9 research outputs found

    Summary of Task Performance of Non-offenders, Violent Offenders with ASPD−P, and Violent Offenders with ASPD+P.

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    <p><i>Note</i>. Better performance > worse performance.</p>†<p>The performance of the ASPD+P and ASPD−P did not differ on any of the tasks.</p>#<p>Trend for group difference.</p><p>– No statistically significant group difference.</p><p>↑ Ascending condition.</p><p>↓ Descending condition.</p

    Performance of the three groups on the CGT as indicated by the deliberation time by ratio (top left), quality of decision-making by ratio (top right), quality of decision-making by condition (bottom left), risk-taking by ratio (bottom right).

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    <p>Error bars indicate standard error of the mean. ASPD–P  =  Antisocial Personality Disorder without Psychopathy; ASPD+P  =  Antisocial Personality Disorder with Psychopathy.</p

    Comparisons of Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Behavioural Characteristics of Non-offenders, Violent Offenders with ASPD−P, and Violent Offenders with ASPD+P.

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    <p><i>Note</i>. Unless otherwise stated, means are presented with standard deviations in parentheses for each group. Means with different superscripts within each row indicate a significant difference. PD  =  Personality Disorder; ASPD–P  =  Antisocial Personality Disorder without Psychopathy; ASPD+P  =  Antisocial Personality Disorder with Psychopathy; n/a  =  Not Applicable; PCL–R  =  Psychopathy Checklist – Revised (Hare, 2003); RPAQ  =  Reactive Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (Raine et al., 2006). One offender with ASPD–P did not complete the RPAQ Aggression Questionnaire.</p>#<p><i>p</i><.10. ** <i>p</i><.01. *** <i>p</i><.001.</p

    Regions of significantly increased fractional anisotropy in conduct disordered adolescents compared to healthy controls.

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    <p>Key: R-right; L- left; A-anterior; P-posterior; green indicates mean FA (fractional anisotropy) skeleton; red denotes areas of significantly greater (p < .05) FA in CD in: (i) bilateral superior cerebellar peduncle; (ii) left cerebellar white matter; (iii) right superior longitudinal fasciculus; (iv) bilateral corticopontocerebellar tract; (v) bilateral posterior limb of internal capsule; (vi) bilateral inferior cerebellar peduncle; (vii) bilateral corticospinal tract; (viii) bilateral corticopontocerebellar tract</p

    Correlations between SDQ and APSD scores and fractional anisotropy in whole sample.

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    <p>JHU–John Hopkins University; SDQ–Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; APSD–Antisocial Process Screening Device; CU–callous-unemotional; r–Spearman’s correlation coefficient; p–two-tailed significance level.</p

    Group characteristics.

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    <p>FSIQ—Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; SDQ–Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; APSD–Antisocial Process Screening Device; SD–standard deviation; #Excluding alcohol.</p