19 research outputs found

    Leading Teaching during a Pandemic in Higher Education—A Case Study in a Finnish University

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    Many studies have shown that the shift from contact teaching to fully online teaching has had many negative effects on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has also had an effect on leading teaching in higher education institutions, there has not been much empirical research on leaders’ experiences during a pandemic. The present study brings out the voices of academic leaders themselves and how they experienced the pandemic in the light of leading teaching that is provided exclusively online. To examine the variety of degree programme directors’ experiences, open-ended questions were asked and analysed using content analysis. Seven dimensions of experiences were detected, and they represented negative, positive and neutral experiences. The present study shows that higher education leaders need more guidance, training and support to face crisis situations and develop their skills, especially to communicate effectively, but at the same time to do so collaboratively and in an informal way

    Työn opinnollistamisen neuvottelut tulkintojen kenttÀnÀ : oivalluksia Duunarineuvotteluista

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    Ammattikorkeakoulun alkumetreillÀ 1990-luvun alussa korostettiin tuoreen korkeakoulusektorin kaksoisidentiteettiÀ. Henkilöstölle jaettiin tarroja, joissa vakuutettiin ammattikorkeakoulujen tarjoavan teoriaa ja kÀytÀntöÀ oikeassa suhteessa. TÀmÀ teorian ja kÀytÀnnön suhde on ollut avainkysymys koko ammattikorkeakoulun olemassa olon ajan. Autenttisen työn integroituminen amk-opintojen kanssa on ollut haastavaa ja siihen on suhtauduttu kahtiajakoisesti

    Valmis työelĂ€mÀÀn – Osaaminen sanoiksi ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa

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    Ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuva opiskelija astuu työelämään, jossa viestinnällä on yhä suurempi merkitys. Vuorovaikutussuhteet ja kielelliset vaatimukset ovat työssä kuin työssä moniulotteisia. Organisaation toimivuuden kannalta on oleellista, että asiat ja ihmiset kohtaavat niin, että ajatusten ja tiedon vaihto on mahdollista. Kommunikoimalla luomme uutta kuvaa itsestämme, maailmasta ja merkityksellisistä asioista, siis rakennamme yhä uudelleen identiteettiämme ja eheää kuvaa itsestämme ja osaamisestamme. Artikkelissa tarkastelen kielellisten kommunikointitaitojen merkitystä visuaalisten suunnittelualojen asiantuntijoiden ammatillisessa kasvussa: mikä merkitys oppimisympäristöllä on, millaisia osaamisvaatimuksia työelämä asettaa yksilön kommunikatiiviselle kompetenssille ja miten nämä vaatimukset näkyvät ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa. Pohdin myös viestintäosaamisen merkitystä yleisenä työelämävalmiutena ja toisaalta tiettyyn alaan liittyvänä osaamisena. Tulokset esitellään aineiston analyysissä syntyneiden neljän ammatilliseen kasvuun liittyvän teeman kautta.The importance and the quantity of communication at workplaces have experienced a dramatic increase. Interaction relations and linguistic requirements of the work life are multi-dimensional. In the organizations communication is used for creating and reconstructing of knowledge and shared identity. This article will examine the importance of communication skills for one’s professional growth in the context of a University of Applied Sciences and in a workplace context in the fields of visual design. The aim was to examine the significance of a learning environment in the development of communication skills. The focus was to discover what kind of communication challenges people face at workplaces and how these challenges are taken into account in the higher education. It also discusses how the communication competence appears to be generic and on the other hand subject specific competence. The article will report and discuss findings through four themes which are all related to the professional growth

    Leading Teaching during a Pandemic in Higher Education—A Case Study in a Finnish University

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    Many studies have shown that the shift from contact teaching to fully online teaching has had many negative effects on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has also had an effect on leading teaching in higher education institutions, there has not been much empirical research on leaders’ experiences during a pandemic. The present study brings out the voices of academic leaders themselves and how they experienced the pandemic in the light of leading teaching that is provided exclusively online. To examine the variety of degree programme directors’ experiences, open-ended questions were asked and analysed using content analysis. Seven dimensions of experiences were detected, and they represented negative, positive and neutral experiences. The present study shows that higher education leaders need more guidance, training and support to face crisis situations and develop their skills, especially to communicate effectively, but at the same time to do so collaboratively and in an informal way

    Ekososiaalista sivistystÀ edistÀvÀ pedagoginen johtaminen: - Tapaustutkimus suomalaisten korkeakoulujen strategioiden kestÀvyysosaamisen tavoitteista

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    The aim of the case study was to examine the significance of higher education strategies in relation to pedagogical leadership, especially from the perspectives of eco-social education and competencies in sustainability. The material in this study is strategies of eight Finnish higher education institutions. The analysis of the material has been carried out by means of thematic content analysis. The theoretical framework and key concepts of this study are broad pedagogical leadership at higher education institutions, eco-social education and competencies in sustainability. The research question was: What are the objectives and meanings of the higher education institution's strategy for pedagogical leadership that promotes sustainability and eco-social education? We also bring out as conclusions what intentions for sustainability and eco-social education should be completed through pedagogical leadership. As a result, study shows a structure for the significant elements in the strategy of higher education in relation to eco-social education, competencies in sustainability and pedagogical leadership objectives.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella korkeakoulujen strategioista nousevia merkityksiÀ suhteessa pedagogiseen johtamiseen erityisesti ekososiaalisen sivistyksen ja kestÀvyysosaamisen nÀkökulmista. Aineistona tapaustutkimuksessa on kahdeksan suomalaisen korkeakoulun strategiaa, ja aineiston analyysi on tehty temaattisen sisÀllönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodostavat laaja pedagoginen johtaminen korkeakoulussa, ekososiaalinen sivistys ja kestÀvyysosaaminen. TutkimuskysymyksenÀ on, millaisia tavoitteita ja merkityksiÀ korkeakoulun strategia ilmaisee kestÀvyyttÀ ja ekososiaalista sivistystÀ edistÀvÀlle pedagogiselle johtamiselle. Pohdimme myös lopuksi, millaisiin kestÀvyysosaamisen sekÀ ekososiaalisen sivistyksen vaatimuksiin pedagogisen johtamisen keinoin tulisi vastata.   Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi jÀsentely korkeakoulujen strategioiden ilmaisemista merkityksistÀ suhteessa ekososiaaliseen sivistykseen, kestÀvyysosaamiseen ja pedagogisen johtamisen tavoitteisiin. Strategioista löytyi laajan pedagogisen johtamisen viitekehyksen sekÀ ekososiaalisen sivistyksen ja kestÀvyysosaamisen nÀkökulmista paljon merkityksiÀ, mutta strategiassa ne on usein ripoteltu lÀpileikkaavasti erilaisten strategisten tavoitteiden alle. Varsinaisiin strategioiden kestÀvyystavoitteisiin oli liitetty hyvin vÀhÀn suoraan pedagogiseen johtamiseen liittyviÀ tavoitteita.

    Digitalisaatio on jo tÀÀllÀ!

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    Digitalisaatio koulutuksessa vaikuttaa oppimisen kulttuuriin. Teknologian voi nÀhdÀ uhkana tai sen voi nÀhdÀ oppimista palvelevana mahdollisuutena. Varmaa on vain, ettÀ digitalisaatio saa aikaan muutoksia tulevaisuuden korkeakoulutettujen työn tekemisessÀ ja osaamisvaatimuksissa. (Wood & Smith 2014; EK 2015.

    Puhetta ja ajatuksia : yksilön ajattelusta yhteisölliseen toimintaan

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    Oman osaamisen ilmaisu ja vuorovaikutus muiden osaajien kanssa ovat työelÀmÀssÀ merkittÀviÀ ja kriittisiÀ osaamisia, jotka vaikuttavat yksilön urapolkuun. Pohdimme tÀssÀ artikkelissa, miten opinnoissa voidaan tukea opiskelijaa ilmaisemaan ajatuksiaan ja omaa osaamistaan. Pohdimme myös, millaisia asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen kannalta tÀrkeitÀ ajattelun valmiuksia ja vuorovaikutusosaamista koulutuksen pitÀisi tuottaa. Tuomme esille, miksi korkeakoulutuksen aikana tulisi jokaisen opiskelijan kohdata haastavia viestintÀtilanteita, joissa omat ajatukset ja ideat saa tuoda toisten arvioitavaksi luottamuksellisessa ilmapiirissÀ. YhÀ edelleen korkeakoulussa vallitsee usein oppimiskulttuuri, jossa opiskelija kuuntelee ja vastaanottaa, kun pitÀisi pyrkiÀ yhÀ vahvemmin opiskelijan aktiiviseen toimijuuteen ja opettajan roolin vahvistamiseen oppimisen valmentajana ja innostavan vuorovaikutuskulttuurin synnyttÀjÀnÀ. Opiskelijankin odotus korkeakouluopiskelusta voi olla hyvin perinteinen ja opettajan roolia tiedon jakajana korostava. Yhteisöllisen oppimisen perustana on hyvÀ, toimiva kommunikaatio

    A Shared Meaning Arises From Words - Communication skills in a creative learning environment and professional growth in the field of visual design in higher vocational education

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    Sanoista syntyy yhteinen merkitys? Kommunikointitaidot luovassa oppimisympĂ€ristössĂ€ ja ammatillisessa kasvussa ammattikorkeakoulun visuaalisilla suunnittelualoilla Ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuva opiskelija astuu kiireiseen ja vaativaan työelĂ€mÀÀn, jossa vuorovaikutussuhteet ja kielelliset vaatimukset ovat moniulotteisia: ViestinnĂ€n mÀÀrĂ€ on lisÀÀntynyt rĂ€jĂ€hdysmĂ€isesti ja viestinnĂ€n vĂ€lineet monipuolistuvat. TyöelĂ€mĂ€n osaamisvaatimuksissa nĂ€kyvĂ€t yhĂ€ selvemmin yhteisen tiedon tuottaminen, soveltaminen ja jalostaminen, luovuus ja yhteinen kehittĂ€minen. Kommunikaation avulla luodaan ja uudistetaan osaamista. TeknologiavĂ€litteisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa aika ja tila ovat menettĂ€neet merkityksensĂ€. Identiteetit murtuvat muutoksen rytinĂ€ssĂ€ ja on oltava valmis luomaan omaa ammatillista identiteettiÀÀn yhĂ€ uudestaan. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus ammattikorkeakoulun visuaalisilta suunnittelualoilta. Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella kielellisten kommunikointitaitojen merkitystĂ€ visuaalisten alojen asiantuntijoiden ammatillisessa kasvussa ja luovassa oppimisympĂ€ristössĂ€ ammattikorkeakoulussa. Tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella, millaisia osaamisvaatimuksia työelĂ€mĂ€ asettaa yksilön kommunikatiiviselle kompetenssille ja miten nĂ€mĂ€ osaamisvaatimukset huomioidaan ammattikorkeakoulun opetussuunnitelmissa ja samalla myös, miten kommunikointitaidot nĂ€yttĂ€ytyvĂ€t yleisenĂ€ työelĂ€mĂ€valmiutena ja toisaalta alakohtaisena osaamisena jokapĂ€ivĂ€isessĂ€ ammatillisessa korkeakoulutuksessa. Tutkimuksen aineistoa olivat teemahaastattelut, opetussuunnitelmat sekĂ€ tutkijan havainnot. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, ettĂ€ luovan oppimisympĂ€ristön merkitys kommunikointitaitojen kehittymiselle on moniulotteinen: korkeakouluympĂ€ristö voi korostaa toisaalta formaalia ja normitettua oppimisympĂ€ristöÀ mutta integroitunut oppimisympĂ€ristö mahdollistaa kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllisten työelĂ€mĂ€n vaatimusten mukaisen kommunikointitaitojen kehittymisen. Ristiriitaisena tĂ€mĂ€ kokonaisuus nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy erityisesti opinnĂ€ytetyövaiheessa, jossa opiskelija kohtaa selkeĂ€sti molemmat ulottuvuudet. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, ettĂ€ eri aloilla on erilaisia viestinnĂ€n tapoja ja odotuksia, jotka opetuksessa tulisi huomioida entistĂ€ selkeĂ€mmin. Samalla monialaisen vuorovaikutustilanteen ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ voidaan lisĂ€tĂ€. Visuaalisella suunnittelualalla korostuvat suulliset presentaatiot, arvioivan palautteen merkitys, oman työn perustelut ja oman osaamisen sanoittaminen ja myyminen eli vakuuttaminen ennen kaikkea suullisesti. Ammattikorkeakoulussa työharjoittelutilanteet ja yhteiset työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöiset projektit koettiin mielekkĂ€iksi kommunikointitaitojen kehittymisen kannalta. Aidot työtilanteet ohjasivat opiskelijoita autonomiseen oppimiseen ja itseohjautuvuuteen sekĂ€ oman osaamisen reflektointiin. Ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa viestintĂ€ on työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöisissĂ€ hankkeissa sekĂ€ vĂ€line ettĂ€ opittava sisĂ€ltö. Opettajan rooli nousee aineiston perusteella suureksi. Opettaja luo keskusteluilmapiiriĂ€ ja joko kannustaa tai latistaa. Luova ilmapiiri syntyy avoimessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa kommunikointitaidot nĂ€hdÀÀn merkitykseltÀÀn urarutiinia rikkovien oppimissyklien mahdollistajana ja osana. Kommunikointitaidot jĂ€sentyvĂ€t tutkimuksen tuloksissa lopulta ammatillisessa kasvussa nelikenttÀÀn, jonka avulla jatkossa kokonaisvaltaista viestintĂ€osaamista voidaan kehittÀÀ sekĂ€ koulutus- ettĂ€ työympĂ€ristössĂ€. NelikenttĂ€ kuvaa, kuinka kommunikatiivisen kompetenssin merkitys korostuu ammatillisessa kasvussa sosiaalistumisen vaiheessa, selviytymisen ja hallinnan keinoina, oppimisen sekĂ€ asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen edellytyksenĂ€ ja menestymisen mahdollistajana.This study examines the importance of communication skills for one’s professional growth in the context of a University of Applied Sciences and in a workplace context in the fields of visual design. The aim was to examine the significance of a learning environment that supports creativity in the development of communication skills when studying at a University of Applied Sciences, to discover what kind of communication challenges people face at workplaces, especially in the field of visual design, as well as to explore the importance of communication skills in professional growth. The aim of the education at the Universities of Applied Sciences is primarily to meet the needs of working life. Students usually create tight bonds with workplaces while studying. Developing education at the Universities of Applied Sciences as well as working life require continuous dialogue between the universities and workplaces. Working life -based education also challenges the practices used when teaching at the Universities of Applied Sciences. The importance and the quantity of communication skills at workplaces have experienced a dramatic increase. Nowadays nearly everyone is part of a team, a network or several networks at their workplaces. The need to produce, apply and refine common knowledge continues to grow in working life competence requirements. In other words, communication is used to create and reconstruct knowledge. Today an individual has to be ready to recreate his or her own identity over and over again. Throughout this process, the communication skills as well as professional identity form a joint network, supporting each other. What is also significant is that due to the technological development, the tools for communication have become more diverse thus changing and increasing the level of and the requirements for competence. This research is a qualitative case study where the analysis of the research material was done according the hermeneutic tradition through a thematic analysis and with a narrative discourse approach. The data collected were interviews carried out with students, at the University of Applied Sciences and at workplaces. The curricula of the University of Applied Sciences offered research material that has been used as such. The researcher’s own observations from teaching and working life communication situations also created an additional source. The tension in the study features between the creative professional culture emphasising the visual aspects and the importance of verbal communication skills. The study sheds light on the importance of communication skills at different stages of the professional growth and brings more information on different communicators and communication situations at workplaces especially in the fields of visual design and in a learning environment that supports creativity. The results of the study are presented as four different themes all related to professional growth, with communication skills related to both subject-specific and general competences. On the basis of the study it can be said that in learning environments that support creativity the role of the teacher as an invigorator of discussions and mediator in the professional communication conventions is extremely important. Integrative pedagogy is reflected in creative learning environments through authentic learning situations where communication skills are being developed according to the professional conventions and where learning situations are experienced in a meaningful manner. An authentic and working life-based learning environment will challenge students to carry out self-directed proceedings, leading to development of communication skills and self-reflection skills. Multi-channel communication learning environments complicate the interpretation of the communication environment and make it confusing and difficult to understand. When trying to master the workplace communication environment, the individual’s ability to evaluate his or her own communication skills as part of the emergence of collective understanding is of great importance as is the personal responsibility as a communicator. The working life context in the fields of visual design highlights an individual’s ability to work in teams and networks. This challenges our communication skills and increases the importance of communication knowledge as part of professional knowledge. Multi-channel communication enables the usage of different communicators’ strengths but also challenges the functionality of communicational processes. Communication skills play a special role in professional growth as a part and enabler of different learning cycles when taking a career break. On the basis of this study these phases were divided into the following professional growth themes: 1. socialisation, 2. survival and management, 3. learning and expertise and 4. success. In the fields of visual design, the importance of oral communication skills as a dimension of professional growth supporting the visual core competence is emphasised. This is particularly evident as an ability to verbally market one’s competence in a confident way, as well as customer understanding and as an ability to give constructive feedback and reflect on the common planning work. This study can be exploited in the development work of vocational pedagogics, curriculum work as well as when managing the development work within teaching and professional competence. The study offers a view on the relevance of vocational communication pedagogics and breaks down the prevailing concept for the benefit of generic and subject- specific competence in the pedagogy for the Universities of Applied Sciences. The study also provides additional the information on the importance of interaction and communication within different working cultures in a subject-specific and multifield context with perspectives of managing professional skills and knowledge, and of developing the personnel concerned

    Teachers' communication styles, students professional growth and the discourse of interaction

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    Traditionally, the teacher’s role is to be the voice of knowledge while students listen and ask questions. The teacher’s role is changing: in the future, the teacher needs to be able to tutor students’ capabilities, network with the world of work, and facilitate joint knowledge creation with the world of work. In this article we approach teachership from the point of view of the teacher’s communication styles and her capabilities in interaction. Our qualitative analysis suggests that the teacher’s communication style has an important effect on student socialization and professional growth. The connection, however, is complex. Students in the early phases of their studies tend to appreciate and expect the expert teacher and a conventional, unilateral information exchange. However, once students progress on their path of professional growth, the situation changes. The expectations shift towards interaction, guidance and co-learning. From the teacher’s point of view, there emerges a need to grow with the student and change the communication style accordingly

    A Shared Meaning Arises From Words - Communication skills in a creative learning environment and professional growth in the field of visual design in higher vocational education

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    Sanoista syntyy yhteinen merkitys? Kommunikointitaidot luovassa oppimisympĂ€ristössĂ€ ja ammatillisessa kasvussa ammattikorkeakoulun visuaalisilla suunnittelualoilla Ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuva opiskelija astuu kiireiseen ja vaativaan työelĂ€mÀÀn, jossa vuorovaikutussuhteet ja kielelliset vaatimukset ovat moniulotteisia: ViestinnĂ€n mÀÀrĂ€ on lisÀÀntynyt rĂ€jĂ€hdysmĂ€isesti ja viestinnĂ€n vĂ€lineet monipuolistuvat. TyöelĂ€mĂ€n osaamisvaatimuksissa nĂ€kyvĂ€t yhĂ€ selvemmin yhteisen tiedon tuottaminen, soveltaminen ja jalostaminen, luovuus ja yhteinen kehittĂ€minen. Kommunikaation avulla luodaan ja uudistetaan osaamista. TeknologiavĂ€litteisessĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa aika ja tila ovat menettĂ€neet merkityksensĂ€. Identiteetit murtuvat muutoksen rytinĂ€ssĂ€ ja on oltava valmis luomaan omaa ammatillista identiteettiÀÀn yhĂ€ uudestaan. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus ammattikorkeakoulun visuaalisilta suunnittelualoilta. Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella kielellisten kommunikointitaitojen merkitystĂ€ visuaalisten alojen asiantuntijoiden ammatillisessa kasvussa ja luovassa oppimisympĂ€ristössĂ€ ammattikorkeakoulussa. Tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella, millaisia osaamisvaatimuksia työelĂ€mĂ€ asettaa yksilön kommunikatiiviselle kompetenssille ja miten nĂ€mĂ€ osaamisvaatimukset huomioidaan ammattikorkeakoulun opetussuunnitelmissa ja samalla myös, miten kommunikointitaidot nĂ€yttĂ€ytyvĂ€t yleisenĂ€ työelĂ€mĂ€valmiutena ja toisaalta alakohtaisena osaamisena jokapĂ€ivĂ€isessĂ€ ammatillisessa korkeakoulutuksessa. Tutkimuksen aineistoa olivat teemahaastattelut, opetussuunnitelmat sekĂ€ tutkijan havainnot. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, ettĂ€ luovan oppimisympĂ€ristön merkitys kommunikointitaitojen kehittymiselle on moniulotteinen: korkeakouluympĂ€ristö voi korostaa toisaalta formaalia ja normitettua oppimisympĂ€ristöÀ mutta integroitunut oppimisympĂ€ristö mahdollistaa kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllisten työelĂ€mĂ€n vaatimusten mukaisen kommunikointitaitojen kehittymisen. Ristiriitaisena tĂ€mĂ€ kokonaisuus nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy erityisesti opinnĂ€ytetyövaiheessa, jossa opiskelija kohtaa selkeĂ€sti molemmat ulottuvuudet. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, ettĂ€ eri aloilla on erilaisia viestinnĂ€n tapoja ja odotuksia, jotka opetuksessa tulisi huomioida entistĂ€ selkeĂ€mmin. Samalla monialaisen vuorovaikutustilanteen ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ voidaan lisĂ€tĂ€. Visuaalisella suunnittelualalla korostuvat suulliset presentaatiot, arvioivan palautteen merkitys, oman työn perustelut ja oman osaamisen sanoittaminen ja myyminen eli vakuuttaminen ennen kaikkea suullisesti. Ammattikorkeakoulussa työharjoittelutilanteet ja yhteiset työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöiset projektit koettiin mielekkĂ€iksi kommunikointitaitojen kehittymisen kannalta. Aidot työtilanteet ohjasivat opiskelijoita autonomiseen oppimiseen ja itseohjautuvuuteen sekĂ€ oman osaamisen reflektointiin. Ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa viestintĂ€ on työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöisissĂ€ hankkeissa sekĂ€ vĂ€line ettĂ€ opittava sisĂ€ltö. Opettajan rooli nousee aineiston perusteella suureksi. Opettaja luo keskusteluilmapiiriĂ€ ja joko kannustaa tai latistaa. Luova ilmapiiri syntyy avoimessa vuorovaikutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa kommunikointitaidot nĂ€hdÀÀn merkitykseltÀÀn urarutiinia rikkovien oppimissyklien mahdollistajana ja osana. Kommunikointitaidot jĂ€sentyvĂ€t tutkimuksen tuloksissa lopulta ammatillisessa kasvussa nelikenttÀÀn, jonka avulla jatkossa kokonaisvaltaista viestintĂ€osaamista voidaan kehittÀÀ sekĂ€ koulutus- ettĂ€ työympĂ€ristössĂ€. NelikenttĂ€ kuvaa, kuinka kommunikatiivisen kompetenssin merkitys korostuu ammatillisessa kasvussa sosiaalistumisen vaiheessa, selviytymisen ja hallinnan keinoina, oppimisen sekĂ€ asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen edellytyksenĂ€ ja menestymisen mahdollistajana.This study examines the importance of communication skills for one’s professional growth in the context of a University of Applied Sciences and in a workplace context in the fields of visual design. The aim was to examine the significance of a learning environment that supports creativity in the development of communication skills when studying at a University of Applied Sciences, to discover what kind of communication challenges people face at workplaces, especially in the field of visual design, as well as to explore the importance of communication skills in professional growth. The aim of the education at the Universities of Applied Sciences is primarily to meet the needs of working life. Students usually create tight bonds with workplaces while studying. Developing education at the Universities of Applied Sciences as well as working life require continuous dialogue between the universities and workplaces. Working life -based education also challenges the practices used when teaching at the Universities of Applied Sciences. The importance and the quantity of communication skills at workplaces have experienced a dramatic increase. Nowadays nearly everyone is part of a team, a network or several networks at their workplaces. The need to produce, apply and refine common knowledge continues to grow in working life competence requirements. In other words, communication is used to create and reconstruct knowledge. Today an individual has to be ready to recreate his or her own identity over and over again. Throughout this process, the communication skills as well as professional identity form a joint network, supporting each other. What is also significant is that due to the technological development, the tools for communication have become more diverse thus changing and increasing the level of and the requirements for competence. This research is a qualitative case study where the analysis of the research material was done according the hermeneutic tradition through a thematic analysis and with a narrative discourse approach. The data collected were interviews carried out with students, at the University of Applied Sciences and at workplaces. The curricula of the University of Applied Sciences offered research material that has been used as such. The researcher’s own observations from teaching and working life communication situations also created an additional source. The tension in the study features between the creative professional culture emphasising the visual aspects and the importance of verbal communication skills. The study sheds light on the importance of communication skills at different stages of the professional growth and brings more information on different communicators and communication situations at workplaces especially in the fields of visual design and in a learning environment that supports creativity. The results of the study are presented as four different themes all related to professional growth, with communication skills related to both subject-specific and general competences. On the basis of the study it can be said that in learning environments that support creativity the role of the teacher as an invigorator of discussions and mediator in the professional communication conventions is extremely important. Integrative pedagogy is reflected in creative learning environments through authentic learning situations where communication skills are being developed according to the professional conventions and where learning situations are experienced in a meaningful manner. An authentic and working life-based learning environment will challenge students to carry out self-directed proceedings, leading to development of communication skills and self-reflection skills. Multi-channel communication learning environments complicate the interpretation of the communication environment and make it confusing and difficult to understand. When trying to master the workplace communication environment, the individual’s ability to evaluate his or her own communication skills as part of the emergence of collective understanding is of great importance as is the personal responsibility as a communicator. The working life context in the fields of visual design highlights an individual’s ability to work in teams and networks. This challenges our communication skills and increases the importance of communication knowledge as part of professional knowledge. Multi-channel communication enables the usage of different communicators’ strengths but also challenges the functionality of communicational processes. Communication skills play a special role in professional growth as a part and enabler of different learning cycles when taking a career break. On the basis of this study these phases were divided into the following professional growth themes: 1. socialisation, 2. survival and management, 3. learning and expertise and 4. success. In the fields of visual design, the importance of oral communication skills as a dimension of professional growth supporting the visual core competence is emphasised. This is particularly evident as an ability to verbally market one’s competence in a confident way, as well as customer understanding and as an ability to give constructive feedback and reflect on the common planning work. This study can be exploited in the development work of vocational pedagogics, curriculum work as well as when managing the development work within teaching and professional competence. The study offers a view on the relevance of vocational communication pedagogics and breaks down the prevailing concept for the benefit of generic and subject- specific competence in the pedagogy for the Universities of Applied Sciences. The study also provides additional the information on the importance of interaction and communication within different working cultures in a subject-specific and multifield context with perspectives of managing professional skills and knowledge, and of developing the personnel concerned