356 research outputs found

    A Milestone-Driven Approach for Lab Assignments Evaluation in Information Security

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    In this paper we describe a methodology for designing and evaluating lab assignments based on the fulfilment of milestones. The approach relies on the integration of ICTs with an automatic, milestone-based evaluation. The final goal of this methodology is to diminish educators’ workload on lab assignments, so they can focus on the development of the assigned tasks, and to enhance students’ experience by providing direct and real-time feedback on their progress. This approach encourages autonomous learning on the students and optimizes the time invested by the educators during the lab assignments. In order to validate our proposal we have applied this methodology in several courses related to Information Security. The results of this experience show that the methodology improves students’ performance, while facilitating the work of the educator.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    SERA: Sistema para la Evaluación y Retroalimentación Automática de Prácticas

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    En este artículo presentamos una sistema modular y altamente configurable que permite no sólo la generación y evaluación automática de prácticas de laboratorio sino también proporcionar una retroalimentación instantánea al estudiante para orientar el proceso de aprendizaje y fomentar su autonomía. Este sistema ha sido integrado dentro de la plataforma Moodle en varias asignaturas del Área de Ingeniería Telemática en la Universidad de Málaga.Este trabajo ha estado parcialmente financiado por el proyecto de innovación educativa PIE17-137 de la Universidad de Málaga

    Impact of Probiotics on the Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases in the Pediatric Population

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    Despite the high prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders (GIDs) in infants and children, especially those categorized as functional GIDs (FGIDs), insufficient knowledge about their pathophysiology has limited both symptomatic diagnosis and the development of optimal therapies. Recent advances in the field of probiotics have made their potential use as an interesting therapeutic and preventive strategy against these disorders possible, but further efforts are still needed. In fact, there is great controversy surrounding this topic, generated by the high variety of potential probiotics strains with plausible therapeutic utility, the lack of consensus in their use as well as the few comparative studies available on probiotics that record their efficacy. Taking into account these limitations, and in the absence of clear guidelines about the dose and timeframe for successful probiotic therapy, our review aimed to evaluate current studies on potential use of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of the most common FGIDs and GIDs in the pediatric population. Furthermore, matters referring to know major action pathways and key safety recommendations for probiotic administration proposed by major pediatric health agencies shall also be discussed

    Ecotoxicology of agrochemicals used in valle de Santiago Guanajuato, Mexico: Ecotoxicologia de agroquímicos utilizados em valle de Santiago Guanajuato, México

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    The application of pesticides in the agricultural sector represents multiple benefits such as pest and disease control, however, their application entails risks to the environment and the health of people, which can be accidental or due to improper handling. Therefore, this work focuses on the qualitative determination of the ecotoxicology of pesticides used by seasonal farmers in the Municipality of Valle de Santiago. Information on the most commonly used pesticides in the study area was collected through surveys of seasonal agricultural producers and the main points of sale for agrochemicals. The registry of commercial products with the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks in Mexico was consulted to verify the active ingredient and its registered use. The environmental impact of the active ingredient was estimated based on a qualitative matrix to determine total ecotoxicology. The use of pesticides in the study area registered a total of 19 products, of which six are insecticides, 12 are herbicides, and one fungicide. The qualitative estimation of the total ecotoxicology of the active ingredients contained in the pesticides shows that the highest value is possessed by insecticides and to a lesser extent by herbicides

    Algoritmo Evolutivo Multi-Objectivo para la Toma de Decisiones Interactiva en Optimización Dinámica

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    Debido al creciente interés en el análisis de datos en streaming en entornos Big Data para la toma de decisiones, cada vez es más común la aparición de problemas de optimización dinámica que involucran dos o más objetivos en conflicto. Sin embargo, los enfoques que combinan optimización dinámica multi-objetivo con la articulación de preferencias para la toma de decisiones son todavía escasos. En este artículo, proponemos un nuevo algoritmo de optimización dinámica multi-objetivo llamado InDM2, que permite incorporar preferencias del experto (humano) de cara a la toma de decisiones para guiar el proceso de búsqueda. Con InDM2, el decisor no solo puede expresar sus preferencias mediante uno o más puntos de referencia (que definen la la región de interés deseada), sino que estos puntos también se pueden modificar de manera interactiva. La propuesta incorpora métodos para mostrar gráficamente las diferentes aproximaciones de la región de interés obtenidas durante el proceso de optimización. El decisor puede así inspeccionar y cambiar, en tiempo de optimización, la región de interés de acuerdo con la información mostrada. Las principales características de InDM2 son descritas y se analiza su funcionamiento mediante casos de uso académicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influence of eating schedule on the postprandial response : Gender differences

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Ciberehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme of the EU's 7th Framework Programme under REA grant agreement no. 607652 (ITN NeuroGut). Dr Monrroy was supported by a grant from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.Ingestion of a meal induces conscious sensations depending of the characteristics of the meal and the predisposition of the eater. We hypothesized that the eating schedule plays a conditioning role, specifically, that an extemporaneous meal is less rewarding than when eaten at the habitual schedule. We conducted a randomized parallel trial in 10 women and 10 men comparing the responses to a consistent savoury lunch-type meal (stewed beans) eaten at the habitual afternoon schedule or at an unconventional time in the morning. Schedule and gender differences were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of covariance. In women, the sensory experience induced by the probe meal, particularly postprandial satisfaction, was weaker when eaten at an unconventional time for breakfast. Men were resilient to the schedule effect and experienced the same sensations regardless of the timing of ingestion; the effect of the eating schedule was significantly more pronounced in women for fullness (F(1,55) = 14.9; p < 0.001), digestive well-being (F(1,36.8) = 22.3; p < 0.001), mood (F(1,12.4) = 13.8; p < 0.001), and anxiety (F(1,11.9) = 10.9; p = 0.001). No differences in the physiological responses induced by the afternoon and morning meals were detected either in women or men. Our data indicate that women are more susceptible to changes in meal schedule than men

    Meal enjoyment and tolerance in women and men

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    Various conditioning factors influence the sensory response to a meal (inducible factors). We hypothesized that inherent characteristics of the eater (constitutive factors) also play a role. The aim of this proof-of-concept study was to determine the role of gender, as an individual constitutive factor, on the meal-related experience. Randomized parallel trial in 10 women and 10 men, comparing the sensations before, during, and after stepwise ingestion of a comfort meal up to full satiation. Comparisons were performed by repeated Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) measures. During stepwise ingestion, satisfaction initially increased up to a peak, and later decreased down to a nadir at the point of full satiation. Interestingly, the amount of food consumed at the well-being peak was lower, and induced significantly less fullness in women than in men. Hence, men required a larger meal load and stronger homeostatic sensations to achieve satisfaction. The same pattern was observed at the level of full satiation: men ate more and still experienced positive well-being, whereas in women, well-being scores dropped below pre-meal level. The effect of gender on the ingestion experience suggests that other constitutive factors of the eater may also influence responses to meals

    Base de datos de clima marítimo en España

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    [ES] Desde tiempo atrás, y por varias instituciones, se instalaron en España diversos instrumentos de medida oceanográfica, que sin embargo no se mantuvieron de forma sistemática ni se incorporaron a bases de datos. Hay constancia de campañas de medida del Instituto Español de Oceanografia, y tenemos registrados datos de boyas de oleaje desde 1973, así como registros de mareógrafos sobre papel desde principios de siglo, de los cuales, algunos corresponden a instrumentos que han cambiado de localización o han sido abandonados. Estos datos antiguos son de escasa utilidad para la comunidad científica y técnica al no estar fácilmente accesibles. El Programa de Clima Marítimo y Banco de Datos Oceanográficos se creó en 1983 en la Dirección General de Puertos y Costas para tratar de corregir esa situación y establecer un banco de datos de acceso público y sencillo. Hoy aquel Programa se ha convertido en el Departamento de I+D de Puertos del Estado, con el nombre de Clima Marítimo. El Departamento de Clima Marítimo, de Puertos del Estado (Ente Público incluido en el MOPTMA) se estructura en 5 secciones. Dos de ellas se encargan de desarrollar modelos de interacción viento-oleaje, y modelos oceanográficos de mareas y corrientes en 3-D. Otra tiene como responsabilidad el tratamiento estadístico de los datos de los instrumentos oceanográficos de Puertos del Estado y el diseño de nuevas instalaciones instrumentales. La cuarta se ocupa de todas las cuestiones referentes a la base de datos oceanográfica, mientras que existe una quinta sección dedicada al apoyo informático. Objetivo prioritario de Clima Marítimo es el mantenimiento de una Base de Datos de estructura abierta en la que se almacenen todos los datos de interés oceanográfico al que el Departamento pueda tener acceso, mediante instrumentos propios de las Redes de Medida de Puertos del Estado, mediante intercambio o mediante compra.Ruiz, A.; Nistal, A.; Pérez, B.; Huerta, M.; Ruiz, MI.; Nieto, JC.; Serrano, O. (1995). Base de datos de clima marítimo en España. Ingeniería del Agua. 2(1 Extraordinario):75-88. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1995.2661SWORD758821 Extraordinari