccer Players in Pre-season

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    This study investigated whether an internet-based intervention aimed at enhancing the psychological well-being of female soccer players before the competitive season could be effective approach to meet the needs of the players. Players (n= 43; 17–26 years old)on the four separated teams in Finland’shighest league were assigned to either a guided six-week online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention (ACTi) or to a control condition (CON). A between-groups pre–post (ACTi vs. CON) design was implemented before the competitive season. Players in the ACTi were offered three group sessions, performed internet-based tasks, and were individually supported by a guide. The results demonstrated that the ACTi players maintained their sports-related well-being (between-group, d = 0.72), while the sports-related well-being of the CON players, especially emotional and social well-being, had declined. In addition, ACTi players’perceived stress (d = 0.60) and depression (d = 0.88) declined, while their psychological flexibility in sports (d = 0.41) increased compared to the CON players. These results suggest that before the competitive season, players’ sports-related well-being decreases. The ACT intervention seemed to prevent this decrease and provide players with the skills to cope with emotional and social stressors related to the competitive season


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    The purpose of the scientific research was to study the career growth and well-being of adolescent athletes in conditions of dual career growth. The study revealed the features of adaptability to a career in high school of sports school. The article presents data on the extent to which self-esteem and gender are associated with adaptability to a dual career, the profiles of adaptation to the career of adolescent athletes have been defined, it is also revealed how the expectations of student-athletes depending on their success in sports and studies and the corresponding expectations of their parents are associated with their profiles of adaptation to a career. The new data on how the organizational culture of a sports school affects the career development of teenage athletes have been obtained. Цель исследования заключалась в изучении карьерного роста и благополучия спортсменов-подростков в условиях двойного карьерного роста. В исследовании выявлены особенности  адаптивности к карьере в старших классах спортивной школы. В статье представлены данные относительно того, в какой степени самооценка и пол связаны с адаптивностью к двойной карьере, определены профили адаптации к карьере спортсменов-подростков,  выявлены как ожидания студентов-спортсменов в зависимости от их успехов в спорте и учебе и соответствующие ожидания их родителей связаны с их профилями адаптации к карьере.  Получены новые данные относительно того,  как организационная культура спортивной  школы влияет на построение карьеры спортсменов-подростков.

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 3 Report

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    This report provides a summary of work package 3 which covers aim 3 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project - To develop and test a DCDE monitoring tool (DCDEM) aimed at assisting stakeholders when checking the current status of their DCDE in relation to their structure, dual career arrangements, organizational culture, and the role of dual career service providers and helping them develop strategies to optimize their environments. The DCDEM was developed from the 10 shared success factors of DCDEs, that were identified through a cross cases analysis of environments in WP2. Questionnaire items were developed by the project team. Data was then collected in participating countries, from DC service providers and DC athletes. This data were then analysed to validate the questionnaire. The final version of the questionnaire along with recommendations for how to use it are included in this report

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 4 Report

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    This report provides a summary of work package 4 which covers aim 4 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project - To disseminate the project findings and provide implementation guidelines to national governing bodies, DCDE stakeholders, dual career service providers, and dual career researchers on the development and optimization of the DCDEs. To reach this aim, the project team hosted three multiplier sport events across the project, hosted national events in the in participating countries, presented research to academic and practitioner audiences across the world. The project team has also written reports and journal articles of the research findings. The current report provides a detailed outline of the steps taken by the project team to achieve the aim as outlined in this executive summary

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 2 Report

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    This report provides a summary of work package 2 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project, which aims to: identify factors contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of dual career development environments (DCDEs) through the exploration of selected DCDEs in participating countries by exploration of their structure, dual career arrangements, organizational culture, and the role of dual career service providers. First, the report outlines the seven case studies that were conducted to explore successful dual career development environments. These case studies each develop two models: (1) an environment model, that outlines the key structures of the case study’s micro and macro environment, including the national culture; and (2) an environment success factors model, that outlines the features and daily processes that lead to the environment’s success. Second, the project team analyzed the features that were common to all seven successful environments, including dedicated dual career (DC) support team, integration of efforts across the whole environment, a clear understanding of DC issues and support from across the environment, role models and mentorship, access to expert support a whole person approach, an empowerment approach, flexible DC solutions, care of DC athlete’s mental health and wellbeing, and an open and proactive approach to the development of the environment. These dual career development environment success factors are outlined in this report, along with real world examples

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 1 Report

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    First paragraph: This report provides a summary of work package 1 which covers aim 1 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project - to identify and classify difference types of Dual Career Development Environments (DCDEs) across Europe and define criteria of their effectiveness and efficiency. To identify and classify different types of DCDEs, the project team used interviews with national level stakeholders and explored documentation available (e.g., websites) on the existing DCDEs in participating countries. Data were then analysed to allow identification of the different types of DCDEs which exist across Europe and highlight some of the key features of each environment. After identifying categories and sub-categories of DCDEs, we asked dual career service providers to fill in a short questionnaire asking them whether or not they evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their environment and, if they do, what criteria they use to do this. We also asked dual career service providers to identify whether or not they could recommend criteria, more generally, for evaluating DCDE effectiveness and efficiency. A draft list of the criteria of DCDE effectiveness and efficiency, based upon these questionnaires, was then developed by the project team and was then subject to review and revision via focus groups with key stakeholders and academic and expert panel discussions before a final list was produced.Additional co-authors: Yago Ramis, Natalia Stambulova, Lukas Linner, and Kent Lindah

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 2 Report

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    This report provides a summary of work package 2 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project, which aims to: identify factors contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of dual career development environments (DCDEs) through the exploration of selected DCDEs in participating countries by exploration of their structure, dual career arrangements, organizational culture, and the role of dual career service providers. First, the report outlines the seven case studies that were conducted to explore successful dual career development environments. These case studies each develop two models: (1) an environment model, that outlines the key structures of the case study’s micro and macro environment, including the national culture; and (2) an environment success factors model, that outlines the features and daily processes that lead to the environment’s success. Second, the project team analyzed the features that were common to all seven successful environments, including dedicated dual career (DC) support team, integration of efforts across the whole environment, a clear understanding of DC issues and support from across the environment, role models and mentorship, access to expert support a whole person approach, an empowerment approach, flexible DC solutions, care of DC athlete’s mental health and wellbeing, and an open and proactive approach to the development of the environment. These dual career development environment success factors are outlined in this report, along with real world examples.Additional co-authors: Yago Ramis, Natalia Stambulova, Lukas Linner, and Kent Lindah

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 3 Report

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    This report provides a summary of work package 3 which covers aim 3 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project - To develop and test a DCDE monitoring tool (DCDEM) aimed at assisting stakeholders when checking the current status of their DCDE in relation to their structure, dual career arrangements, organizational culture, and the role of dual career service providers and helping them develop strategies to optimize their environments. The DCDEM was developed from the 10 shared success factors of DCDEs, that were identified through a cross cases analysis of environments in WP2. Questionnaire items were developed by the project team. Data was then collected in participating countries, from DC service providers and DC athletes. This data were then analysed to validate the questionnaire. The final version of the questionnaire along with recommendations for how to use it are included in this report

    Ecology of Dual Careers Work Package 1 Report

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    First paragraph: This report provides a summary of work package 1 which covers aim 1 of the Ecology of Dual Career ERASMUS+ project - to identify and classify difference types of Dual Career Development Environments (DCDEs) across Europe and define criteria of their effectiveness and efficiency. To identify and classify different types of DCDEs, the project team used interviews with national level stakeholders and explored documentation available (e.g., websites) on the existing DCDEs in participating countries. Data were then analysed to allow identification of the different types of DCDEs which exist across Europe and highlight some of the key features of each environment. After identifying categories and sub-categories of DCDEs, we asked dual career service providers to fill in a short questionnaire asking them whether or not they evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their environment and, if they do, what criteria they use to do this. We also asked dual career service providers to identify whether or not they could recommend criteria, more generally, for evaluating DCDE effectiveness and efficiency. A draft list of the criteria of DCDE effectiveness and efficiency, based upon these questionnaires, was then developed by the project team and was then subject to review and revision via focus groups with key stakeholders and academic and expert panel discussions before a final list was produced