17 research outputs found

    Cortical tracking of lexical speech units in a multi-talker background is immature in school-aged children

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    Available online 1 December 2022Children have more difficulty perceiving speech in noise than adults. Whether this difficulty relates to an immature processing of prosodic or linguistic elements of the attended speech is still unclear. To address the impact of noise on linguistic processing per se, we assessed how babble noise impacts the cortical tracking of intelligible speech devoid of prosody in school-aged children and adults. Twenty adults and twenty children (7-9 years) listened to synthesized French monosyllabic words presented at 2.5 Hz, either randomly or in 4-word hierarchical structures wherein 2 words formed a phrase at 1.25 Hz, and 2 phrases formed a sentence at 0.625 Hz, with or without babble noise. Neuromagnetic responses to words, phrases and sentences were identified and source-localized. Children and adults displayed significant cortical tracking of words in all conditions, and of phrases and sentences only when words formed meaningful sentences. In children compared with adults, the cortical tracking was lower for all linguistic units in conditions without noise. In the presence of noise, the cortical tracking was similarly reduced for sentence units in both groups, but remained stable for phrase units. Critically, when there was noise, adults increased the cortical tracking of monosyllabic words in the inferior frontal gyri and supratemporal auditory cortices but children did not. This study demonstrates that the difficulties of school-aged children in understanding speech in a multi-talker background might be partly due to an immature tracking of lexical but not supra-lexical linguistic units.Maxime Niesen and Marc Vander Ghinst were supported by the Fonds Erasme (Brussels, Belgium). Mathieu Bourguignon and Julie Ber- tels have been supported by the program Attract of Innoviris (grants 2015-BB2B-10 and 2019-BFB-110). Julie Bertels has been supported by a research grant from the Fonds de Soutien Marguerite-Marie Delacroix (Brussels, Belgium). Xavier De Tiège is Clinical Researcher at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FRS-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium). We warmly thank Mélina Houinsou Hans for her statistical support during the re- view process

    Inaccurate cortical tracking of speech in adults with impaired speech perception in noise

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    Published:10 September 2021Impaired speech perception in noise despite normal peripheral auditory function is a common problem in young adults. Despite a growing body of research, the pathophysiology of this impairment remains unknown. This magnetoencephalography study characterizes the cortical tracking of speech in a multi-talker background in a group of highly selected adult subjects with impaired speech perception in noise without peripheral auditory dysfunction. Magnetoencephalographic signals were recorded from 13 subjects with impaired speech perception in noise (six females, mean age: 30 years) and matched healthy subjects while they were listening to 5 different recordings of stories merged with a multi-talker background at different signal to noise ratios (No Noise, þ10, þ5, 0 and 5dB). The cortical tracking of speech was quantified with coherence between magnetoencephalographic signals and the temporal envelope of (i) the global auditory scene (i.e. the attended speech stream and the multi-talker background noise), (ii) the attended speech stream only and (iii) the multi-talker background noise. Functional connectivity was then estimated between brain areas showing altered cortical tracking of speech in noise in subjects with impaired speech perception in noise and the rest of the brain. All participants demonstrated a selective cortical representation of the attended speech stream in noisy conditions, but subjects with impaired speech perception in noise displayed reduced cortical tracking of speech at the syllable rate (i.e. 4–8Hz) in all noisy conditions. Increased functional connectivity was observed in subjects with impaired speech perception in noise in Noiseless and speech in noise conditions between supratemporal auditory cortices and left-dominant brain areas involved in semantic and attention processes. The difficulty to understand speech in a multi-talker background in subjects with impaired speech perception in noise appears to be related to an inaccurate auditory cortex tracking of speech at the syllable rate. The increased functional connectivity between supratemporal auditory cortices and language/attention-related neocortical areas probably aims at supporting speech perception and subsequent recognition in adverse auditory scenes. Overall, this study argues for a central origin of impaired speech perception in noise in the absence of any peripheral auditory dysfunction.Marc Vander Ghinst, Gilles Naeije and Maxime Niesen were supported by a research grant from the Fonds Erasme (Brussels, Belgium). Mathieu Bourguignon was supported by the Program Attract of Innoviris (grant 2015-BB2B-10), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant PSI2016-77175-P) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action of the European Commission (grant 743562). Gilles Naeije and Xavier De Tie`ge are Post-doctorate Clinical Master Specialist at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FRS-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium). This study and the MEG project at the CUB Hoˆpital Erasme were financially supported by the Fonds Erasme (Research Convention ‘Les Voies du Savoir’, Fonds Erasme, Brussels, Belgium)

    The role of reading experience in atypical cortical tracking of speech and speech-in-noise in dyslexia

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    Available online 5 March 2022Dyslexia is a frequent developmental disorder in which reading acquisition is delayed and that is usually associ- ated with difficulties understanding speech in noise. At the neuronal level, children with dyslexia were reported to display abnormal cortical tracking of speech (CTS) at phrasal rate. Here, we aimed to determine if abnormal tracking relates to reduced reading experience, and if it is modulated by the severity of dyslexia or the presence of acoustic noise. We included 26 school-age children with dyslexia, 26 age-matched controls and 26 reading-level matched controls. All were native French speakers. Children’s brain activity was recorded with magnetoencephalography while they listened to continuous speech in noiseless and multiple noise conditions. CTS values were compared between groups, conditions and hemispheres, and also within groups, between children with mild and severe dyslexia. Syllabic CTS was significantly reduced in the right superior temporal gyrus in children with dyslexia com- pared with controls matched for age but not for reading level. Severe dyslexia was characterized by lower rapid automatized naming (RAN) abilities compared with mild dyslexia, and phrasal CTS lateralized to the right hemi- sphere in children with mild dyslexia and all control groups but not in children with severe dyslexia. Finally, an alteration in phrasal CTS was uncovered in children with dyslexia compared with age-matched controls in babble noise conditions but not in other less challenging listening conditions (non-speech noise or noiseless conditions); no such effect was seen in comparison with reading-level matched controls. Overall, our results confirmed the finding of altered neuronal basis of speech perception in noiseless and babble noise conditions in dyslexia compared with age-matched peers. However, the absence of alteration in comparison with reading-level matched controls demonstrates that such alterations are associated with reduced reading level, suggesting they are merely driven by reduced reading experience rather than a cause of dyslexia. Finally, our result of altered hemispheric lateralization of phrasal CTS in relation with altered RAN abilities in severe dyslexia is in line with a temporal sampling deficit of speech at phrasal rate in dyslexia.Florian Destoky, Julie Bertels and Mathieu Bourguignon have been supported by the program Attract of Innoviris (Grants 2015-BB2B-10 and 2019-BFB-110). Julie Bertels has been supported by a research grant from the Fonds de Soutien Marguerite-Marie Delacroix (Brussels, Bel- gium). Xavier De Tiège is Post-doctorate Clinical Master Specialist at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium). Mathieu Bourguignon has been supported by the Marie Sk ł odowska- Curie Action of the European Commission (Grant 743562). The MEG project at the CUB Hôpital Erasme and this study were financially supported by the Fonds Erasme (Research convention “Les Voies du Savoir ”, Brussels, Belgium). The PET-MR project at the CUB Hôpital Erasme is supported by the Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN, Brussels, Belgium)

    Cortical tracking of speech in noise accounts for reading strategies in children

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    Humans’ propensity to acquire literacy relates to several factors, including the ability to understand speech in noise (SiN). Still, the nature of the relation between reading and SiN perception abilities remains poorly understood. Here, we dissect the interplay between (1) reading abilities, (2) classical behavioral predictors of reading (phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid automatized naming), and (3) electrophysiological markers of SiN perception in 99 elementary school children (26 with dyslexia). We demonstrate that, in typical readers, cortical representation of the phrasal content of SiN relates to the degree of development of the lexical (but not sublexical) reading strategy. In contrast, classical behavioral predictors of reading abilities and the ability to benefit from visual speech to represent the syllabic content of SiN account for global reading performance (i.e., speed and accuracy of lexical and sublexical reading). In individuals with dyslexia, we found preserved integration of visual speech information to optimize processing of syntactic information but not to sustain acoustic/phonemic processing. Finally, within children with dyslexia, measures of cortical representation of the phrasal content of SiN were negatively related to reading speed and positively related to the compromise between reading precision and reading speed, potentially owing to compensatory attentional mechanisms. These results clarify the nature of the relation between SiN perception and reading abilities in typical child readers and children with dyslexia and identify novel electrophysiological markers of emergent literacy

    Developmental trajectories of neural signatures of speech processing in noise

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    Data supporting the study currently submitted to Science Advance

    What Are the Key Anatomical Features for the Success of Nose-to-Brain Delivery? A Study of Powder Deposition in 3D-Printed Nasal Casts

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    Nose-to-brain delivery is a promising way to improve the treatment of central nervous system disorders, as it allows the bypassing of the blood–brain barrier. However, it is still largely unknown how the anatomy of the nose can influence the treatment outcome. In this work, we used 3D printing to produce nasal replicas based on 11 different CT scans presenting various anatomical features. Then, for each anatomy and using the Design of Experiments methodology, we characterised the amount of a powder deposited in the olfactory region of the replica as a function of multiple parameters (choice of the nostril, device, orientation angle, and the presence or not of a concomitant inspiration flow). We found that, for each anatomy, the maximum amount of powder that can be deposited in the olfactory region is directly proportional to the total area of this region. More precisely, the results show that, whatever the instillation strategy, if the total area of the olfactory region is below 1500 mm2, no more than 25% of an instilled powder can reach this region. On the other hand, if the total area of the olfactory region is above 3000 mm2, the deposition efficiency reaches 50% with the optimal choice of parameters, whatever the other anatomical characteristics of the nasal cavity. Finally, if the relative difference between the areas of the two sides of the internal nasal valve is larger than 20%, it becomes important to carefully choose the side of instillation. This work, by predicting the amount of powder reaching the olfactory region, provides a tool to evaluate the adequacy of nose-to-brain treatment for a given patient. While the conclusions should be confirmed via in vivo studies, it is a first step towards personalised treatment of neurological pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Tracking the effects of top–down attention on word discrimination using frequency-tagged neuromagnetic responses

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    Discrimination of words from nonspeech sounds is essential in communication. Still, how selective attention can influence this early step of speech processing remains elusive. To answer that question, brain activity was recorded with magnetoenceph-alography in 12 healthy adults while they listened to two sequences of auditory stimuli presented at 2.17 Hz, consisting of successions of one randomized word (tagging frequency = 0.54 Hz) and three acoustically matched nonverbal stimuli. Participants were instructed to focus their attention on the occurrence of a predefined word in the verbal attention condition and on a nonverbal stimulus in the nonverbal attention condition. Steady-state neuromagnetic responses were identified with spectral analysis at sensor and source levels. Significant sensor re-sponses peaked at 0.54 and 2.17 Hz in both conditions. Sources at 0.54 Hz were reconstructed in supratemporal auditory cortex, left superior temporal gyrus (STG), left middle temporal gyrus, and left inferior frontal gyrus. Sources at 2.17 Hz were reconstructed in supratemporal auditory cortex and STG. Crucially, source strength in the left STG at 0.54 Hz was significantly higher in verbal attention than in nonverbal attention condition. This study demonstrates speech-sensitive responses at primary auditory and speech-related neocortical areas. Critically, it highlights that, during word discrimination, top–down attention modulates activity within the left STG. This area therefore appears to play a crucial role in selective verbal attentional processes for this early step of speech processing.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The role of reading experience in atypical cortical tracking of speech and speech-in-noise in dyslexia.

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    Dyslexia is a frequent developmental disorder in which reading acquisition is delayed and that is usually associated with difficulties understanding speech in noise. At the neuronal level, children with dyslexia were reported to display abnormal cortical tracking of speech (CTS) at phrasal rate. Here, we aimed to determine if abnormal tracking relates to reduced reading experience, and if it is modulated by the severity of dyslexia or the presence of acoustic noise. We included 26 school-age children with dyslexia, 26 age-matched controls and 26 reading-level matched controls. All were native French speakers. Children's brain activity was recorded with magnetoencephalography while they listened to continuous speech in noiseless and multiple noise conditions. CTS values were compared between groups, conditions and hemispheres, and also within groups, between children with mild and severe dyslexia. Syllabic CTS was significantly reduced in the right superior temporal gyrus in children with dyslexia compared with controls matched for age but not for reading level. Severe dyslexia was characterized by lower rapid automatized naming (RAN) abilities compared with mild dyslexia, and phrasal CTS lateralized to the right hemisphere in children with mild dyslexia and all control groups but not in children with severe dyslexia. Finally, an alteration in phrasal CTS was uncovered in children with dyslexia compared with age-matched controls in babble noise conditions but not in other less challenging listening conditions (non-speech noise or noiseless conditions); no such effect was seen in comparison with reading-level matched controls. Overall, our results confirmed the finding of altered neuronal basis of speech perception in noiseless and babble noise conditions in dyslexia compared with age-matched peers. However, the absence of alteration in comparison with reading-level matched controls demonstrates that such alterations are associated with reduced reading level, suggesting they are merely driven by reduced reading experience rather than a cause of dyslexia. Finally, our result of altered hemispheric lateralization of phrasal CTS in relation with altered RAN abilities in severe dyslexia is in line with a temporal sampling deficit of speech at phrasal rate in dyslexia.ULBabyLabinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe