67 research outputs found


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    Internationalization of farms involved in agricultural production requires ensuring appropriate quality of products, compliant with requirements of specific markets. Consumers from developed countries more and more often draw attention to the origin of food products and confirmation that they were produced in accordance with recognized environmental standards, while simultaneously respecting human rights. The aim of this research study was to assess the extent of changes in production technology and in the management system under conditions of implementing the GLOBAL G.A.P. system on selected fruit and vegetable farms associated in producer groups. The second aim was to evaluate the quantity of sold products along with specific certificates. The research was conducted in 2016; 91 vegetable farms and 71 fruit farms were studied. The results of the conducted research show that implementation of standards required creation of a quality management system on all the studied farms. The implementation of standards required creation of procedures for production management as well as the traceability system. The implementation of standards caused the necessity to change the infrastructure for storage and use of plant protection products and fertilizers, as well as infrastructure improving workers’ social conditions. The study results indicate that changes associated with the implementation of the GLOBAL G.A.P. standard applied more to vegetable farms than fruit farms. The implementation of the GLOBAL G.A.P. standard significantly increased producers’ chances to introduce products on the market through commercial networks and by selling them to foreign markets.

    Regulation of apoptosis in endometrium preparation for menstruation or embryo implantation

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    Recent studies have presented apoptosis as the key mechanism of endometrial tissue reconstruction. Regulation of apoptosis leads to the menstruation or prepare the mucose layer for the implantation of the embryo. Thus, the factors controlling apoptosis determine proper endometrial preparation for blastocyst implantation. Among these factors, not only the progesterone but also embryonic factors (chorion gonadotropin) and those produced by endometrium affected by interaction with blastocyst (prolactin, IGFBP-1) plays the pivotal role

    Gonadotropina kosmówkowa jako kluczowy czynnik regulujący implantację zarodka

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    Abstract Chorionic gonadotropin (CG), as a embryonic factor, controls the implantation process and pregnancy formation. The hormone regulates endometrial functions by its influence on progesterone production and direct modulation of endometrial cell functions. Recent studies suggest the key role of CG in controlling the main implantation processes like apoptosis, angiogenesis, maternal immunological response and trophoblast migration. The review of recent studies regarding CG function indicates its pivotal role in embryo implantation and suggests possible medical applications.Streszczenie Gonadotropina kosmówkowa (CG), jako czynnik zarodkowy, kontroluje proces implantacji i formowania się ciąży. Hormon ten reguluje funkcje błony śluzowej macicy zarówno poprzez wpływ na produkcję progesteronu, jak i poprzez bezpośrednie oddziaływanie na komórki endometrium. Badania ostatnich lat wskazują na kluczowa rolę CG w kontroli najważniejszych procesów związanych z implantacja, takich jak apoptoza, angiogeneza, matczyna odpowiedź immunologiczna i migracja trofoblastu. Przegląd piśmiennictwa ostatnich lat wskazuje na decydującą rolę gonadotropiny kosmówkowej w procesie formowania się ciąży i sugeruje potencjalne zastosowanie medyczne tego hormonu.

    Analysis of oncological diseases in the Subcarpathian Oncology Center in 2007 – 2011

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    Introduction: Cancers are a growing health, social and economic problem of society worldwide. They are the second cause of mortality in Poland, causing 27% of deaths among men and about 24% of deaths among women. For several decades, there has been a steady increase in morbidity and mortality due to malignant tumors. The increase in morbidity of oncological diseases is related to aging of the population and increasing exposure to carcinogens such as poor diet, alcohol consumption and smoking, stress, environmental pollution as well as genetic inheritance. Data of morbidity and mortality caused by cancers in Poland has been published by Oncology Center in Warsaw since 1979. Aim of the study: to analyze selected oncological diseases of patients of the Subcarpathian Oncology Center in Brzozów, Poland in 2007-2011 as well as to compare them with data based on national oncology statistics in Poland. Material and methods: the material were records of selected oncological diseases of 10520 patients (6053 women and 4467 men; aged 2 – 98) of the Subcarpathian Oncological Center in Brzozów, Poland in 2007-2011. Results: The highest morbidity occurred in the group aged 40 – 59, the lowest in the group aged 90 – 100. The greatest morbidity rate was noted for breast cancer and the lowest morbidity rate was noted for cervical cancer. Conclusion: The cervical cancer morbidity decreases and it may be the evidence of the raising awareness, prevention and complex medical diagnostics. Morbidity rate for skin cancer increases therefore it is necessary to implement programs related to the prevention of this cancer

    Compliance with pharmacological treatment among patients after minimally invasive coronary bypass grafting

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    Background: We sought to evaluate patients’ adherence to optimal pharmacotherapy as recommended by the European Society of Cardiology, together with the assessment of potential clinical determinants of medical non-compliance in a large cohort of patients after endoscopic atraumatic coronary artery bypassing (EACAB).Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in a group of 706 individuals who underwent EACAB between April 1998 and December 2010. Data covering current pharmacological treatment with antiplatelet agents, beta-blockers (BB) (or heart rate lowering calcium channel blockers [CCB] in case of intolerance and/or poor efficacy of beta-blockade), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (or angiotensin receptor blockers [ARB]) and statins was acquired. Mean duration of observation after the surgery was 2132 ± 1313 days.Results: Complete follow-up data has been obtained from 415 living patients (341 males). Amongst them, 353 (85%) received antiplatelet agents, while BB or CCB were routinely ingested by 349 (84%) patients. Statins were used by 310 (74.7%) individuals and 274 (66%) subjects took ACE inhibitors or ARB. Baseline demographic and clinical features, including major co-morbidities had no impact on patients’ compliance with all investigated medications. There was no clear association between adherence to treatment and risk of rehospitalization or occurrence of major cerebral and cardiovascular events.Conclusions: EACAB patients’ compliance with pharmacotherapy guidelines is insufficient and is unrelated to demographic and clinical features of the subjects. Multidisciplinary approach involving health education, enhancement in prescription drug affordability and a better rapport between doctors and patients should be incorporated into clinical practice to overcome therapeutic disobedience

    The Anatomical variations of artery of angular gyrus

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    Context: Angular gyrus is an anatomical structure of the brain located in the parietal lobe, taking part in writing and reading, language-use, memory and attention and spatial recognition. It is supplied by the angular gyrus artery, which is one of the caudal branches of the middle cerebral artery. One of the clinical pathologies of the angular gyrus artery is the ischemic stroke of the angular gyrus in the dominant hemisphere, responsible for the presence of Gerstmann Syndrome: left-right disorientation, agraphia, alexia, acalculia and finger agnosia. This systematic review aims to present the variety of anomalies of the main cerebral artery and the angular gyrus artery. Objective: Preparing a systematic review of papers describing the course anomalies of the angular gyrus artery. Materials and methods: PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases was searched for phrases: ‘Angular gyrus artery’, ‘Artery of angular gyrus’, ‘Middle cerebral artery branches’, ‘Branches of middle cerebral artery’, ‘Gerstmann Syndrome’ published between years 2015 and 2023. Also 3 papers published before 2000 were used. From the selected 30 papers, 6 were used to prepare this analysis. Results: The middle cerebral artery, from which arises the angular gyrus artery, is marked by a significant variety of its division, mainly the number of the dividing trunks of the artery. Depending on the type of the division, the angular gyrus artery can arise from the upper, middle or lower trunk and vary in sizes. It can also appear as a singular or two separate branches. Instances of the anomaly of both the angular gyrus artery and posterior parietal artery are rare, but reported. Conclusions: The angular gyrus artery is characterised by a number of anomalies in its course, separation from the middle cerebral artery, diameter and branching

    The presence and clinical implications of α-2,6-galactose-linked sialic acids in non-small-cell lung cancer brain metastases — preliminary study

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    Brain metastases (BM) in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients present an increasing clinical challenge. Identifying biomarkers which specifically identify patients at high risk of BM may improve their early diagnosis, which is crucial for surgical and radiotherapeutic treatment outcome. Alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase (α-2,6-ST) and the primary product of its activity, alpha-2,6-galactose-linked sialic acids (α-2,6-GalSA) have been found responsible for the adhesion of tumor cells to the brain vessels’ endothelium and enabling their transmigration through the blood-brain barrier in brain metastatic tumors. The aim of the study was to investigate by histochemical method the presence and possible role of α-2,6-GalSA in the formation of brain metastasis in NSCLC. In the screening phase 76 metastatic brain tumors were stained for α-2,6-GalSA and the second phase involved an identical staining of 20 primary tumors of patients who had their primary tumors treated with surgery or definite radiochemotherapy yet who later developed BM. The results were compared to a control group of 22 patients treated with surgery for NSCLC and who survived 5 years without the recurrence of disease. Alpha-2,6-GalSA presence was found to be down-regulated in poorly differentiated tumor types, whereas majority of differentiated tumors overexpressed it. This was statistically significant for both BM and the primary tumors. The expression of α-2,6-GalSA remained stable in primary and metastatic tumor pairs, however, no statistically significant differences were observed between study and control groups. Within the study group, a higher α-2,6-GalSA expression was associated with better overall survival, but not all statistical models found this result significant. Further studies are recommended to validate these findings

    Pierwotny chłoniak rozlany z dużych komórek B szyjki macicy — opis przypadku

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    We present a case of a 54-year-old woman treated for stage IIAE primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the uterine cervix. The CHOP chemotherapy regimen was started. After the diagnosis of lymphoma of DLBCL CD20+ type was confirmed, rituximab was added to the therapy. Within systemic therapy, the patient received two cycles of CHOP and six cycles of R-CHOP altogether. After treatment completion, total remission of the lesions was observed on computed tomography. Twenty-four months after therapy completion, the patient is disease-free with no signs of recurrence.Celem pracy była analiza przypadku 54-letniej pacjentki leczonej z powodu pierwotnego chłoniaka B-komórkowego szyjki macicy w stopniu IIAE. Leczenie rozpoczęto od chemioterapii według schematu CHOP. Po potwierdzeniu rozpoznania chłoniaka rozlanego z dużych komórek B CD20+ do leczenia dołączono rytuxymab. Łącznie, w ramach leczenia systemowego, chora otrzymała dwie serie chemioterapii według schematu CHOP oraz sześć serii chemioimmunoterapii według schematu R-CHOP. Efektem leczenia była całkowita remisja zmian nowotworowych. W dwadzieścia cztery miesiące po zakończeniu leczenia nie stwierdza się cech nawrotu choroby