2,955 research outputs found

    How To Trim a Christmas Tree: Beyond Severability and Inseverability for Omnibus Statutes

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    Alien Registration- Nightingale, Hazel L. (Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County)

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    Alien Registration- Nightingale, Wilfred L. (Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County)

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    Monte Carlo computation of correlation times of independent relaxation modes at criticality

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    We investigate aspects of universality of Glauber critical dynamics in two dimensions. We compute the critical exponent zz and numerically corroborate its universality for three different models in the static Ising universality class and for five independent relaxation modes. We also present evidence for universality of amplitude ratios, which shows that, as far as dynamic behavior is concerned, each model in a given universality class is characterized by a single non-universal metric factor which determines the overall time scale. This paper also discusses in detail the variational and projection methods that are used to compute relaxation times with high accuracy

    Transfer-Matrix Monte Carlo Estimates of Critical Points in the Simple Cubic Ising, Planar and Heisenberg Models

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    The principle and the efficiency of the Monte Carlo transfer-matrix algorithm are discussed. Enhancements of this algorithm are illustrated by applications to several phase transitions in lattice spin models. We demonstrate how the statistical noise can be reduced considerably by a similarity transformation of the transfer matrix using a variational estimate of its leading eigenvector, in analogy with a common practice in various quantum Monte Carlo techniques. Here we take the two-dimensional coupled XYXY-Ising model as an example. Furthermore, we calculate interface free energies of finite three-dimensional O(nn) models, for the three cases n=1n=1, 2 and 3. Application of finite-size scaling to the numerical results yields estimates of the critical points of these three models. The statistical precision of the estimates is satisfactory for the modest amount of computer time spent

    Finite size scaling of the correlation length above the upper critical dimension

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    We show numerically that correlation length at the critical point in the five-dimensional Ising model varies with system size L as L^{5/4}, rather than proportional to L as in standard finite size scaling (FSS) theory. Our results confirm a hypothesis that FSS expressions in dimension d greater than the upper critical dimension of 4 should have L replaced by L^{d/4} for cubic samples with periodic boundary conditions. We also investigate numerically the logarithmic corrections to FSS in d = 4.Comment: 5 pages, 6 postscript figure

    Critical line of an n-component cubic model

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    We consider a special case of the n-component cubic model on the square lattice, for which an expansion exists in Ising-like graphs. We construct a transfer matrix and perform a finite-size-scaling analysis to determine the critical points for several values of n. Furthermore we determine several universal quantities, including three critical exponents. For n<2, these results agree well with the theoretical predictions for the critical O(n) branch. This model is also a special case of the (Nα,NβN_\alpha,N_\beta) model of Domany and Riedel. It appears that the self-dual plane of the latter model contains the exactly known critical points of the n=1 and 2 cubic models. For this reason we have checked whether this is also the case for 1<n<2. However, this possibility is excluded by our numerical results

    Conducting-angle-based percolation in the XY model

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    We define a percolation problem on the basis of spin configurations of the two dimensional XY model. Neighboring spins belong to the same percolation cluster if their orientations differ less than a certain threshold called the conducting angle. The percolation properties of this model are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations and a finite-size scaling analysis. Our simulations show the existence of percolation transitions when the conducting angle is varied, and we determine the transition point for several values of the XY coupling. It appears that the critical behavior of this percolation model can be well described by the standard percolation theory. The critical exponents of the percolation transitions, as determined by finite-size scaling, agree with the universality class of the two-dimensional percolation model on a uniform substrate. This holds over the whole temperature range, even in the low-temperature phase where the XY substrate is critical in the sense that it displays algebraic decay of correlations.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Conformal invariance and linear defects in the two-dimensional Ising model

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    Using conformal invariance, we show that the non-universal exponent eta_0 associated with the decay of correlations along a defect line of modified bonds in the square-lattice Ising model is related to the amplitude A_0=xi_n/n of the correlation length \xi_n(K_c) at the bulk critical coupling K_c, on a strip with width n, periodic boundary conditions and two equidistant defect lines along the strip, through A_0=(\pi\eta_0)^{-1}.Comment: Old paper, for archiving. 5 pages, 4 figures, IOP macro, eps

    Collaborating With Parents of Children With Chronic Conditions and Professionals to Design, Develop and Pre-pilot PLAnT (the Parent Learning Needs and Preferences Assessment Tool)

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    © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Purpose This study aimed to design, develop and pre-pilot an assessment tool (PLAnT) to identify parents' learning needs and preferences when carrying out home-based clinical care for their child with a chronic condition. Design and Methods A mixed methods, two-phased design was used. Phase 1: a total of 10 parents/carers and 13 professionals from six UK's children's kidney units participated in qualitative interviews. Interview data were used to develop the PLAnT. Eight of these participants subsequently took part in an online survey to refine the PLAnT. Phase 2: thirteen parents were paired with one of nine professionals to undertake a pre-pilot evaluation of PLAnT. Data were analyzed using the Framework approach. Results A key emergent theme identifying parents' learning needs and preferences was identified. The importance of professionals being aware of parents' learning needs and preferences was recognised. Participants discussed how parents' learning needs and preferences should be identified, including: the purpose for doing this, the process for doing this, and what would the outcome be of identifying parents' needs. Conclusions The evidence suggests that asking parents directly about their learning needs and preferences may be the most reliable way for professionals to ascertain how to support individual parents' learning when sharing management of their child's chronic condition. Practice Implications With the increasing emphasis on parent-professional shared management of childhood chronic conditions, professionals can be guided by PLAnT in their assessment of parents' learning needs and preferences, based on identified barriers and facilitators to parental learning
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