1,660 research outputs found

    Inter-dimensional Degeneracies in van der Waals Clusters and Quantum Monte Carlo Computation of Rovibrational States

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    Quantum Monte Carlo estimates of the spectrum of rotationally invariant states of noble gas clusters suggest inter-dimensional degeneracy in N−1N-1 and N+1N+1 spacial dimensions. We derive this property by mapping the Schr\"odinger eigenvalue problem onto an eigenvalue equation in which DD appears as a continuous variable. We discuss implications for quantum Monte Carlo and dimensional scaling methods

    Universal Dynamics of Independent Critical Relaxation Modes

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    Scaling behavior is studied of several dominant eigenvalues of spectra of Markov matrices and the associated correlation times governing critical slowing down in models in the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. A scheme is developed to optimize variational approximants of progressively rapid, independent relaxation modes. These approximants are used to reduce the variance of results obtained by means of an adaptation of a quantum Monte Carlo method to compute eigenvalues subject to errors predominantly of statistical nature. The resulting spectra and correlation times are found to be universal up to a single, non-universal time scale for each model

    Accuracy of Electronic Wave Functions in Quantum Monte Carlo: the Effect of High-Order Correlations

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    Compact and accurate wave functions can be constructed by quantum Monte Carlo methods. Typically, these wave functions consist of a sum of a small number of Slater determinants multiplied by a Jastrow factor. In this paper we study the importance of including high-order, nucleus-three-electron correlations in the Jastrow factor. An efficient algorithm based on the theory of invariants is used to compute the high-body correlations. We observe significant improvements in the variational Monte Carlo energy and in the fluctuations of the local energies but not in the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo energies. Improvements for the ground states of physical, fermionic atoms are found to be smaller than those for the ground states of fictitious, bosonic atoms, indicating that errors in the nodal surfaces of the fermionic wave functions are a limiting factor.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, Late

    Monte Carlo computation of correlation times of independent relaxation modes at criticality

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    We investigate aspects of universality of Glauber critical dynamics in two dimensions. We compute the critical exponent zz and numerically corroborate its universality for three different models in the static Ising universality class and for five independent relaxation modes. We also present evidence for universality of amplitude ratios, which shows that, as far as dynamic behavior is concerned, each model in a given universality class is characterized by a single non-universal metric factor which determines the overall time scale. This paper also discusses in detail the variational and projection methods that are used to compute relaxation times with high accuracy

    Computation of Dominant Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: A Comparative Study of Algorithms

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    We investigate two widely used recursive algorithms for the computation of eigenvectors with extreme eigenvalues of large symmetric matrices -- the modified Lanczös method and the conjugate-gradient method. The goal is to establish a connection between their underlying principles and to evaluate their performance in applications to Hamiltonian and transfer matrices of selected model systems of interest in condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. The conjugate-gradient method is found to converge more rapidly for understandable reasons, while storage requirements are the same for both methods

    Critical line of an n-component cubic model

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    We consider a special case of the n-component cubic model on the square lattice, for which an expansion exists in Ising-like graphs. We construct a transfer matrix and perform a finite-size-scaling analysis to determine the critical points for several values of n. Furthermore we determine several universal quantities, including three critical exponents. For n<2, these results agree well with the theoretical predictions for the critical O(n) branch. This model is also a special case of the (Nα,NÎČN_\alpha,N_\beta) model of Domany and Riedel. It appears that the self-dual plane of the latter model contains the exactly known critical points of the n=1 and 2 cubic models. For this reason we have checked whether this is also the case for 1<n<2. However, this possibility is excluded by our numerical results

    Improved Phenomenological Renormalization Schemes

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    An analysis is made of various methods of phenomenological renormalization based on finite-size scaling equations for inverse correlation lengths, the singular part of the free energy density, and their derivatives. The analysis is made using two-dimensional Ising and Potts lattices and the three-dimensional Ising model. Variants of equations for the phenomenological renormalization group are obtained which ensure more rapid convergence than the conventionally used Nightingale phenomenological renormalization scheme. An estimate is obtained for the critical finite-size scaling amplitude of the internal energy in the three-dimensional Ising model. It is shown that the two-dimensional Ising and Potts models contain no finite-size corrections to the internal energy so that the positions of the critical points for these models can be determined exactly from solutions for strips of finite width. It is also found that for the two-dimensional Ising model the scaling finite-size equation for the derivative of the inverse correlation length with respect to temperature gives the exact value of the thermal critical exponent.Comment: 14 pages with 1 figure in late

    Comment on "Two Phase Transitions in the Fully frustrated XY Model"

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    The conclusions of a recent paper by Olsson (Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2758 (1995), cond-mat/9506082) about the fully frustrated XY model in two dimensions are questioned. In particular, the evidence presented for having two separate chiral and U(1) phase transitions are critically considered.Comment: One page one table, to Appear in Physical Review Letter

    Finite-Size Interaction Amplitudes and their Universality: Exact, Mean-Field, and Renormalization-Group Results

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    We discuss the interaction between interfaces that is mediated by critical fluctuations, and in particular the universality of the corresponding finite-size amplitudes. In the case of the two-dimensional Ising model we address the universality with respect to anisotropy. For this purpose we derive the exact free energy of a finite, anisotropic triangular lattice on a cylinder. For the rectangular Ising model we verify universality also with respect to the magnitude of the boundary fields. In mean-field theory we display the mechanism for this universality and for that with respect to the surface coupling enhancement. Numerical results, which are of experimental relevance, are obtained employing a renormalization-group approximation for three-dimensional systems

    Review of community-based ICM: best practices and lessons learned in the Bay of Bengal, South Asia

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    Conclusions and recommendations of the report were based upon eighteen case studies of community-based Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka. These include empowerment of coastal communities; failure of imposed fishery co-operatives; and the application of territorial use rights in fisheries(TURF)
